LET USHELP 0VAL MIRRORS You Own Your Home Quality Hand Finished The Barrie Examiner Monday March 14 1977 DALEI2 FOR or WEDDING GIFTS THAT ARE SPECIAL Am Frames with Float 3315 MortIgEthe Manager Glass Mirror mmhmhmwfl 98 SILVERWARE PLUS FR FILM SALE 3377 100s of Gift Ideas WCTORAlandGREY SJOIIQO 06 Qhagemlielld TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 nggQOIIlICOd China 35 Dunlop St 7371411 BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE Bflyfleld Mople M9 72 Barrie 7262380 Bowie 7371319 Bayfield Mall 7373162 ANNOUNCEMENT WESTINGHOUSE COLOR PORTABLE DUTCH AUCTION REGULAR PRICE $4995 OREDUCES $200 DAY UNTIL SOLD OSHOWN IN THE DISPLAY WINDOW Is Hobbies 12 AT DARRIE TV APPLIANCES Ted Seddon President of Georgian Pontiac Buick Lid l5 pleased WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 0E TELEVISION to announce the appointment of Tom Finnis to the Dealership Sales ASK ABOUT ACCOUNT Stall Torn has been long term resident of Barrie and has achieved OF 8me HM 1E0 Senior status in the exclusive General Motors Salesmasters Club He 80 ST would be pleased to welcome and visit with all his customers friends and assumes Telephone 7283343 SelIIng Walnut Dunlap st 52 Dunlo St Barrie 0m MM 412 GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK GMCLTD SP 726832 I45 BRADFORD ST 7261885 Open till pm through the week till pm Friday Mediereagfeoi week inelairfare from Ibmnlo mm I977 RomeTangfier 11mm Rome 53 IsraeIIIurkey CanneMzIIorca Iimimtalmcretc Cretï¬MimarSicib Melon haneS Sicily Rhodes Naples Mykonos Rhodes GIbraItar bardInIa SICIly ykoms Athens Athens Full Days From grid 1m1064lflz Frum8 815 while they lash hilehflhm whilcthLyIasl Johnson Travel 114 Dunlap Barrie 7266525 ALSO AVAILABLE THROUGH OK JOHNSON TRAVEL ORILLIA 3256117 OR JOHNSON TRAVEL MIDLAND 5264201 EVERY WEDNESDAY AT Senior Citizens Shopping Day When you shop the businesses advertising on this page Examine this page carefully it LL could mean Great Savings to you ï¬tm Mile ii SAVE 25 The 99c Spaghetti Special Every Wednesday is known as Noodle Night at Mothers Enjoy one hearty helping of spaghctli smothered in Mother is own secret sauce And if youre still hungry your second helping is on the house The 99 Snaohetti Special Wednesday only from pm CARPET DRAPERIES For Shop At Home Service Call 7281991 likelivmg Carpet Wall To Wall or Area Size CASHIER WILL PAY You CASH REFUND Pun mrs SOFT SIDED VINYL LUGGAGE Custom Made Draperies sheers CIIASES UP r0 $4000 PR00E 0r AGE AND SENIGR INCA Reg SALE CITIZEN SOCIAL WELFARE CARD RE0UIRED as TEARS Come on home 14TOTElnotshownl 2995 2246 VISI 0U 09 AGE UP Am WELCOMES ALL SENIoR CITIzENs scr 233 223 19 Dunlop St 13 27PULLMANl heal 6995 5296 mPULLMANIvvMoI 7995 5996 Barrie 312 Bayfleld St Shop downtown we are 7372422 open till pm Friday nights Datsun BETTER VISIO the IlllrU umrepl 7104 DR 54w IW riii BARRIE LEATHERGOODS Bayfield Mall Barrie Quality 7265291 Service SUPER DISCOUNT FOOD MARTS LastChance Special SAVE AN INVENTORY OF THE MOST ELEGANTLY pizza Parmrg House DESIGNED FRAMES ARE KEPT IN STOCK AT ALL Penny Pinching Coupon °THE NO OBJECTIVE IS QUALITY AT THE x10 Colour Portraits LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE includes studio sitting foe Save 50 cents offlthe regular rice of any or 12 dice pizza with coupgnl Just prefer this Tthisspaclioussar gives yu Loom fol opRESCRIPflONS um lAdultls zggillsyotim mu any ers are or amiy an smoot rt you or Mogoerls boy when he demvers also doxepléas appreciate Youll also find 41 hwy lust one couponorder milisLo Tedeogogywsz on Your aSUNGlASSEs pOC OO To an $90 one today REPAIRS NOW 50C courou NOT VALID 0N FATHERS NIGHT SpecIALs 50C 3795 at man Whll Off Off 7V mmmï¬ $34 iMC9£ BETTER VISION ptlcal 72699 31271772233 St 549 Bayfield St 30 Dunlop St 1370641 7370254 STEINGARD STUDIO