Its figure skating carnival time The 197677 figure skating season is drawing to close in Simcoe County and stu dents from figure skating clubs are putting on car nivals on ice Laurie Sander and Annette Laycock practise routines below with Thornton Figure Skating Club junior pro Liz Watson before performing Monday night Jillian Clark top right was one of the Hawai ian Cuties Sunday in Step In to The Sunshine presented by the Oro Figure and Power Skating Club Sunday the direction of Margo Wittick club pro At bottom right Paul Bysron and Jennifer Holloway get ready to go on the ice at the Thornton car nival which was directed by Margo Wittick the clubs senior pro Examiner Photos News from Oro Station By BESSIE RllRI Mr and Mrs Melville Crawford Cis LeGrand Doris Reynolds Reta Buchanan Evelyn Macin nes and Kenneth Gilchrist recently returned from monthltlong holiday in Florida just in time to injoy Oros Floridalike weather Ken McCabe and Helen Crawford took top prizes March among to tables of players at uchre session at the com munity centre Second went to Lottie Gower and Murray Moore and third to Lillian Pickering and Andy Barthol emew Lunch concluded the evening Play school field open house March at the community ccn tre Tea coffee and lunch were served and 12 mothers and 21 children showed visitors how the school is run Kindergarten Mrs George reto and Harry Hughes Guthrie School prin cipal were among visitors whi saw how the school prepares Crossland news By MRS ALLEN The Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church Flos held its March meeting at the homeof Mrs Bell Mrs Wendell McElwain opened the meeting with hymn prayer and the motto We do not know how cheap the seed of hapiness is We would scatter them oftener Roll call was answered with Biblical verse using the Word wrath Mrs Bell Discussed the different meanings of the word love The ladies plan to work on quilt at Mrs Clive Mintys and to upholster piece church furniture The meeting closed with humn andpraycr by Mrs Harry Truin VISIT FRIENDS Mr and Mrs Charles Mc Clelland visited friends in Stratford recently GUESTS Mr and Mrs Lawrence Bell Allenwood were guests of Mrs Allen LlB MEETS New Flos HI Club tonct met at the home of Gail Freeman Roll call was answered with an idea for an original party game and discussion centred on party foods service and menu suggestion The program also included planning menu for buffet supper setting up billet table and using prepared salad for lunch The club along with til lub tlwot is planning at St Patricks Day party at the Crossland Hall Members of the Womens Institute their husbands and members parents are all invited The next meeting will beheld at Mrs Allens youngsters for kindergarten Tea coffee and lunch wcrt served The community centre hoard nict March to with Us Newcll Pauline lcck Lilliati Picker mg Lynda trawford llavc Woronka Bessie trawford Randy Forbes Doug rawford Linda Kinsey and trustees iarf Burton and Bill Aycrst in attendance Randy Forbes and Dave Woronka put tip sighs for display of historical pictures at the centre Thursday March 17 at 7150 historical committee is trying to get faiiii ly histories prepared for township book Next event is rummage sale April 31 at ti Draw tickets are now on sale to help pay for fireworks display May coat thcccntrc Mr and Mrs Glenn Applcby returned recently from two week holiday in St Lucia Vlindward Islands They report idcal weather with the tem perafure staying above 72 degrees farenheit and perfect swimming Reta Biichanan had surgery Friday in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Her friends wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Robert Mik loshcv spent three weeks in Florida recently Keith Martin flew down to spend week with them and the three returned together by car Mr Martin has had surgery in Barries Royal Victoria Hospital since his return IILEANOR SIMPSle 90th birthday marked by Eleanor Simpson Eleanor Simpson of Kcm penfelt Manor was to Monday and family and relatives helped celebrate her birthday with party at the home Mrs Simpson is the widow of the lion Dr Simpson who was Ontarios minister of education from mitt to lino Fred Strangway and Susie Wallwin were top money earners this year in the CKBB ivitan Iubs Snodo 00 project and were pre Top money earners in Snodo 100 sented with trophies Friday night at the ivitan lub Sno do dance at the Stroud om plex Miss Wallwin raised $301 and Strangway Mitt The club received pledges amounting to 2000 Money will go to the Adult Re habilitation enlre Vernon aldwin of RR Sterling won the draw for the trip to the southern lnited States Ev aminer Photo when Mitchell Hepburn was premier Ir Simpson died in litIt The former Eleanor Ilutclier was one of six children of Ed ward and Margaret Iutcher of lhornton She met lr Simpson who was also raised near there and married him in titltt The couple moved to Stroud and later to Elinvalc They came to Barrie in tttltt where Dr Simpson practised medicine until he became minister of education He then sold his practice to Dr Harold Smith Mrs Simpson was active in ollichtrict lTnitcdhurch She has four children Lcnorc Mrs Mervyn orbctt of Ehnvalc Doris Mrs Lewis of Ioronto Ruth Mrs Edward Incson of Midbiirst and telly Mrs John Talvcrt of Ioronto son Douglas was killed overseas in lEHB during the Second World War Mrs Simpson has lit grand children and lit grcatr grandchildren She received many cards gif ts and flowers OutloOk for jobs should be Dispite predictions of con tinu high unemployment in Canada in 1977 the placement officer at Georgian College is optimistic about the job prospects for this years graduating class Penny Comuzzi Monday said that while it is bit early to tell what the job market will be like when students finish their cour ses in April think it will be okay on an overall basis Mrs Comuzzi said her op timism is based on con versations with employers who visited the Georgian campus to interview graduating students They employers are cautious but optimistic Employer caution she said stems from the fact that some companies have not yet finalized their 1977 budgets Those budgets could impose hiring restrictions that would have obvious effects on Georgian graduates More than 650 students are eligible to graduate from Georgian College this spring But because they graduate from such wide variety of courses Mrs Comuzzi said some students have better em ployment prospects than others okay Business and technology students usually get most of the attention from employers she said while health science program graduates especially nurses may have difficulty fin dinga job Mrs Comuzzi said graduates can increase their chances of landing job if they are willing to move out of the Barrie area to work She said she warns students that they severely restrict their employment potential if they wont move away from the area to take job Some students cant move away she said but am con cerned with students who wont move Mrs Comuzzi also discounts predictions of serious unem ployment crisis among students this summer think there will be enough jobs available for everyone who really wants to work she said citing the Experience 77 and Young Canada Works programs However she said Georgian College students may have tough time finding summer job directly related to their course of study Meeting draws more than 300 The theme for the 15th annual meeting of Simcoe Presbyterial United hurch Women was LetsCommunicate More than 300 delegates and visitors met at Trinity United thurch ollingwood The theme speaker at the morning session was Rev Robert Scrivens minister of Westminster United Church rangevillc He spoke on hristian faith as form of communication bet ween God and man Mrs Eleanor Hancock Elmlt vale introduced the guest speaker and Mrs Eleanor Hamcs Bradford thanked him The days session was opened by Mrs Pfiyllis Foxcroft Barrie president of Simcoe lrcsbyterial lYiiited Church Women Mrs Jean Jones welcomed the delegates and visitors on behalf of Trinity lV Rev George James brought greetings from Simcoe Irtmbytery Mrs Jcan Boddy vice president of Toronto Con ference LW dedicated the money raised for the building of wells in the Sahel desert region Africa Over $3000 has been raised by Simcoe ounty lt Ws for this building project Mrs iidrc Em ms President of Toronto oii lcrcnce ltVl brought greetings She urged everyone to continue their efforts against social problems Mrs Emms installed the new executive of Simcoe lresbytcrial for the coming year Past President Mrs Eleanor Haines Bradford president Mrs Phyllis F0x croft Barrie first vice president Mrs Jean Kell Gifford second vicepresident Mrs Dorothy Scott Minesing recording secretary Mrs Margaret McArthur Stayner corresponding secretary Mrs Doris Clark Cookstown press and publicity Mrs Kaye Thomas Alliston treasurer Mrs Mryna Verwey Barrie Christian development Mrs Irene Vasey Midland nominations Mrs Eleanor Haines Bradford citizenship and community action Mrs Nellie Bell Nottawa literature and communication and program Mrs Aime Kennedy New Lowell stewardship and finance Mrs Eleanor Han cock Elmvalc supply and outreach Mrs Verna Nerpin Wycvale bursary Mrs Edith Beacock Collingwood arlt chives Mrs Ada Bertram Shanty Bay music committee Mrs Jean Campbell Shanty Bay Mrs Mary rr Bradford Hillcrest Lodge Mrs Viola luck Barrie Mrs Vilda Cam pbell Shanty Bay Sinipresca Mrs Eva Brown Elmvale Mrs Edith Bell Elmvale secretaries without portfolio Mrs Alma Eurzecott Barrie Mrs Norma Ihompson lot tenham Mrs Maida Evans Victoria Harbour Mrs Betty llSlltr ollingwood Mrs Kathleen Russell Midhiirst Mrs Gwen McPhec Minesing and Mrs live McLean Tot teiiliain Eldster getting ready for her 98th birthday By MARGARET STULTZ It isnt every week that one has aii opportunity to visit with someone who is very close to being ceiitciiarian atid still living in her own home iii good health and capable for keeping up an interesting conversation This was our pleasure this week as we visited Mrs George raig on entre Street who on lhursday will have reached her 98th birthday Born near Lisle at what was then known as Summerland in 1879 lulia Ellen Beyers daughter of liilius and Eliz abeth Beyers she spent the greater part of her life in losorontio lownship attended the old Everett School and Burns Presbyterian liurch The home was across the road from what was known as Trosbie School tnow closed property that was later taken into lamp Borden The home one of several on the property at that time was purchasml at cost of about $150 and was later moved to Everett and remodelled After her marriage to George raig on Nov 1904 the couple farmed in the Silverbrmk com munity which she recalls as being little village with sawmill store blacksmith shop hiirch and Post Office at nearby Iioga where the new losorontio entral School now stands Mr raig was also an employee at amp Borden and for Mo years the family lived near Regina Saskatchewan where he was engaged in farm work with Mrs Crai not only caring for her young amin but preparing meals for eight farm hands REIRSS Following the death of her husband in tilt2 she moved to lottenham and during the war years was active working for Red Tross She still enjoys to quilt despite failing eyesight and has two ready to be quilted which wll be cherished by members of her family She moved to Alliston 28 years ago and although she has tenants in part of her home still maintains her own rooms makes her meals with help of her daughter who visits almost daily She has appreciated the con venience of Meals on Wheels and may again soon resume this service Mrs Craig is the last surviv ing member of family of three daughters and three sons She has one daughter Elizabeth Mrs Vernon Bennett of Everett son Maurice in Vancouver and son James in Burnaby BC There are 10 grandchildren one deceased and it great grandchildren and niece who still keeps in touch Mrs iilby of Thunder Bay Members of her family have suggested trip West this sum mer and she might just be per suaded to take the plane trip remarking have always gone by train before It would appear Mrs raigs secret to longevity is to keep busy as her mind is also alert and she is of the opinion that peo lc take far too much me ication Challenging speaking topics face Toastmistress members Two people are in balloon gas is running out convince the other person you should be the onctostay That was on of the topics debated recently at the meet ing of the Ioastmistress flub of Barrie Shirley McCronc was the win ner in that chienge lable topics for the evening was conducted by Marilyn McMechan loy Wooland won the trophy for her contribution to the Trip to Europe topic Members debated three topics entitled mothers should be paid by the govern ment to stay home with their children won by Pat Cotter on the negative side television is detriment to society won by Sharon Partridge on the negative side you should live to eat not eat to live won by Marilyn McMechan on the negativeside The club is open for new members For information call Sharon Partridge at 7260696 or Shirley Mcrone at 72tHit74 Shirley Mcrone Lilliane Murphy Marilyn McMechan and Ethel Malconison recently attended the International Toastmistress Ylubs ouncil it Great Lake Region meeting held recently in London Coliti cil it is comprised of 16 cliihs in this area Dear Ann Landers Why do publish so many letters about sex when surely you must kno that millions of handicapped adults who read your column denied sex life through no fault of their own It would be an act of mercy nn if you eliminated or cut down on such lettersNo Can Florida Dear Florida have pri ed several letters ped people who have writt dica han about their sex pro lems The etter that stands out in my was from young woman who wanted the world to know th simply because person is in wheelchair does not mean he she cannot enjoy sex Her letter was breakthrough It cated millions of people Thats what this column is all about Dear Ann Here are some qu tions for those of us who worry that we may be abusmg our dren Are you troubled or nervous arent who doesnt know where to get help although you are su you need it When you are ready to blow ups it you or your children who bear the brunt of it Do you feel confused guilty and tightened about your pa rental behavior and feelings Do you believe you were treated ifferently or cruelly as child and now you are repeatin som the past When you hear the words use neglect do you end up thinking about your childhood or th ind of parent you now are Are you hysically or emotionallyabusing or neglecting one or more your children Do you want your relationship with yiur children to be dif ferentyour family life more fulfilling lss explosive and ten se more loving If you see yourself as the parent descibed in these seven questions please get in touch with Parens Anonymous Their tollfree numbers are In California California 800 4210353xWe Love Our Dear Love have printed informati 3520386 Outside ldren about this splendid organization in the past and am pleased do so again Thank you for writing Dear Ann Landers Im 17yearold gir problem had been having morning sick our family doctor yesterday He is ith very unusual lot so went to positiv am pre antat least three months he said The tests will ack in ew days have never messed around with boys Ri now dont even have steady What do tell my parents hey have always trusted me Im not the kind of girl who would do anyhing like that Is there record of anyone else having this probzmIn Trouble Dear Trouble Assuming the tests came bck positiveno dear There was some talk few years ago aout young girl who claimed she became pregnant from spernpicked up in the bathtub in which her brot er had bathed fewminutes earlier This was never proven scientifically and Pry few people believed it was possible When pregnancy occurs it must be assured that the fe mate has had sexual relations Mr and Mrs Brian McMur ray of Barrie announce the forthcoming wedding of their daughter Deborah Elaine to Martin Peter Eberl son of McMurrayEbe Mr and Mrs Mtthew Eberl of Paris nt tb wedding is scheduled to tale place April Jtt at Horseshoe alley Wedding Ann Vanderhurg of rillia and Dr George Buckley of 49 ook St Barrie were mar ried Jan 27 in Painswick Rev David Thompson offic iated The bride wore suit of ultra suede in soft green VanderburgBuckley shades and carried bouquet of tangerine roses The reception was held at 238 Yonge St Painswick The couple spent their honey moon in Aritona and will live in Barrie PEOPLE AND PLACES UINS DISPLAY El Coin displays will be the sub ject of the meeting of the Huroiiia Numismatic Associa lion Thursday at pm at the Adult Rehabilitation entre on Bayfield Street EUCIIRE euchre party will be held Friday at pm in the Craighurst Community Hall by the raighurst Womens In stitute TRAVEL ltl NURIII AROLINA Sandi MacGillivray of Barrie and Kim Davies of Stayner will be among 20 students from Ernest Ilrury School Milton leaving this weekend for the Deaf World Games at Morgan ton School for the Deaf in North Carolina The schools basket ball and volleyball teams will be competing Students spon sored the trip through swim athon and chocolate bar sales RUM MAGE SALE St Giles Anglican Church women are having rummage sale April from to pm at the church with good spring and summer clothing and household items onveiier is Edna Boul by For information call 7370250 or 72lHiOti4 REGAIN SMOUIIINESS lf wooden spoons or chopping bowls splinter or become rough smooth them down with sandpaper rubbing with the grain loco