rMarket PlaceV ediiesday March 977 hGraln dview Ford files bankruptcy Grandview Ford Sales Ltd of Barrie filed bankruptcy Thur sday The Examiner has learned The dealership was closed today and telephones are out of service The future of the business is not expected to be decided un til after meeting of creditors probably to be held in three to four weeks Meanwhile spokesman for Ford of auada said all war ranties will be honored at any authorized Ford or Mercury dealership The spokesman said the company intends to reestablish Ford dealership in Barrie but it is too early to say whether it will be at the same upper Baytield Street location NEW STORE HOURS MON TUES 97 WED THURS FRI 99 SATURDAYS 98 SUNDAY 107 CUT FROMCANADA GRADE BEEF CROSS RIB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF PRIME RIB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF County museum wing renovated MIDIItHSI Staftt Good progress has been made in an extensive renovation of the Victorian wing at Simcoe County museum with completion of the work due shortly The project was made possible for Local Initiatives grant from the federal government It is the latest ofa series of improvements made at the museum in recent years Visitors to the museum during the past month have shown much interest in the art exhibit In the ultural Wing It was collection of pastels and ink drawings by two young artists frotii the IiIItti area arol Bonni and Riad Nichols Both are pupils of Jose Salas of trillia The collection included portraits landscapes and animal portraits with over to pictures altogether The exhibit will continue to be in the museum until the end of March The two central glass cases in the ultural Wing contains the Mary lotten Smith collection This was donated to the museum several years ago by Miss Ada Smith of loronto This was shown two years ago and many asked that it be made available again The collection includes beautiful liiiiese material from the past broiizes porcelains eiiibroideries scrolls and other pieces It was brought to tanada early in the century by Mary Totten Smith missionary to hina under the auspices of Collier Street Church She died in tétltt after enduring many hardships during violent era of upheaval in hinas history The Siincoe toniitj Historical Association will meet in the tultural Wing on Tuesday evening March with Dr Peter Storcli assistant curator of the Royal tntario Museum the speaker llis topic HlI be rchawlogy in Sinicoe oun ty He has done much archaeological work in the county most recently in tlielliston area CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BLADE ROASTS 62 BLADE BONE REMOVED Cut from Canada Grade Boat SHORT RIB ROAST 62$ BLADE BONE REMOVED PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK RIBLETS 58 EXTRA LEAN MEATY CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BRAISING RIBS 58$ EXTRA LEAN MEATY Municipal system does work Cooye Ontarios municipal slysteiii FROM CANADA GRAD IA ntlllt GIBLETS CENTRE CUT LOIN PORK CHOPS $1 38 FRESH ONTARIO PORK BEEF PATTIES FRESH FROIEN FAMILY PAK QUARTER LOIN PORK CHOPS $i FRESH ONTARIO PORK FREEZER SPECIALS INCLUDE CUTTING WRAPPING 69 23 79 °° CANADA GRADE RED BRAND CANADA GRADE RED BRAND CANADA GRADE RED BRAND lb 01 PKG SLICED works says ioriiier mayor les oi tkt Speaking at Thursday nights simiiiar on local LHHIllllittlt Cooke said the systiiia dating back to the tibia Municipal ct hal ia usetiil Leliicle municipal act tittts leave something to bedisirid he told an éltltIItilii ot it in city halls council chambers but it has been accepted liIl speaks well tor it The act which established the county andtownshipsysttiii in place of district tilltitlI was the result ot ttlltUIlts oi local government dewlopintnt says John lbarcrott Bearcrott history teacher Ii Eastv It Secondary boot and another ittitllst it tho seminar says term used in present toiiiis ot local govern ment date back centuries When England was ruled Anglo tiiis he said iIlt heads shirts were inllt its important to ltttIlA how reeves and those ot hon old the institution of local dreds were recyes llIui zlotiiiiiieiitissaysltearcrolt Theft ring charges one free one to trial EIAIVAIJI tliarges ol tttltltItmttifttiillitI theft against oneotsix IIlinvale llie other tour in the case men arrested in ttttilittllttii liiepltadedguilty with snowmobile tliett rnii ltaniel Leonard Dwinnell 18 were dropped Friday in proiin has been sentenced to lit cialcriniinalcoiirt nionths probation Anthony Richard iarj Edwards 2t litliael laiivelle lit to three had said he intended to plead niontli iii put and Paul Edi guilty when IIHILH lohn Auto wards 20 to It nioiitlis proba told him to speak to thitj tioii JitlltI Eugene IllIt£lll counsel itt lltittISltl Charges weretliendioiiped The six lated it charges of date for trial was set toi tliilt tteinpted theft and another man charged in con possession of stolen property ncction with the NHL in lii IIIl1 tll says machines days court valued at total Uf$lttlttlt were David liowatt lt II be in takeninthellliiivaIiaria BRISKET POINT 98f BONELESS WASTE FREE Has ookr lieds are replaced today by townships Iltil are still head ed ti lttts The term shirt ieexi IlfttI been altered to slitriit litsaid OUR OWN FRONTS OF BEEF SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS MINI DELI NEW FREEDOM SANITARY FEMININE NAPKINS Piicoriz CHAIN PRICE II9 SAVE 30 SCHNEIDERS RED HOT WIENERS KLEENEX PLY PKG OF 200s FACIAL TISSUES 49 CHAIN PRICE 67 SAVE I8 DELSEY ROLL PLY JIOILET TISSUE 79 CHAIN PRICE II9 SAVE 40 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE PAPER TOWELS PKG 0F ROLLS Hobart couple are moving CHAIN PRICE ii9 SAVE 40 By HHS Ill II ltlt Moving stciiis to be the order HOBART Mr and Mrs Itl ol the day Mr and Mrs ald Stephenson have piiriha til Rhodes have tlitted from the stucctHoviriil I111tllt North Spanish style modular home to Bay and are gradually getting the larger house around the some of their possessions niox bend next to Mr and Mrs ed there lliey plan to tlltlt man laylors home In the theirnew lioinieailj lllltllI meantime the interior oi the Mr Stephenson will he retii Spaniin house is being treated ing by June trip to the Wtt to lresli coat ot paint prior to is in the ottinit tor theni lti thi It occuimncy by the owners near future when the plan to Mr and Mrs Steve Traiie of visit their son lhty will he lllnivalin who are scheduledto missed by IIHII neighluns and HHtVtlliItJ it shortly KRAFT LB PKG PARKAY MARGARINE AYLMER PECTIN RASRBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM GOLD SEAL OZ FLAKED LIGHT TUNA GREEN GIANT BROWN BEANS IN MOLASSES OR BROWN SUGAR friends of the area but all good wishes are extended to them in thefuturi Hoyd Miller has been con valesiiiig at his home lollowing an earlier stay in hospital dinWC CHAIN PRICE 75 SAVE I6 99 chain price 133 SAVE 34 995 CHAIN PRICE 139 SAVE 40 I4 FL OZ TINS this ad wdl save you1592nttthe 05 of insulating your ottit Willi usIIquu Iibre tor the month OI Mutth IIIIY mm BABY scon 30 OR 24 MON RCH CAKE 99 Btittl9 PP tl MIXES CHAIN PRICE 239 SAVE 40 9914 PRICE229 SAVE 30 CHAIN PRICE45SAVE35 AYLMER BIIiItlES REG PRICE 299 SAVE 50 oz Discount CALL TODAY NNISFIL NSULATION Present IIIIS ed at time Ime estimate PURINA 01 TINS CATt root CHAIN PRICE 272s 3s PURINA 4415 MONARCH901 MIX 94 25 tittttrr249 SAVE ovm $100 CHAIN PRICE 49 smur REG PRICE 3295