Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1977, p. 20

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20 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 23 1977 4aurmo roaouro 11 HAMILTON BARRIE BUFFAL BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROIIGH hard to get along with At least If BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 600 2471122 News SMovie The Couple Takes Wife 524 Hours 9Definilion 19Polka Dot Door Bvaelles 79CITY Show News 630 22Gong Show 24v79News llPartv Game ISReadalong zsLactuel 605 19Magee and Company 700 2270dd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars 4Concentration 5Porridge 7To Tell The Truth 9Good Times ttBehind the Scene with Jonathan Winters l9Movie The League of Gentlemen Pt at 25Daniel Boone mMy Three Sons 130 223128000 Question 28000 Name That Tune 3Rcach For The Top 4Strikes Spares Misses sBluff 7Cr0n 9Bra Bunch llFace The Music litEducation of Mike Show 555 9qu5 600 9University of the Air 615 +Iarm Report 425 +News 7Window on the World 62 ZNot For Women Only 4Sunrise Semester 9Cartoon Playhouse ltEnioy Being Beautiful 655 27Mis5ion Employment 7Employment File 9Canada AM TGood Morning America 11Paul Beniard Psy cliiatrisl TSSounds of the East 15 37Enjoy Being Beautiful 7110 1170nt4irio Schools 797 Portugal Today 713 Daybezit It Communique Hou lziptain Kangaroo Ion Amt Rockelship 107 Polka Dot Door Nvlireck Horizons 12m 27 News Name The Tune Leave It To Beiiwr +7 News oriiiiiiliiin Street ncic Bobby Show It Midday il Ir Rogers Prince oirIannnls 714 jitie Taylors Béizziar 132110 27Magzizme News 17 Search For Totiiorrou Ryaiis llope Fr Flintstones 197 Communique Les coqueluches 12MB IlMovie owtmy 197Magre and Company 100 Gong Show Zerfanadian aialczidi Adam l2 57 Bob McLean 91le Van Dyke 7117 All My hildreii litBreakthrough 130 21177Daysofliur Livcs tAs The World Turns 7Family Feud $7Joycc Daridsor 223 For The Money 197Report Metric 25 Nounlies City Lights 1113 197A Walk With Gary 600 2471122 7News 34Movie My Loves 24 Hours wDefiniimn 197 Polka 101 Door 287 Nouvulles 7977CITY News 630 22 Gong Show 2479 News llParty Game lSReadalong ZpIXaclutI 645 19Magec and Company 700 227 Odd Couple ZBUWIIIIg for Dollars 4fonccntration SMy Name Is Harry Worth 77vTo Tell The Truth 97Grand Old Country llrMaktm and Nancy 197 Movie The League ol GentlemenPt 3i 51 exclus 79My Three Sons 7110 22SCience International 27 Hollywood Squares FStrikos Spares Misses 57Welcomc Back Kotllr 7Bobby Vinton 9Blariskys Beauties llGeorgc Ilamilton IV 19 Education of Mike McManus ZrCinema lVivre at laLsscr mouriri 7977Tattletaes WEDNESDAY EVENING McManus 79Tattletales 800 22Monty Pythons Flying Circus 2Movie Paris When it Sizzles 35Science Magazine FGood Times 7Bionic Woman mNHL Hockey ltHawaii Five0 l9Vivre Comme du Monde 79Movie Lolita 1130 nDick Emery 85Ruzicka 9Movie Loves me Loves me Not fiLa travail la chaine 900 22CPO Sharkey itsMusicamcra ilMovie Posse 711Baretta SLe Rire 930 2Here Comes the hiture 1000 2Kingston Confidential $5Woodsworth Phenomenon 711Charlies Angels 19Pile Et Face 22News 25Consommateurs avertis 1011 9Sportsbeat THURSDAY MORNING 815 SFriendly Giant 1130 STime For You tilLes 100 Tours De Cen tour 791taliani55imo 8M5 3Friendly Giant 197Pins and Needles 1155 SkNews 900 2Dinah 3Mon Ami lHowdy Doody SIn Touch 7Dialing For Dollars 977Toronto Today 915 3Onta no Schools 19Report Metric 920 IQReadalong 930 tTattletales 9Romper Room 19 You and Your En viron merit 797Cinelotto 905 ZSEn Mouvemenl 950 lSTell Me Story 1000 +Double Dare 50ntario Schools 7Phil Donohue 9Price Is Right THURSDAY AFTERNOON 25Femme IlAujourdHui 150 Readalong 155 377 New 200 77 All in The Family 27pposne Sexes $2000 Pyramid Alan Hamel 19 ovcr To over 797 Doctors Diary 113 19 aleremy 125 I77News 3310 Doctors ly7 Edge Of Night Tll7 71ne Life to Live fiurding Light 10 Guess What Er incma tAu bout du 1UllEllll 10 19 Haiku 797 Magistrates ourt 100 29 Another World All In The Famin 95 Take So ll Citadel of Upper Canada Bonnie lrudrlen 70 People iri onfltit 15 foniniiindtr Toni II General Hospital 120 197 Ikaros THURSDAY EVENING 1100 D777Alice 211 Fantastic Journey FrEy Carol Burnett Waltons 7Welcomc Back Kottcr 977Mcfoy 19 Experience of Musu 79 Movte Changc of Mind 0310 fl77Whats Happening 900 ZZvSecond City 24 l7 7Bcst Sellers IiiCharlies Angels 477TBA 3r7WaLson Report Barney Miller 19 top 9110 4r NBA Basketball 37 Teleplay 77 Threes Company MaclLar Mixed Doubles 1000 227 News Showbiz SUpstairs Downstairs 77Wcstside Medical 9New Avengers Paul El Virginie Lr Mon Pays Mes Amours 71477Gibbsvillc 1030 37 Faces of Small Places 10 Magie and Company 25 Nouvcllcs 1015 19 llelptng Children Grow THE DOCTOR SAYS This disease bloodclotting ByiTT11SIESON M1 Dear Dr Thosteson Would you please write something about Von Willebrands dis ease am being treated for it and have been for 20 years Ive had numerous blood trans fusions now for factor The doctor doesnt tell me much He told me to get med ical bracelet and wear it till the tor 81 libMagoo and Company BNouvelles 1045 litOntario Scene 1100 zzMary Hartman 20457011News nCity Lights 1105 zsReflets dun pay 1120 359News 1180 220pposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4Movie You Cant Win Em All 7Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 79Money Game 1135 590 Minutes Live 1145 19 Communique 1200 22Movie Bunny OHarei 3Movie Robinson Crusoe On Mars 7Rookies 9Ironside ll Merv Griffin zfiCinema Charlie Chaplin 100 2Tomorrow 9Movie Cash McCalli 797 PTI Club 110 7Mystcry of the Week Our Man in Havana llDaybeat IllWorld Religions zsYou Hou 791 Canzoniere 1015 fiVirginie 1030 2Hollyw00d Squares 3SMr Dressup 4Price Is Right 9First Impressions l91nside Revolution ZrConseil Express 79German Show 1100 21241 Allen Time 2Wheel Of Fortune firsSesame Street 7Edge Of Night 9Pots And Pans IlCelebrity Revue 19Colargol fiLes Tmuvailles De Clemence 79 CITY Show 1115 lQJongeries Mathemati ques 1130 227 Iniversity if Toronto 2Shoot For The Stars 47 Young And the Restless 7Happy Days kKareens Yoga 1977Iangue El Aitivite ZrLe omet Yosttr Bien LIlonneiir 1145 19All About You 1210 2277Lively Woman 15 elebrity ooks 79 Match Game 19 77Educalion of Mike McMantis 100 17 MoVie In Nzinie lllllt 37 Moira Hunt 7IUI tiriffen Its Your hoice 9Star Trek 11 Young and The Restless 197 En Passant liir Les Mots 27 Little Rascals L5 Bobttio 79 Love American $13 130 19 Le Mondc Dias Iilils 1310 5FanfrelucheEnfaan anGilligans Island 35 Visuin On 7797Mikc Douglas 117Iinih 19 Electric Company 300 227 Doris Day 1r Lucy Show Whats New +7 Emergency 197 Sesame Street 257 Lile au lresor 330 Early Edit ion 22 Adam 12 4fdd ouple Room 222 ll llol Hands 1100 2357911 7News 2777Mary Hartman 797Cily Lights 1105 207D1fisf121mls cl Messieurs 1115 197 Understanding the Earth 1120 350 News 1130 2270pposite Opposuc Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4Ncws 777Mary Hartman 11 Larry Solway 79 Money Game 1135 580 Minutes Live 1200 17 Movtc The Brotherhood 777iamtilcrs Winners and Losers tr Ironsidi ll MoVie lilusliandsi 22 Movie Under Capricorn 79 Name if The Game 1205 2577141 peche miraiulouse 1215 19 Communique 100 27Tomorrow Movie Mickey Inti 105 fr Fugitive volvcd in the formation of fibrin Fibrin is the essential part of the actual clot The various factors are desig nated by numerals In Von Will ebrands there is lack of fac Von Willebrand disease and hemophilia are the two bleeding disorders that are inherited Where hemo hilia is passed on only to ma es Von ASTROGRAPH Bernice Bede 0301 For Thursday March 24 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Although condltions generally favor you today youre little you make faux pas youll go back and amend It TAURUS April 20May 20 For best results financially today keep what youre dolng to yourself Above all dont confide in pessimists or wildeyed dreamers GEMINI May 21Juna 20 few frustrations are likely today when youre thwarted However something you didnt expect to could pan out CANCER June 21July 22 You could be stalled early today but mostly because your plans are ill thought out Later youll get on the track for happier ending LEO July 23Aug 22 com plete change of tactics may be necessary today If you cant carry the fort with frontal assault try flanking movement VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Associates march to the tune of different drummer today Its best to be loner in important things LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You may not have y0ur full share of savvy in business matters today Its best to postpone dealing till y0u have clearer head iSCORPlO Oct 24Nov 22 Be prepared to play the role of tough horse trader today Hang in there and give only what y0u have to SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 If you find yourself caught between people today dont get embroiled in their feud Play peacemaker Try to restore har mony CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Its best that you keep cool head at work today Things will turn out to be far less critical than they first appeared AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Theres time when the best way to treat problem is to walk away from it refreshed out look can solve II later PISCES Feb 20March 20 Another may try to deny you something you feel youre en titled to today If your cause IS iust speak up You get whats rightfully yours March 24 1977 Material opportunities could present themselves to you this year from two different sources Each can be sound if you handle them properly Inflation battle long way to go OTTAWA TIi Canadians cannot afford to feel the battle against inflation is won because there is still it long way ahead says Gerald Bouey governor of the Bank of Canada in the banks annual report released Monday Boucy said the performance of the economy continues to be prejudiced by relatively high rate of inflation Pi MG PONG PING r431 PING BONE Pi JG PONCr PINE Porter QUALIFY FOR THE BATTING CROWN BC NSL NORTH ERN 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BORN LOSER WHAT DOES IT TAKE Tb STATIONERY OUR BOARDING HOUSE WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD aATHER ROLIND KIDDIESJVE FATHER How oar ATERRIFIC 5TORY TO TELL CAN You PRATTLE DOPI handes mteflerence ACR°SS 333°ng Am mus PM YOU KNOW HOW M09T PEOPLE ON ABOUT YOUR HU5H Eastern 44 Scotch hill HAVE NO IDEA WHAT ITS INCARCBRATION AM05 After North doubled to show priests 45 Frequentlv LIKE IN5IDE TlIESLAMMER JUéT AS IF IT LETS no aces South had real Existent poet WELLi WONT WERE problem He might pass and 12 Hire 47 $3er IT BUT LIU5T 5PENT TO BE PROUD H15 defend against five hearts 13 Panic 50 30115 king 0F doubled This contract would gag lufifegw have gone down two tricks 55 Waiksin mud WEST EAST South finally made the right 23m 56 Donates decision and went to five is Povertywar 57 Y°°Wever 10 9713928 spzideliijiileriii he lost the two agency abbr °S1° aces is orients 19 NormandY do do pp invasion day DOWN SOUTH 20 Britsh isle 10 JaGQ 22 PupIDy sound $333 fsue rails 39 iieaekas 25 Snaky letter em creme qme 26 mcision lee 25 Racket smng 40 Endearment A1054 Texas reader asked us 28 Auctioneers Large matenai 41 Prophet 10 some questions about the Tex word continent 27 Bewiidered 43 Scatter NorthSouth vulnerable as convention We will answer 29 Gone from 56 31 28 Ice fishing gody flgid some today and the rest home ea ame cards West North East Soith tomorrow 30 gm inventor 52332210 29 genth month 48 Weather gabstrum The Texas conventionderiv 32 Levies wood abut 49 gféezrnlabbl suRPRlsES Dbl ed its name because it was 35 MW labbl Gulches 31 Pa U5 T00 ass first pla ed extensivel in 36 6° 10 599 drink 32 twin mm miruutii°t313 Pads Pasls dPaSk Texas II was inventedy by 37 Inner prefix Essay 33 ingeROSrian 50 Night more pening ea 39 Officers 14 holiday Dave Carter of St Lonis pne Candldm 17 H2 Emmy5 34 Let 51 Lions home By Oswald James Jacoby Of great Players of the 505 School abbr ship abbrl 38 Comedan 52 Dentists It doesnt happen Often but and 605 42 Lubricate 21 In front Sparks degree abut ilililu aililnn lot of bridge you will run into Dlesel service it on occasion What we are talking about is interference IOSlng money OTTAWA The Cana with your Blackwood four notrump We wont go into the merit or lack of merit of Souths Blackwood call with todays hand Suffice to say that he did use it and West interfered by bidding five hearts How can North show how many aces he holds There are any number of ways but we like to use the one called DOPI This acronym stands for double with zero pass with one We add that we bid with more than one Thus when North doubles five hearts he isnt doubling for penalty he is doubling to show that he doesnt hold an ace If he held one ace he would have passed With two aces he would have bid five spades the cheapest bid at his disposal FUNNY BUSINES III II IIIII HI HIII EH Hflfl fill WWII WEIII WWWII EI WIII WWII WWI HI III WEI WWWIII dian transport commission ruled Monday that CP Rail should eliminate its diesel car service between Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie The service one trip each way daily averaged between 13 and 15 passengers trip and in 1974 lost $384523 The route was one of seven ordered cut by the commission because of declining use Also allowed to be dropped is triweekly rail diesel car service between Winnipeg and Thunder Bay The Canadian National operation had fewer than 16 passengers trip and lost $802136 in 1974 Transport 2000 ublicin terest group proteste the deci sions saying the reason for do clining use in many cases is that the railways overcharged for the service and did not ad vertisc Polly Cramer Remove adhesive with vegetable oil By Polly Cramer DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with the price stickers that are put on the face of plastic items If there is safe easy way to remove the adhesive left by these stickers have not discovered it Such stickers should be applied to the underside where they would not even have to be removed ANNA DEAR ANNA Have you ever tried rubbing vegetable oil on this adhesive POLLY DEAR POLLY need some advice on how to clean six beautiful needlepoint chair covers with black wool background My Pointer is that always store ice cream cartons in plastic bags to eliminate frost and retain the freshness BEA DEAR BEA Many needlework and arts and crafts shop sell spray cleaner that does not leave powdery residue which would be important when the background is dark color The spray is left on for three minutes and then rubbed with damp towel Read directions on can Do not brush as that might raise the nap and give fuzzy look to the work We are assuming that the wool used was colorfast but do be sure once ruined needlepoint piece that was not Another method is to use only the foam on mild detergent suds Apply with sponge and rinse off the same way If work is on chair seats do be careful not to saturate POLLY DEAR POLLY Shower curtain hooks make great plant hangers Link them together to make chain and spray paint to make the color you want For the price this beats buying jute and macrame and they are sturdy enough to hold large pots Save those plastic milk containers as they make good jugs to hold lemonade water etc when going on picnic You can freeze water in them to put in your cooler later and this will save the expense of having to buy ice as it is expensive MRS HK DEAR POLLY One of the readers wanted to know what she could do with some leftover wallpaper Doorway entries can be enhanced by the addition of chains that appear to be beaded hangings but are really made with wallpaper You can cut the wallpaper into diamonds circles or squares and roll each piece around large needle or lollipop stick and paste together String to make chains that reach to the floor at either end but then taper up gradually so there is slight arch over the center where one walks RITA DEAR POLLY To make my windows shine clean them with onefourth cup of corn starch put in one cup of water Wet paper towel or lintlcss cloth with this and clean the Windows and then polish immediately before it dries usmg 21 dry paper towel or cloth This is excellent and like it better than any WlndOW cleaner buy 77 43 You PUT ME iHTo THE RIGHT CAPSULE fiaZfl claimsiim runequsicaiou 13 dont understand how you could have leftovers from meals dont remember eating LN sws TICK TOCK iDENflCxL IWING 6EEM 70 so WHAT5 so TICK TOCK BE EaafiLD AMLlaELD spitAL ABOUT TICK TQQlt YOUR MOTHERg GEN Tia OL Vic PLACE GRUMBLE more IOCK lt gt It Ipr W333 lt 17 gt75 395 MflMsTms ARE THEY THls WAY MR5 sMitH l5 visrrzesseo i5 BETsYYou PLANNING comas THROUGH MICAWBER LET HERINSIOE in as THK LEAGUE BAEE 74 Darling arrives me warm mow CBCTV To CANCEL GIVE us 91515 PLEASE PLEASE our IN TEN MINUTE5 WItH at her posh sirm IE IT TELL ME HAVE TRUE BLUES FULL MAKE THEM STATEMENT THANK SHOULD JEAN IT UP town House to mus THAT THE VIEW find horde of kiDNAPPERs HAVE KERRY DRAKE Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service Never Miss Call PHILIPSCODEAPHONE telephone answering device OFFICE OUTFITTERS BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 Pick Up Menage from any phone Remote and Nonremote DROUGHT Wll 5149 vies Nexi YEARS 3ng CON i=i KMED IM MoNKEYs UNCLE III WIZARD OF 1D italtith rm to Hr ill Val It time on trips etc Maybe you could print the address where can get oneMrs EB1 Twenty years is long time to have medical problem without having fairly good idea about it Basically Von Willebrands disease has to do with clotting of the blood There are many elements re msible for clotting Among em blood platelets calcium vitamin and other substances called factorswhich are in Willebrands occurs in both sexes Treatment is by either trans fusion of whole blood or of fac tor extracted from normal blood It is not very common dis order which is wh you need an identifying braceIet or locket even morein the event of pro fuse bleeding as from an acci dent Women may have ex cessive menstrual bleeding with Von Willcbrands BUGS BUNNY THAT WAS FLIGHT or rHe BUMBLEBEE WHAT DID you THINK or NEVER MIND THE CLOWNINGHOW DID th LIKE THE HELL Love rum siiZ THEYRE SHAPED LIKE pasmien METER Rfinpips GARBAGE cochToRs 0°01 ToDooR SALESMENm IllDyNIA lit 1M Neg US Ill $13 FRANK ERNEST

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