The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 1977 The Archbishop of Canter bury Dr Donald Coggan takes sclose look at the costume of Papua New gt lead in the study socie women were asked to something Qj When Mennonites give reactions ms TO Bo mum Gospel is good news By DOROTHY KILBLRN Joyce Landorfs book The Fragrance of Beauty has been chosen as study book for our Womens Missionary Society It is ter rific book and was thrilled to be asked to In this day and age it is good to concentrate on the beautiful and not allow our minds to be bogged down with the ugliness of our mod At tHe first session of the book study several give an account of beautiful which they had seen in the life of another woman One young woman paid tribute to her motherinlaw commen ding her for the fact that she never interfered and was most helpful in several ways Another told of beautiful habit in the life of farm woman who stopped to pray when her husband took their animals to market asking that he would not ask top dollar for them problems arose on the farm she walked into nearby bush to pray about them God prospered them and blessed them Taking close look Guinea tribesman in the countys highland region over the weekend The church tribesman is face The apostle Paul said Whatsoever things are true honest just pure lovely think on these things The human mind is not geared to concen trate on the beautiful it is geared to But by an act of will we can establish ought habits that concentrate on the beautiful And what can be more beautiful than the gospel the good news the love story bet ween God and man God commended His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners hrist died for Romansfiï¬ Many things about us were offensive to hrist but He loved us in spite of them And that is the way in which He continues to love us today realization of this truth opens for us beautiful peace of heart which enables us to enjoy the beautiful things of this life Another told of beautiful expression which came over missionarys face when she expounded scripture This missionary despite the fact that some of her children were born mute served God with glowing warden at newly built Anglican church nearby AP Photo on recent visit to Vietnam EDITORS NOTE Earlier this winter small delegation of North American Mennonites visited Vietnam In this story Harold lantz of Winnipeg editor of the Men nonite Brethren Herald and member of the delegation tells of what they saw and heard in Vietnam Written for CP By HAROLD IANTZ On the plane taking an Amer ican and Canadian Mennonite delegation of three into Viet nam in early January there also was delegation of the Asia Development Bank The bankers were returning to Viet nam for the first time since the war their coming signifying that the present government of Vietnam had agreed to pick up the obligations left by the for mer regime tiny but curious scenario developed when the two delega tions came off the plane in Hanoi The North American Mennonites were met at the air port by members of the Viet namese American Solidarity Committee and greeted with bouquets There were no flow ers for theAsians The distinction may mean lit tle but two weeks of travel and encounters by the Mennonites in Vietnam gave them the im pression of country de termined to define socialism on its own terms and eager for relationships with Western countries The Mennonite delegation consisted of two former Men nonite mission and relief work OBITUARY RAYMOND BUBEI Raymond Bubel of Huntsville father of Raymond Bubel and Mary Beth Symonds of Barrie died Saturday in Florida where he was winter resident He was 57 Mr Bubel an Alberta native served 32 years in the Royal Canadian Air Force retiring as lieutenant colonel He is survived by his wife Thelma two sons Raymond of Barrie and William of Hunt sville two daughters Bonnie Anne Bennetts of North Bay and Mary Beth Symonds of Barrie and two grandchildren Also surviving are four brothers and three sisters Services were to be held to day in Huntsville ers in Vietnam Americans lJon Senscnig and Max Ediger and the writer Sensenig speaks Vietnamese fluently NOTHARDLINERS While Vietnam is politically aligned with the Communist bloc practically it is giving sig nals that it is anxious to restore diplomatic relations with the Western powers especially the United States and join the United Nations And in various ways it is suggesting that it isnt bent on hardlining om munist course On all the planes the delegav tion flew on in Vietnam despite the presence of Russians or East Germans the announce ments were in Vietnamese and English Even in the Hanoi air port they overheard Russian woman asking for directions met with the response from young attendant Im sorry speak English member of the Peoples Committee of Hanoi who ac companied the Mennonites told them the four most popular for eign languages studied by stu dents from the fifth grade on are English 30 per cent Rus sian 30 French 2025 and Chinese 15 NATIVES FRIENDLY On the streets Vietnamese often guessed the three Men nonites must be Russians or Cu bans but when they were told the Mennonites were Americans and Canadian the response was almost always friendly and never hostile Vietnamese told their guests that they have no reason to hate American people Their struggle was against the Fren ch and American im perialists meaning the gover nment and the military and their puppet regime in South Vietnam and not against the people The Vietnamese style of so ciaiism filtered through in many ways Despite 20 years of Communist government in the north free enterprise survives Even the government official who travelled with the Men nonites throu out their time in Vietnam sair that for certain food he went to the private stalls in the Hanoi market It may cost more he said but it tastes better Many others seemed to be making the same choice be cause the section with private stalls was obviously busier than the stateowned and collective sections Many small shops in lianois streets are privately owned On visit to collective farm the farm director said it had 800 pigs produced collec tively and an equal number raised privately farmer has the choice whether he will enter collective or stay out and may even pull out after he has joined though the government has created strong pressures through access to equipment fertilizer and marketing to move farming toward collec tivization Nevertheless five per cent of the land is per manently set aside even on col lectives for private cultivation Organized religion in Viet nam may also be doing better than many predicted it might at the end of the conflict in April 1975 While the Christian church clearly is under pressure from the government Christians might have expected much worse The militant op position to religion visibly present in some Communist countries does not appear to be present in Vietnam Christmas still is big celev bration throughout Vietnam which once had strong Roman Catholic presence and several Christians told the Mennonites they had received food and sup plies from the authorities at Christmas so they could enjoy truly solemn celebration Catholics who had 500 chur ches destroyed or damaged in the north durin the war and evangelicals an Buddhists all reported they had received gov ernment aid for rebuilding war damaged churches or pagodas since then Churches also continue to conduct youth activities and classes During visit to the lianoi Catholic Cathedral many children were seen and choir of children and adults sang with beaut in the midst of hard ando ten drablifc Catholic priest V0 Thanh Irinh represents Can Tho con stituency south of Saigon in the National Assembly one of about dozen Christians in the Assembly He told the Men nonites that religious belief is no obstacle to entrance into schools or public offices The issue of treatment of for mer supporters of the socalled puppet regime in Saigon con tinues to be major concern to Vietnam watchers Few solid clues have emerged IOUSC st Big John coming to Barrie Gospel singer Big John Hall Texas native noted for his bass voice will appear at Barries HiWay Pentecostal Church friday at pm Three Barrie churches have weekday Lenten services plan ned for next week Each begins at 1230 with lunch served before and after Tuesday at Collier Street United Rev John Howard will give the second in series of sermons on the apostle Peter At Central United Rev Emerson Knowles will preach at service Thursday and Christina Jay and Rosemary Quinn will sing duet Rev Woolley Anglican rector for Stayner and Wasaga Beach will preach Friday at Trinity Anglican Church Church must become force for unity TORONTO CP Canadas churches must become forces for national reconciliation the principal of Wycliffe College University of Toronto told re cent meeting of clergymen from several local churches Reginald Stackhouse told seminar sponsored by the To ronto School of Theology that our churches have not a0 lively contributed to national division but they have passively accepted our mutual isolation into twosolitudes Recovering our oneness as country from coast to coast is too important challenge to be left to governments alone he said It should become peoples cause and the churches can be major motivating forces in arousing people to see that Plan protest LINCOLN Ont CI Don nie Petsche president of the lo cal Catholic Womens League says her 85member group is organizing protest against the Miss Nude World Pageant scheduled to be held in this community in June Mrs Petsche said many people do not know about the pageant adding that there hasnt been much in the news papers but know of lot of groups that will protest when they realize whats going on She said the group has sent letter of protest to Lincoln council members Mayor Fred McKenzie said the letter was the first written objection that council had re ceived guess well have to deal with them as they come in Mrs Petsche referring to town bylaw passed in 1974 to prevent rock music festivals says banning rock festivals but allowing nude pageants is by pocritical have two teenagers and its hard enough com municating with young people Mrs Petsche said This is double standard and wecantallowit She says nude beauty festi vals should be restricted to nud ist resorts Lincoln is just west of St Catharines Nothing says man superior PETERBOROUGH nt CPI newsletter entitled Marriage and Family says the Bible con tains many sexist references because Jewish society during the first century regarded women sexual objects John Harrington who is also marriage counsellor said during recent lecture series at the citys Sir Sandford Fleming College that he has run into lot of male chauvinists who use historical sources in cluding the Bible to prove the superiority of men Harrington added that nothing in the story of creation contained in Genesis says man is superior to woman The term man he said is used in the Old Testament in the generic sense ofmankind The story of mankind does not reclude the possibility that Go first created woman that is woman as member of the species mankind he added No neutrality VANCOUVER CF Ger man theologian arrested by the Nazi government in 1943 for an alleged attempt on Adolf Hit lers life says Christians must physically resist totalitarian governments rather than re main neutral Eberhard Bethgc former as sistant to Dietrich Bonhoeffer leader of the German Protes tant resistance movement to Hitler criticized those who say let the church be the church and the state be the state Bethge who now teaches at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City was speaking at the University of British Co umbia One month TORONTO CPI The num ber of Pentecostal congrega tions in Quebec have doubled during the last two years says George Grosshans an official of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada We have virtually opened church month in French speaking Quebec in the past tWo years Grosshans said in statment ff The publisher of wvrrï¬mwvwVV unit UNITED RENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Christian School 49 Forrio lono Sunday School 1000 om Morning Worship 00 Everyone Welcome For further information 7282353 Pootor ll Mortin The Churches on this page CHRISTIAN SCIENCE COLLIERSTREETCHURWCH therin aces 112 COLLIER ST NEAR CITY HALL SOCIETY 99 159 COLLIER STREET BARRIE for WW CHURCH SERVICE those concerned dY SUNIRITYJEEUOOL about The Worship Moooogo ll TESTIMONY MEETING SUFFERING Second Wed each month pm ReadinggRoom open Tues Thurs24 pms Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 726602 Spiritual Needs of Our Community Please attend the Church of Your Choice 730 Evoryono invitod to Sorvico of Singing Guests THE NORTH WIND Tuoo 12 Noon Lonton Prooching Sorvico PETER FROM FISHERMAN TO FISHER OF MEN You Are Welcome to All Services HEALING HANDS If YOU SAVE ON Poroon from Hunger You Work Miroclo BURTON AVTNuT UNITED CIIuRCII 37 Burton Avonuo Allondolo GRACE lGrovo St East at Cook St Minister Rev Arthur Storov 1100 um COMPASSION SUNDAY BARRIE FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoo Avnnn s1 soufl Matfling worship Rev Paul Morrow Minister Tho Now Io In 945 mm The Church at Study mum Ofï¬ciant 00 om The Church at WOTSIIIP and mom In Complain Moooogo Film tho Now Rovoolod MORNING WORSHIP Thou AM 1100 om Full Childrens Church Program ChurchSohool 50mm 730 pm Evening Sorvico mil The Church and urnsn or orumos rvnn szggmz Corporate Society REV PISTOI 220 Steel Street Barrie For Church School and MP Nuroer Core REV EARL GRIGG Dir of Christian Ed In 12 1100 Tho Friendly Fellowship EVERYONE IS WELCOME SoodoySchool Rev John Klein Pastor Central United Church FAITH ROSS AND TORONTO STREETS I28 ST Vincont ST MINISTERS 229 Crawford St Barrie Rev Donald Joy BA BD Rev Everitt Ashton BA BD INVITES YOU TO CELEBRATION Sunday March 6th is special missionary day Join us for the following services 945 om Sunday School for the whole family llXom 0F WORSHIP 935 AM Morning Worship 1030 We School for all so 92333 The Seven Last Words of Christ 1100 AM Wednesday 800 Series Morning worship SolVic Christian Growth Hour Thursday Noon 1230 1250 pm Meditation 100 Rev Wayne Domm7268750 ENE DAYS BEFORE EASTER Secretory 7285614 Lunch at I2 Noon and PM Ev°nlng Funny SWVI Mrs Florence Downing snugnAy mag 12 Rev and Mrs Jock Bart and family missionaries to Friendly w°1c°m° AT ot Argentina are on furlough and Will be WIth us for Is the entire day Come and bring your friends 7283017 930 400 pm Exciting for The Whole Family 950 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 AM WORSHIP Rev Frank Wuest 1077 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF WITH 1977 TIRST BAPTIST GREAT WATER BAPTISMAL apperton ors ey MINISTER Rev Roy Waldock PM SERVICE HIWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH NW ll cg f2 1030 AM FAMILY WORSHIP THE WAY OF SERVICE GUEST PREACHER REV DAVID PHILLIPS MW mummy mo pm St Andrew Westmmster Essa Road FAMIL 1113 Presbyterian Church ch Presbyterian Church res erton UIC rog Owen andWorsley Sts no see near Puge 59 E550 Rd Mmser Minister Poul Mills Burm Ave Rev Samuel Stewart lo 00 Minister MAMDiv dJB MORNING WORSHIP 9V LTFMDJ °°d Guest Organist Mrs Kathy Tutty Nursery Provided orgonmz Mrs Vera Diamond II AM woRSIIIr $33 Tho Socromont of It at Church shout Tho Lords Suppor tor alleges 945 mm Wednesday 8311 hard sdmol BIble Study and Prayer omh in In czrgllhoo Everyone Welcome Church School during tho oorvico to ChristCentred Ministry Jr Doportmont 930 om AI WoIcomo WHERE WE STAND Here are few words that help describe our church Friendly growing coring loving olive soulwinning aggressive fundamental Bible believing separated character building Theres much more to our church Not all churches are the some AI VIoitoIo Wolcomo TRINITY CHURCH Rov John Spears Rector ST GILES CHURCH 95 Cook St Barrie ST GEORGES SERVICES Canon Nolnby Assiston 1000 om Sunday School gm Bunch and Granville ST THOMAS Id am Holy Communion 9m SHANTY BAY 100 pm Evening Sorvico 1030 km WEDNESDAY atom EUCIIARIST EUCHARST 0V CW 91 730 Midwoolt Sorvico SERMON ma Children Church Evmozzidgmmo 830 am HOLY COMMUNION gaming asaptrgt Mra7€fif OLYEUCHARST °33f1jfl° Simcoe Countys Fastest Growing Church Thu mom CY 323 ï¬le Ave Fri Noon Hour 1230 pm ST THOMAS Hm Barrie 0m Hm Swim Inf OOH We 1090 am MURNINli PRAYER Londloonoot12ond1pln Rev Kayo BA NUISGW