Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 11 Aug 1927, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1927 Page Five ONTARIO Help to Weed Out THE INCOMPETENT MOTOR DRIVERS NO matter how cautious you are in the handling of your car, the safety of yourself and your passengers is dependent largely on the other drivers on the road. To prevent incompetent persons endangering your family and yourself, each driver in Ontario, not already licensed as a chauffeur, must possess a Motor Vehicle Operator's License. Secure your application form today. You can get it from any garage or issuer of motor car licenses in the Province. The fee for a License is SI. Traffic Patrol Officers may call for the production of " Operator's Licenses both on city streets and country highways. If you cannot produce your License you will be subject to a penalty under The Highways Traffic Act. New drivers, and .those suffering from physical disability, have the opportunity to pass an examination by Inspectors of the Department. These Inspectors aft located at convenient points throughout the Province. Your garage will tell you of the one nearest to you. The examination fee is SI. Ontario Operator's Licenses are recognized in every Province and every State. Wherever Operator's Licenses are required, an Ontario Operator's License is necessary for everyone in charge of an Ontario car. Do not attempt to t*ave the Province without your Motor Vehicle Operator's A satisfactory re of support by the great majority of motorists has been accorded the Department in m past efforts to maintain the safety of the highways. The higher speefl limit and an abnormal increase in traffic now render this additional measure necessary. The Department therefore sincerely hopes you will indicate yOOr support of safe highway travel by securing your Operator's License without delay. Ontario Department of Highways The Hon. GEORGE S. HENRY, Minister I Conduct Your Affairs with Dignity ASTANDARD Bank savings account lends dignity to the transactions of the depositor. It identifies him with an organization that is known and respected in the community, and establishes a contract which is invaluable should he at any time desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Standard Bank Savings Account. It will help you to develop your financial resources as nothing else can, and enable you to conduct ycur personal financial affairs with dignity. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA COLBORNE BRANCH--C. A. Bryans, Manager Branches al»o at Brighton, Castleton, Cobourg, Grafton banking) FIFTY | YEARS ! Service and Satisfaction in OUR GROCERIES We aim to make this Grocery a better one--a more desirable source of supply--an efficient aid to thrifty housewives. We aim for perfection in all details-- quality, prices, service and better foods for you. Phone your orders. W. H. EDWARDS East Side Victoria Square New SPRING Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the'Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Division Street If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads DUNDONALD Dundonald is still a favorite spot for summer guests. Mrs. J. P. Dunnett has rented her place to Mr. Jack Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Downs, Wooler, lately visited relatives at "Orchard Farm." Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chapman and three children,Brighton, lately visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. L. Broomfield and four children, Castleton, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Broomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy and Miss Helen Dunnett attended the Shiloh S. S. picnic at Percy Boom on Saturday. Mrs. Davidson and son, Howard, of Campbellford, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman and Mrs. P. Chap-Mrs. R. Broomfield is visiting at the home of her son, Mr M. Broomfield. Mrs. Kenneth Mutton was able to enjoy a car ride on Tuesday. The neighbours are glad to see her out Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton and Mrs. Kerr of Trenton recently called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutton, "The Home-Miss M. Parker of Baltimore and Miss Marie Moore of Colborne have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parker. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Clarke and children have returnee: to Toronto, after a week's visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Brighton, and Mr and Mrs. A. Wait, Sharon, 3 recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mrs. J. P. Dunnett has disposed of her house-hold effects and will "' with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Clarke (Carrie), Toronto. Mrs. Trottman, mother of Mr. J. Trottman, and Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner, Rochester, N.Y., are guests at Mr. Herbert McDonald's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tuck have returned from a delightful motor trip to Ottawa, via Smiths Palls. Besides seeing the sights of the Capital, they ttended the Poultry Congress. Mr. . nd Mrs. Tuck, though somewhat tired, very much enjoyed their holiday. The Mutton family reunion was largely attended on Wednesday, Aug. 3rd, 1927, at Little Lake, where members from Grand Rapids, Mich., Toronto, New Toronto, Bowmanville, Cambray, Colborne, Brighton, Trenton, Wooler, Hilton, Shiloh and Dundonald spent the day very happily together. Of the 130 present the larger number i descendants of William Mutton, came from England 95 years ago and settled in what is called the English Settlement, Cramahe, later named Shiloh, and the remaining number i descended from John Mutton, who also came from England, 69 years go, and settled in Dundonald, Cramahe. The Muttons are among our most prominent, industrious and intelligent citizens. SHILOH Miss Evelyn Clark is the guest ?r cousin. Miss Marjorie Mutton. Miss Mary Mutton and Master Bruce Mutton of Bowmanville are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sykes, Ottawa, ere recent guests at the home of Mr. a.id Mrs. W. A. Philp. ~":. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton and May spent Sunday with friends north of Campbellford, at a picnic. The annual picnic of the Shiloh Sunday School was held last Saturday at Percy Boom, and all report a splendid time. Mrs. Mabel Vanslyke, Mr. James Vanslyke, and Leslie and Rosie Van-lyke sipent Sunday with friends at Consecon. EDDYSTONE Mrs. Carr left for her home on Friday. Mrs. Andrew Harnden and sons spent Sunday at Dartford. Mrs. Cecil May and children spent Sunday with Mr. Asa Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blakley and Ray spent Sunday with Mr. C. Howard. Mrs. Stanley Joice has returned home, after spending a few days at Port Hope. Mrs. C. Turk has returned home, fter spending a week with her son ti Rochester. Mr. B. Tapscott and sister, and Miss Oliva Joice have returned home, after spending a week at their summer resort at Fehelon Falls. Mr. Stanley Joice had a narrow escape last week, when the hay fell off the fork and knocking him down ss the tongue of thi king one of his ribs COBOURG Mr. George Harper of Ceiitrelon. 10 was operated on for appendicitis the Cobourg General Hospital several weeks ago, is progressing favorably. The custom duties for the port of Cobourg for the month of July amount-" to $33,025, a decrease from the le month last year, when they runted to $36,939.82. fhile fishing at Rice Lake last Saturday morning Mr. Robert Yule caught a 26-pound lunge that measured more than four feet in length. The big fish put up a great argument before he as hauled into the boat. On Saturday last word was received here that Mr. C. A. Jacques, of Montreal, had died at his summer home at the seaside. Mr. Jacques was married to Miss Bella Field, of Cobourg, who predeceased him about ten years ago. On Saturday afternoon the infant daughter of Lieut, and Mrs. Thos. W. Cousans. of Cornwall, was christened in St. Peter's church, a guard of honour of officers at the camp forming an arch of swords outside the church, the baptismal party passing through this. Lieut, and Mrs. Cousans are former residents of Cobourg, he being sergeant in the provincial polii force. Standing room at the Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand commadates 8,000. CASTLETON Mr. Donald Miller spent the past week at his home. Mr. Donald Purdy is visiting friends in Rochester, N. Y. Miss Gertrude Newman is visiting friends at Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Geo. Covert of Toronto was visiting friends here last week. A large crowd attended the S. S. picnic at Cobourg last Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Hall and family spent Sunday with his sister in Port Hope. Mr. Elgie Moore spent a few days at the home of Mr. E. E. Mallory, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Varcoe of Toronto were calling on friends here last week. Mr. Harold Mulhall of Woodville was calling on friends here one day last week. Mr. Harold Brown is delivering the mail on Mr. Lathrope's daily route in his absence. Mr. Truesdale of Kingston is spending his holidays at the home of his cousin, Mrs. John Bown. Mt. Safe Mallory has returned to his home in Toronto, after spending bis vacation with Mrs. W. Gerow. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Coffee and little child spent Sunday at the home of ;r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nichol. Mr. Harold Mulhall was calling on friends here one day last week. We ■e glad to see him looking so well. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolfraim and little Jean have returned to their home in Toronto, after two weeks' vacation with his mother, Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim. Mr. Z. Harnden and wife, Mr. and Mlrs. D. Franklin, and Messrs. Cecil and Ernest May motored to Sandy Lake, where they got a large supply of huckleberries. There was much excitement in our llage on Wednesday noon, Aug 3rd, when a fire call came in from the home of Mr. D. Arkles. A large crowd gathered and by hasty and persistent work saved his house from being burned down. The shed adjoining the house was completely destroyed. The fire started from some ashes which had been dumped in the morning. NORHAM Mrs. Houghtailing has gone to Frankford. Mr. Jas. Carr is on the sick list. Mr. Wesley Clare is visiting friends i Welcome. Mrs. Weatherup is visiting friends t Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. S. Piatt spent Sunday with friends in Castleton. Mr. Bruce Glimmer and family were visiting at the parental home. Mrs. Mary Wilson of Caropbellford spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. Beacher Cryderman of Toronto visited his father, Mr. D. Cryderman, also his sister, Mrs. W. Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. Crothers is spending few days with her daughter, Mrs. Miss Goldie McFarlane and brother, Miss Noreen Osborne and friend, Mr. Ellis, of Cordova, visited her uncle, M^ Wiillet, Palmateer. Mary Palmateer and grand-jhter, Miss Mildred, and Miss Bernice Campbell took in Peterboro on ' us and report a fine time. GRAFTON Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Usher, of Belle-vue Farm, north of Grafton, entertain-about fifty guests last Tuesday night in honour of Miss Fern Winter and Mr. Wilbur Keeler, who were married the following Saturday. Games were played on the lawn, after which the. popular young couple were presented with a set of dishes and some aluminumware by the B. Y. P. U. of Eddystone, also with many useful and ornamental gifts by their friends and neighbours. After lunch the guests dispersed with many good wishes for the happy pair. Guests present from a distance included: Mr. and Mrs. Hennessey, Miss Hennessey, Miss S. Wint-Mr. and Mrs. Linton and little daughter', Mr. Cecil Branigan and Mr. Lyle Clayton, all of Port Hope; Master Alfred Rollings of Cobourg, Miss Helen Tapscott of Weston, and Miss E A. Kerr. R.N., of Hamilton. BRIGHTON Vic Mutton of Toronto is at home or a holiday with his parents, Mr. .nd Mrs. Wm. Mutton. Miss M. J. Hinds went to Ottawa vith Miss Mary Gourlay, who, with her parents, has been hdlidaving near Ottawa. •. and Mrs. Harry Forde have returned from a week's visit with friends in Rochester, N.Y., travelling way of the Cobourg Car Ferry, rs. Annie T. Cornwall and daught-Miss Consuelo Cornwall, of Rochester, are visiting at her sister's Mrs. G W. Maitland and other relatives. -s. L. E. Baker and grandson. Master Jack Goodman, of Rochester. N.Y.. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Maitland and Mrs. Ernest Rogers. Mrs. Ross Macklam of Toronto was town this week and returned on Wednesday accompanied by her fath-, Mr. John Marshall who is not very Mr.' and Mrs. M. Morash and daughter, Peggy, of Talara, S. A., accompanied by their mother, Mrs. W. R. Maitland of Port Huron, Mich., visited friends here recently. Mr. Clarence Lockwood, of Montreal, who has been spending part of bis vacation in England and Scotland returning the end of this week and II soon be at Presqu'Ile. COMMON FAMILY NAMES The most common family name in the United States is Smith, with a following of 1,301.200 persons. Johnson is next with 1,024.200: Brown. 730.500: Williams. 6S4.700: Jones 658.-300: Miller, 625.800: Davis. 537.900: Anderson. 477.300: Wilson. 422.300: Moore, 363,400. This year's prize list of the Canadia National Exhibition is greatly in e: cess of $100,000. ____ NOTICE_ NOTICE All persons owing accounts to the late Robert W. Martin are requested to settle same with the undersigned. 32-2 FRED J. SMITH. All Road Overseers of the Township of Cramahe are hereby notified that all Road Lists must be returned on before August 26th, 1927. G. R. BEAVIS, Township Clerk. USED CARS FOR SALE STAR SEDAN, in good running order. Cheap for cash. Also Ford Coupe. Apply at Express Printing Office. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE YORKSHIRE SOWS, in farrow, for sale. Gordon MacGregor, Colborne P.O. Phone 113rl2. 31-tf ONE JERSEY COW and ONE HOL-STEIN COW for sale. 'FRED SIMMONS, Colborne R.R. 4, Ontario. Phone 68r6. , 32-2x ARTICLES FOR SALE APPLICATIONS FOR COLLECTOR OF TAXES for the Township of Cramahe for the year 1927 will be received up till noon, Aug. 27th, 1927. G. R. BEAVIS, -4 Colborne, R.R. 1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR SALE OR TO RENT--House and Lot on Elgin Street, Colborne, for sale; or six rooms and garden to rent. Apply at Express Printing Office. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Percy Street North, Colborne, 6 acres of land, with orchard, small fruits, etc. Bungalow house, electric lights, spring water, piped in, soft water; garage, stables, hen house, etc. All new and in first-class condition. Would make a good poultry ranch. Spring water runs through lot. Possession anytime after March 1st, 1927. Apply at Express Printing Office.__._2tf VOTERS' LISTS, 1927, MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF COLBORNE, COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Colborne, the Twenty-sixth day of July, 1927, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elections and that such list mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 16th day of August, 1927. Dated at Colborne this 26th day of July, A.D. 1927. H. S. KEYES, Clerk of the Village of Colborne. AUGUST ROD AND GUN Containing a varied assortment of itories of outdoor features, the August number of Rod and Gun and Canadian Sliver Fox News, well-known Canadian sporting magazine, has been received. A more unusual feature is included this month in the story, "Midwinter Nights' Dreams," an interesting collection of reminiscenses of the little known Hudson's Bay coun-Samuel Alexander White contributes another stirring yarn of the time fur traders. "Convoys Cour-us," while Bonnycastle Dale this month has as his subject the Atlantic Salmon. Among the other interesting stories one of fishing for rainbow trout in C, by Justin Wilson, and an article i photographing bird nests by H. H. Pittman. Notes of especial interest to hunters and anglers are contained in regular Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Notes, Outdoor Talk and Ken-nell Departments. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver >x News is published monthly by . J. Taylor Limited. Woodstock, Ontario. The cheese factory at Summers-wn Station, near Cornwall, owned / E. Sabourin. of Cornwall, was destroyed by fire. The loss was covered by insurance. 1927 is Confederation Year at the Canadian National Exhibition, there-re each day bears the name of one of the Provinces. _MEDICAL V C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St.', East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office, first door east of Registry Office, Colborne, Ontario, Phone No. 19. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: Colborne R.R. No. 3. Phone 78r23, Colborne. ARNOLD POOLE, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Auction sales ot all kinds handled anywhere in the Province. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Pure bred sales a specialty. I pay for all Telephone Calls. Call or write: ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton R.R. No. 1, Ont. Phone: 10r23 36-25-lyr. Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne Oscar C. Morgan Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker HILTON Sales conducted anywhere at reasonable rates. Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. Phone 7r18, Orland. 38-«m BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when In Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R.R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON If you are a subscriber, your label is either a receipt or a notice according as your subscription is, or is not paid up. It comes to you every week. How does it appear to you? Over 700,000 school children of Canada have received invitations to attend the- Canadian National Exhibition as guests of the management on Young Canada's Day. Magazine Subscriptions We are Subscription Agents for all LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERIODICALS Also Foreign Ones most likely to be asked for GET OUR CLUBBING OFFERS ! Reduced Rates on Any Combination of Magazines THE EXPRESS Printing Office

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