Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 22 Dec 1927, p. 1

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I-XX THE COLBORNE EXPRES: CONCERT& PLAY Under the Auspices of Trinity Church Opera House, Colborne Monday, January 2nd, 1928 PROGRAM: Part 1--Concert Tableau..................Canada 1867--1927 Songs..................Mr. V. G. Cornwell Sword, Toe, Tambourene and Highland Dances-- Misses Jean Givens and Marjorie Yerrow, Belleville Duets, Solos, Comic Sketches and Other Attractions Part 2--Play "My Lord in Livery" CAST OF CHARACTERS: Lord Thirlmere (H.M.S. Phlegethon) . . . . H. A. Free Spiggott (an old family butler) . . . . A. G. Cracknell Hopkins (a footman)............Arthur Turpin Robert (a page)..............Walter Bestwick Sybil Amberley (daughter of Sir George Amberley) Miss Eleanor Strong Laura ) „ . , . ( Mrs. S. E. Turpin Rose }<herfnends) •••••• | Mrs. J. F. Wolfraim TURPINS' ORCHESTRA Violin, Piano, Saxophone and Drums "GOD SAVE THE KING" Admission 35c and 25c. Plan at Griffis' Drug Store Doors open at 7.30--Concert at 8.15 sharp Dance after the entertainment--Admission 25c each [chief jamieson made aP^---- quick capture of bu^jjRSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1927 $2 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. ,-fiitcd Martin Cartwright, a natt ■ i although looking older, was % on the Provincial Highway abojLAR r.iiles west of Colborne about Saturday morning, after he ha< B into the cash register at the Biffe; Hotel and also into Mrs. meat shop. Messrs. Harold Bellamy ai burn, boarders, came in short midnight and noticed a man ju: L the counter in the barroom a: 'tl! the light was turned off. They a few moments thinking i someone belonging to the when no one appeared the; stairs and called Col. ' Mr. P. A. Thompson, time one watched from As Mr. Thompson was down the stairs the man went front door, and was seen goiml and ward. Chief Jamieson was therf and started a search on the h,igj 'Mr. Thorburn, driving „_ C. Alyea's taxi, recognized?! walking on the highway a|*f turned and notified the &4mm in Mr. Bellamy's car had coiraways-roads north and east. Then 9d in lamy drove Chief Jamieson ai man P. A. Thompson after the soon overtook him. The manl| who them for a ride. The Chief out and called him to come j Bel-When he got to the car the J Mr. poked a revolver under his no| and. commanded him to stick up his piled ~le was slow in complying, buttPPeci he gun went off over his htfieng. stuck 'em up quick. While thepnief covered him, Mr. Thompson sel and the fellow for firearms, but hfends. . He was ordered into tjfahen ..... drven back to Colborne. 1} he prompt action of Messrs. Befbief Thorburn and Thompson in washed he fellow's movements and noi had the Chief was responsible fcf car uick apprehension of the fella The In the meantime it was disciamy' that Mrs. Martin's meat shop hi , g been broken into and some ?y'"g change which the manager, Mt.i Craig had left in the till was mf • From the Brunswick register 15.00 in change and some pi tamps were missing. The chai. stamps were found on Cart when he was searched. Early in the evening Cat ad registered at the Bi bright--gerow 3 and ( !.';ht i Of I velvet. The small hat of gold riched with mole, and her w also of mole. Mrs. Gerow wore a black satin dress, with touches of gold her black hat. Mrs. F. S. Mallory wore a frock of sand georgette, fashioned in pleated skirt, and shoulder bouquet of French Flowers. Miss Mattie Wright wore a frock of blue, with matching hat and coat. Emma Wright wore a French costume of black, with Fox trimmings. The briie and ^room are spending their uoilevmoon in Atlantic City, and on their return will reside at 25 Park Row. Mr. Justice Wright is on the bench of the Ontario Supreme Court and was formerly a member of a well known Owen Sound law firm. Mr. Justice Masten is temporarily taking over the duties of Mr. Justice Wright. McMURRAY--KIRK A quiet wedding was solemnized on Thursday, December 15th, 1927, at the Manse, Colborne, by the Rev. A. A. Smith, when Annie Kirk, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs! Henry Kirk of Lakeport, was united in marriage to Capt. J. Earl McMurray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMurray of Grafton. The bride was attended by her sister. Nellie Kirk, while Capt. Walter Kirk, brother of the bride, supported the groom. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for Western pofnts. They will reside in St. Catharines, Ontario. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS, AND THANKING YOU FOR YOUR LIBERAL PATRONAGE. On Friday and Saturday, Dec. 23 and 24, we are simply going to give away goods THAT ARE USEFUL TO EVERYBODY With 10 lb of Coffee @ 50c lb we will give you 1 Aluminum Percolator Free of Charge With 10 lb of black or green tea @ 50c tb we give 1 Nickle Tea Pot Free of Charge With 40 cakes of Lux Toilet Soap for $3.00 we give 1 Large Blue Granite Double Boiler Free of Charge With 10 cans of Classic Cleanser for $1.00 we give 1 Granite Wash Basin Free of Charge With 101b of Pearl White Tapioca for $1.00 1 Granite Pudding Dish Free of Charge With every Five Dollar order of general groceries 1 Large Galvanized Pail Free of Charge THESE ARE REAL XMAS GIFTS Mixed Nuts, per lb...................20 Xmas Mixed Candies, per lb.............15 Special Cream Candies, per lb...........25 Fancy Boxes of Chocolates Fancy Grapes, per lb.................20 Fancy Package of Raisins, per pkg..........35 Xmas Packages of Cigars Sun-Kist Oranges, up from.............40 These Prices are for Cash Only These prices hold good until 12 o'colck on Saturday night, December 24th, 1927. Get our prices on everything -- We sell for less C. M. Allen & Son Grocery Brokers and Hardware Dealers Phone 1-50 King Street Cslborne room, but had not slerc Taken to Cobo«rg gaol, hi brought back to Colborne Wedn morning and appeared before Floyd, Police Magistn guilty to the charges. Sentenc i postponed for ten days to Crown Attorney Kerr time to enquiries about him elsewhere. colborne masonic lodge officers-elect for 1928 At the regular meeting of Colborne Dodge, No. 91, A.F. & A.M., held Friday evening. December 16th, 1927, offer 1928 were elected as fol- D. W. Ives ......W.M A. G. Backus ......S.W. A. G. Cracknell----J.W. W. G. Robertson . .I.P.M. J. T. Gordon ......Sec' A.G.Williughby ^Treas. rj--rjTw MeT'jra Ch-o _ ' H. S. Keyes . . .'. Auditoi ' W. F. Griffis ----Auditor emonies of Installation and 3 will be held on St. John' member 27th, 1927, when th > officers will be appointee PERSONAL Mr. Percy H. Richards of Broad-acres, Sask., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Sarah Richards, Castleton. Capt. Bruce Peebles of the steamer "City of Toronto" is home, the boat having been put into winter quarters. Miss Frances L. Payne of Detroit is here to spend Christmas with her parents, W. D. Payne, K.C., and Mrs. Payne, at the Brunswick. iMr. Ralph Redfearn, 2nd mate, and Mr: Bruce Moore, of the steamer "Saskatoon," arrived home .this week. The boat was laid up at Windsor. Santa Claus has accepted our invitation and will be at the store of W. A. Seed, Colborne, from 3 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 24th, 1927. All are invited to come and meet him. Mrs. W. W. Rose and son, Claude, are spending a week at Fort Erie with her daughter, Miss Isobel Rose, who will be coming home with them for Christmas school holidays. His Honour Judge McGlade, has been granted six months' leave of absence owing to poor health. Ex-Judge H. A. Ward, K.C., of Port Hope has been appointed to act as Counties' Judge during Judge McGlade's ab- A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Capt. Harry Kirk, Lakeport, on Tuesday, December 13, 1:127. when about sixty friends gathered in honour of his sister, Miss ie Kirf, a bride-to-be. She was „„ recipient of a large number of useful and handsome gifts, testifying o the. high esteem in which she was ield by the community. A very pleas-nt evening was spent, after which efreshments were served. The best vishes of a large circle of friends follow her to her new home. NO "EXPRESS" NEXT WEEK Following our long established custom, The Express will not be issued last week of December, so there will be no paper between Christmas and New Year. This issue closes the 61st volume of The Express, and the editor wishes to express his deep appreciation to patrons and friends for the continued liberal support extended to the newspaper and to our job printing depart-To our correspondents throughout the County the editor wishes to express sincere thanks for the splendid budgets of news furnished so regularly, and which we know are appreciated by readers at home and abroad. Wishing one and all a very Merry Christmas and Joy and Prosperity in the New Year. h. s. keyes. colborne curling club The annual meeting of Colborne Curling Club was held Monday evening with a good attendance. The following officers were elected for 1927-28. President--J. F. Wilson. Vice Pres.--C. M. Finkle. Sec.-Treas.--J. A. Corbyn. we take the risk, unless Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis is a success treating your Sore Throat, 'Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough, Head Colds. Catarrh, "nd Diseased Clean up prices on men's overcoats a; Hawkins', Colborne--$15.00 and $13.50. COMING EVENTS Raad Mr. Cornwell's big Christmas announcement on page 8. A Christmas Tree and Entertainment will be held in Salem Church, on Friday evening, December 23, 1927, beginning at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Salem Sunday School^ Admission: adults 25c, children free 'ome everybody and have a good time nth Santa Claus and the children. entertainment will be repeated monday, jan. 2nd, 1928J By popular request, the Concert and play, "My Lord in Livery," will b' repeated in Victoria Opera HouSj Colborne, Monday evening, Jan 2nf 1928. The concert part will be slight! changed, so that any who attended tf tertainment and wish to come agfl will not see nor hear exactly P e things. A dance will be f afterwards. Watch for furtherJ nouncement. Tickets purchased^ lot used on Nov. 28th, will be ho^ d on Jan 2nd. CARD OF THANKS p and Mrs. S. C. Peebles and Donald wish to thank their neighbours md friends for their help and kind-jess at the time of their fire and after; als.-----wish them a Merrv Chri«tma = lite GUttm at the Jewellery Store Cuff Links..... 3 00 to Si 10 00 00 to 8 00 00 to 10 00 Watch Chains. . . . 3 00 to 10 00 10 00 to 25 00 Tie Pins ...... 1 00 to 20 00 Military Brushes . . 3 00 to 7 00 Fountain Pens . . 2 50 to 5 00 Tie Clips..... 1 00 to 3 00 Cigarette Cases . . 3 00 to 6 50 Eversharp Pencils 1 00 to 5 00 Masonic Emblems 1 00 and up Gifts for Ladies Gold Necklaces Gold Umbrella Manicure Setts Rings ...... Ivory Lamps . . Bar Pins . . Signet Rings . . Waterman's Pe Ivory Pieces . . Gifts for the Family Silver Pudding Dishes Silver Tea Setts Carving Setts Cut Glass Water Setts Chest of Silver Mantle Clocks Don't Forget Your Eyes-^We Fit All Kinds »f Eye Glases and Spectacles All Goods Purchased This Week Engraved FREE. Store Open Evenings. By paying a small deposit any article will be laid away until Xmas. 5 00 to $25 00 5 00 to 25 00 5 00 to 10 00 3 00 and up 5 00 to 100 00 ).00 and up 1 00 to 3 00 6 50 and up 1 00 to 25 00 2 50 and up 2 50 and up 50 and up King Street H. J. MAYHEW JEWELLER and OPTOMETRIST MacGregoi--On Wiednesday, December 7th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacGregor, Linlithgow, Haldimand Township, a son. MARRIAGES Outram--Daley--At Port Hope on Saturday, December 17th, 1927, by the father of the bride, Mary Muriel, eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James T. Daley, to Alfred Allan, son of Mr. iini Mrs. Alfred Outram. McMurray-Kirk--At the Manse, Colborne, on Thursday, December 15th, 1927, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirk, to Captain Earl Mc-Mur-ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMurray, all of Lakeport. The Rev A. A. Smith officiating. __ DEATHS Reycraft--In Haldimand on Fridav, December 15th, 1927, John George Rey-craft, in his 73rd year. Interment at Stone's Cemetery. ;mp--In Colborn*, Tuesday. Dec. 20th, 1927, Innogene P. Forward, relict of the late Joseph A. Kemp, in her .Slst year. Funeral services on Fridav, Dec. 23rd, at 11.30 a.m.. at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Fred Wilson; thence to C.N.R. train leaving Colborne at 12.27 p.m. Burial from Danforth station, Toronto, on arrival C.15 p.m. train, to Mount Pleasant IN MEMORIAM Chapman--In .loving, memory, of Frank J. Chapman, who passed away on December 21st, 1926. "But oh for the touch of a vanished And the sound of a voice that is still!" --Wife and Family. Black--In loving memory of Henry J. Black, who passed away on Christmas day, 1923. We shall meet him some bright morning Resting by the waters fair; He is waiting for our coming In the upper garden there. Sadly missed by Wife and Family. AUCTION SALES --by-- S. e. robinson Thursday, Dec. 22nd, 1927, at 1 p.m.-- Farm stock and implements, hay, grain, etc., of John and Duncan iMartin, part lots 21 and 22, Con. 2, Haldimand Township, 2Vi miles north of Grafton. No reserve as farm is sold. Usual terms with 10 months' credit. Grain cash. Saturday, Dec. 24th, 1927, at 1.30 pjn. --Household effects, of Robt. Bland jr., consisting of stoves, tables, chairs, bedroom suites, toilet setts, carpets, dishes-, cooking utensils, etc. St or near Victoria Park, Colborne. Usual terms with 4 months' credit.

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