Both the St Louis Blues and the Toronto Maple Leafs get itito the act as tlte two teams get ittto pile on with almost all of the members of both teams jumping on the pile Leafs Thomas the Maple Way tie goalie Jill is caught near the bottom tl Photo Wings extend winless run to nine games with 71 loss By lllF ll PRESS Detroit lied Wings are appar ently starting rebuilding pro gram but it could he long way back The Wings extended their current iitiless streak to nine games with TI loss 111 Van couvei on Iuesday night while Detroit radio station reported that Alex Delveeehio has been dumped as general manager to be replaced by former lied Wings star Ied Lindsay Lindsay would inherit tough Job With the Wings who are wrapping up their seventh eon seeutue season out of the Na tional Hockey League playoffs Iti other III games luesday night Toronto Maple Leafs beat St Louis Blues 41 Atlanta Flames deteated Pittsburgh Penguins Tit and tlevelatid Barons beat lashingtoii apt tats 371 The lied Wings scheduled news conference today appar ently to announce the switch of general managers which was reported luesday night by Ra dioStationWJlt Wings coach Larry Wilson following loss iii Toronto on Saturday hlatned past man agemetit for the teams SlllllL of failures Ill NllIS Mfil£llCNl It has become obvious as to what the prohletti is said th son When you miss the play otts tor six or seven years sottiethittg has to he wrong and that of course is our personnel tust dont have the bodies to do the job atid we havent beeti getting them in the form ot dratt picks atid trades during that period of time Alter Tuesdays loss Wilson said he hadnt heard of the re ported switch of general that tigers but added It this is so theti Lindsay know mg the pe of guy he is Will get the players Iwant Weve got to build good disciplined aggressiw tIllIi ind Ill tell you right no that this is the last time Detroit ill miss the playoffs tor long time After the Wings liad skated to their lltlt loss in their last lit games itli Don Lever and De rek Sanderson leading the ta ttueks iitlt goal and two as each Wilson also liad some harsh words for some ot ltisplayers IIierearetiveorstvgiiysoti this club that tune no business III the III They get up goal and start running around the tee like chickens with their heads cu Ill is soon the other team scores goal St Louis goalie Wayne lhottias stoppeditlshotstolead tlie Ieats Illllt Lanny Me Donalds tlst goal of tlieseasoti providedthewintiiiigitiargtn IIrii ail and Ioiii Iystik each scored twice and tlanta took fitt leadover Itttslilitgli in thetttst period Whitey IidittL 1eeke itvti Washington sists and Ittetit tleelatid over IltttL1tlllilllilIi tssisf earl We didt tlw Lintttt Fincups clinch first place with win over Peterboroagh Illli Dl PRESS St atharities Funups tlttt ched first place iii the Iltntns Division and first overall iii the Ontario lloekey xxï¬htltlilllttl Major Junior series Iuesday defeating Peterborougti lctes 51 iii the last of the regularly scheduled games Ieatiihile in the lllsl oi the playott series Windsor Spit tires low tied Kitchener IiiittgctstiIJ Ilavott élfllttll lfSUlIlCS Ihursday wtth Kitchener at Windsor In St atttarines the win gave the Fineups recurrer lttL 1113 points one more than Lott don Knights Ioronto Marlboros had to points iii the IttTWTt schedule St athatities scorers wet ltke Keating Iay Johnston T1111 oulis Dale Ieourt and itSetting EliTourts goal was his titith ot the seam and Seilitit tttllll Ittllt itt tot tteII spoiled Itll sens stitttoti hid Ili It Iett III tlii third period vlltll he knocked iii Iark lxittttiis teltiittttit St tattiarttit lif it rItIxi live it the tit st tinplaytitk it taietph it xta IllttiltttllliL LlJillttttt the siu tmiii lLttittts Iii vision playott tittween llitttiliitti tlnl tiiiid ttl stllt NOW on SAVE Equ ON Ski Hockey AT Your Sporls Specially Shop IPMENT tNORIHBARRlEyPlAZA BAYFIELDSTREET BARRIE 7263232 tonight because We didnt put up any resistance said Wash ttigtoii coach Tom Ie tt te played the team ItvI£llttlt five times this year and have lost livetitnes TO THESE Still leading in junior curing Lady Luck seems to favor BC rink WINNIPEG CP British Columbia remained undefeated Tuesday at the Canadian junior mens curling championships as lady luck seemed to be on the side of the foursome from North Vancouver Gary Smarts rink extended its streak to six games by edg ing Northern Ontario 76 and Quebec 74 We know the pressures go ing to keep building on us espe cially if we keep on winning but we havent really felt it yet said Smart 19 railway laborer Right behind BC with 51 records were Alberta and Prin ce Edward Island with Manitoba and Newfoundland dropping two games off the lead Paul Gowsell of Calgary who won the Canadian title two years ago and the world junior crown in 1976 in Scotland whip ped previously unbeaten Mani tooa 84 and Saskatchewan 101 in five ends Peter Jenkins of Charlotte town whose older brother Bill won the world junior last week won 65 over Newfoundland and 54 against Maniotba in an ex tra end Smart said the key game of the llround tournament would be Thursday night against Bob Sigurdson of Winnipeg Smart was fortunate to win in the fifth round against Greg Champions of world Jays down Reds 98 DUNEDIN Fla tCli When the dust had settled lues day and loronto lllue Jays had defeated inciniiati Reds tttt iii an 11iiining t2hit game Iays manager Roy llartsficld poin ted to the little things that had given his club the victory The most successful clubs start with the basic fundamen tal plays attd learn to execute them well he said Thats what we did today in several key situations iary Woods Doug Ault atid Dave IIiItoti were all credited llll sacrifices two of them leading directly to runs lo heat the world cham pions has certainly got to give its litt expeeially when nootte iii the world probably thought we could do it Yesterday we were chattr piotis of aiiatla mused llart stield referring to lorontos 32 tlllltlllttll victory Monday over Montreal Expos Today were ihattipiotisof the world PRICES FAMOUS EUROPANTS First baseman Ron Fairly led off the Toronto 11th by hitting reliever Ioe Hendersons first pitch to right for single Jays right fielder Sam Ewing then grounded to second baseman Joel Youngblood who at tempted to tag Fairly coming down the line But the Toronto veteran pulled up short and Youngblotxl then threw on to first too late to get Ewing WINNING RUN Steve Staggs then came in to run for Fairly at second llilton followed by pushing bunt down the third base line which third baseman Bob Bailey fielded Youngblood covering at first on the play couldnt handle his throw and Staggs raced home frotn second with the winning run Chuck llattenstein the tour th Toronto pitcher got credit for the win He worked the final three innings allowing no runs on three hits Henderson was tagged with the loss DESIGNER BRAND NAME GEORGIAN MALL Hwy 26 27 North Barrie 266231 Hiltons sacrifice capped nearperfect day for the Toron to third baseman one of three players yet to sign contract with the club He had four hits including double in four offi cial plate appearances The Reds had taken lead in the first inning as right fielder Ken Griffeys single brought home third baseman Pete Rose But the Blue Jays grabbed the lead iii the second on pair of unearned runs re sulting frotn dropped pop fly by shortstop Dave Concepcion Jays shortstop Bob Bailors dotiblc delivered the two runs IUIUAlNlIl LEAD iticiiinati regained the lead iii the third on pair of singles basesloaded walk off Toronto starter Bill Singer and sacri fice fly by catcher Bill Plum ttier Toronto tied it iii the bottom of the inning on Hiltons double and centre fielder Gary Woods runprixlucing single NEW FLAG The Barrie Examiner WednesdayLMarch 16 1977 ll Rietze of Capreol as Northern Ontario led 52 after five ends BC pulled even with two in the eighth Rietze got one in the ninth then missed both his shots in the last end as Smart counted two for the win without throwing his last rock Alain Guy of Trois Rivieres had chance to count two for Quebec in the 10th end against BC in the sixth round but he was heavy with his last shot and Smart stole one to win by three Alberta dropped Manitoba from the undefeated ranks in the fifth round as Gowsell coun ted two in the first end and never was headed Gowsell missed just one shot in nine en ds while Sigurdson missed five key shots think BC has been lucky so far Gowsell said Theyve won five times by just one point Rick Schneider of Kronau packed it in after five ends against Alberta as Saskatche wan was down 70 after three ends to slip to 24 record PEI edged Jeff Thomas of Newfoundland by scoring two in the lttth end against the St Johns rink and Jenkins made SAVE ON HORT SLEEVE 999 PAINTER PANTS clutch takeout in the extra end against Manitoba In other sixthround games Newfoundland downed Nova Scotia G3 to move into fourth place tie with Manitoba and drop Scott Saunders of Lunen burg to 24 Brian Derooy of On tario scored six in the ninth end as the Tilbury rink beat the Territories 133 and Northern Ontario got past Emery Rob idoux of New Brunswick $5 Also in the fifth round Sas katchewan downed Quebec 72 Nova Scotia edged Ontario 65 and Sonny Greenland of Inuvik won his first game for the Ter ritories 54 over Robidouxs Fredericton rink In the seventh round today Northern Ontario plays Quebec Ontario goes against New Bunswick Territories takes on Nova Scotia Saskat chewan met BC Newfoun dland plays Manitoba and Alberta meets PEI In the eighth round BC plays Ontario Quebec meets Nova Scotia Northern Ontario meets Alberta New Brunswick plays Newfoundland Territories meets PEI and Saskatachewan Manitoba plays Fashion to suit the Time Time to suit the fashion YOULL DANCE LANDLUBBER JEANS Fitst uoti SPORT SHIRTS TSHIRTS TSHIRTS 233238 city at 1W 03 57 INC Denim White PtewOShed denim tlttli iirz SuCtt first dm Look GREAT to 77m riijiwim 9m SPECIAL At 5° piced nr NS Regulottv $24 95 it ir 113 pi GREAT BUY AI SPECtAl At SPECIAt At REGULARLY $14 00 99 EACH tut ltat ttltv SRECIALAI 2FOR $25 ADAYS ONLY F09 $18