Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1927 New, Fresh Stock CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBBACOES OF ALL KINDS A share of your patronage respectfully solicited! C. A. Post 1 Door West of P. O. Colborne, Ont. Cloverleaf White Leghorn Farm take this opportunity to thank all those who have male birds, hatching eggs, baby chicks, or six-week-old pullets, or cockerels. We try to give the very best value possible and while we realize it is impossible to please everyone we have tried to be fair with all. We have had some complaints but we have had far more compliments, and when the complaints were justified we compensated those concerned to the best of our ability. This has been the best year's business we have ever had and we greatly appreciate the confidence ©ur customers placed in us and our stock which made this possible. We have a limited number of eight-week-old pedigreed cockerels for sale at $1.50 each. Also a number of tested pedigreed cock-birds at $3.00 each. The above stock is guaranteed to be right in every way. Cloverleaf White Leghorn Farm L. V. POMEROY, Proprietor Member of R. O. P. Breeders' Association of Ontario Member of Canadian Baby Chick Association Salem Store Re-Opened New and Fresh Stock GROCERIES and PROVISIONS GASOLINE and OILS Cochrane & Evans EARLY CELERY EARLY CAULIFLOWERS EARLY CABBAGE ALL KINDS OF OUT-DOOR PLANTS now ready at our greenhouses Crandell & Scripture COLBORNE New Service Station Victoria Opera House, Colborne Full Supplies of GASOLENE OILS, ETC. IRA EDWARDS, Proprietor J. M. SNETSINGER, Manager OUR 18-inch SURFACED ROLL ROOFING makes an excellent Barn Roofing, being nailed every 18 inches. It offers special resistance to the wind. A carload of the Mineral Surfaced 4 in 1 Shingles, Sheathing and Building Papers to choose from. PRICES RIGHT ! Will exchange logs for roofing material Custom Sawing Done Promptly R. H. TYE ox 358 Planing and Saw Mill Phone 99 poultry business, as it combines the best features of the hen and the turkey. It has a hen body and a turkey head. The Indians of the three prairie provinces last season produced approximately 1,000,000 bushels of grain, of which about half, or 488,-000 bushels was wheat, according to a recent government report. There are about 35,000 Indians in the area in question and the portions reserved -for their use include some of the most fertile land of the west. They had 97,000 acres of land, under cultivation in 1926 and they own about 25,000 head of cattle and 35,000 horses of a good type. Warren Cordingly of Ashton, Idaho, won the 85-mile dog race from Calgary to Banff held recently in connection with the Banff annual Winter Carnival. The race was one of the hardest fought in the history of these events. Cordingly's lead dog broke down and was carried to the finish line on the sled. Ike Mills' team, of Banff, picked to win the race, was attacked by town dogs near Calgary. Both driver and dogs were badly bitten but stuck to the trail an<i finished. Applications for permits to develop hydro power in Western Ontario and Northern Manitoba are on a scale that represents an ultimate volume of 5,000,000 horse-power, indicating the industrial .growth that the territory is achieving. These range all the way from the Lake of the Woods country to the basin of the Nelson River, and relate to pulp and paper mills, mining plants, civic hydro promotion and transportation projects. During 1927 more than 6,000 Hungarians will emigrate to Canada, according to Albert de Hay-den, Hungarian Consul-General of Canada, who^i* here on business in connection with the 6,000 countrymen who came to Canada last year. "My investigations have shown," he said, "that on the average the newly arrived Hungarians are doing fairly well despite the fact that this is a dull time of the year" in farming and to a lesser extent in industrial plants." "If they can pitch ball tbs well as they can snowball, they wonld be some team; thsy sure can send some stingers,'il was the comment of one of the Calgary Scouts as he dug himself out of a concentrated volley of snowballs that the Westminster Scouts had placed on various parts of his body and face, when the Calgary boys tried to enfilade the choristers in a snow battle staged near the C.P.R. station * It was the culmination of a program arranged for the Scout choristers during the visit to Calgary recently of the Westminster Boys' Choir. Children's Hose in black and camel all sizes 25c pair. Craig& Craig. We Have It! ONE CAR OF MILLFEEDS ONE CAR OF STANDARD RE-CLEANED SCREENINGS --EXTRA GOOD I. PALEN Phone $T COLBORNE $10,000 worth of weeds on ten farms in one neighborhood ^ That is what an inspector valuing farm lands for loaning purposes reported. His report read: "It is badly infested with sow thistle, as are all the farms in the neighborhood. I have valued $1,000 less than I would if clean of this weed." And he only discounted the farm value 12%. Many inspectors would go much higher. United action will exterminate the weed scourge. Destroy weeds wherever found. Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act, 1927, now in force, the destruction of weeds is no longer optional. It is compulsory. Your co-operation is needed to end the weed nuisance. The Department of Agriculture Province of Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto [OHN S. MARTIN W. B. ROADHOUSE Canadian Wealth Goes Up in Smoke EXPRESS ADS. BRING RESULTS Butter Wrappers at Express Office, j L«ft:--Ritrht- 'TP he forest fire situation in Canada during 1926 1 again proved a very serious one. Indifference, ignorance and carelessness, &nd other malevolent forces meant a total loss and gross damage to Canada last year estimated at $7,468,343. Since the exploitation of Canadian forests first began it is estimated that from four to five times the amount of timber actually used has been burned through forest fires. When it is realized that the forests are the second greatest source of wealth, agriculture being first, the waste from forest fires each year can only be likened to the damage done if four-fifths of Canada's great field crops were destroyed each year. Forest week has been observed this year Canada from April 25 to 30, coming in the middle of the season when forest fires are often most serious. Perhaps the greatest offenders against the national wealth of the country during the summer and fall months are a great army of tourists and campers which invades the woods from the Pacific to the Atlantic every year. "Stop! Before You Go, See that Your Fire Ont." Warnings worded something to that effect have been posted generously throughout the northern woods, especially in Ontario, and of the thousands of campers there are none who are not familiar with the bright yellow placard and its warning. Yet a deplorable number of tourists who call themselves good campers apparently think that such signs have been posted by the fire rangers merely to point out a good portage. Burning cigar ends and cigarette stubs and, above all, the little camp fire that doesn't look as though it could do a bit of harm in the world, are the cause ef great fires throughout the northern woods that mean a loss of millions annually to Canada. It has been proved that some of the worst forest fires have been started by some apparently petty care- lessness of a camper, and could have been prevented had he stopped for a minute or two and thrown a few pails of water on the smouldering embers. The camper who fails to take this sjight precaution is guilty of a great crime against his country. The introduction of aeroplanes into the fire patrol work in the north is proving of inestimable value to the country. The great advance that has been made in forest fire fighting today is through the fact that fire-detection and fire-suppression have been separated through the use of the scout planes. Formerly there could scarcely be a division of labor. Rangers were assigned to long beats which might take a fortnight to cover, who patrolled these singly or in two as circumstances warranted. It will thus be seen how limited would be the protection thus afforded for if the ranger discovered a fire too large for one man to handle it might take a week for him to communicate with headquarters for help. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company have paid special attention to this serious • question and have adopted most up-to-date fire fighting apparatus. In order to eliminate fires along their lines through sparks from engines, the right of ways are carefully cleared of anything inflammable, such as long grass and underbrush. During the passage of the company's trains through the mountain regions where the forests are heavy, oil-burning engines are used, thus entirely eliminating the danger of fires. * The mechanical equipment maintained at convenient points by the C.P.R. consists of a number of tank car units and hose. Each unit consists of two cars with a capacity of 7,000 gallons each, equipped with powerful pumps and about a mile of hose. • Through the co-operation of the railway with the various provincial forces many serious fires have been prevented, resulting in an enormous saving of Canadian natural wealth. ATTENTION! WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK Goldstein Bros. Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid If purchase Is made. Massey-Harris SPRAYERS A SPECIALTY ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZER F. C. Morrow Phone 40 East Colborne Special Information about AMERICAN LIQUID ROOFING CEMENT It can be used with success to mend rain spouts and gutters. It is successful on metal, felt paper, gravel or concrete roofs and It contains genuine Canadian asbestos fibre, combined with a blend of elastic water-proofing oil. B. D. Hollenback COLBORNE Sole Agent for Northumberland Is Ironing Hard Work? If you have to stand over a hot stove, heating old-fashioned sad-irons, and] walk backwards and forwards between the stove and your Ironing board, it iu> doubtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron you can do your ironing on the back porch if necessary. The " Sovereign " Electric Iron is truly the housewife's friend. It has a cool handle, tapering nose, and is beautifully balanced. Telephone us, and we will deliver a "Sovereign" immediately. It sells for the remarkably low price of "MADE IN CANADA* Sold in Colborne by G. M. PEEBLES ESTATE THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Our Mailing List has been corrected up to Wednesday of this week. Look at your label and see if you have been given proper credit. If you are paid up we thank you, if you owe us we would appreciate an earl) remittance. MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by H S. Keyes, at The Express Printing Office, Colborne. The initial day of the Canadian -National Exhibition will see the for opening of the Coliseum Annex. Butter Wrappers at Express Office