Completes pilot training Lieut Robert Ken dall of Barrie recently com pleted pilot training at Number Two Canadian For ces Flying Training School Canadian Forces Base Moose Jaw Sask He was presented with his wings by Col Tate Base om mander CFB Moose Jaw Lieut Kendall joined the andian Armed Forces in October 1974 under the of ficer cadet training plan lie is graduate of Barrie Eastview Collegiate and has resources diploma from Seneca College Toronto Before joining the AF he was employed as pilot in Whitehorse YI Lieut Ken dall will be remaining at FB Moose Jaw for training as qualified flying instruc tor and tour of duty on the Tutor aircraft Building starts well ahead of 76 Building starts in Barrie in 1977 continue to run far ahead of 1976 levels according to February building permit statistics released this week by City Hall Number of permits issued for February was almost triple the number for the same month last year while value of con struction was more than 10 times the February 1976 figure In addition permits were issued for 19 new dwelling units compared to only two year ago The city issued 60 permits for $1589060 worth of construction in February In February 1976 22 permits were issued for work worth only $140250 February 1977 totals include THORNTON By MRS GEORGE HOLT Mr and Mrs Doug Mac Donald nee Mildred Elliott announced the arrival of their chosen son Douglas Scott on Feb in Coquitlam BC brother for Dana The grand parents are Mr and Mrs Wilson Elliott of RR Thom ton Seven Thornton residents at tended the Cookstown Womens Institute Euchre tournament Feb 22 Art Black was the high scorer for the men Mrs Wes Bertha Cochrane has been patient at Royal Vic toria Hospital since Feb 23 Thornton Womens Institute catered to the George and Florence Holt open house Feb 27 at Trinity United Church in honor of the couples 40th wed ding anniversary Tea pourers were Marjorie Scott and Joyce Richardson of Barrie Doris llolt of Water down and Joan Graham of Stayner Over 200 people attended the gathering coming from Water down Toronto Stouffville Stayner and Wasaga Beach Orval and Helen Carr spent few days at Munster and Brockville during the weekend of Feb 18 The couple attended granddaughter Leanne Tub mans second birthday celebra tion in Munster and visited brother Dr Charlie Carr and his wife Mrs Audrey Moore of Wasaga Beach acted as hostess for roast beef dinner for Mr and Mrs George Holt and im mediate family Feb 26 at the Lakeview Restaurant in honor of the couples 40th wedding an niversary Mrs Moore was bridesmaid at the Holt wedding in 1937 Following the dinner par ticipants spent social evening at the home of the grooms niece Joyce Mrs Bob Richar font The Friendship Club met Monday at St Judes Church school Mr and Mrs John Scott recently received belated plaque from Essa Township commemorating their golden weddinganniversary CROWN HILL By DIINSMOIIII Mr and Mrs Gordon Atkinv son and Mr and Mrs William Clark attended the funeral ser vices for their cousin Dave Cousins in Huntsville Mr anti Mrs William Drury and Mr and Mrs lloard Parr tridge took part in weeks agricultural tour of Cuba recently Mr and Mrs Gerald Kenny have returned to their frown Hill home after three weeks in Florida Mr and Mrs lloward Parr ridge spent the weekend in Toronto and attended Purina awards night Sheraton Hotel loronto WANT ADS PHONE 728 24 the at the $799500 in residential construe tion $532300 in the commercial category and $210060 under in dustrial Largest permits were one for $322500 addition to struc ture on the southwest corner of Hayfield and Sophia where small commercial development is planned and another worth $175000 for the new Burger King restaurant at Bayfield Mall During the first two months of the current year the city has issued 91 permits for 33035373 worth of construction inclu ding 35 new dwelling units Figures for the first two months of 1976 were 40 permits $760071 worth of construction and only two new dwelling units The Market Place Wednesday March I977 l9 Downtown board hopes to standardize hours The Downtown Improvement Board is organizing drive to standardize downtown Barries hodgepodge of retail store hours strong recommendation to downtown merchants on store hours is likely at general meeting this spring board chairman Garry McCluskey said Thursday The board has no authority to enforce store hours The board plans to survey downtown merchants to find out what hours they would like to see observed and whether they will cooperate on uniform hours think whats goin on now is disastrous Al Ross Stephens board member and himself downtown merchant told the board Thursday He said stores which close at 530 pm Friday which he call ed traditional shopping night are telling shoppers we dont want your business Ive had people come in the store and say Im not going to come down here any morehalf the stores are clos ed he said Board secretary Bob Hol lywood said the drive should be combined with promotional ef forts aimed at encouraging Fridaynight shopping Information chairman Mike Benvenuti is to prepare ques tionnaire for approval at the boards next meeting March 17 Take it to the leader Let Singer put your sewing machine in its best working order with Our 7Point TuneUp Program Our experts will Adjust balance tensions Adjust fabric handling mechanism DeIint threading mechanism Visit or Call us today Adjust belt tension Inspect wiring Lubricate machine Inspect lubricate motor 1195 Also available at all SINGER CENTERS FREE inatore repair estimates on all makes of Sewing Machines SINGER Consult the yellow pages at your dlfeClOf Ior the address of the Singer Sewrng Centre nearest you BRING YOUR FRIENDS BRING YOUR CASE COME FOR THE FIRST TIME ITS OUR FIRST ANNUAL ANY CASE IN THE PLACE Plus Deposit Thats right Folks 2410 oz just about 86 each or 1230 oz Bottles just about 16° each of Great Tasting Soft Drinks or Mixes You Mix or Match from 14 Favourite Flavours Diets Too Any Way You Wish But Please Drop In Early Because at This Low Low Price its First Come First Served While Supplies Last LIMIT TWO CASES PER FAMILY THIS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY It Wont Be Hard to Find Just Look For the Lot With All the Cars and Smiling Faces CANADAS SOFT DRINK SUPERMARKET 534 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE ®l flag we Iumims Lauri mum min Di Iuf shown OH opposite Sears SIDE BACON FEET EVERYOA LO PRIES ARE Ow OR LOWER THAN OTHER FOOD STORE ADVERTISED PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE We Do CH CK STEAK ROAST 68$ SIRLOIN OR TOP ROUND oSRTEAK ROAST 89$ RUMP BONELESS EYE BONE IN SIRLOINOB 29 LB GRADE BEEF ROUND BONE SHOULDER ROAST OWBOY STEAK CROSS RIB ROAST 78$ CHICKEN BREASIS GRADE FRESH KNIFE CUT NO BACKS 99$ BREAD 24 OZ LOAF 292E llMlT LOAVES EXTRA BREAD 33 EA POTATOES ï¬tti° 84¢ CELERY 59¢ BANANAS JUMBO 24s none 23 SHORT RIB ROAST BLADE OUT GRADE BEEF 595 STEAKS TBONE WING PORTERHOUSE MINUTE BONElESS SIRLOIN TIP COMPARE BRANDED BEEF BRANDED BEEF EVERY WEDNESDAY AT AM Senior Citilens ShOpping Day CASHIER WILL PAY YOU CASH REFUND ON PURCHASES UP TO $4000 PROOF OF AGE AND SENIOR CITIZEN SOCIAL WELFARE CARD REQUIRED 65 YEARS AGE UP AM WELCOMES ALL SENIOR CITIZENS CANADAS FINEST SWIFT EVERSWEET OR EMPIRE VAC 99$ GERMAN STYLE SAUERKRAUT 59$ PICKLED PIGS LB 37 COFFEE IO 01 JAR MAX HOUSE FROZEN FOODS Pepperidge Forms New 01 Layer Cake Plus send in $100 offer Your End Cost 39 PEAS OR FRENCH FRIES LB BAG MILK PART SKIM °o PITCHER PAK FRESH SPINACH IO 01 POLY OR NESCAFE Plus 00 of InStore Features at Discount Savmgs SPECIALS EFFECTIVE 00O MARCH 9I INCLUSIVE 5105 HOURS AN 03 was zozoezozozo 09903 Monday to Saturday 55 95 run to lo pm 0000 9000 lt vt 42454 900 vw 9002 BARRIE 4IEuaRd °° 5m 0994 9060 0000 Mondayto ay OOOO 995 am to pan °°° 9°° 000 90 V8 Wereservetlierighnohmn 599 °° $93 3030339 to avora famil needs 126683l may to 223 0090 v03 v0 an