Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1977, p. 4

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AEAAAAAAAA gt tights1v The Earn Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario SEVICK Advertising Manager ELIO AGOSTINI Publisher and General Manager HENSHAW Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 16 1977 Mushmouthed minister and Commonwealth talks Canada made ternational statement External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson this week said that the presence of Ugandan President Idi Amin at the Commonwealth con ference in London may cause the whole thing to collapse But he allowed that it would be difficult to prevent Amin from at tending what with him being head of state and all Jamieson went so far to say think that we should make it abun dantly clear that we find his conduct and the whole situation in Uganda reprehensible But tough then he countered with in Whether however we should go to the point of expelling particular cerned country is again something that has to be decided among all nations con Well he almost came out with clear statement on foreign policy Canada almost told the rest of the world where we stand This nation is one of the senior members of the Commonwealth As such it should be expected to provide leadership Saying Amins presence could cause collapse of the conference is penetrating glance into the obvious The rest of Jamiesons statements were so much mush DOWN MEMORY LANE 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner March 16 1962 Del OBrien Ontario Young Progressive Conservative president announces that Jack Garner Bar rie has been named vicepres identGordon Edick of Toronto who is associated with the Ontario Liberal Association told the Barrie Liberal Association he expects June 11 election and accused the Torries of hurling mud at Liberal Leader Lester Pearson More than 1000 soldiers give blood at clinic held at Camp Borden Ten new members have joined the Georgian manager QUEENS PARK Property taxation education coming By DUN IIIltII Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO People of in tario prepare to be educated Over the next several months you are going to be put through crash course in local property taxation And it at the end you arent better informed it wont be be cause the government hasnt given it an allout effort WANTS KNO The recent release of the Blair ommission report on property taxation reform has put the spotlight again on mar ket value assessmentwthe new system of tax assessment which the government has been working on for 10 years And the government is being banged about pretty badly be cause it has indicated it will be delaying the start of the new system which was supposed to go into effect next year still one more year It now most probably wont get under way until I979 STALLINGIIARGIID Treasurer Darcy McKeough who handles this particular baby is being accused from all sides of stalling of indecision and of playing politics in an Elie Barri Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 15 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly lBalance of Canada $36 00 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of fir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adverlt tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of err ors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that por tion of the advertisement in which the error occurred who ther such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertise ment Co yright Registration Num 203815 register 61 election in ahead But the treasurer is firm He is not going to put this program into operation he says until the public is prepared for it And this means the crash cour se mentioned year not going StlHSIIUKS Frankly have to go against the critics and agree with McKeough The change to market value assessment is going to be one of the most dramatic switches in our history More than three million prop erty owners are going to find themselves facing notices of greatly increased assessments lfnless they know in advance and know well that this doesnt necessarily mean an increase in taxes there would be havoc Then when the actual taxation itself starts there also will be for some people some startling changes It is expected that most prop crty owners will end up by pay ing about the same amount But then there will be others who wont be Assessment under the old sys Bay Regional Develop ment Corporation so far this year resulting in an increase of $5600 in income Neville Keefe general of the association re vealsBradford High School hosts the girls basketball tournament of schools Sutton and Uxbridge win the championships in the junior and senior divisionsBarrie Ban tams meet Kitchener at the arena tonight in the second game of their OMHA playoffs tem as handled by the IIIUlllfl palities had highly varying standards In some municipalities it was good lIl others it was terrible When provincial assessors took over some six years ago they actually loiiiid more than 300000 properties which werent even on the tax rolls So that obviously there are goingtobesomctaxpayers ho will bchit pretty hard And as was shown in Mrs sissauga tint whcrc market as ssmcnt was started few years ago even ten tax payers can raise an unholy howl when the system isnt well understood This government has had two severe lessons in putting through programs without proper preparat ion It did fills with school consoli ilation in the late 00s and got in big political trouble Ihen Wllll cvcry regional gov crnmcnt program there has been local citizen complaint usually about not enough con sultation You cant blame it at all for being wary on this one which is the biggest of them all Classic Lewis sparkling words By DEREK NELSle Queens Park Service Ihoiiison News Service In an otherwise brilliant and insightful speech recently on Quebec independentti New Democratic Party Leader Stephen Lewis resurrected one of the hoariest chestnuts in the socialist fire Maybe it was because he spoke to the party faithful who eagerly expect certain amount of undergraduate level sloganecring in the midst ol dose of facts To Wit You create jobs you provide regional economic growth you curtail foreign con trol you stabilize prices you build houses for people you set those kinds of elemental priorities and we might never have been in this separatist jackpot in thefirst place ISSI LEWIS That classic Lewis the wot ds sparkling like gems so that the use of the qualifier might is lost in the dazzle Without that word its also classic not to say musty socialism But that is the past What of the future lhe lasting ititnttfirn then Being confident of this very thing that be which hath begun good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus hrist Philippians Izti The work of Christ in us is on continuing basis contingent in our willingness to let Ilim Grow in grace and the knowledge of God through prayer Bible reading and obedience to what we read solution to separatism must as always link with profound social and economic improvements in anada and the provinces Nonsense lriplc IlOllStllSt No one ever died for electric toothbrushes or control of the cable TV industry The Liberal failure in Quebec was to defend Confederation solely on the basis of oiies pocketbook Social and economic changes are tnore likely to be the results than the causes of the romantic rebellion that lies at the heart of the separatist ideal IIIIHA PLAY Lewis himself realizes this the problem is that his remarks on socioeconomic solutions are the oncs that received media play In the same speech he noted that at the root at the very heart of everything the people of Quebec are talking cultural survival which is not just linguistic and economic social and constitutional in nature but psychological in tlicdeepcst meaning of the word It is an iiidcfinable complex of feelings impressions responses aspirationsa net work of emotional intensities which most of us in English aiiada find almost impossible to identify and to identify with This Lewis is right The other Lewis is wrong But Wonder which exr plunation made the deepest im pression and will stick longest in the minds of the party devoted Its possible theyll be retur ning to the poll booth wars about the time certain referendum takes place In Quebec If nnatscaiineictems PARLIAMENT HILL Seal hunters getting raw deal out of the antihunt publicity By STE BI IiclIItll Ottawa Bureau Ihoinsoii New Seri ice We may as well braci our selves tor ll lor the next couple of weeks are going to see television pictures of seals being clubbed lllfl skinned with close up shots of their in nocciit littlc laces whilc protesters stand Ill the background shielding thcii eyes from the bloody lioiior ntl around the world otlici pronst groups will be it work demanding that no one buy seal void that tanada be Ill undated with telegrams of pro test and that all aiiadian prod lltls ltt placed on the blacklist unt II we mciid our cvil ways ii ollicii ol the Inter national bond for IllIlltll tcl tare in Montreal has been writ mgtonewspapersrcniindingus that once again tiiiidis shami is upon us And not long ago 11 British ncwsptipcr tillllttl story about how blood stained icc would soon be drifting sligiiiiclully along thc libiidoicoist lltl of tttlllt cach story must bc accompanied by pic llIIt of that cuddly lllllt baby scat You might have noticed that for purposes of thc antisealing campaign the animals never seem to grow up chust kill babies Franz Weber the Swiss mil lionaire has been moved by the protcst that he has offered to create synthetic fur inr dustry in Newfoundland as at remote employment for the seal hunters llis offer brought lot of publicity but there is no indication that the worlds fashion experts are Willllllll with bated breath loi synthetic scallur II ItVIISIINti IlBIJIIIY Thats the trouble with the protesters They seem to be masters at gaining maxnnum publicity and as result the entire issue is thrown out of locus livery protest march seems to have some famous inisoniihty in the forefront the colored movies of those baby scals can bring tears to your eyes and that elegant lady who has never seen seal hunt is certainly impressive as she tclls you that some baby scalsarcskiniiedalivc She goes on to say she wouldnt be caught dead in scalskin coat Bttt she has nothing against muskrat fur Muskrats incidentally sometimes take three days to die IS sticljawcd traps YOUR BUSINESS we leave no alone unlurtiecl gradually cut their legs As for seals being skinned alive dont believe it Why would hunter choose to wrestle with squrming am mal Nonetheless Itr Bltlcc Bunting ol Ilctroit vetcr inarian who is also mcmber of thc lrecnpcacc Foundations Seal tainpaigii 77 says he will be or the ice llocs to administer to injured seal pups lr Bunting and four other members have said they are willing to die on thc icc flocs to save the seal pups You see thats the type of emotion the seal hunt arouses Nobody ever sccins willing to die on behalf of the loser who are mauled to death by dogs in those elitist fox hunts biit this is good clean sport Nobody seems overly concerned about those leg bear traps that bring on excruciating pain or about those rabbits who gradually choki to tlttllll in shares Iattcr ol fact many cows and pigs are still slaughtered alter being clubbed with slcdgcliiininici It ICU Icisonally am no great id vocatc of the seal lllllll siiicc Ill never llt illtlt to illltiltl scalskiii coat and llllt have through Sometimes there is way to get mortgage deductions By VINIIINI IIti Business and oiisunicr Affairs iialy st Ilionisoii News Service anadians who are payingotl mortgage on the family liotiic must envy Americans at this timool year In lllt Iiiited States interest paid on the mortgage is rccog nizcd as an expense and can be deducted from taxable income Here Ill zuiada lhcrcs no deduction or exemption for iii lcrcst paid on mortgage loan Nevertheless its sometimes possible to achieve nearly the same result Its easier if you start young before buying house but the technique can be made to work by people who at ready own mortgaged house The key as explained by tax practitioners Wayne Beach and Lyle It llcpburn in their book Are You Paying Ioo lIIlll lax tpublished by Miliaw Ilill Itycrsont is that interest is deductible expense when paid lor these purposes tii money borrowed to be used in business borrowings to purchase an lltllltvtilllllllll property lincluding portfolio in vest ments in funds borrowed to repay THE WORLD TODAY Indian election down to the Wire By JOHN IlltBltfiN Ioreign Affairs Analyst llioiiison News Service IilttllttllS in Pakistan and In tho two of the three nations which now make up the Indian subcontinent the other being Bangladesh formed from war in ltl7l have taken the spotlight lhc Pakistan elections are over with big majority vicr tory for incumbent Prime Minister Zulfiktir Ali Bhutto the competent and determined leader ot that country In nextrdoor India there is the possibility that Iriine Min istcr Mrs Indira Gandhi could either lose or go down to the wire in very close win Mrs Gandhi hcld greater power few weeks ago than did Mr Bhutto having declared state of emergency Ill ltl75 which made lici the dictator of licrcountry But in India still the worlds largest democracy this move aroused such ire brought about by rigid press censorship im prisonments without trials the union of opposition parties that she had been forced to call aii election INDIltA GANDIII defections Mrs Gandhi Iiad hoped the election would be matter of course The dictatorship had permit led her to make firm and needed economic changes re duce galloping inflation get iir dustry moving again All that would have been loan made for one of these purposes Since the family home is nci thcr an iiiciiiiiecarniiig asset nor business you cant dcdtict mortgageinterest payments in calculating your taxable in come But if you are able to organ ize your affairs in such way that the iioiidcductiblc interest can be converted into tittltlc tible interest the annual sav iiigs could be substanl ial The authors urge young tax payers to recognize that sooner or later they will need money to buy home and to plan ilt cordineg enough for millions of Indians for whom the basic elements of survival are paramount to beingabletovotc However like Bhutto prior to his election but in much smaller way Mrs Gandhi had been plagued by higlrlevel dc fectioiis from her longruling ongress Party including her aunt no less That distinguished lady and former diplomat is the Ttrycar old Mrs Vijayalakshmi laiidit foriiici Indian ambassador to ltussia llic USA and Britain She quit her niece because she wants democracy restored in the country Along with her has gone sen ior cabinet minister and leader of Indias it million untoucha bles lagiivan Ram He is keep ing the untouchables separate from the Iiinata Opposition Party but has agreed not to field candidates in conflict with it Maiji Desai left the ongress Party back in ltititt as Mrs lan dhis finance minister and since then has been moving around India as kind of successor to the famous Mahatma Gandhi in style and message enjoyed many good dishes of seal flipper can live without it But it seems to me that the seal hunters are getting raw deal out of this antihunt public by No one seems to mention the fact that the seal hunt has been monitored by such organ izat iotis as the anadiaii Feder ation of Ilumaiiic Societies the Society for the Prevention of ruelty to Animals the litter national Society for the Protec tion of Animals and many other such bodies lheir reports are available to the public and few contain any examples of cruelty But lishcries Minister Itoinco lcBlanc noted in let tci to an editor the seal hunt is ideally suited to propaganda While humane the clubbing of small cute whitecoated ani mals leaving blood on white background of ice and snow is icsthctically unappealing and herciii lies factor which is readily exploited by groups with vested interest in anti scaltngoctivitics lll with obiious justificzr tion he asks One wonders whether photographs of the slaughter of lambs and calves would evoke similar outcry to that surrounding scaling IS If young taxpayer is Ill tsllllg in business or property he should borrow the money even If he has adequate cash which should be set aside for the tut ure purchase of home laxpaycrs who arent in vesting iii property or busi ticss would do well to borrow money to invest in Registered Retirement Savings Plan each vear putting aside the ulllVIr lent amount of money toward future housepurchase or to re tiic an exist ing mortgage The same principle can be ap plied by more mature person although perhaps not as simply As an illustration Beach and Ilepburn cite the case of man with it $75000 stock portfolio purchased at higher cost who bought $100000 house making down payment of $25000 and using 375000 mortgage loan He could sell his shares use the proceeds to pay off his mor tgage borrow new funds and buy new portfolio of secu titics If this simple sequence were Iollowcd say the authors the interest on the tllll borrowed funds should become deductible Blti SAVINGS There are problems with this approach however Brokerage commissions could be substair tial some mortgage lenders will not accept prepayments and others may accept them only on payment of penalty But if those obstacles are overcome the saving can be WollllWllllt In the example of the $75000 mortgage mentioned above the interest in the first year would probably be more than $8000 which Would be welcome deduction from tax able income Potential savings and the op portiinity for using this tech nique are different in each in dividualscasc The essential point if you are paying nondeductible interest on loan is to look for other iii coiiieearniiigs assets against which you can borrow Then try to rearrange your fi nances so that your interest payments are linked instead to those assets and tints become deductible letters to the editor Nickason of CAC get more DearSir It appears that Bob Nickason of the Barrie CAC has all the answers to the automobile owners problems when it comes to getting his car repaired May suggest Mr Nickason that the only reason you think you have all the answers is because you neglected to ask all the questions If you were to spend couple of weeks at one of our local garages you would find that some of your suggestions were quite ignorantly thought out Your friendly neighborhood mechanic has that terrible af fliction of being human You see God forgot to give him ray vision or ESP and he also has to fight off that old problem facts that Im sure you dont have and that is that he is subject to human error Having lived in Barrie most of my life and havin operated service station in past it is my opinion that 90 of our local operators are uite honest and it is time some spoke up for them No doubt there are maybe few shady operators but there are also consumers who are out trying to rip off the bus inessman We never read headlines like Consumer rips off service station operator So next time Mr Nickason please try and get few more public statements Yours Kenneth Kelly ans smoking motion seriously presented Dear Sir Re Councillor Jans asks smoking ban In these times every astute person is aware of the question of banning smoking in public places They are aware too not only of the dangers to the smoker himself but of the damage and unpleasantness of sidestream smoke to non smokers If some Innisfil councillors wish to smoke left them do so outside of meetings since an ob ject ion has been raised Surely those who smoke cant be so addicted as to be unable to last few hours without cigar cigarette or pipe The people of Innisfil should feel confident knowing that at least Councillors Yong and Jans are aware of major health concern hope both pursue the issue Im sure that Innisfil coun cillors are not fully aware of the facts about sidestream smoke this would certainly excuse their not taking action It does not however excuse the rude behavior which took place while Councillor Jans presented the motion It was seriously presented and should have been received that way sincerely hope Innisfil coun cil will change its opinion for the benefit of all who attend the meetings Dusome connubial conundrum from Marc Lalonde Dear Sir Re Marc Lalonde speech in Toronto recently Marc Lalonde has entered the bedrooms of the nation He brings with him the con nubial conundrum of thecen tury In one hand he offers the baby bonus cheque in the other he offers birth control and abor tionliterature This will contribute about as much to conjugal harmony as his rccciit foray in Toronto will contribute to anadian unity lie is hereby nominated for WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter an Oscar as the assistantchief nerd of all the nerds This presumptuous nobody is trying to upstage his bossin participatory audacity He and his other nobodies were never given mandate to support Planned Parent hood birth control or abortion at public expense While the moral leaders of this nation are trying to stem the tide of permissiveness and breakdown of family life this miracle worker climbs in the bedroom windows and pon tificates his contradictory com mandments min is this godlike figure who comes into Toronto and pronounces that Ontario is one of the major culprits in the struggle regarding Canadas future as nation His Sledgehammer and high liaiided approach to the pro blem facing this country is just one more example of the divisive diplomacy practised by him and his colleagues in the past nine years He Iias again proved beyond the shadow of doubt that the present leadership can never save this country from fragmentation They have to go Strimas Thumbs up to editorial Leave Maggie alone DearSir Bravo for your editorial on Maarch 12 Leave Maggie alone When we consider the press ing problems facing Canadians today such as inflation unemployment and separa tism one wonders at the level of the intelligence of the media for giving such space and time to the private life of Mrs lrudeau ANADAS STORY Senate once rejected bills By BOB BOWMAN Nowadays it is not often that the Senate rejects legislation passed by the House of Com mons Perhaps this is due to the heavy Liberal majority in the Senate There are only 17 Con servat ives in the 102 members It was different before the Second World War During those earlier years of the cons tury the Senate rejected bills to create the Royal Canadian Navy oldage pensions legalized lotteries and daylight time Another important Senate rejection took place in 1898 when the House of Commons passed bill to build railway in the Yukon The vote in the oinmons took place March 16 but on March 30 the Senate voted against the bill by 5214 because the railway was con sidered too expeiisvie The rejection caused great deal of controversy and started especially in Liberal newspapers campaign to abolish the Senate In 1898 the Liberals led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier had only been in power for two years Your view is the essence sanity and is much at preciated We owe much to the good and able men and women who often at financial loss give their leadership at all levels of public life Surely we should accord them the right to privacy in their personal and family lives Yours sincerely Joan LaVis following 18 years of Con servative government So the Senate was almost as heavity Conservative then as it is Liberal today The situation in the Yukon was causing great concern because thousands of rospec tors from the Unit States were flocking into the area and suffering heavy casualties ow ing to the lack of rope transportation It was eared that the US might send troo to occupy the area and Cans would lose the Yukon By the summer of 1898 the population of Dawson was 18000 and it was the largest Canadian city west of Win nipeg The failure of the govern ment to act led eventually to private interests building the narrowguage White Pass and Yukon railway one of the most spectacular in the world and still doing business successfuln ly OTHER MARCH 16 EVENTS 1649 Iroquois destro ed Huron settlements and ki led Fathers Brebeuf and Lalemant 21

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