Adrufluï¬ mums 11 help wanted 11 help wanted LENDING OFFICER We are one of Canadas largest and most successful Trust Com panies and have an immediate opening for person In the Con sumer Loans field to ioin our growing Barrie Branch The successful candidate will have years experience In the Consumer Loans area and the key responsibilities will be the development and administration of the Loans Portfolio We pay competitive salaries plus an excellent benefits package For interview call MR CARLO BIANCHI Branch Manager 7261 848 CANADA TRUST RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS WE ARE OFFERING You the opportunity to work from an office that sold $7600000 In I976 YOU the opportunity to work from an office that sold over $3000000 up to March 10th in 1977 YOU will have the opportunity to work in our exclusive sub division of over 100 AHOP Homes in Letitia Heights YOU will receive up to 75 commissions YOU will have ample and competent assistance at all times as you require it be it listing selling closing or mortgaging YOU will have access to over 100 listings that are exclusive in this office YOU will get on the iob training from proven salespersons YOU will have INTERESTED management to hear your problems and suggestions Ample duty time in an office with secretaries on duty from om until pm Guaranteed soles available immediate mortgage com mitments ALL WE REQUIRE FROM YOU honest effort and desire to earn big money Valid real estate license full time sales persons only Contact in confidence Joe Dirracolo Manager Joe Dyson or Doug Ferguson 7284401 M19 REAL ESTATE SALES National Trust is looking for careerminded individual with real estate experience Consider these Features Top Commissions plus Bonus to 70 Active Referral and Relocation Service Over 50 Offices in Ontario Mortgage Financing Services Company Training Program Investigate in confidence the opportunities National Trust offers you Call for an appointment with our Area Manager Mr Murray Stovell 7289201 NATIONAL TRUST REALTOR M18 71 help wanted Sales Career Full or parttime Male or female or couple If you own car and can quality can show you the way to earn $15000 or more per year fulltime or $5000 or more parttime In teresting challenging 50 year old Canadian progressive manufacturing sales organization Free training No investment Opportunity to progress to supervisor or management position Please write co Sales Career PO Box 968 Barrie 71 help wanted COMPANY REQUIRES ambitious per son WITh car Choose your own hours work part or full time in Barrie or sur rounding area Must be neat In ap prearance can earn so or more an hour Telephone 416 895 6532 OFFICE CLERK Person with good academic background and some general office experience re quired Apply in writing to Box T80 Bar rie Examiner RECEPTIONIST Experienced person required Duties In clude switchboard and typing Good working conditions and remuneration Apply in writing to Box T80 Barrie Ex aminer SALES PERSON full or part time re quired by fencing company for Barrie area Car and sales experience nec essary Telephone 898 1361 WANTED Experienced sewrng machine operator to make alterations and repairs for dry cleaners Apply Wright Cleaners 103 Bayfield Street HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED lor gentleman in Newmarket Middle aged lady preferred Phone 416 895 6379 HOUSEKEEPER Babysitter required weekdays in Anten Mills one infant Must be mature reliable person Phone 7262078 afters 30 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn 514000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont LaT 2J6 RESTAURANT RENOVATIONS Well established firm in restaurant and hotel renovation construction equip ment business requires one salesperson for Barrie Orlllia area Commission car expenses Mr Vtipil 416677 6192 EXPANDING CANADIAN oil company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $1400 per year plus bonus Contact Customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 74 opportunity for men M18 Sales Representative Growing telephone answering machine company is looking for experienced salesperson for Barrie area Car required Draw plus commission and company benefits The Telephone Store Limited 14164990276 M18 BOOKKEEPER WITH Supervisory ex perience in medical or related field well versed in OHIP procedures Call Fleming and Associates 7280309 any time for further information BARRIE LAW FIRM requires secre tary Experience as legal secretary es sential Telephone Elaine Tubman 726 9021 pr 77 gm MEAT CUTTERS required experienced full time and part time salary commen surate with experience Apply in person to Fudas Food Highway 11 North S260 T0 $300 per month extra income family business has partrtime opening for an ambitious couple or individual awomen Forinterviewphone 7269100 EACEsPERSON REQUIRED for shoe FREE SAMPLE store Fulltime position For appoint LESSON ment telephone 7269111 between 930 amand5pm FULLTIME part time beauty con sultants required for expanding com pany Must be pleasant and mature No experience necessary Training provid ed if you quality For interview call 4364503 MATURE PERSON required for light houskeepingand caringforascnool aged children Own spacious living quarters with TV Cundles area 7269742 or 4872040 78 tenders HIGH SCHOOL Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario MSN 224 18 nd° 74 SALE BY TENDER KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA LIMITED PARADISE MOTOR HOMES LIMITED JOHN PARADISE MANUFACTURING LIMITED Coopers Lybrand Limited as Receiver and Manager of the above companies is offering for sale by tender the land and buildings at No Midhurst Ontario Sealed tenders for the some will be received by Coopers Lybrand Limited on or before 1100 oclock in the forenoon on Friday April 15 1977 at its offices Coopers Lybrand Limited 24th Floor 145 King Street West Toronto Ontario at which time tenders will be opened The terms and conditions of sale which are to form of each tender and further details are available upon request from the Receiver and Managers office please call Mrs Lesley Hawkins at 416 869 1130 The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted DATED at Toronto this 16th day of March 1977 COOPERS LYBIIAND LIMITED 145 King Street West 24th Floor TORONTO Ontario M5H 1V8 M1622 EXCELLENT cook and housekeeper desires liveIn position In motherless home or for retired person Honest and reliable Phone anytime 4362167 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER Will babysit preschoolers In my home Hot meals provided Dunlop Street West area Telephone 7280572 EXPERIENCED FARMER wants lob Please call Elner Egge at 72811459 DRIVER with 1976 Maxl van needs work Will do anything Telephone 7261923 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE of High Class Farm Machinery for HAROLD WANLESS Lot Can Essa Twp being miles east of Alliston on 89 Hwy to Con then North 2V miles to farm on SATURDAY MARCH 19 at12naon The following 08 model 1212 diesel tractor fully powered wcab DB model 885 diesel tractor fully powered whyd loader like new JD model AR gas tractor 5furrow 14 SM plow Cockshutt 12 WC disc JD 10 cultivator Wat veare 12 PH cultivator NH 510 spreader int grain drill JD row corn planter plateless NH 905 swather conditioner NH 269 baler wagons and rocks LG 40 bale elevator NH 717 two row corn harvester Dion SU boxes wDion wagons Dion TA blower Nl 2row corn picker 175 bu GB wagon grain augers 1800 bales hay 3000 bales straw some household and antiques Selling by num ber TERMS Cash day of sale cheques widentificotion Nothing to be removed until settled for ACCIDENTS Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No1AIliston Tel 7054357467 SCL No 10 Death Notices Engagements Births ECIAL Notices CASH RATES maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch 81 births FRIVALT Douglas and Nancy tnee Adams are happy to announce the birth of their son Eric Alexander lbs 1V2 015011 Monday March 1977 at North York General Hospital Toronto First grandchild for Mr and Mrs Frlvalt Chalk River Ontario and Mr and Mrs Adams Barrie 88 coming events 45th Anniversary for Mae and Norval Luck MINESING COMMUNITY CENTRE MARCH 19 1977 Open house 69 pm Dance 12 midnight All friends and relatives welcome GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child In The Bar rie Examiner cllppings oi the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 7282414 85 deaths No gifts please M1216i7 Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELDST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service Over $800 in Prizes MWFTF Knights of Columbus 86 cord of thank Every Thursday Night BIG thank you to relatives many neighbors and friends who sent beautiful flowers cards and baking and many visits while was in the hospital Also special thanks to doctors and nurses on third floor Sincerely Lena Caldwell 87 in memoriams OBRIEN In loving memory of our dear sister Laurinc who passed away March 1975 Although we smile and make no fuss Noonemissesher morethan us And whcnold timesweoff recall Thatswhenwemiss her mostofall Sadly missed and lovingly remembered Sisters and Brothers SAMPSON In loving memory of Ber the who passed away March 16 I975 Mother You are not forgotten Though on earth you are no more Still in memory you are with us As you always were before nFondly remembered by Victor Winifred andiamily EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Regular 800 pm Cards $1 50 Everyone Welcome WTF ST PATRICKS DANCE Saturday March 19 From till om at the UTOPIA COMMUNITY CENTRE Irish buf fet prizes draw on $50 bill Jebbs orchestra $7 couple For tickets call 4246026 Ml216 OPEN HOUSE MI rlé MOXEY in loving memory of dear for mother and grandmother EISIC who 1116 I975 80 Publlc nonce 52ng thgbcook of memories Is gentlyturned today Sadly missed by daughters Jean and for the occasion of their A4 Cynthiason Brian andtamilies SOT ANNIVERSARY Tn SUN MARCH 201977 24pmand 79 pm we ADVERTISING home so DIRECT PHONE Mr Mrs Dawson 264 Codrington St Barrie PUBLIC NOTICE 72324 BARRIE CITY COUNCIL will be holding public meeting to discuss the Conceptual Plan for the development of the Lakeshore between Bayfield and Mulcaster Streets The meeting will be held on Tuesday March 22 1977 at 730 pm in the Council Chambers of the City Hall 84 Collier Street All interested persons are in vited to attend or write to Counv cil to express their opinion Copies of the Conceptual Plan are available for inspection in the City Clerks Office STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario L4M4T5 M91 14161821 archi vi to PUBLIC NOTICE THE CITY OF BARRIE will be ap pointing local Architectural Conservation Advisory Com mittee and interested citizens wishing to be appointed to ser ve on it are invited to submit letter of application with brief resume to the City Clerk before March 23 1977 STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 M9lll4161521 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 80 public notices TOWNSIII Townshi 1977 Dog Tags Take notice that the 1977 dog tags are available at the Township Municipal Office in Baxter and from Canine Control Officer Centre Street Angus The 1977 rates are as follows Male or Spoyed Female 500 Female Kennel Licence On or after the lst day harborers of dogs without 1977 tag for each dog will be charged under the provisions of Bylaw No 756 Minimum fine$1000 Dog Tags may be obtai description of dog together with payment Or phone Mrs Shirley Smith at 4245320 Information Municipal Office 4357091 Canine Control 4245320 BestWishes Only M16 Clolifted DdVUTTIIQMOHTI and names for than pages must be received by day preceding publication with the ex caption al Clanlied Display ad yertuernents which must be by two days prior to publKOfIOn BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words SS 00 Additionolwordstctt per word CARD or THANKS 25 wbrdi 1500 additional words It per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $5 00 With verse per count line 2i ants per line Feels Marvelous Printed Pattern 4980 SIZES 818 COMING EVENTS $3 77 per rolumn Inrh 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash On count Rules apply IT 907d within day One or two insertions 91 word in $lTIO ThreoronserutweInserllorrsaand one half cents per word irnetion total Sal Sui onsarolwe Insertions Br per word par unsortiori total 311 S7 Mulrp inlertions may be ordered suhyecl to can allotion when IOIIOTOIy tdlulls ob tamed Method of rounlmg lower than 74 words count as 74 words Each Inlftal ob breviation let ol numbert etc Ounl as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Inllrtotl orders our arrpied convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Admrtmng mporrmant requires ad ortunmort In hrri dly re tiIi 11 advertisement mi mediaton alter first insertion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in in order that some may be lifted for the lollowmg day publirorion The Barn Eaminor is responsible for only one untorroclly printed insertion of any ad ygrtisomerit and than only to tho Ilflrtl of portion of ad that mqus the mugmir Errors which do not lessen the value ol the advertisement are not eligible lor carrot trons by make goods The Barrie laminar relervu the right to IOiTY revise or relert any want ads PHONE 778 7411 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise flJï¬m It feels marvelous onsolt lluid and so new looking thanks to the dash of the separate scarf Gathers play up shoulder shaping and standup collar Printed Pattern 4980 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 dress scarf 12 yards 60Inch fabric $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25 each pattern for first class mail and handling out residents add 9d sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept 39ieiiciasrces OF ESSA of Essa lhe Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough ntario M11 41 ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEWSPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates iumpsuits dayevening dresses Send 754 Instant Sewing Book 3100 Sew Knit Book $125 lnmnt Money Crofts $100 Instant Fashion Book 8100 Mrs Shirley Smith 139 700 5222 of April 1977 owners or NOTICE Deadline for classilied word ads pm day previous noon Saturday ned by mail provide full MRS SHIRLEY SMITH EXAMINER Canine Control Officer WANT ADS 77 IIl3M216 7282414 Repair Cars Fix Houses Paint Baby Sit Clean Fix TVs Type Reupholster Sew Drapes Iron Do Plumbing Clean Rugs Refinish Furniture Do Plastering Pave Driveways Whatever You Do EXAMINER WANT ADS Can Help You Find Work PHONE 7282414 The Barri Examiner Wednesday March 16 1977 You