lhe Barrie Examiner Wednesday March 16 1977 Rynard Wants review of pension system Simcoe North MP Dr Rynard says its high time to review the Canadian pension system in order not to rob succeeding generation of its rights According to Rynard the rights in question are those that the workers have come to expect through payments they have made No one will argue that some adjustments are necessary says the Simcoe North MP ad ding that they should be only within strict fiscal respon SIbility and the ability of the taxpayer to meet that burden and give him any leeway to develop his own method of privately saving He charges that government uncontrollable inflation has done much to complicate the pension situation The very same government that created the high inflation by excessive spending and by printing more money than the Gross National Product was producing has itself opted out of the consequences that the next generation will be asked to suf fer He explained that the num ber of older people in Canada will nearly double over the next 50 years Pension costs for them alone will be heavier and heavier burden on the working force Also with lower birth rate necessary in an over crowded world it may be finan cially impossible to keep the pensions and pay them at the same level we are today Isnt it bad sad com mentary on our present generation which is creating monster which is supposed to serve the public and may promise benefit that the next generation will never be able to pay Rynard doesnt appear par ticularly receptive to the idea of indexed pensions with in flation the reason Suppose that interest payments rents wages and capital were all indexed Do you know what would happen Inflation would completely destroy our entire financial system he stated Ilc wondered however if equality and fairness wouldnt demand that if any pensions for instance those of public service employees were indexed then all be indexed Several projects planned by Parks Board in Angus By BEVERLEY ANDREWS Examiner Correspondent The Angus Parks Board touched many bases at its meeting Feb 24 Chief topic was the drawing up of the 1977 budget The parks board has fair amount of projects it wishes to get underway which include finishing off the rink setting up tennis courts for the summer months and cleaning up area parks Liider discussion are the pros and cons of fence to prevent children from heading towards the river sign will be erected warning people of the dangers Mrs Jean Mount and Arnott Wilson will have access to the bmldings at the ommunity Park for groups or special events The parks boards next scheduled meeting is Thursday at 730 at Simcoe Street School The meeting is open to all area residents LL HISTORY Did you know that the village of Angus was named after Angus Morrison first MP for Simcoe or that Angus during the late 1800s had five hotels the Dominion House Bushs Hotel the Queens the Nor thern and Railroad Hotel Also in the village were five general stores four blacksmith shops wagon and carriage shop land agents office two tailor shops two photographers bake shop two farm implement agencies saddle and harness shop two liquor stores tinsmith cooperage shop drug store and flour and feed business FIREFIGHTERS Lady luck and vigilant residents combined to make January and the better part of February firefree in Angus Angus firefighters reported that the only calls made were for resucitations in that happy vote the firefighters WISll to commend all area residents for their ef forts to keep Angus free of fires and their cnsunig tragedies as dramatized by the lost suffered by the Itowcn family On lighter note the firefighters wish to thank all area residents and supporters who helped make the Sleigh Ride resounding success Turrent activitcs at the firehall include training sessions and discussions are underway for the upcoming Muscular Dystrophy campaign ARIINA Spring has sprun and so has the arenaat long last If somehow you have missed the news Essa Township presented proposal to the Angus District Lions Club Thursday evening outlining course ol action that barring any further complications should have Angus residents prancing and dancing on ice by the fall The township has authorized its legal adviser to settle the outstanding lawsuits which have created much gloom in this area The township will pay Somer heads Simcoe 4H Iom Somcr was elected president of the South Simcoe Agricultural Club at the clubs annual meeting March in Rosemont Other executive members elected were Alan Faris chairman lton Took chair man and Jim lirack chair man Organizational meetings have been planned for March 21 at the luntroon Hall in Not tawasaga township March 22 at the ookstown United Chur ch and March 24 at the Grange Hall in Bccton All meetings startathm The 4ll projects to be offered this year include field crops beef and dairy cattle swine sheep horse and pony and poultry Guests eaker PAIN WlffK George Pagowski staff member of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton will be the guest spwker at the Painswick lior ticultural Society this Ihursday at Warnica Public School Pagowski will speak on grow ing annuals from new and old seeds The intcling will start at 730 pm in resource ccntrc money due on the steel already erected The Lions voted to accept the responsibility to raise the necessary funds to complete the Arena SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Progress reports are on the agenda this week at Our Lady of Grace The reports were given out on Tuesday and parents are asked to review sign and return them Friday Parents wishing to discuss their childrens progress may call the school for an interview School closing is 313 Friday and classes resume Monday March 28 Markus Bussman who received the winners trophy at the CWL Public Speaking oii test held Feb 10 will represent Our Lady of Grace March 27 in Barrie at the WL regional con test If there are any children in the area who will be starting Kindergarten in September will their parents please con tact Mr Godin Principal of Our Lady of Grace for details Congratulations to all the pupils who raised $200 to assist the Third World countries ST PATRICKS DAY Now that the good weather is here why not take the kids and yourself out for stroll and head over to the True Blue iiall on King Street Members of the True lilue Hall are holding lea Bake and Rummage Sale from 130 to 430 Ihursday af teriiooii lNIIIClHIIIIHII oiifiriiiation classes are being held Wednesday evening at 730 for teenagers ongregatioti members please note that Sunday service is now field at to very active Sunday School under the direction of Mrs Joan tlgilvic is avalable for children FAMILY LIFE meeting for all interested arca parents was held last Ihursday evening at Simcoe Street School to introduce the Family Life cirriculuni recently approved by the Sim coc otiiity Board of Education lhc program which even tually will span from Km dergartcii to Grade 12 1S designed to help otir children effectively coiiiiiittiiicalc and deal with all aspects of life Each generation produces its own problems but throughout history mankind has not learnt to live with the most basit aspects of liftthemselves and others around them SIIIISIIttiI prcschool screening will held at Simcoe Street Schoo during the wmtcr break Marci 121231 Appointments can in made by calling the Simcot ounty licalth hit at 7209300 Xl 23ft The Emmanuel Bible ollegc horalc of Kitchener pre sented concert Sunday at Bible College presents concert Stayncr Missionary hurch From left are Norman Iirccthy member of the congregation Rev George Peck Minister Wisliart Bell conductor of the chorale and Dr Ross Bell also member of the congregation Ex aminer Photo Vinegar factory in Stayner is the largest in Canada ayonnaise pickles and kct chup couldnt get along without Reinhart Vinegars Ltd in Stayner The 67yearold factory on Highway 26 west in Stayner is the largest vinegar factory in Canada says Alvin Heinhart He should know it began in his family My father began custom cider mill in 1910 My brother Ben and took it over in 1919 We first produced vinegar in 1929 Reinhart now 79 said in an interview There have been some vast changes in equipment to con vert alcohol to acetic acid tviiiegari he said Just tremendous advancements As bov he remembers far mers bringing apples to the mill The apples were crushed and pressed The juice fer mented and turned to alcohol COUNTY GLIMPSES Holstein Club plans banquet The Simcoe tounty Ilolsleir ltib will hold banqtict and dance at the Legion Hall on St Vincent Street in liarric April The meal will be provided by arsons atcriiig and new band with good music has been hired The banquet will start at 31 11 followed by dancing at it Tickets are available frotii the directors of NW llolstcm Iub Meeting The North Simcoc Soil and saws orurn dill snug buy any 5128 ON EEN SUNDAE and gate second one for only Buy one and get second one for only Thursday Friday March 1718 Just Choose your lrinNlit topping And well pour it over our famous DAIRY QUEEN softsorve fora taste treat that can be found anywhere else So comm surprise friend with one or two during our Spoolal Offer At participating DAIRY QUEEN stores Offers Available At 103 Bradford St Barrie King Victoria Alliston HIQ uterml ititltiitirl iotiiitliii 1l1lvlll iii lmtt Jilltlt toiitttiltiiti rop Iiriprovcmcnt ASStxlitiltill will hold its second meeting on farm workshops March 29 at Regular to 1995 This alcohol was put through an upright generator which con verted it to acetic acid It was crude way to make it he said Things have changed He and his brother operated the factory until 1967 They then sold it to Thomas Large and Singer Wholesale Grocery Im porting Co His soninlaw Eldon Bell is general manager 1045 am at the lair Priest farm on Concession iii Vespra township The plant now produces more than two million gallons of vinegar year There are about 25 people em ployed fulltime at the factory he said They handle the bot tling labelling and delivering of the vinegar which requires the labor now he said White vinegar is made from alcohol brought in from distilleries The alcohol must be mixed in proper proportions of finished vinegar water and bacteria food Vinegar bacteria are live organisms which live on alcohol This converts the alcohol to acetic acid Once mixed it is run through the same generators he said county news Meetings planned for area 4Hers 4H Agricultural Clubs in North Simcoe will hold organizational meetings during the next few weeks The seven area clubs have chosen their projects for this year and hope to attract as many new and old members as possible to the meetings to get the projects underway Each spring 4H Clubs choose project connected with the agriculture industry and work on it until the following autumn with the help of an adult volunteer leader Members also participated in club tours 4H sports days 4H Judging and Evaluation Day Demonstration Competition achievement days at local fairs and the 4H Awards Banquet Each club elects its own executive and plans parents nights fair displays parade floats and general interest programs The meeting dates times and locations for area clubs are Elmvale 4H Beef Club OMAF boardroom Elmvale March 28 730 pm Elmvale 4II Tractor Club March 29 OMAF boardroom Elmvale 730 pm Minesing 4H Calf Club March 31 745 pm Edenvale Community Hall Elmvale 4H Dairy Club March 31 730 pm OMAF boardroom Elmvale Oro 4H Dairy and Beef Clubs April 14 815 pm Guthrie Public School Georgain 4H Field Crop March 21 730 pm OMAF boardroom Elm vale At Conference Five members of the North Simcoe Junior Farmers As sociation will attend the Annual Conference in Toronto March 18 19 and 20 The local delegates are Brian Simpson of Shanty Bay provincial director Margie Clute Ross Langman and Jim Baks all of Elmvale and Alber ta Simpson of Shanty Bay CORRECTION There is on error on of our Sears Days cir cular The curling Iron is not exactly as illustrated Plus Due to shipping difficulties the 28 Pullman on P2 is not available SEARS BARRIE Georgian Mall JACK FRASER offers smashing savings on famous maker slacks last choice of texturized polyester and double knit slacks carefree wrinkle resistant and in full spring colour range sized 30to 42 Regular to 2995 988 choice ofall wool flannel and fonrel and wool slacks that perform beautifully on every occasion Navy grey blues browns green rust sized 30 to 44 BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7263521 CHARGEX MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED 509 Bayfield North