Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 8 Dec 1927, p. 1

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olbortu THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1927 $2 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. A largely attended meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Trinity Church, Col-borne, was held on Thursday afternoon, December 1st, 1927, at the Parish Hall, where the proceeds of the Talents were handed in by all the members. To the surprise of everyone the amounts returned totalled the large sum of over $550.00. The officers and members of the Ladies' Aid wish to thank the old friends living at a distance for the generous contributions received, showing their continued interest in the affairs of Trinity Church. WHAT THE DR. SAID. Tonsils are diseased, MUST operate, Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis was applied, Tonsils healed and the operation cancelled. Try it, good results guaranteed or your money back. GOULD'S DRUG STORE, Colborne. Clean up prices on men's overcoats at Hawkins', Colborne--$15.00 and $13.50. GOOD NEWS FOR MEN Good news for men who are wanting □ real good tailor made suit! Fashion Craft Clothes expert will be at Hawkins' store, Colborne, Thursday, Dec. 1Eth, 1927, with all the new cloths and models--suits and overcoats--for who want real good clothing. He will offer extra good values in blue serges. This is a high quality line, but as Hawkins runs his business on a small expense, he can sell you the famous Fashion Craft make at prices you pay for just ordinary lines. It will pay you to look over the values, Thursday, December 15th, 1927, at Hawkins' si ore, Colborne. 75 TURKEYS STOLEN A flock of 75 fine turkeys, all just about ready for the market, were stolen from the premises of Mrs. W. O. Bundy, north-east of Salem, last Monday night. NOTICE TO GROWERS OF CANNING FACTORY CROPS The Annual Meeting of the Local Branch of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association will be held in the U. F. O. HALL, COLBORNE -on- Saturday, Dec. 10th, 1927 commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp In addition to the transaction of important business in the interests of the growers, Professor A. H. Mac-Lennan, of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will deliver an address. This is a meeting which all growers should attend You are cordially invited to be present whether you are a member of the Association or not. W. J. DOWNING, Presdent. WALTER H. SMITH, Secretary. Xmas Shopping Made Easy at This Store WE SAVE YOU MONEY AND LEAD IN PRICES OUR XMAS STOCK IS NOW FULL AND COMPLETE New Stock Dates................2ft .19 New Stock Seedless Raisins..........2ft .25 New Stock Orange and Lemon Peel, per It) . . .25 Specal Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, ready cut, per lb...................30 Shredded Cocoanut, per lb.............20 Shelled Walnuts, per lb...............50 Shelled Almonds, per lb.................60 Our Own Brand Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin . . .20 Fancy Blue Rose Rice......Our Price 3ft .25 Fancy Pearl White Tapioca .... Our Price 3ft .25 English Breakfast Cocoa, 16 oz. tin.......25 Choice Cooking Figs..............2ft .25 Fancy Table Figs................2ft .35 Cranberries................ .. 2ft .45 Best Quality Mince Meat.............2ft .35 Jelly Powders DeLux............5 pkgs. .25 Mixed Nuts, per lb...................20 Fancy Mixed Candies per lb......Special .15 Choice Cream Candies, per Tb......... . .25 Our Prices on Flour-- Maple Leaf, per cwt.............4.50 Five Crowns, per cwt.............4.50 Snow Drift, per cwt.............4.50 P*rity, per cwt................. 4.25 Get our prices on St. Lawrence and Redpath Sugar-- We can Save You Money Get our prices on everything -- We sell for less C. M. Allen & Son Grocery Brokers and Hardware Dealers esse 1<0 Mr'tig Street Col ONE OF THE PRIZE WINNERS Lux Soap Window Dressing Contest C. M. Allen & Son, Colborne, were winners of one of the prizes in the window dressing contest put on the manufacturers of Lux Sbap, cently. The large supply of Lux Soap used in their display is now being sold bargain prices by C. M. Allen & Si Call and get a bargain in soap. iklnid The weather ovei typical of winter--the winter tiat yet to come. On Saturday the dropped as low as 13 degrees and went still lower on Sunday \rhen it cropped to the lowest point ithat it ias ever dropped this season When it reached six degrees above the zero Over 1,800 acres of flue-cured to-icco lands in Norfolk County were cently purchased by Montreal and Toronto capitalists. I WIND DEMORALIZES THE ELECTRIC SERVICES The Colborne electric light and : of c during the early hours of this, Thursday morning, when tile 40-mile wind struck this section, by falling trees breaking down poles and vires. The worst break was caused by a tree falling on Church Street West, where high tension wire Mr. G. R. Keys, the manager, men out early and it took them until about 4.30 this afternoon to restore the inside services. The street service will not be in shape until to-morrow. The work was made difficult by the heavy wind which continued throughout the day. As the running of our linotype and esses is dependent on the electric service, The Express is a day late. Big Fur Display and Sale We have made arra: igements for a big Fur Display a id Sale with The Canada Fur Manufacturing Co., Toront« ■ Leaders for Values ii Fur Coats YOU SAVE IROM 20% to 25% V. G. C0RIWELL Triplets, two girls and a boy, were born to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Washburn, Owen Sound. They average 4 pounds ch and they and their mother are progressing satisfactorily. Fowler Block COLRORN£_PERSONAL Mr. John Cooper of Toronto ling on friends here one day last week Reeve Sam D. Dudley is attending Counties' Council in Cobourg (M!rs. R. H. Judd, Wicklow, has been ill for a few days. All hope for her speedy recovery. Rev. H. B. Kenny of Consecon spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wait, Wicklow. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Findlay and Miss Daley (Port Hope) and Miss Bertha Wait are visiting friends at Carleton Place and Ottawa. Mrs. A. G. Willoughby, William A. and Miss Helen Louise Willoughby motored to Bowmanville and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dus-tan. Mr. Milton McDonald, C. E., who has been an inspector on Provincial Highways construction in Western Ontario, has returned home for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Brown have returned home, after spending two weeks at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R. G. Little, and son, Mr. M. Brown, Toronto. I Mayor W. A. Praser was the guest of honour at a banquet given by the business men and others of Trenton on St. Andrew's night. Ex-Mayor W. H. Ireland, M.P.P., was chairman, and about 150 citizens of the Town present. Dorothy Reed, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reed, who recently was operated on for appendicitis at Belleville General Hospital, was able to return home last Saturday, with her n;other, who has been with her at Belleville during her stay in the Hospital. COMING EVENTS Regular meeting of Colborne Council next Monday evening, Dec. 12th, 1927. The Colborne High School Literary Society will hold their annual concert in the New Town Hall, Colborne, on Wednesday evening, December 21st, 1927. Keep this date open. Further announcement later. 42- COLBORNE P. S. CONCERT A bright and entertaining program nj musical drills, Xmas dialogues, recitations, piano duets, etc., will be presented by the pupils of the Colborne Public School in the Opera House, Colborne, on Wednesday even-' ig, Dec. 14th, 1927, at 8 o'clock. The public are invited to attend and enjoy a real treat. Admission 25 cents. Capt. Walter Kirk returned home st week after a successful season i Captain of the steamers "Jolly Inez" and "Donald Stewart." Capt. Kirk was transferred to the steamer "Donald Stewart" two weeks previous the disaster to the "Jolly Inez," when she was wrecked on Lake Huron. Many happy returns to W. L. Payne, K.C., who to-day celebrates his 80th birthday anniversary. Mr. Payne is the senior living ex-Reeve of Colborne, the senior ex-Wiarden of Northumberland and Durham, and probably ior practicing lawyer in On- SALE DATE-- 'Saturd'y,DeclO :o. jiaving: grad^-*^ i~ M.s fro- ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE REPEATED MONDAY, JAN. 2nd, 1928 By popular request, the Concert and play, "My Lord in Livery," will be repeated in Victoria Opera House, Colborne, Monday evening. Jan 2nd, 1928. The concert part will be slightly changed, so that any who attended the .tertainment and wish to come again will not see nor hear exactly the same things. A dance will be held afterwards. Watch for further announcement. Tickets purchased but not used on Nov. 28th, will be honoured on Jan 2nd. CHURCH NOTES BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. H. Coles, Pastor. Sunday, December 11th, 1927. Capt. Tom Best of Toronto will preach at all services. Come and hear this talented speaker. He is promin-tly associated in Y.M.C.A., military and athletic activities. 11.00 a.m.--Wicklow. 3.00 p.m.--Eddystone. 7.00 p.m.--Colborne. CARD OF THANKS_ The daughters of the late Mrs. B. Lacey wish to express their heartfelt appreciation and thanks for the kindness of friends and neighbours during mother's illness, and for sympathy extended in our bereavement; also for flowers. JBw Gift at the Jewellery Store Gifts for Men Cuff Links......$ 1.00 to $10.00 Umbrellas...... 3.00 to 8.00 Signet Rings .... 3 . 00 to 10. 00 Watch Chains. . .. 3 . 00 to 10.00 Watches.. ..... 10.00 to 25.00 Tie Pins...... 1. 00 to 20 . 00 Military Brushes . . 3 . 00 to 7.00 Fountain Pens . . 2.50 to 5.00 Tie Clips...... 1.00 to 3.00 Cigarette Cases . . 3 . 00 to 6 .50 Eversharp Pencils 1. 00 to 5.00 Masonic Emblems 1.00 and up Gifts for Ladies String of Pearls. . $ 5 . 00 to $25 . 00 Gold Necklaces .. 5.00 to 25.00 Gold Umbrella .. 5.00 to 10.00 Manicure Setts . . 3.00 and up Rings........ 5.00 to 100.00 Bracelet Watches 10.00 and up Ear Rings...... 1.00 to 3.00 Ivory Lamps . . . . 6.50 and up Bar Pins...... 1.00 to 25.00 Signet Rings . . . . 2.50 and up Waterman's Pens 2.50 and up Ivory Pieces.....50 and up Gifts for the Family Silver Pudding Dishes Silver Tea Setts Carving Setts Cut Glass Water Setts Chest of Silver Mantle Clocks Don't Forget Your Eyes--We Fit All Kinds of Eye Glases and Spectacles All Goods Purchased This Week Engraved FREE. Store Open Evenings. By paying a small deposit any article will be laid away until Xmas. H. J. MAYHFW AUCTION SALES --by-S. E. ROBINSON Saturday, December 10th, 1927, at 1 p.m.--The valuable household furniture and effects belonging to the A. Peebles willne sold on tne premises, Percy Street, Colborne. Usual terms. The house and lot will also be offered, subject to a reserved bid; terms made known at time of sale. Tuesday, December 13th, 1927, at 1 p.m sharp--Farm stock and implements, poultry, cedar posts, household effects, etc., of Mrs. Donald McKenzie, Lot 18, Con. 3, Haldi-mand Township. Usual terms, with 10 months' credit. BIRTHS Taylor--In Haldimand Township, on Wednesday, November 30th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Taylor, a ___MARRIAGES Buggj-Somerville--At the Rectory, Colborne, by the Rev. Thos. M:<;Kim, M. A., on Wednesday, Dec. 7th, 1927, I uella. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Somerville. Morganston, to William C. Bugg, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bugg, of Colborne. Oliver-Merney--At the Parsonage, Hilton, Ontario, on Saturday, December 3rd, 1927, by the Rev. W. H. Clarke. Mr. William Henry Oliver of Cramahe Township, to Mrs. Blanche Merney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Barrett of Edville, Cramahe Township. Bryson-jBradley -- At the Baptist Parsonage, Colborne, by the Rev. L H. Coles, on Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 1927, Mary D.-dta Bradley (daughter of the late Charles Bradley | of Grafton, and Mr. James Harvey Bryson of Grafton, (son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brvson of Kendal.) Harnden-Grasjerce-- On Saturday afternoon. Dec. 3rd, 1927, at Trinity Church parsonage, Cobourg, a quiet redding was solemnized, when Vera Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Grosjene, Colborne, was united in marriage with Ziba, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harnden, Colborne. Rev. W. R. Tanton officiating. Mrs. James Cvosjene attended the bride and James Grosjene acted as groomsman. Mr. and Mts. Harnden will reside in Colborne. DEATHS Black--In Warkworth, on Sunday, December 4th, 1927, Samuel Black, in his 95th year. Interment in Warkworth Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM Gaffield--In loving remembrance of Bartlett P. Gaffield, who fell asleep in Jesus, on Wednesday, December 8th, 1926. "God giveth His beloved sleep."-- Well may we say these words, for we know that father who has passed On is an Angel of the Lord's. Dearest father, we do miss thee; In the evening's soft twilight We often think of father As we sit alone at night. Sadly missed by his two daughters.

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