Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1977, p. 4

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Ellie Emir Examiner Pu lished by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario ELIO AGOSTINI Publisher and General Manager SEVICK Advertising Manager HENSHAW Managing Editor 11 The Barrie Examiner Thursday March 17 1977 Plenty of pressure at top of carnival Have fun at winter carnival this year Too much to see and do Too lit tle Whatever the carnival on the surface behind the scenes it was murder Carnival chairman Ed has recommended that chairmen have more next year What the whole thing to is that few people and the weather are responsible for turn ing carnival into success or committee chairmen who are businessmen are not in position of devoting all of their time to the project Is carnival heading in the same was to you direction as the Barrie and District United peal Will it ecome necessary to hire Tschirhart committee assistance boils down fulltime person to carry the load Whatever the answer the proverb many hands make light work can be applied Carnival committees must be ex panded so the pressure is not all upon few people This will be especially true in 1977 when the event ties in with the threeday Heritage weekend DOWN MEMORY LANE failure Tschirhart says 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner 1962 Rev Geoffrey Johnston of the Missionary Education of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will give the sermons at ing and evening services at Essa Road Presbyterian Church Cam paign chairman Don Kinlook an nounced that Barries 1962 cancer fund campaign will get April 1A detailed study of the featured at the second sssion of the Parent structure of meeting Teachers Association tional workshop at St SchoolC Furn Colvin General Electric executive is elec ted March 17 the morn underway organiza Monicas Canadian Jail QUEENS PARK The three issues for the By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Its free enter prise versus the environment with national unity trying to get its nosein Or isit As it shapes up now this would seem to be the form the next election will take Of course with an election that hasnt been called which could come this spring this fall or year from now and which could come about under any number of circumstances one cant say anything for certain But as of the moment these three issues would appear to be the hopeful basic fighting ground of the vote ALL PREACHING That is it will be if the three parties can get their way For quite some time now it has been evident in which direction the three parties have been heading The government has been beating the drum loud and strong for free enterprise Both its speeches and its pol icies have been built around this key target The New Democratic Party 112 Earrir Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed DailySunda sand Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents Mail Barrie 344$ yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly otor Throw Off $3900 yearly alance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 1544710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news idispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for dama es arising out of err ors in vertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actual occupied by that por tion the advertisement in which the error occurred who ther such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertise E9 Co yright Registration lNurn r203815 register61 election has been ringing all changes on the environment It has preached environment about everything from Reid Pa per Ltd to the ozone layer While Liberal Stuart Smith of course has been roaming all over the province preaching na tional unity and trying to get someone to pay attention NO FIGHTS Recognizing that these are the grounds that the parties want to fight on there is quite another question on whether they will be able to work it so this will actually happen It relly takes two to tangle to make good issue and it is doubtful if any of the three par ties will want to get involved on the matters that the others want them to One cant for example see Stephen Lewis getting into an argument of socialism versus free enterprise He wouldnt gain an inch the president of the Barrie branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses at the annual meeting in Community HouseBarrie dairies delivering milk to the Camp nounced today delivery would be on threedaya week basisA new service from the department of transport ortable safety lanes have just completed their trials in hanger at Camp Borden and will go into operation on March 26The Simcoe County property committee has awarded Innisfil Packers the contract to sup ply meat to the Simcoe County Barrie Bantams beat Kit chener 42 to win their OMHA playoff series Borden area an that retail home It is interesting that the gov ernments campaign hasnt been negative antismialism one but positive pro free en terprise Then how much of an argu ment is the government going to get into on the environment It will defend its record It will have to But it will prob ably do little more than set the record straight 1t knows very well that today the environment is like God and that there is nothing to gain in fightingit And as for Stuart Smith and national unity the other two leaders have already made it clear they intend to ignore him The picture appears to be that we will either have three parties preaching and no good fight orand more likely that something will come up be tween now and the vote in which they will all have to get involved CANADAS STORY Fenians helped Confederation By BOB BOWMAN Fortunately St Patricks Day is happy occasion in Canada Perhaps the only af fliction in the preponderance of phoney Irish music on the radio somthing the Irish themselves would never tol erate However there was St Pat ricks Day that caused con siderable alarm it was in 1866 when the Fenians had mobilized in the United States and were threatening to attack Canada and New Brunswick The MacdonaldCartier gov ernment ordered troops to be mobilized along the border and the militia was called for duty in New Brunswick During the ni of March 16 volunteers on horseback from house to house along the New Bruns wickMaine border and urged every male citizen capable of bearing arms to be prepared to resist an attack There was known to be strong force of Fenians at Port land Me expected to try to iii vade New Brunswick on St Patricks Day The attack never took place but small group of them did try to land on Campobello Island famous later as the summer home of Franklin Roosevelt and now an inter national park They were eas ily repelled Later in May they made strong attack on the Niagara Peninsula but were defeated af ter three days of fighting Other attacks on the Eastern Townships of Quebec and the Manitoba border also were de feated Soviet Union China cause waves in Pacific By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Soviet Union and China are flexing their diplomatic muscles in the South Pacific Ocean and Australia New Zea land and the United States are beginning to take notice The island countries of Tonga Fiji and Western Samoa are the focal points as the two Communist giants try to extend their influence in previously untested sphere For the Russians in telligence experts believe the interest in the South Pacific is in obtaining yearround fishing ports The Chinese see the Soviet resence as threat and aresee ingtooffsetit In povertystricken Western Samoa the Chinese have estab lished an eightman embassy and are reputed to have given the country $28 million in aid The Soviet Union has tried to negotiate fishing agreement with Western Samoa but so far without success In Fiji the Chinese have established threeman em bassy but have not yet ap pointed an ambassador One result of the Chintsc in terest is that Australia has dou bled its aid to Fiji to $25 mil lion To counteract Communist in itiatives New Zealands deputy prime minister and foreign minister Brian lalboys recen tly made fivecountry South Eacifictour toil tmcm sin NIGHTLIFE IN wflmfl While youre it put in iiurrlfur Illidllllfiu IlliIII ililluliuu Ilic IH PARLIAMENT HILL Confused clarifications again make us wonder about Quebec 15y SIIIVIARI NliiclllOI Ottawa liiirciiii Thomson News Scri iccs As was saying earlier that tired old question of What docs Qucbec want question we all thought was an swcictl by the clcction of the Parti Quebecois is being rcvivcd again by some iii consistent comments from various provincial cabinet ministers And if that wasnt enough liemicr chc 11 vesquc is gctting into the act again After the littlc prcniicr ap pearcd to settle lhc issue by dc claring Qiicbcc wants 1111I pcndcncc nothing less it was generally assumed that there would be no more fudging on the provinces aspirations And for the first couple of months after the election of thc larti Qucbccois thcrc actually was very littlc Despite the fact the PL cani paigncd on platform of good govcinmcnt and virtually ig norctl thi issiic of scparatisin priorities sccincil to change suddenly aftcr thc vote and Mr Levcsquc and all of lllS minis tcrs made ll amply clear that thc 11llllllt1 one goal was sov crcignQiitbcc Perhaps it still is but now we arc being so overrun with crccping confusions come pounded by contradictions that its only question of tiinc bc forc we all bcgin asking What docs Qiicbcc rcally want hinted at this in an carlicr column but now that Mr Lc vesqiic has movcd in to coin plicatc things with his alleged clarification think its an cir tircly lcgitimtitc question By JOHN HARIIRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Did Prime Minister iicrrc Irudcaus recent visit to Wash ington and his hope of drawing close to the new American pres ident represent voteface turnaround in the foreign policy directions he had laid down in 1970 These were defined in six pol icy papers five on special areas and generam paper none of which were specifically directed at CanadianAmcrican relations What they did was to specify the prime ministers change in foreign policy direction as out lined by him in an important statement May 25 1968 The basic change it proposed was not downgrading or any major change in the historic CanadaUnited States relation ship but basic change from VCInlll foreign policy roles as pursued since the Second World War Ihesc had been to pursue our world role as an honest fixer in international crises in which we lid not play direct party and to maintain our function in peacekeeping and collective se curity functions The shift made by Trudeau in 19681970 was to see foreign pol icy more as an extension of na tional goals economic well being social justice and sover eignty protect ion 11 was meant as former ex ternal affairs minister Mitchell Sharp elaborated in 1969 to put more emphasis on policy ob jectivos and interests and less on role and influence later corollary to the For eign Policy for Canadians docu ment of 1970 was the unveiling of the prime ininisters socallcd When you consider how dc finitive Mr Levesque was in demanding complete independ cncc for Quebec thought it was just bit surprising he didnt tick off some of his own members who have recently been playing down this over riding goal But when Economic Development Minister Bernard Landry suggested Quebec could achieve its goals without inch pcndencc the prcniicr didnt is suc any contradictory state ment And neithcr did he shoot down backbcnchcr Gerald Godin who claiming ht was pinch hitting as speaker for the premier suggested lllt provitt cc could remain onfcdcration 1f the anadian people want their Country to stay together so much that they are willing to give us the status wc long for the political and economic environment in which our cene turicsold frustrations will disappear then we arc willing to remain in onfcdcrzit ion That certainly didnt sound likc the chcsquc Doctrine Re incmbcr how he used to say that married couples oftcn find grcater happiness by getting divorce and co existing as good ncighbors Apart from sonic vague rcfcicnccs to sort of coiiiinonmarket relationship there was no suggestion of any continuing bonds between Que bcc and thc remaining prov iiiccs So at the vcry least ex pected thc prcmicr to publicly proclaim that Mr iodin and Mr Landry were not speaking on behalf of the larti Qucbccois when they said it was possible THE WORLD TODAY PM redefines our objectives lhird Option during and af ter for him the nearly disastrous 1972 federal election in brief this was meant to concentrate on the third of three opt ions related to our best tradc interests The first would be to st rcngtlicn the status qiio where the US market would remain our major export outlet The second would be to develop this trend even further The third Would be to liver sify our trade efforts into other regions the European Common Market even more with Japan and the Peoples Republic of China make major trade thrust in applicable Third World markets in Asia Latin America and Africa Again the inference was the lessening of effort to serve the stilldominant American mar ket With trade as with our for eign policy the close American connection was underplayed to say the least Such spontaneous personal outbursts as those made by Mr Trudeau during Soviet visit in 1971 on ways to guarantee Ca nadian sovereignty and his grilo or victory shout in Cuba in 1976 for Castros revolution led to wide coin inent that he was is basically antiAmerican Following the successful Washington visit of late Febru ary Claude Ryan eminent publisher and editor of Mon treals Le Devoir wrote an editorial to the effect we cannot have our cake and eat it too with the United States if we wish harmony with her The prime minister in Wash ington was under new and not unanticipated pressures from 1970 from Quebec separatists to redefine on the spot our rela tions with the UniteobStates for Quebec to remain in onr federation IIIIALIIIY Instead he said this Wi never said that by political soy crcignty that is thc right of Quebec to govern itself lccly like any normal people we never said that meant the brcakupofanada 11c rcfcrrcd to numerous group of Qucbcccrs who want to remain in fanadzi and pcr haps llicsc pioplc wirc on his mind when bc decided to throw splash of cool wattr on thc question of separatism We always talked about an association he said We al ways talked nboiit the new tics being formed in Europe and all over the world Thcrc is no rca son why what might be callcd renewal of antiditin structures would not ill once aid llll cause of healthy annda and the liberty of Quebcc licforc wc get carried away with his display of apparcnt conciliation suppose wi should rcmember Prime Minis tcr Trudcaus comment when Mr chcsquc recently opened session of the legislature without any refcrcncc to in dependence 1f the premier docs think Quebec can achieve its aspirations within con lcdcration thats good news said the prime minister But am little afraid of bear tiap in tlic other hand perhaps the Qtitbcc prcmicr has taken serious view of warnings from both Mr lriidcau and Finance Ministcr Donald Macdonald that if he achicvcs iii lcpcndcnce he would have tough time ncgotititing any economic agreements with the remaining provinces This is no time to be economically isolatcd Its obvioLisly too carly to do cidc why the larti Quebecois may be changing its viewpoint biil perhaps thc answers will cmcrgc as we all begin asking What docs Qiicbcc want YOUR BUSINESS Budget stimulus no easy way out By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The continuing rise in unem ploymentto 79 per cent of the labor force in February uts new emphasis on the nee for effective counteraction in the federal budget March 31 The jobless total last month was 932000 highest on record The January unemployment rate seasonally adjusted was 75 per cent In the past when the Trudeau government has faced rising unemployment and an absence of economic growthas it now doesit has turned to the primitivetool of inflation All indications are that it will use the same blunt instrument again this year especially sin ce inflation dipped below six percent annual rate briefly late in 1976 Release of the sorry unem ployment figures coincided with the publication of report by the Canadian Economic Policy Committee CEPC broadly based citizens group representing labor business and other sectors key point in its recommen dations which Ottawa would do well to heed was this We must resist the tempta tion to overstimulate the econ omy thereby exacerbating the basic longterm inflationary forces and setting in motion negative repercussions in ter ms of higher future unem ployment rates DESTROYING JOBS The policymakers are not doing the labor force any favors when they pump up the in flationary pressures Inflation rather than being cure for unemployment is one of the factors that are helping to destroy jobs Thats because inflation to gether with the costs of our high level of social services have pushed Canadian wages and other costs of doing business to something like the worlds highest As Canadian products have become more expensive and less competitive on inter national markets our exports WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter have been 1osing sales and ceasmg to expand This trend has been rein forced by the governments im Sition of 15percent roll ack in corporate profit mar gins effectively removing the main source of ca ital with which business coul expand if it did have the incentive of com petitive markets Then theres the relatively low level of tariff protection that somenot allCanadian manufacturing industries have In theory tariffs are low so that Canadian consumers will have the benefit of greater com petition in the marketplace In fact however some Canadian manufacturers have been bank rupted by import competition after which the foreign produc ers having the Canadian mar ket to themselves jack up their prices SEEKING GROWTH What does it all add up to Less workfewer sales for business therefore fewer jobs in manufacturing and construc tion The solution then surely isnt to be found in still more in flation which would make our competitive position even weaker Nor is it any solution to drift along with the ineffective in dustrial and economic policies that have kept the unem ployment rate about seven per cent for 18 of the last 24 months The stimulus that is needed in the March 31 budget isnt the trite and popular stimulus of big tax cuts easy money makework projects and the like Rather what is needed is concerted effort to stimulate the real growth of production to recapture export markets that we have lost to lowercost countries Last year in our current transactions with other coun tries we had deficit of $42 billion Unlike during the decade of the 19505 when we borrowed to finance productive longterm investment we now are borrowing to maintain level of consumption that has not been earned contends the CEPC BIBLE THOUGHT He came unto his own and his own received him not But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name John 11112 What tremendous ex change You acknowledge Him as Saviour He in turn forgives your sin and you become child God an heir to all He has in the here and now and in the hereafter Receive and rejoice see think PW fit PART IV PICTURE QUIZ pictures of and Mars POINTS The Viking orbiters have been taking Closeup the two tiny moons of HOW DO YOU RATE to point TOP SCOREI II to poll Excdllm FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION 71 to no points Good 61 to 70 points Fair SOMUndcrIHHmml How actively should Canada try to promote human STUDENTS Save This Practice Examination Valuable Reference Material for Exams YOUR NEWS QUIZ PART NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer Which leader won the latest Gallup popularity poll Prime Minister Trudeau or Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark Otto Lang minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board announced that western farmers will get an initial payment of per bushel for topgrade 1977 wheat the same as last year a$200 b5300 05375 Lang also said federal crown corporation will be set up to operate all passenger service in Canada aairline bferry and coastal steamer crailway Canadas Bill Jenkins and his rink from Charlottetown PEI have won the worlds junior championship in what sport Workers struggled to dig out the ruins left in Bucharest by an earthquake Bucharest is the capital of CHOOSE ONE Yugoslavia Rumania PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS Take points for each word that you can match with its correct meaning concussion clement tray repercussion tendentious afight bbiased cindirect effect or result dmild esviolent jarring PART III NAMES IN THE NEWS Take points for names that you can correctly match with the clues Sylvia Burka lohn Vorster Andre Ouellett aPrime Minister South Africa btrack athlete cLabor Minister dUrban Affairs Minister Diane Jones eworld womens sprint lohn Munro skating champ Answers on Page

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