The Barri Examiner Saturday March 26 I977 1977 HONOR ROLL OE MERCHANTS ANDBUSINESSMEN PROORESS IS OURS TOOETHER The businesses and industries of Barrie are helping to make Things change and are meeting the great challenge of the age we live in and will continue to make changes for the benefit of continued progress in their area to face the challenge of our times YEARS OMAR BOAT TOPS Manutmtured and designed by tanadian tanopy Ltd Ilstablished ltlii We Specialize In onvertible Boat Tops Employs staff if Morrow Rd Barrie 7263t3gt41 19 YEARS PARRY AUTOMOTIVE BARRIE LTD EMPLOYS STA II St SOPHIA ST YEARS BROWN BELL FARM DAIRY EQUIPMENT YOITR AI TIHORIZED DE LA DIIALIIR Round the Barn Pipelines Mile Iranster Parlors Bqu Tanks All supplies 7260338 7286766 RR HOLLY 15 YEARS FORBES ROOPI NG RESTt RATIt INDITSIRIAL PAINIING OWNED AND OPIJRAIIID BY JIM lt2 IAIIL PORBES RR BA RRIE 7260987 15 YEARS WILLSON REAL ESTATE LTD 1I9 DUNLOP ST 7261938 Employs staff of It exTHrieneed rxrsonnel to give efficient courteous service to all phases of Real IIstate 13 YEARS WYNIAS BAKERY BIRTHDAY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AKES PRESII BAKED BREAD ND PASTRY IOLLIER ST BARRIE 72tltll2 YEARS VERNONS HOMEMADE MEAT PIES WE SPEt IALIZE IN SAISAGE ROLLS MIIIINS PASIRIIIS AND DONITS RR BARRIE 7260119 63 YEARS IN THE SAME FAMILY BRENNANS MEAT MARKET WE TRIM OI TR EAT IT SIt MERS Ieaturinpr Personalized Service and Quality Ser ice MAPLE YENI TELEPHI NIZ 73s soso 16 EA RS CITY ANSWERING SERVICE SIIRVING BARRIIIA AREA POR It YEARS RTEt Swl IINIIA IITE oPoekit PatrinEr oRadiotommunieations 0241 IIUIIIsmt lceasional Service oI uplicatingdz Secretarial Service I65 ANNE ST SOI HI 7261 Ills We are spwialists in professional technical and management recruitnnnt rull and partt ime staff recruitment oWaee surVeys olraininu development oPersonnel systems Persomiel policy manuals oResume preparations HUMBLE PERSONNEL SERVICE LTD 25 Dunlop St Suite 302 messes Federal Trust Realtor IE 87 Bayfield St 7372300 Toronto Direct Line 3620332 Wtivne Ilohson 3222838 Mary Foster liotoll 322 IN lhrrotliv Fitzsnnmins ï¬ll2621i Andy Melnyk 72672169 Tom Iiitzsimmins 456262 Martin Altsiimer 7287I7l32 Allan Ihompson 7231024 Anrreerneer IISHELIJII Les Wainwright 436239 NEW BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN BARRIE STUDIO HAIR DESIGN SPIXIALIZING IN THE IIIIRMAtIl RIXONSIRI ltTION OI IIAIR PERMANENT WAVES lIPTOI AIE IIAIR STYLE ITS I30 PENETA NG STREET 7372740 YEARS BARRIE PAVING LTD OWNED AND OPERATED BY TORRY Residential ommercial and heavy industrial paving and excavating titt II PPIN ST SHEAS BARRIE BOWL years of service to the public Sand Ill Pin ISOVVIIIIRZIINI Billiard Room Ill Wellington St Barrie Plaza 7288tl7ll 20 YEARS JOHN ELLIS CONSTRUCTION LTD General ontracting Sewers Trucking Sand Gravel Topsoil Limestone IIxcavating Grading Backhoes 21 Edgehill Drive After hours 7285540 7283000 13 YEARS BYRONGRAHAM LTD OUR NAME MEANS GREAT DEAL QUALITY USED ARS ANITRIIKS For Personalized Service Contact CHUCK BYRON BRIAN GRAHAM HARVEY OITON Employs staff of four 120 Bradford St Barrie 7281061 OVER 37 YEARS IN BUSINESS JUSTIN MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE John Deere Franchise Lawn and Garden Tractors Roto Tillers Lawn Mowers Snowblowers Chain Saws Bicycles Lawn and Garden Tools ordless Shears and Trimmers Weedeaters Toys Clothing Barbecues Specializing in Mopeds Peugeot and Garelli Sekine Bicycles 2325 BRADFORD ST 7282697 50 YEARS ARMSTRONG HOME HARDWARE TRY HARDER TO SERVE Itlt Dunlop St Barrie 7282441 53 YEARS STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 1924 30 Worsley St Barrie 7285553 68 YEARS BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ESTABLISHED 1832 HELPS YOL GET THINGS DONE Dunlop St Barrie 7260217 Georgian Mall Barrie 7263690 YEARS HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC BOOTH RIVETT LTD ESTABLISHED 1933 BY MR WIB HARRIS Electrical Wiring Tuneups and Repairs To All Types of Units av Lucas AutoIite Carburetors 175A JOHN ST BARRIE 7261465 STANSFIELD REAL ESTATE LIMITED FORMERLY CORBY REAL ESTAIE RESIDENTIAL LAND COMMERCIAL 93 DUNLOP ST 7282419 LOIS STANSFIELD BROKER JO HARRINGTON AGENT LORENA COULSON AGENT ALL WITH YEARS EXPERIENCE IN BARRIE REAL ESTATE MABEL MARSHALL DIR 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 17 YEARS BILL GETHONS LIQUID DISPOSAL SEIIII TANKs CLEANED RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIALWASIEGAS ANDOIL IIEAN UP AND DISPOSAL CATCH BASIN CLEANING BA RRIE 7260837 Year Round Service FARMERS See Is About Liquid Manure Spreading ILstd 1960 RR THORNTON DOL 2N0 5V2 YEARS BAYFIELD FURNITURE MART LTD LARGEST DISPLAY IN SIMOE OUNTY HIGHWAY 26 and 27 OPPOSITE GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE 7267781