Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 4 Aug 1927, p. 6

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6 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1927. Ail 1 Carcuyn WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. Folsom Death strikes Garret Folsom while band to Paxto jwimming with a party at Ocean town, N.J. At the Hotel Majusaca, they had all been guests, , Ei3 she held out her and received a cigar-it. "Stay, at any rate, until I hoar lin facts." , ma'am," Rosa eai'id, and doctor, per- gbcod &t ati£,nt:0n. Then Mrs. Valcton gave a straightforward and concise account of the NeViilsT'Mrs.^He^ death of Garrett Folsom. She told melita Valdon. It is established that all there was to toll of 'his bath in Folsom, just before his death, had the ocean with them, of his sudden been standing ner.t to Ned Barron, ffafiftng beneath tho waves, of his be-' " P^fty i«c!udl"f ™l ing carried to shore by two of the life gelica Fair and her inquiry is begun, after a functorily examining 1..... beach, pronounces him dead. I , 'i companions had been Roger * wife, Madeline; Ang; fiance, Robin Sear; Croydon Sears. It is decided to telegraph Folsom's I sister, Anaetasia, i:i New York. Then the startling announcement made that Folsom had been murdered in the ocean--stabbed to death. Ross, the dead man's 'valet, is ques- j tloned, as are Barron and his wife,' but no light is shed on the mystery. Poliee take command of the situation until the arrival of Anastasia. They learn that Folsom and Neville had been business associates. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. CHAPTER XI. Folsom," Neville c Haven't yoi yet? Com got > to Valdon's arartmerjts. You sn't stay here--" Why rot? Why decs everybody rt me to bids? I am here bo in-*tipite my brother's death. And nomber, Roger Neville, I know as . i of tha details. I had only : tclc-gi-am that Garrett was 6>ad. en I come horo and I find his rooms ! in tha charge of the police! I :t for Rcss, but before I could ask n about it all you came. I had no sh to ask the hotel people, so per-p» you vvlll tell me the facts." 'Of course, fear Mfeo Folsom, but bare, I beg of you! See," he ;e lew, "see, many are already s>rin* around us. They pretend She told how they had all assumed j that death was due to natural causes, until informed by Doctor Manning that it was not, but was the result a murderous attack. Who did it?" cried' Miss Anas'l at this point. But her question received no "Who did it?" she repeated. "R: who murdered my brother?" , A quick glance passed from to another of her hearers, sayira plainly as words could do that she was hysterical and must be calmed. Neville rose and sat beside her, Callouses WM Quick, safe, sure .relief from painful callouses on the feet, f mScholli'"" "Of course with- spirit that--" "Don't tall mustn't talk! I talk as I choose!" "Yes, yes, dearie, so you shall," and Mrs. Valdon put an arm round the excited woman. "Do hush, Roger. You only maka matters worse when you talk. Now, Anastasia, dear, I'm going to P'ut Roger out and I'm going to give you a kimono ani slippers and let you relax a little. Then you must get to ted--" Anastasia Folsom gave her a comical look and then burst into a short "I thought you knew me better!" she said. "I say, Duchess," she turned to Mrs. Barnaby, "do I look like a slippers and kimono person? Do I, And certainly the strong, forceful personality had in it no hint of the type of woman who loves to relax that way. "Besideo," Miss Folsom went < . , more quOstly now, "the man from the taking hsr hand and gently toothing | police place is coming to-night." her. | "Here?" cried the Duchess. "Up "That we don't know, my dear, here?" She whipped out her vanity That we have yet to find out--" | case and dabbed vigorously at her "We certainly have! Garrett was powder and rouge, my brother! Tha only human being j "Up here or anywhere," said Anon the face of the earth I cared for. astasia, carelessly. "I don't care veiJ rt kor dco'ilty, Neville quickly through the tbrc 3 elevator and took her to the oicupiw} by Mrs. Valdon and Earnaby. > arrival was not unexpected, icville had gone in search of osia with orders to bring h with him. ;u poor dear thing!" cried Ca ie! the d. take of as a strange thing, but the s of Anastasia Folsom, though ude of words, were accompan-a smile of good nature that to take away their sting. Her at the Duchess was one of .Ion, though her quehtion was is my dear friend, Mrs. introduce* !:d 1 Du ' SHE REPEATED. "ROGER, WHO MURDER- i bearing, m. holding out you, Duchess, i Barnaby s m<l Mi.-- > I shalil devote my life to finding the fiend who killed him and avenging his death. Ross, who killed him?" She turned to the valet and glared it him, with the glittering eyes of a "I don't know, Miss Folsom," the t'sj.man replied, his voice sad but with the respectful tone of a servant, ol- "Where were you at the time of irr.c-1 from the Duchess as if his death?" y through with her. "Now, "In Mr. Folsom's rooms, waiting lita Valdon, tell me all there is for his return." about Garrett's death. Roger, "Then you can't be suspected! So n speak when I speak to you, j you can help me in my investigati vant Carmy to tell the rtory." I I will keep you on for the present, pulled off her hat and flung Rcss. You will be useful here and <-y the ream, where Paxton ] after we go back home. You may g, and poked it back into ; now, and hold yourself at my orders.' "Yes, Miss Folsom," and Ross de-Miss parted. i glad to have him," she said, 5 dependable and capable every way. Now tall me more. Who * nearest by brother when---when he fell over?" r own crowd," Neville told her, "and several strangers." "Your own crowd being?" "These two ladies and myself," he said. "Well, I don't suspect any of you," but the hawk-like eyes rested sternly l them ail in turn. "Who were the strangers? Do you know?" "Some of them. Next to Garrett there stood a man named Barron, a chap from New York." "Barron? Know anything about ; as I see him. There ow, likely." i swift sharp rap < to indicate an i the door important It was Jepson, ushered up by Tut-tlo, and introduced by him to the group. "I'm glad to see you, Mr. Jepson," and Miss Folsom's welcome was quite evidently sincere if not cordial. "You're the man to whom I look for help in finding the murderer of my brother." "I certainly hope to do that, Miss Folsom." "I don't expect you to do it, I expect to do it myself- I said I look to you for help." (To be continued.) Ontario Fur Farmers Will Benefit by Flood Mississippi Area Almost Bare of Wild Life While the loss of wild animal life may seem unimportant In comparis with the appalling property loss from the recent disastrous floods In Mississippi valley, yet it Is om the distressing features of this paralleled calamity, declares an tide in the August issue of "Field and Stream Magazine," which quotes estimate made by the United States Bureau of Biological Survey that least fifty per cent, of the small game animals in the flooded districts have been killed. "All floods destroy ground-dwelling game and furbearlng animals, nests and young of ground-nesting birds, and even many of the birds themselves," points out Field and Stream. "Enough is known to be able to that in many wide areas all such wild life has practically been wiped out. The flood' came at a particularly unfortunate time so far as animal life la concerned, because the young of most species were too- small to save themselves from drowning. The same can be said of young birds such as wild turkey, quail, grouse and innumerable species of song and Insectivorous birds which nest on or near ground. The loss of quail and wild turkey Is particularly unfortunate, as these two species of valuable game birds are at a rather low ebb anyway, and many years of care and protection will be necessary to bring them Immediate Effect. Increased prices for furs need not be anticipated because furriers must have quantity and quality of pelts to start a fashion for a particular fur, but the Mississippi situation should enhance the value of breeding musk-rats, mink and coon. This is where the Ontario fur farmer will profit by our neighbor's catastrophe. The demand for breeding stock is bound to be great and incidentally it would appear that the prices of good foxes should advance in sympathy. The rusty, non-discript patch silver fox will meet its Waterloo simultaneously with the advance of the higher grades. Now, more than ever, is a good time to face facts squarely and "clean house" on the many worthless so-called silver foxes being bred in Ontario. OUT OF THE ORDINARY Prizes offered for improvements in lumber milling methods have resulted in inventions which will save 100,-J^lOOOjOOO feet of timber annually. A ' f multiple guide dimension mill" effected the greatest saving, won llrst prize. The crew of an army cable ship, sent out to repair a break in the cable between Seattle and Alaska, discover-a twenty-ton killer whale entang-in the heavy wires. The core been severed in eight different places by the giant's teeth. Five-piece or one--it's all the e the bathlng-ault censors at Atlantic City this summer. City fathers have announced that any kind of bathing ' lme that doesn't cause a riot will be all right with them. Impartial Experts Say "SAwDA" TEA .. is tHe finest 'Orange Pekoe' sold. Wilson Publishing Company I V Awful Fate. Tomato--"Great Scott, there 1 canned, and I was just talking to few days ago!" Nothing at all. It seems Garry talked to him, just casually yoi know, as lots of people do, in this ocean. But he wasn't at a$ responsive, and gave Garry rather the cold shoulder." "Then, if he was an utter stranger, we can scarcely suspect him." "No, but Anastasia, you can't suspect anybody yet. It's all in the hands of the police--" "Indeed it isn't! It's in my hands. I am the one who will find out my brother's murderer and bring him to .' up!" justice. Police, bah! Do they everj ipliish anything?" Recognized. The waiter was making out the bill for a customer. "Did you have oxtail or pea soup, sir?_Hhe asked. "I don't know," said the diner; "it tasted like soap to me." "Ah--that's it, sir," answered the waiter, writing hastily, "that would be the pea soup. The oxtail tastes like paraffin. Too Long. He--"I will love you for e She--"This is as late as J Minard's Liniment for scaly scalp. James Hocking, a youngster of 73, is after the walking records of Edward Payson Weston. He has covered 1,500 miles this year, often walking 40 miles in a single day. Last year he walked 4,000 miles. Bridge has aroused such a interest and rivalry among v Budapest that they are barred from card clubs by an official decree. The decree was prompted by a free-for-all fight in which two prominent women exchanged blows over an error in their score. Linen may be made as cheaply as tton goods if a new variety of flax produced by the Ulster Research Association proves to be all that Is claimed for it. - The fibre of the new flax is twice the length of ordinary -- also is of such texture that It may be handled entirely by machin- The greatest depth ever recorded in any of the oceans of the world was plumbed by the German cruiser Em-den, bound from the Dutch East Indies to Japan. The sounding measured 34,416 feet, about six and one-half miles. The greatest depth previously known was 32,644 feet. France's modern alchemist, Jollivet Castelot of Douai, again is sure he is hot on the trail of the famed but un-found Philosopher's Stone with which ancients believed base metals could be transmuted into gold. Out of six grams of silver, two of sulphur of antimony, one of orpiment and one of tin, he affirms he has produced ten milligrams of gold. An inn keeper on the Italian Riv ia has placed a sign outside the en-ance which reads: "Rememberthat: Four glassfuls make one merry. Two quarts lead to intoxication and intoxication to discussion. A discussion leads to a quarrel and a quarrel leads to a fight. A fight leads to the Police Court and the Police Court to jail. Apart from this come here as often as you like, drink moderately, pay honorably, depart in friendship and return home in peace." bud:'. A MODISH COSTUME. Exceedingly smart is this chic costume showing the effective use of two materials. The skirt has an inverted yoshi i plait at each side and .is joined to the j fore having a square neck, long plan i sin sleeves gathered to wrist-bands, trim belt. The accompanying jacket is fashioned of the sa terial as the lower part of the dress the contrasting material is used for the facing, cuffs finishing the two-piece sleeves,, and laps on the set-in pockets. No. 1584 is in sizes 34, 36, and 40 inches bust. Size 86 requires 1% yards 39-inch material for lower part of dress; 1% yards 39-inch material for upper part of dress and trimming on coat; 1% yards 39-inch, or XVa yards 54-inch material for coat. Price 20c the pattern. The dlesigns illustrated in our new Fashion Book are advance styles for the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, simplicity and economy will find her desires fulfilled in our patterns. Priea of the book 10c the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address pla ly, giving number and size of si patterns as you want. Enclose 20c stamps or coin (coin preferred; wr it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. HONEY LOAF CAKE One cupful of sugar, 1 cupful of strained honey, % cupful of shorten-ng, 2 egg-yolks, 1 cupful of milk, 2Ys cupfuls of flour, to which are added 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Cream the shortening and sugar, adding the strained honey. Then add the yolks of the eggs. Beat well and in the milk and flour. Add a pinch of salt. Bake in a shallow pan about half an hour. Icing -- One cupful of strained honey, V2 cupful of sugar, a lump of butter. Boil until thick and spread the top of the cake. J A Happy Home in Japan Now let me write my mother's life,' just roughly. Her father was a great scholar of the ancient Chinese classics. When she was born he named her Katsu. The meaning of Katsu was from some ancient Chinese odes. He wrote that ode on a parchment.) It runs like this: / ^ When the vine of Katsu grows in thej deep valley, birds come to restj on its leaves and they singi sweet songs; When the vine of Katsu grows in t deep valley, its leaves are green and its vines get Let us cut the vine and take Its fibre) Let us beat the fibre and make it in>( to threads; , Let us weave a cloth with that _ thread, and let us wear tho cloth. We shall never complain how poor it She might have met with many a rough storm 1 nthls world, but she always persevered everything to herself, and let all merry birds rest on her and sing. She always dressed; herself in quite plain cloth, and never, complained. She gave all comfort to the rest of her family. ... My parents were so happy. There was always some sweet fragrance In1 my home. Between my parents there' was always existing some sweet::oeo,' abundant sympathy, and much respecting to each other. ... We all had to abandon our dear K'.KidO! i told ( i Ml- iopa to see the flowers quite On the day when it was fixed to leave our home the lotus had not blossomed yet. I begged my father to postpone our departure until they would open, and despite of all the luggages packed up my father consented to wait. After two mornings they all blossomed beautifully, as If they wero bidding farewell to us.--Yoshio Marking la "When I Was a Child." BICYCLE BARGAINS Slightly Minard's Liniment tor earache. Mrs The Idea! B.--"Mrs. Binks always asks the price of everything. Mrs. C.--"And what's she been trying to find out now?" Mrs. B.--"She wanted to know how much I paid for this dress." Mrs. C. -- "Such inquisitiveness! How much did you tell' her?" 193 »and.is Strei A Forced Landing. A new cavalry recruit was assinged to a lively horse for his first drill. He tried his best to hold on, but at last the horse kicked up his heels and off went the recruit. "Did you have orders to dismount?" *«ked the sergeant, riding up hastily. "Yes, sir." "From Headquarter**" "No;; hindquarters." AUTO PARTS Shaw's Auto, Salvage carries largest stock of slightly used parts for most makes of cars. Batteries, Carburetors. Coils, Springs, Wheels, Tires, at small portion of original cost. Your money back if wanted. 027 DUFFERIN ST. TORONTO tacle "Canada" a vivid dramatization of Canada's Historic Develop. i $50,000 World Championship 21-mile Swim--the second Wrigley Marathon--on Wednesday August 31st. < •- Nearly one huudr.ed modern permanent buildings, costing $8,500,-000, contain exhibits from tho world over and provide an education beyond description. 2,000-Ycic? HiiibitlOQ Chorus casts a divine spell, leafing Uie spectator with a catch in tho throat and a glow in the heart. A fascinating, picturesque, 13-day exposition that stuns by its magnitude, amazes by its comprehensiveness, enthralls by its variety, and fascinates with its noble, brilliant pageantry.

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