Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 30 Jun 1927, p. 7

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1927 A FAluTLYJIEDICINE A Welland Lady Tells of the Value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in Her Home. "I have many reasons for praising Br. Williams' Pink Pills," says Mrs. George L. Swlck, R.R. No. 2, Welland, Ont. "My first experience with this medicine was in my girlhood, when, following an attack of scarlet fever, I was left in a badly run down condition, and the pills restored me to good health. Later in my married life I had a severe attack of rheumatism. The pain in my right arm and shoulder was so bad that I could not dress myself without help. Again I resorted to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and again they proved a blessing to me, as soon the rheumatic pains and stiffness disappeared and there has been no return of the trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have also been of great benefit to my children. One of my boys was threatened with St. Vitus dance. His limbs and face would twitch and jerk. I gave him the pills, and again they did not fail, as under the treatment the trouble ceased. I have also given the pills to my little girl, who was anaemic, and In this case also with the greatest benefit. Naturally when I hear anyone complaining of not feeling well I recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as I know of no other medicine to equal them in building up the blood and restoring health." Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia and other nervous troubles. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition, and cul-vtiate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills from afty dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-ville, Ont. Canada's Newest Locomotive The illustration depicts the new "6100" class locomotive, the latest production of the mechanical department of the Canadian National Railways. Forty of these "Northern Type" engines have been manufactured in Canadian plants for use of main line fast passenger and manifest freight service. They are 93 feet 10% inches over all. The tender has a capacity of 11,300 imperial gallons of water and 20 tons of coal. In working order the total weight of engine and tender is 638,000 pounds. Note the new position of the whistle, located on the left hand of the smoke box near the stack. This is to save the driver s ears. These engines are designed for power at speed and it is estimated that they can make 90 miles an hour with a heavy train. How to Invest in Mines Knowledge Eliminates Speculation There Are Three Essentials Which Must be Known and Followed to Reasonably Assure Profit AN EXPERTS STORY BY DRAPER DOBIE. -PART TWO. Mr. Draper Dobie, Secretary of the Standard Stock and Mining change, outlines the amazing credulity of the investor in mining stock in 1 ' first article on the above subject. 1.--RISK. -The prospect or wild cat stage The Choice of An Airport New York World: An airport must not be encompassed by wires, chim- of development. mays and tall buildings1; it must be B--The gambling stage of invest-outside crowded residential areas; it ment, must be free from smoke, and, at, Every mine is a wild cat in its be-least, pending the invention of th© ginning. It must be considered as such helicopter, it must be roomy. Its until proven otherwise. Investing selection should not be left to acci- money at this stage is gambling in dent. j the market sense. It, is betting the -* I prospect will prove to be a mine. Consider the wasp as an example of j That is no place for the unsophis-Industry rewarded. He rarely gets a ticated investors' money. I have been slpa on the back until he gets down told that if the Greenhorn's money j | was not available many prospects -----t be developed into jjust i i lady at a race t Dangers of Golf Washington Post: Golf is the thi most dangerous sport so far as ac dent frequency is concerned, accoi frig to a report just made public by a large insurance company. . "Struck by lightning" was not an common accident, according to the port. "Foreign particles in the eye" took a toll of six followers of the .sport of St. Andrew. Splinters, bites by insects, collisions with inanimate objects and poison from shrubs contributed their share of mishaps, but the most common accident was slipping or falling on uneven ground. Ever, the nineteenth hole was no haven of refuge, for twelve individuals were "cut on sharp instruments" subsequently identified as "bottles." French Canada Three Rivers Bien Public (Cons.) : Let us remain French in heart, spirit and outward appearance! Actually there is nothing to distinguish the face of-our province from those of the other provinces, if there is not a certain unashamed allurement. Nine-tenths o our posters, placards, notices, etc., . . . are in English. This is humiliating and disturbing feature. Imported direct from the Orient in metal lined chests. Blended and packed into lib., %lb., 541b. bright Aluminum packages. REDS@ TF A"is good tea" M» MbbjmFVl ios.it RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Summer Rose Care A GREAT PUZZLE TO CAREFUL PARENTS One of the greatest puzzles to the careful parent is to know just what medicine to give the little ones. When the child falls ill with griping paii is seized with cold or fever, refuses food or vomits what he has taken, when he cries a great deal and cannot get the sleep so necessary to the growing child, the parent is in a quandary. What is to be done on such occasions? As often as not there is not a suitable medicine in the house. The puzzle is what give him to set him right quickly. It is to meet such emergencies that Baby's Own Tablets t These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, break up colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and allay teething pains. Thye quiet the nerves and promote restful health-restoring sleep. They are guaranteed absolutely harmless and safe for even the youngest and most delicate baby. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall cents a box from The Dr. Williams' ■! would r If sometimes the tea you are ' and I believe hat. But on the other using does not taste as good hand, if so many thousands as it used to--just see what thoughtless of ill-advised people kind of a package it is in. not bee:1 misguided into throwing If it is in paper that is probab- millions cf dollars into hopch ly the reason. No chances lng schemes the industry would to-are taken with Red Rose. d^ *«nmand al respect and apprecia- It is packed in clean, bright ^^^^S^lTS. Alummum^--c_! ^^yed. u mu3t ^ Eaid) however, that recent history in Northern Ontario gives much justification' to the investor, who can afford to lose, for taking the risk of gambling on a pros>-pect under proper management and technical advice. Furthermore, re* cently and greatly increased knowledge of northern geology, gained from development operations during the last ten years, tends to reduce the risk when employed. JOB FOR THE PROSPECTOR. As a matter of fact, the finding of new porospects, which of new mining camps, is peculiarly the job of the prospector. He is by nature a hunter and pioneer, and the call of his blood marked him the one type adapted to the work. Having found his prospect, the ideal course of procedure is to have a large exploration and development or mining company take' over the next step of proving whether it i; Extra Mileage at Ho Extra Cost Gum-Dipping is an exclusive Firestone process. It insulates and impregnates every strand of every cord with rubber. Internal friction and heat are reduced to a minimum--the side walls are greatly strengthened. Firestone Full-Size Balloons absorb road irregularities--making driving easier and riding mere comfortable. Firestone Dealers are in a position to save you money and serve you better. See your nearest dealer to-day. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR redone experience and technical Jus- wledge are able to handle. The j j :! yrr.cnt cf the management at this ATTRACTIVE, SOUND AND PROMISING. Answered in the affirmative, a ine, at this point, is one of the most UNWITTING DECEPTION. attractive, sound and promising spec-point is that many ulative investments that could be da-■jf those inexperienced mine develop- sired. Observers will have noted it ora sometimes^ unwittingly deceive J sometimes occurs that shares of com-themselves and! thousands of other, paniea owning properties in the above people into squandering millions of described condiion are available at v.t.' -d dollars in futile efforts when j prices below what they were selling ■ly equipped development_ when the glamor of the prospect stags 'as upon them. The water He--"Were j these parts?" come here of r i brought t long shot, selected by the hat1 medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. pin method. But that is too infrequent to make the risk advisable. In any event, it may be safely said that no man or woman should buy mining stocks of companies whose properties are undeveloped prospects unless they are able and willing to V lose without inconvenience to theni-,f serves or prejudice against a great, worthy and necessary industry. 2.--PROFIT. A--The proven stage of development. B--The speculative phase of vestment. This is the truly interesting point for consideration of mining as a field for investment. A property has been proven to contain a body of cially profitable ore, sufficient to justify, and repay for, the erection of a mill andcall costs of mining and milling. From an investment point of the principal is safe. But will there be profits? Will there be dividends? Will enough additional be discovered to justify milling capacity and dividends? There you have the ideal time to make ■peculative mining investment. Safety and return of principal from Iready proven, with the alluring possibilities of great additional ore bodies and profits. Only, one question arises at this point. Are the tege is where the most management and administration of . The ways are too num-1 the company's affairs in responsible iuss. The advantage of hands? Are the officials able to handle a company do this work the problems of mill treatment, etc.? ' that it And if they are successful in develop-usually has the experience, the tech- ing a mine much richer and greater nical knowledge, and the financial, than now indicated, will they judd-backing at its command, necessary to: ciously and honestly conserve and complete what is otherwise too cften manage the shareholders' property in a greater undertaking than individuals \ the best interests cf all the share-without the proper equipment of holdei Classified Advertisements If the foliage of roses is injured by sects and disease, not only are the plants very much disfigured and the general effect of the roses greatly reduced but the plants are weakened and th growth will not be as strong nor !<>!* « the flowers as good as if the leaves are j1' „,„ unhurt. Injury can be prevented by I ^rsm starting to protect the plants before tf ' the harm is done. There is a very J|n ™ good mixture which will control both • afreet* disease and insects, the formula for hich is,--Finely ground sulphur duet,! O 90 parts; Arsenate of lead dust, 10, parts; Tobacco dust, 10 parts. These should be thoroughly mixed together and dusted on the plants beginning as possible and at intervals of owil «b iJuoaiuiB aiiu at intervals oi q-.-vts about three weeks or less, if any in-! j\ ,t"imcn jury is noticed, throughout the season. | *<"™™t™<<™ The sulphur dust controls the diseases, I Yo1""1, 200 especially black spot, the arsenate of j J) '^"^ lead the insects that eat pieces out of Flag Holder the leaves and buds; it helps also in ^"""sam'* controlling disease. The tobacco dust tn'M controls the aphis or' plant lice which suck out the sap and can only be killed by contact with the dust. Briefly, sulphur for disease, an arsenical for biting insects, and a tobacco prepara-:cking insects, applied in Newspaper University aveland Plain Dealer: News- good time, will keep the folage in good read new-par '•• condition. i crim'V-it: *>■■•• L'v Roses need an abundance of avail-1 ant the"uriiir "V able plant food, hence the soil should th bar' for ;■ !ii he manured each year, preferably with v,'ill gr-w broad well rotted stable manure, but, in order j ©very pas: i: •■• ye to get the full benefit of this-, the sur- quired the habit face soil should be kept loosened to I about what they i permit air to enter and to help make i it the trend cf h available the plant food there. This ; science and the loosening of the surface soil will also 0f living. help to conserve moisture. Careful j __ atenticn to all these things will ensure ! deep, green foliage free from blemish, which will set off the bloom to best advantage. y readCr.T matter of i'.Jren who learn to intelligent', y, <hV een the important »n*t, have acquired :ral cd tcation which r and' richer with in They have ac- !< > ■ the march of l will, do you?' Prince Albert National Park Is here illustrated. The map of the southern part of the province shows the location of the new park and Its proximity to Saskatchewan's principal cities. The park, designed as a great scenic playground, has an area of 1,377 square miles. Its creation is in con^ tinuation of the policy of the Dominion Government to preserve areas of outstanding natural beauty as national recreational reserves and wild life s>anct-> for the benefit and enjoyment of Canada generally. Firestone Builds the Only Gum-Dipped Tire Id have even rterted the c-trrprin:. And if Ihoy did start and failed they would probably be losing only a portion cf profits won from a previous, similar but successful development. What is equally important, they krew when to stop. Sometimes the inexperienced win. peruses are past and I c values are established. The, are selling on the merits of the 1 Is that not fin opportune time, Ease sunburn with Minard's Liniment. A Nation Without a Flag Quebec Soleil (Lib.) : Australia, despite her loyalty, has had her own flag these many years; South Africa has just chosen one; Canada, which was a long time ago the champion of responsible government within the Empire, has not yet thought fit to choose her colors, because a handful of agitators has taken every step in recent years to hamper the declaration of Canada's personality. I^Cuticura Loveliness A Clear Th Healthy Skin GANGER FREE BOOK SEN TonREQUEST „„v. of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indiarapolis, Ind. The Yorkshire vicar who also . as organist and caretaker will have t mind his keys and pews. RELIABLE ! Minard's has t remedy f o Doctors recom MINARD'S LinimenT EXPECTANT MOTHERS Read Mrs. Menard's Letter.' Her Experience May Help ^ Chatham, Ontario. -- "I want to tell l how much good your medicine ^has done me. Be- Kill Insect Pests / Kills Hies-Mosq Ro&ches SedEugs -Fleas (To be < The Rubber Monopoly >uisville Courier Journal: The defensibility of the British rubber monopoly is open to question, but the America:! representative in to be taken very seriously when he protests against the international effect of another nation's domestic poV by Steamer .pOME! Cruise down the ^ blue St. Lawrence to this quaint old city. Visit the battlegrounds where Canadian History was made. See this unique city where the old world mingles with the new. Quebec forms just one of the many the 1000 Islands--the RapWs of the St. Lawrence--Montreal--Quebec and tha far-famed Saguenay. tooWefs, infor i full t of nothing. i apply CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LTD.. J.0 Yorii- Street., Torontoh or 9 Victoria Sq., Montreal CANADA STEAFvlSH'P LINES You see it everywhere -- the pearly gray enameled ware that spells long service and real, old-fashioned satisfaction. This splendid kitchen ware, SMP Peari Enameled Ware, defies wear and tear and its surface, like all SMP Enameled Ware, is so china-smooth and clean it harbors no taints or impurities. You need no s«eel wool Or special cleansers to k«p Pearl Waa sparkling clean Soap and hot water do the trick in a jiffy. Made in every new Jiandy shape and size by an old established Canadian in- niE Sheet Metal Products Co. ""'J^" Pearl Enameled WARE down that I could dly do my c. My head a half old ai So I thought I would try Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as I had read so much about h in the little books. 1 found a difference i ight away as my head was relieved and rny tired feeling3 gone. My sister had been doing my washing and she jkd, 24 Harvey St,

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