ing facilities available Gentleman pre CLEAN FURNISHED rooms Broad loomed throughout community kitchen and bathroom equipped Central loca tion Please phone 737 1605 after 430 19 houses wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT by careful retired farmer bedroom bungalow rec room shade trees and garden also area of land close by with other buildings 3266842 ask tor Bill OR bedroom detached home with double garage Bath ensuite preferable Al references Call during office hours 7267407 Ask for Edna or John 20rooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere 522 weekly Phoneevenings7269859 ALLANDALE Furnished room cook 34 trucks and trailers 1969 FORD Econoline needs some body work bulltln cupboard and table 5500 or best offer Can be seen at 48 codring ton Apt 1975 FORD V2 ton 23000 miles radio step bumper side mirrors Automatic cylinder Asking $3300 Will certify Phone 7285089 after 1973 DODGE Vaton pickup cylinder standard large club cap new tone paint iob in excellent condition Cer tilied $2500 firm Telephone 7262500 businesshours JEEP HONCHO Short box pickup 26000 miles V8 speed hobs new white spoke wheels 11 15 Desert Dog tires rear tonneau cover radio track dark purple and gold very sharpll plus 76 Myers elec tric plow S5495 Sunoco Car Wash 341 Bayfield Street Need help listed are experts finest lob pOSSIble lerred 7280810 Phone 7284268 daytime or ALTERATIONS FURNISHEDROOMS Central Park 1974 CHEV Pickup with capffsneédi CRESTS ing kitchen privileges lounge linen standard cylinder radio in excellent supplied weekly laundry faculties condition $2800 firm Telephone LADIES AND nlm°ns anemmns 26 responsible adultsgt7267186 7371962 or 7287167 evenings ERNIES CRESTS EASONED MAPLE Ash Elm approximately ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory EIItEwililti LL Mary St Telep one 7373432 or residence 16 long Single cord $3000 Deliver FURNISHED larger mgfldeinfurnished 1973 lIIORD 12 ton Pickup F100 05121335 7239446 anywhere Phone7283775 or7373653 rooms singe or are ichen and exce ent Condition Telephone TF ustom creen TF recreation facilities Downtown area or4563031 ALUMINUM Processcress FLOOR Telephone 7266392 ROOM 70R roomandbOardVéTEilaï¬ei good condition Not more than $2000 CI95lm9 Garmenls Painswick area Please telephone Should includelurnace stove and fridge ChenilleCrests EKMW5ff°fll9£ MEEQEBM Club Jackets CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom TRUCK CAPTExpioriarf Aluminium fgr gegtlemip kLnen supplied and sliding windows and door Root vent in ERNIE ROSE 7286338 ange wee chen acilities free terior light cupboard Asking price $450 ZRBTKIW centre 52381938th 7211127471 or best offer Telephone 7284563 after 7Â¥V 777777 MWF Jyll SMALL furnished bachelette in Barrie Dm CUSTOM FENCING 7266271alter4rpm 214room and board home linen supplied Near college and bus route Side door entrance 535 week ly Call 726 4313 after pm 23offices Stores for rent WANTED€ Trailer iosleép six in fairly close to downtown 535 weekly would 1976FORD F150 wheel drive Ex HARDWOOD FLOOR refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or peel 3258341 Steve Bis freelance lift truck broker will locate the exact forklift you require Call 5199416876 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano or and advanced months tri loaned for home 6117 Installation and FORK LIFTS Just look over the ads below The advertisers In their field and Will assure you of the MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for peapia who like to dance Good rates 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS practice Canadian Aca of Music 121 Bayfleld 7281799 popular beginner Instrument USED FORKLIFTS ALUMINUM suit single man or woman Phone plorer automatic with transmission RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom cooler and heavy duty transmISSion wood fences Im rave our ro rt CLEAN ppï¬yAT Ef fgrnmhéd block heater Power steering and power Sdrlg EaveSTrOUgh I507 downtown area light housekeeping brakes radio allgauges 360 months Satin Windows could be arranged Mature gentleman WaramV remamng 450 es r000 Fade prelerred Telephone 726 3733 or 9EP953°S7260761 00 7267623 W72 GMC one Cylrl speed ex eshuflers Awnings TIRED OF heavy draperies Try Canadiana Curtains tiebacks and tiers polyester or muslin $20 to $40 per pair Call 7269667 7299749ch 233 DIS MEET Music By BRIAN HILTZ Disc Jockey Country to Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices Maanri 7263808 DRESSMAIIIWG DRESSES FIT If mode by JOSIE AOUINO cellent condition Certilied $2150 Phone 4246463 after pm T969 AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework DODGE toTnf cylinder automatic new paint certified $1500 or E19€£09¢371Z7°9 36aufo accessories TWO M50 Road Huggers on Rocket mags 5180 Two 55 60 Tiger Paws on Graiger SS mags 5150 Fit Chevys only 7372052 after 530 Emma AVAILABLE in clean comfortable For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloli OVER 6000 SQ FT Office space for rent at 359 Baylield Street Barrie 416 2217233 Benmor Construction OFFICE SPACE for rent Downtown location offices main floor parking adiacent Call Bill Summers 7373453 OFFICE SPACES for rent downtown Barrie 2nd floor Ideal for dentist or other professionals Parking and heat in cluded Available immediately Call Mrs Robinson 7263338 24space for rent ALUMINUM WINDowsfdpoisf siding Soflit Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guarantee 4246073 PAINSWICK ALUMNin Iiisiiillai otiiaiiio Satfit Fascia and oovestrough Various col 9299 7269799 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales service Alliance Blvd 728 3392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese rcycles 1974 KAWASKI 900 Zl 9000 miles perfect condition matching helmets Must be seen Call after pm 737 3624 1974 SUZUKI GT 380 in good condi tion street bike 9000 miles 5950 or best offer as is Phone 7287719 1975 KAWASAKI 400 with very low mileage only used for one summer Mint condition Telephone after at 4584507 Bestolier accepted 1975 RD 250 Yamaha Excellent condi tion iust like new 7300 miles 5925 or best offer VTfelerphoner726 6024 evenings PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 cars Coronation Auto Srrv 17 Mary St Specialiring in pantsuits gowns and allow S°li2iiiiiciF5é$°££aisa°ii 385°Wm°bes 1795 Eveanew theme99002 clear part of large expanding industrial 1973 400 SKI Doc good common Trill 7267130 sliders carbide runners Going West wvi FOR LEASE industrial space and owner must sell $795 or best offer PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON so BILOIIA DRVWML and 313 resdoIItol warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Telephone 726 l7ll or 728 967i and ask Highcroft Rd Allarldule Hei tits Purim and cornlnorual no lob too lg or small Angelotl for Faron 512 50 All youi beauty Heads no 8658 Telephone 456 4733 VERY NICE Industrial building on 4ocrï¬ces sale CYCLES EAVESTROUGHING Dunlap St West with large fenced in GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING property Phone 7287044 or 416 Eaves ADVANCE VACUUM 26accomm°daï¬onS° share SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Ice BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Hausrs for sals Amity may and snow removal from roofs only Free DSTI niatos Call 424 1956 New lowell Buying door to door cost too FEMALE TO share bedroom apt chgecetixiigggefwgiizitaggpsinVncem UC money MerwAve Bmm wieluphowmsm ELECTRICAL Try Advance Vacuum 1416 27 Voltages To rent Mulcaser for fair deoI we PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Rosidantial Industrial Installations and set BEAUTIFUL WHlTESTONE Lake repair and supply ports for AND General Contractor Kitchen rec vim 725 4996 and bedroom housekeeping cottages rooms renovations additions fireplaces Private lake frontage for each cottage Hoover Eurekol and C9 guaranteed 7371507 excellent swimming and fishing $85 to tmentol Royal We also rebUIld CARPENTER specializing iri iec rooms in SIOO weekly Call 705 389 2927 and repair hoses stock bogs terior remodelling trim etc Please call Industral commerflol 72868840Iter6 gt TAX RETURNS prepared personal srnall 320015 Tor sale and bahs for mos makes Remdenhal Farms business farm Reasonable Call778 4634ar DAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc 4589172an time 1975 GREMLTNX Tag00 miles speed vance Vacuum is an authorized Elly experienced 7269002 726 2609 959 standard cylinder radial tires sales and service depot for CABINET MAKER European trained xii EleclW C°5Ul9 ï¬fgï¬g éf rustprooting Ming glaxlng excellent chens vanities Pinelumiiuie renovations 20 rsex erience condition $2600 or best offer Telephone Eureka 05 we Os dsnbmo alterations Domestic Commercial 726 YMosye Uc £513 307 68 0671341 for Continental Royal Someone ï¬g Kncflns 1970 CHRSYLER 300 Power steering you comm LICENCE CARPENIERS cusioiii homes 7288234 brakes and litVITYIOOVICGS62403155013i radial cottages urienovatians repairs Satisfaction tires air can ione nil es cer vance ocuum EOVOEOV it andICorisiruction 7267461 722925375000 be We 737 CARPENTER Will do re 00 mane ci WM 673 CADILLAC emerado hardtop Mulcaster flgdelllngwetc Notobtu small 7261271 noasnt soycnorr comma haulage CONSTRUCTION hunmd noun sepiii systlsrtis ff1hlng loader work 513203fégbgamgggréne aggfrb for novatioru additions homes cottages 909 39 I558 39 I757 Complete KlTChen M24 Fro timetasi 435 4995 BULLDOZING smallandiargalobs Eason Remodeuin services 3gzrlg5RFLallefOrgkigviogozr 58061 CARPENTER WILL do any small ob ands run Mhiesiiig726 7638 lixing in remodellin and renova V8 333 A5 5900 ye oodwnn SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading 59 ngcondmon Cgemyled Cauvngé 7061 Canadian manufacturer and distributor °f J°° 77 8708 ms TRIUMPH TR Yeuow wim on has alUrTIInum pools left over from 1976 TINT CONSTRUCTION by radio and rust prooed aISO radial season price Guaranteed inSallrtIIOff SAVE MONEY Hove atperloricod snow tires Included Less iiisii 20000 ifliJSBiiiï¬iwC°°°VO 32i1i4°i 333 8°kh°E°V Vs OUR SHOWROOM miles not yet yrS old in excellentcon Jr Trenching amen 73601019 6403 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholnsniiyr DON FLEMING Licenced corpontry Con 49 Morrow Rd Borne i3 QMo 37 WW must dispose of1976 all aluminum pools tracting renovations cabinets rec rooms Horlonlol Augerlng ighw Lpowe sgerigg mvtgpegrakes in stock Sacrifice price for desperately etcrfhone 7051322 280610i estimate bucket seats Telephoneli705 458 9380 gadegvcagngagggfluylniï¬si 8an QRPENTT YP worm now MolFrl 9330 I0 5130 rmniini WI lion No bl II 1969 VOLKSWAGEN for sale good walk round deck tence and warranty yonswomlfl mung gagrob 50 REPLACES Sat to pm motor 53000 miles Uncertilied 5500 Size 15 27 it $1355 cash or terms Call rrrrrr MM 14 Lelvephone48772lo7 after6pmr Perc collect days or evenings I416 1972 CADILLAC DeVille 46000 miles 5807 all power air new radials and exhaust START vourz sptwg litulllig icitay system Certilied Best offer Phone 728 9256 I976 MONTE CARLO iaooo miles radial tires Owner leaving town must sell Telephone 72627334iafter 5p 190747VEGA or airconditionirig good Revitalixe your carpets wih carpet stitarii cleaning 726 632i evidential Specializing in natural stone antique brick sides Govl inspected Custom built and designed WALL T0 WALL illstnllatwI rclrprl nirl vinyl fully guaranteed teosnrtnblrr rote 458 4432 CERAM ICS All workmanship guaranteed PETER NENSTRA 737287i HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 4364l05 HAVE halfton pickup Will clean garages chimneys basements remove trees or any labs Call Johnr7267m7 INTERIOR REMODELLING condition Will Certify Best offer navigators 85 lb I970 METEOR Certilied New Cut and Wrapped to your specification PHONE 7288708 M16 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Planner Pools Baymart Plaza ELECTROHOME automatic transmission 302 V8 new tires door dependable $600 or best at fer Good second lamin car 7370288 alter4 00 1969 DODGE POLARA door sedan Turquoise automatic PS radio new tires new paint lob complete tune up snow tires 42000 miles 77 plates Or iawner Certilied 31100728 5015 T976 J7 Jeep cylinder engine manual locking hubs 23 channel CB radio Extra accessories Package deal 56000 Telephone Leon at 726 9869 STONEWORK and TITHDIGCOE aspacialty NIL Watson for free estimates 7284599 SC SERVICES WINTERICK CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and repairs 77266263 SIMCOECERAMICS Floors walls ceianiic NANDYMAN PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating DRUM lESSONS Starter equipment provided Beginners and advanced at 72 Dunlop LlodeabrlelL7373610 In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed 30 years 7262609 7269W2 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 726344i WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terlar and Interior Free estimates Work floranteed 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional painting In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 72668m WILSONE DECOMTNG °l° Going on trip or vacation Leave with teriar wollpapering custom textured walls and Swings hlwhonoloyeaiiag IMP easy mind knowing your plants are between 10 run and 530 pm HAULAGE wIItlrilE iMPitovVEMEiTS Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References available MORE living space recrroomï¬extta bedroom play room laundry office storage pace Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CTISTOM REC ROOMS Compleiii baieirierii planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion iaints Work guaron teed 4539346 CONSTRUCTION House raismg foun datians renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 436 4175 after lNCOME Trix rm INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bat riearea SSup Dobson 424 5910 after 50nd weekends INCOME TAX returns prOpaled for small business farm and home Mitchells Book keeping Service 726 2973 TAX RETURNS prepared Qualified ex periencod freo estimates low rates Call Simpson 728 2386 or 726 780i PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING dealgns sup plied Treeremoval Custom spraying For tiliser Insecticide Herbicide 487 340i 7289369 BOTTING PROPERTY Service Spring cleanups pruning lawn and rden main tenance landscaping ding Free estimates 728 4536 LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge mosaic vinyl parquet Drywall and taping Accoustic ceilings Gard 456 2890 CHAIRCANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANINO Orrr 35 yerila poriencn Telephone STIIIHT 436 2299 COMMERCIAL ART Installation of parlor stoves Franklins and Zero clearance Regal fireplaces complete with base or hearth and regulation insulated chimney stack to suit 1972 TORINO door hardtop new brakes good condition Certified 5900 Phone 7280902 1972 CHEV IMPALA door hardtop 350 engine speed automatic 5600 or best offer Telephone 7370074 1969 OLDS CUTLASS door coupe power steeing power brakes automatic console 350 V8 good condition $995 or best offer 726 4867 1973 AMC Hornet door sedan cylinder automatic economical very good condition Fully certified Asking $1795 Snows and extra wheels included Private 4562795 26 Color TV Now Only $499 or iust $4 00 weekly no money down no payment til May Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 SALVAGE HEAT last up your chimney install heat miser on your lurnncr CSA approved Used $20 ea Electric fan7280755 CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS i969 CHEVELLE MALIBOU door 38 Bayfield vinyl top snow tires V8 power steering power brakes automatic radial cer 7282843 tilled Above average condition $1200 or best offer 7262470 alters plm ï¬TITvTERCUR WMo NTEGO door Good selection of Sklar and Vogel recliners and power steering power brakes radio Excellent condition Certified SWVel r00ker5 Many metal 31033 colors and fabrics to 1974 utass upremeforsale lots of extras in good condition Asking Choose from £890 Telsphgne Institute €230217 MI 1975 TOYOTA Corolla 100 red sedan Tr radials AM radio $2200 Phone UNCLAMED LAYAWAV alum 7266311 Inium swimming pool 18 27 includes decking fence tiller liner and safety lock upstairs Sell for balance owing of $1775 Call Credit Manager collect daysor evenings 416 221 4840 FREEZER I7I2 cubic feet Blue Ribbon Deluxe chest type as new condition 5250 Telephone 728 6227 alter pm ELECTRO freeze soft ice cream machines Electra freexe Mr Freezir machine propane deep lryers elec tric grill refrigerated soft drink toun tain machine NCR cash register like new electric shelf pizza oven homr refrigerator all in good working condi tion Telephone 424 5411 ask for Al REMINGTON power concrete trowels blade 28 inch width horsepower briggs and stratton engines Good condi tion $295 each Telephone 705 325 2457 between am and pm KENMORE sellcleaning automatic washer for sale in good condition Call 4362451alter6pm I975 TOYOTA SRS i660ECengineirn maculate condition low mileage ra dials radio etciTelephorne 728 72148 33carswantedto TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motor H$II9Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pickup anytime 4362900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4356322 After pm 4245949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan 97266488 WANTEOJI969 1970 or 1971 small can vertible In good shape Reasonable and certillable Telephone 7260890 DINING ROOM Suite walnut piece good condition includes bullet and china cabinet Over 40 years old Phone WANT ADS 436734 alter mm antisnzcécczigssezlcu 31 motorcycles 37 motorcycles WHLE THEY LASTI Last One GT 380 $1679 now only $1585 Plus $50 rebate NOW ONLY $1535 BARBIE CYCLE CENTRE 220 BAYVIEW7267991 goes the distance M1516i7 COMMERCIAL ARTISI work layout INK 9362631 Logo dflslgli art Plow rull rolloll 416 7283646 air Fainting to articles for sale FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also CEDAR POLES 7264813 7269759 MW FMyl ltWIMIVIING POOLS to rent Will Iensn Ind instiill for homeowners family silo aluminum swmlminq pool with patio Choiio of style meeting all fencing reqilliltions In it one two or three year renliil basis With option to own Try Dilnrl you buy Call colicct anytime 416 661 9508 SWIMMI N0 POOLS 1977 models slight ly scratched In transport Fully war ranted romplrfir with pump motor filter lencmg walkway and deck SuqqulId ritail prirr $2295 Available COMPLETE URNIT UP for rorlrri prp season spvcial $1288 Cd apartment Only month old Dlnlflf room SUIII chestiriivlil Iliti irllt liming fgrzil0° ca mm end frlblei COIIIJTT Irlllll 01 Anti any POWER tlatksnw 110 volt IS Turret LrtTIIL 110 I20 volt Air compressor Cuttir bedroom iuiti Good quality Itlrnllllil Must be will this vrllfh Milii in lffr IS owner is frrtflSItfllJ TIliptlnnn Tank 110 220 or 550 volt 20 726 7996 Knife Grinder sunattlr for forage Ililtthdtr hlndns Steam Jenny cleaner BEDROOM SUIIT apilrIIJl lylh dmwp 00mm 0mm iJ Mlv Hwy and pressure washer Phonellb 9492 doublr bird box priiIltI iirtll rrltttrir ONE BLACK and Duck radial arm Asking SISO ItlfiIIUTII 18 tftlili ilfllt siiw with stand Never usrd Phone 474 0346 DINING ROOMSUIII 9rliIrirtiiilillqtny FOR SALE McClary Easy Wringer includris table with Imp ltitVlei bullet Chinn cabinet hairn IrrNIIIIOTlill styli Must be tinert Ptiorii 325 4011 after Wdiltlllg Macnine Westinghouse elec tric clothes dryer mangle iron Phone 726 003 HAY 5000 largo hairu good quality no 41boats and motors rain Also stoma IlllrIIir rI triI lovr with rotisserie itnrt lllllk tiink lriilk cooler stainless siroi holds 7900 lllri Phone 458 9310 ouboard COURIER SPAR AN sitlrlmnrllr Motor Sole year old 23 cllniIIIiII Imur Irtrllir Illw price $435 well for $250 yr left on warranty 72608961vrninqs FISH HUT man ll 61tinsulititl with Oll slow and SIrH now at lelll Point Phaan 726 7286 nltlr rn TWO CHEV Navri Nhlffll so will It 600 x12 mini sport tiri rtITLl rims liki new $15 each Wanted liatly stroller Apply 54 Penetangnttilr 15 HP Johnson $699 HP Johnson $389 HP Johnson $279 All now limited quantity SPORTNAVEN MARINE mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd FIREWOOI f0r sillr lupin $10 it Irlfl 7261001 cord For furlhnr inliirinnliriil tirItptlrlrlc 726 2543 MWFAu3 ttéartitéatéiéé articlesfor Sale THE EXAMINER Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants HILLTOP SUNOCO HWY 27 THORNTON GENERAL STORE LUIS COOKSTOWN BOBS MILK COOKSTOWN WRAYS DRUGS ALLISTON ALLISTON SMOKE SHOP TALL TREES CAMPGROUND HWY 27 LORIES SNACK BAR HWY 27 ROBBINS EVERETT STEPHENS GLENCAIRN and shrub trimmiing Also rough mowing Vic Triemsfra 7260427 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces iiicTlIttE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7263270 ARTIFRAM East Custom Horses boarded Barrie live minutes VuTsIOVmpicturo fraiming selections Fast service Half price 7288633 °3il95 TWIST PLUMBING ceramic allotta Polith ADISIiESS StSTEM LICENCED MOBILE address syslem available for comrnercml or music for all occasrons Reasonable 72821755 68 personals HOLIDAY IN THE SUN Write Clover Motel Apts 212 IOBth Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from April on ward when prlcas are low if ficiency Units $75 week for two persons Owners from Barrie WThFAu17 lNlil ANUSCIIILAND WALLS SEPT T0 SEPT 25 Includes air flight hotel tran sportation most meals Escorted from Barrie Hays Travel Tour Attend our free presentation April 12 Con sumers Gas Blue Flame Roam For free brochure call HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St Barrie Ont 7284700 M23H TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime if ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 If you drink thats your business if you want to quit thatsours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certilied Electrologlst 7372671 PLANT SITTING SERVICE being competently cared for For in lormationcall Barbara7263020 RIDING INSTRUCTIONTIndoor arena Wind Ha9f9rll791 HOE DOE VALLEY Fun Ranch Year round catering Now booking winter par ties728 6875772897734 HM WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have NEw WORK and repairs drain and we be 5° for over century With effec cleaning renovations 4584233 live results medicated pad that really um chm b°h°° does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Martsrandalldruggistsz BET WE have the muffler for your car The Muffler Shop 180 lnnistil Street 7262282 HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides Weekends evenings Close to Barrie Call Duncan Murdock726 47560vrenings INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet confidential 737 2972 Miwir ARE YOU tired of your old look Learn Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverAReserve Now 737 388 248 Tiffin $1 Barrie ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles new make up techniques in your own home For more information phone Merle Norman 7264982 GENERAL MEETING of Parents Without Partners March 16 at pm Grace United Church Grove and Cook Streets Election of new officers For lurther information 728 7245 Everyone welcome tilinstructiéhï¬ ENGLISH RIDING instruction schooled horses Indoor arena minutes Repairs guaranteed quality work from Barrie7260192 Reasonable 416895 7533 collect 05 and ound AND ROOFING New and old Repairs WHO 77g Frooestiniotes 3221897 aftotépm LOST Ladys ring gold graduation SEWING MACHINES SALES 8i SERVICE Last November vicinity Central United Church Please call church 728 7589 or 7269146 Reward 71 help wanted SEW EASY CO Service calls from $5 Wu Specialists repairs all makes industrial and house machines New used sales 7371621 SPARE TIME SNOWPLOWING If you want to work ap proximatelyShrs daily 5daysa PAULS SNOWPLOWINO reiidaiiiiai and week no Saturdays or communal eosonablo latos free esti mates call Paul 737 3064 Ho 075v WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small cammer ctal and residential Dependable 7267757 Reasonable rates SIMPSON ReSIdontial and carnrnurcral snowplowlng Call 728 2386 01726 7801 JOE SNOWPLOWING Roldenlfll Reasonable roles Cornrtlerc IcI Phone 726 73657 Barrio Millasing Anton Mills SNOW PLOWING also Ltd 726 6162 SMALL SNOWPLOWING residential goneral contracting Crawford Canal tabs commercial also roofs cleared Heating cables Installed 436 2387 NS SNOWPLOWINO Residential 8400 436 2695 after STUCCO Conimernol SISOO hour RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Interior textured walls and ceilings Exterior stucco Free timales Dale Russell Midhurst lalnphana TAILORS 728 4392 hold valid drivers licence over2l yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 728594i TF Drafting Poduon Mechanical Draftsperson with electrical and sheet metal Training provided Regular pay raises surance Please send resume to Union Zoning Bylaw including the hausing programs SALARY Commensurate with HACK Clerk Town of Midland 575 Dominion Ave Midland Ont L4R1R2 Required by the Minist Regional Centre Orilli operation QUALIFICATIONS MCBOIIaIdS DUETD EXPANSION CDNTRDL CLERK requued Responsible selfmotivated and honest person Duties include daily inventories ployee files statistical reports IEMGO INC 359 Bayfield St Suite 201 Barrie Ontario ONTARIO TOWN OF MIDLAND ONTARIO requires ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Applications in own handwriting will be received up to March alst 1977 by the undersigned DUTIES To administer the regulations of preparation of amendments theraté phases of planning for thg atian of the Town Renewal Progroit ditioï¬ and to give direction and guidance in Town Other related duties include administr namely the Ontario Horn and the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program In ad to the above the successful applicant will be appointed Secretary the Midland Planning Board the Parking Authority Committeg and the Technical Committee SUPERVISOR PRODUCTION El ASSISTANT MANAGER Laundry Manager Salary $25183 $27228 per week and Linen Services to plan Successful completion of two preferably four years school successful completion of the second year of the laundry course offered of Guelph University preferably active membership and participation in Laundry Managers Association thorough knowledge of laundry management and in an institutional or commercial laundry ability schedules direct operations prepare reports an No lob too small Reasonable rates 7373357 MASONRY BRICK and block work Fireplaces chimneys etc it Rochey 7795380 STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block and stone work Fireplaces in specialty Ftp estimate 706 424 5158 41 boots motor 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylindrr Chrysler inboard molar A1 condition Asking 2500 Telephone 435 4245 after 30 MaCDONALDS MARINE Lttl 73 Yongl Striet BarriiI Fantastic savings to offer on 1976 hniits and motors Call 778 2940 Open may WIckly 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture hooks dishes old pictures locks odds and nntls Pro 1950 items 728 8214 ALL CASH for old turniturr pictures chairs etc etc 487 5389 AUCTION SALE iViry Tues night pm Blqinning Mari evrrv Sunday at Consiqneil mfflhrtndtSl wnl comcd Old Canada Brvml Bililclinq Hwy Nallnt10th Conc of Ora For in formation phone 487 2044 or 487 3226 44dags and pets BARRIE POODLE Snlon Shampoaing and clipping of all artoils Sophia Siniii East 726 4I4l POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all brands pirk up and di livery 726 8798 Pet Studio GERMAN SHE PHERD lemnlii years old and male pup months old for sale Phone 322 2351 PUREBRED MINIAT URE poodle pups registered needles low or med grey malts white male 10 weeks old Telephone 424 5997 anytime LABRADOR RETREIVER for sale purebred 14 month old male yellow CKC Rugd Had all stints Good with children 5100 Telephone 726 5872 before 3pm MAYS POODLE PARLOR Prolies sional clipping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 726 0061 AMERICAN COCKER Spaniels 10 Weeks old blonde male and female CKC registered Champion blood lino Phone 436 1052 PURE BRED American Cockor Spaniel for sale months old female All needles 550 Telephone 728 3010 LHASA APSO wittl papers years old male SIOO Phone 7261731 7281076 or 686 7015 292599FELPPWS FERTILIZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 577livestock for sale SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Horse Trailers Several makes Alsalease and rentals726 1551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yoch St Pains wick 7372982 GOOD selection of cross bred boars from well proven stock Phone 737 0268 Bruce Clark alter pm YEAR old part quarter Morgan gelding western trained year old buckskin mare wllh saddle and bridle ijelslern trained 424 1377 before pm THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber $5033 Building Custom tailoring and Engineering cosï¬ng and Eliistnxngaéntain pLouctilorlstarldards and to instruct and mange ADVANCE CUSTOM toiloniig all kinds at estimating definite US wor re mm ps gggibaiggns men and women 45 Dunlap 055e salary com This competition is open equally to both men and women mensurate with ex Interested applicants are requested to submit their resume or up TREE REMOVAL perienca plications quoting competition file HRC NO 2177 by March 25 TNT TTTTTT I977 to TREES REMOVED and cleaned Ex orienc ed men Reasonable rates ufully Fnsured The Personnel Manager Free estimates 322 3134 Central Region WELL DRILLING Huronia Regional Centre gt 73 Morrow Roa Gilberts Wgtav Well Drilling Farms homes Barrie Ont PO Box 1tom all too estmol lo p221 also Mn ORILLIA Onatrlo L3V 6L2 if 59 poultry chicks DEKALB READY to lay piiiliiis Brown egg DUIIIIS nvnilamo April anti Juno 18 Also farm trish eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Filrms5lrourl4361811 60feedseedgrain REGISTERED Scott Oats cleaned and treated for StPLI For pllClS phone 737 0268 after Bruce Clark HAY FOR SALE lsl uf no rain Phone 487 5204 63pasture wanted CATTLE PASTURE water Shdlll and fonces in good repair Reply Box 153 Barrie Examiner 64farm machinery BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dan Farm Eqmpnionl and Supplies Barrie Hally Hwy 27 I26 0338 or 728 6766 WF TF JOHN DEERE 470 Crawler foot blade way cylinders way angle on blade $2000 or best offer TfllphOTTO 424 5466 67fruits vegetables APPLES Apply K001i and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES FOR SALE No Snbago 75 lb bags Charles Ellsmoro Phone 723 4956 bitpersonals DAYS NIGHTS NO NIGHT DRIVING ESCOHTED FROM BARRIE $13100PER PERSON BASED ON TO ROOM INCLUDES GRAND OLE OPFIY HAYS TRAVEL TOUR FOR DETAILS HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 M23H THE BARBIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS 293 1912 experience Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7256539 of illllihlanh Duties to commence 4th July 1977 qualifications and experience payroll records emli $1 7W punsirwmiduw mewtihéom ti the Continuing QUALIFICATIONS Previous Municipal experience preferable Diploma from College of Applied Arts Technology ry of Community and Social Services Huronia to assist the Manager Regional Laundry direct and control the laundry operation Duties include compiling and maintaining statistics and recording pounds of laundry processed Chemicals used assisting with the preparation of the annual budget preparing performan¢ evaluations on employees instructing staff in work procedures ordinating all facets of production for an efficient and smoothqk uv secondary several years experienob to establish worï¬i budget subp hone LEFRDY BIG BAY PT AREA WASAGA BEACH STAYNER CDDRINGTONNELSDN AREA HIGHLANDLITTLE AREA 3r VINCENTGROVE AREA DUNLOP WPERRY AREA