The Barrie Examiner Wednesday March l977 23 flA i77h CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CROSS RIB ROASTS 78 CHECK OUR TRIM CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CROSS RIB STEAKS 78 CHECK OUR TRIM FRESH NEVER FROZEN MEDIUM GROUND BEEF Pickets removed Pickets lay down to block en after cutting off further deal lB trance of Griffin Steel ings with striking anadian Foundries Ltd in Winnipeg Association Industrial were removed by police Mon Mechanical and Allied lay as company reopened WorkersIWirephotol FORMERlY GROUND CHUCK Staff numbers CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF SWIFTS lAZY MAPLE BEEF lIVER 58¢ FRESH NOT FROZEN CANADA GRADE lARGE FRYING CHICKENS 2TO3 lB FRESH NEVER EROZEN ERONTsOE BEEF 69¢ CANADA GRADE RED BRAND CHAPMANS ICE CREAM STEW BEEF 78¢ lEAN MEATY Brisket Point 98 BONElESS WASTE FREE CANADA GRADE fA EXTRA lARGE ROASTING CHICKENS AVERAGE l3 FRESH NEVER FROZEN 79 CANADA GRADE RED BRAND 99 CANADA GRADE RED BRAND TOASTMASTER CRUSTY SlICED WHITE BREAD BACON 11 PACKAGE SAWCUT BACKS ON CHICKEN lEGS OR BREASTS FRESH NEVER FROZEN PRIME RIB ROAST II MANNING CHOCOlATE CHIP PRIME RIB STEAKS at peak in RVH Royal Victoria Hospital has apparently reached capacity in medical manpower for its ac tualsize At Mondays board of trus tees meeting approval was given management commit tee recommendation for policy on medical manpower it stated that since the pre sent medici anpoer needs of the Royal ctoria Hospitals normal ca hment area are be ing met rding to all avail able criter therefore applica tions for staff membership will in future be related to the ap propriate criteria of popula tion requirements and to the physical faclities of the hospital at such time Mrs Ethel lifton vice chairman of the management committee said the resolution was response to the actual satisfactory ratio of staff to beds at the hospital With the hospital at its pre sent size no major addition to staff is contemplated at pre sent she expiainec There will be four equipment additions however for which Vii can thank the auxiliar Mrs Gerry Morton president of the RV auxiliary told the trustees Monday that the aux iliary is committed to the pun chase of four pieces of equip ment with total value of 324000 during 1977 The items chosen from list submitted by the ad ministrator are monitor defibrillatorvwriter 185000 Lutaesthetic machine $5000 oixwatingaoom table $8000 and galroscopc $110th Committee report two votes off defeat ity councils main item of business the general commit tee report came within two votes of defeat Monday when five aldermen voted against the iiiitem report because of disagreements with specific items The report was the product of nearly five hours work week ago Aldermen Janice liaking Alex Arthur Bill Knolwes lord Mills and Fred ltuemper voted against the report Aid Laking told council she could not support the report because it contained recom mendations to extend liakts shore Drive to Mulcaster Street this year and to require the management board of the former ollierStrect fireball to pay for building permit for restoration of the building as Annexation cityiowned cultural centre Aid Arthur listed the same two reasons plus recommen dation to spend up 11131000 on study for the citys roposed report ill ro iownship The other three aldermen voted without comment but gave their reasons in inte during break in the meeting Aid Knowles said he voted against the report because it contained recommendation that council support an anti pornography drive being coir ducted by the Hastings Prince Edward Roman tatholic Sep arate School Board Aid Mills listed the liakeshore extension the fireball permit liltI the airport study as his reasons for oppos ing the committee report while Aid ltuenipcr cited the LaktL shoreextension talks move rejected by council An attempt by two Barrie aldermen to stop annexation talks between Barrie and in nisfil lownship was shot down by city council Monday Council defeated by vote of 112 motion by Aid Alex Ar thur and Aid Fred ltuemper to delete from general commit tee report recommendation that councils city development committee continue discussions with lnnisfil council The committee met Feb 17 with the township council to discuss the annexation dispute Aid Arthur alid Aid ltuemper told council they believe the Ontario Mun Board should be allowed to tie this annexation question now that the boards hearing is underway Aid Arthur said after two years of attempts at negotia tion between the city and the township we found we were hitting our head against brick wall and went to the MB to decide the issue want that decision he said Were involved in litigation and we should act in the man ner Aid ltuemper said Friend You Can Trust If you drive small car you know how difficult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Dotson Small cars are our business and well do the iob correctly the Iirst time Just call us and say you re looking for friend 549 Boytield St 7370254