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sitcrosscanada WVv WWWVVVWiVWW www Milne is surprised The Market Place Wednesday March 16 1977 13 find controls favored by majority Member of Parliament for Peel Dufferin Simcoe Ross Milne MP said he was somewhat surprised that there have not been more strongly held views on the governments antiinflation program after series of meetings and discus sions with constituents The majority opinion was that the rogram is effective and that government should be in no hurry to remove con trols he said stating he would be glad to hear further input from interested groups with as boards of trade chambers of commerce labor unions con sumers or any others who have views on how the controls pro gram should be phased out NEED PROTECTION In referring to the controls program the member from Brampton commented It is my opinion that the exercise will not have been worthwhile if we immediately go right back to unacceptable high rates of inflation have been disap pointed that the groups de manding an immediate end to the program have not ac companied their demand with voluntary committment of restraint am sure the government would remove the controls much sooner if the larger com panies and labor groups would give their commitment that their price and wage demands would be in line with the growth of the economy and its ability to meet the demands am afraid Thornton club gettogether By FLORENCE IlII Friendship Club members Lucille Prentice and Bertha Cochrane will enter the Brad ford Senior Citizens Centre euchrc tournament April The Thornton Womens In stitute will meet at the home of Jean Black March 17 at 815 pm Visitors are welcome Sympathy is extended to Bruce umming and family on the death of umtiiings father Andrew who dd March at Royal Victoria Hospital in Bar rie The funeral was held March larencc Munro returned home March after spending six weeks at Itoyal Victoria Hospital in Itarric Bertha ochrance left Royal Victoria March after one week stay Mrs P2 Robertson and her son Donald Visited Mr and Mrs leorgc Holt and Angus and Sterling ampbcll March Install officers AltltlItIIA iStaftv Mrs William oomc has been in stalled as the new president of the II mpsh rcrArdtrea Womens Institute in this trillia township community with Mrs William Ayers and Mrs Jack Marshall presidents Mrs Harold McMillan secretary and Mrs Douglas ottrell treasurer Mrs Ilarold Langstaf was ap pointed district delegate more gtolnjltllltqip1l ROSS MILNE MI riding survey that not many groups are offer ing this commitment There seemed to be general support at the meetings for the idea that monitoring agency be established similar to the previous Food Prices Review Board to review large price and wage increases to see if they are justified The board would have not legal authority to rollback excessive de mands but would simply to the Whether its Bucket Barrel Thrift Box or Snak Pak you know your children are on to something thats really good for them And when you think about all the things they could be eating arent you glad they ask for Kentucky Fried Chicken analysis and report their fin dings and opinion to Canadians through reports and the media he explained The groups making the large price or wage demands would then have to contend with public opinion and reac tion he suggested The Feel Dufferin Simcoe riding member conceded there are many other options such as taking the controls off by size of company or to stagger it by having them come off at the end of current contrasts and fiscal years have some good resource material that would be pleas ed to send to anyone who is in terested in discussing this vital issue he said Both the government and myself would be pleased to have any input or ideas you may have on the sub ject Art Coles will speak at meeting in Vespra MIDHURST special World Development Service will be held in the United Church Sunday March 20 Vespra Horticultural Society is holding meeting at the Reforestry Lunchroom Mon day March 21 Art Coles of the Minesing Nursery will be the speaker Miss Dorothy Webster of Aurora spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Lorne Orser The UCW met at the home your children picku some good abits Colonel Sanders and his boys make it finger lickingood GROVEANDDUCKWORTH72657IO 3l$BAYEIELDST7267220 45ESSAROAD7262501 of Mr and Mrs Wright with good attendance Mr and Mrs Wayne Russell and children are holidaying in Florida Mr George Coutts is holiday ing in Florida with his daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Ross Hubert Mr and Mrs John Martinson are spending their holidays in Acapulco Mr Russell and Mr Clarence Brown are attending an agricultural conference in France We Know What Youre Doing The Examiner stays on top of all news and events in Simcoe County We have district editor district reporter and 40 correspondents keeping us informed of what youre doing year round If you are not regular mail subscriber heres your opportunit to read The Examiner for one month ab solutely free Subscribe today to The Examiner for months for only $1000 and we will give you fourth month free Thats less than lO an issue including postage Keep in Touch Read The Examiner Simcoe Countys leading Newspaper Complete this coupon today NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE Ploase start immediater my month mail subscription to The Examiner for only $1000 lhavo enclosed cheque or money order for $1000 THIS OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31 I917