1 Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, j THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1927 REYNOLDS & KEATING JUBILEE SALE We are quoting here a few of the many Snaps to be found in our Jubilee Sale: Ladies' Silk Hose, in different shades. These are worth 85c.............Special .48 Men's Outing Shoes, regular $1.90, for......1.69 GROCERY SECTION Saturday Specials WE WILL PAY 30 CENTS PER DOZEN FOR EGGS Corn, Peas or Tomatoes..... . . 2 tins for .25 Sugar, per cwt.....................7.20 Small Fresh Pork Sausages, per lb.......22 Bacon, Best Breakfast, per lb...........31 Salmon, pink, tall tins, per tin...........18 Brooms, 5-string . . .................35 Biscuits, fancy, full range, reg. up to 27c, for .19 White Onyon Pickles, Queen Quality, to clear .19 REYNOLDS & KEATING King Street SEEDS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS in Bulk TURNIP and MANGOLD FORMALDEHYDE For Treating Grain, etc. EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE IT ! W. F. Griffis Druggist King Street Colborne ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. Long before there was a United Canada the seed of the Canadian National Exhibition was sown. The first Agricultural Fair in Upper Canada was held in 1793. Over 700,000 school children of Canada have received invitations to attend the Canadian National Exhibition as guests of the management on Young Canada's Day. Wednesday, July 20th, 1927 A regional conference of representatives from the Counties of Ontario, Victoria, Durham. Northumberland, Peterboro, Hastings. Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington, and two delegates appointed at the Junior Farmers' Conference, held in Belleville on Oct. 20th, 1926, was held in the Office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Brighton, on Wednesday, April 13th, convening at 10 a.m. Director. R. S. Duncan, occupied the chair. Those present were Messrs. Croskery, Winter, Paterson, Smith, McRae, Atkin, MacVannol and Laugh-lin, in addition to the following Junior Farmers, Clarence AlHn, Norman Hogg, Max Harnden, Gerald Welton, Leslie Campbell, John Willis, David Forsythe, Sherwin Babbitt, Donald Spencer, William Ball, Frwell Huff, " Hubble. Every member pres-pressed his opinion favorably regarding the holding of a Junior ""•armors' Field Day for the district, ■hich was set for Wednesday, July 20, 1927, at PresquTle, near Brighton. Suggested Programme: -- 10.00 a.m.--Boys' Softball: Northumberland vs. Hastings. 10.00 a.m.--Girls' Softball: Lennox & Addington vs. Peterboro. 11.00 a.m.--Boys' Softball: Prince Edward vs. winniers, Northumberland and Hastings. 11.00 a.m.--Girls' Softball: Victoria vs. winners, Lennox & Adding-and Peterboro. 12.30 to 1.30--Lunch rill be for basket lunches. 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.-- Standard Events. Boys' Standing Broad Jump. Boys' Running Broad Jump. Girls' Standing Broad Jump. Boys' Running High Jump. 161b Shot Put. Boys' 100 Yard Dash. Girls' 50 Yard Dash. Boys' 220 Yard Dash. Girls' 100 Yard Dash. Relay--1 team (only) of 4 boys from each competing County--220 yds. Relay--1 team (only) of 4 girls from each competing County--100 yards. 5.00 p.m.-- Football Game, Soccer: Durham vs. Ontario County. Officials: Manager--R. S. Duncan, Director, Agricultural Representatives. Asst. Manager-- Walter H. Smith, Agricultural Representative, Brighton. Announcer--A. P. MacVannol. Representative, Picton. Starter--Principal W. J. Ball, Kempt-ville Agricultural School. . Clerks--F. C. Paterson, Representative. Port Hope: Wm. M. Croskery, Representative, Uxbridge. Judges--E. K. Hampson, Kemptville Agricultural School; H. B. Cowan, "Farm & Dairy," Peterboro; C. D. Sissons, Toronto University. Umpires--Ray Atkin, Stirling; F. C. MacRae, Norwood; E. K. Hampson, Kemptville Agricultural School; Ralph Morden, Phvsical Director, Y. M.C.A., Belleville. Local Committee--Walter H. -Leslie Campbell, Max Harnden. R:i> .<o Atkin, Russell Hubble, A. P. Mac-Vannell, Sherman Babbitt. Local committee to lay out grounds and provide equipment. 1. Counties eligible: Ontario, Victoria. Hastings, Durham. Peterboro. Northumberland, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington. 2. The events are open to boys and girls resident on farms located in above Counties from May 1, 1927. 3. Agricultural Representatives are not permitted to take part in any sport events. 4. Seven innings to constitute a game of Softball. 5. In boys' and girls' relay races, only one team from each County will be permitted to enter. 6. A medal each will be awarded to the young man and the girl receiving the highest total number of points in the Standard Events, the basis of award of points to be as follows: 1st prize 5 points; 2nd prize 4 points; 3rd prize 3 points: 4th prize 2 points; 5th prize 1 point. 7. Entries must be made with the clerks prior to the event. 8. Ribbons will be awarded to first, second and third winners in each John Elliott, the young farm-hand employed at the home of Metton Seney, Oavan Township, who was placed under arrest in connection with the accidental death of Mr. Seney' seven-year-old son, Jack, came up fc hearing at Millbrook on Saturday afternoon. He was admitted to bail of $3,000 on the surety of friends. The Coroner's jury gave a verdict of accidental death, largely exonerating the youth, but he was taken into custody on the ground that it is illegal for one person to point a firearm at another. Crown Attorney W- F. Kerr, of Cobourg, conducted the prosecution. Mr. F. M. Field. K.C., appeared for Elliott. Elliott was released at the request the Attorney General. It is understood that the action of the Attorney General followed the appeal of an influential deputation that made representations regarding the age and character of the accused. Crown Attorney Kerr said he was glad to concur with the decision of the Attorney General. In prosecuting the case he was only doing his duty as Crown Attorney and he wished to impress upon the minds of the citizens of Northumberland and Durham and the Province of Ontario that the pointing of a gun at person was a criminal offence and that great danger lurked in the practice. In dismissing the case the magistrate said, "It has been said you have y friends ' around this country, which is a wonderful position for a boy to be in. This will be a great lesson to you, for you are charged with a very serious offence. There will be no conviction rendered at the present time on account of the instructions from the Attorney General's department which does not want tc prosecute. Thus you are given a chance to go and redeem an erroi you have made." Standard events only are to be counted in the competition for A silver cup. donated by '*Farm and Dairy." Peterboro. shall be awarded to the County winning the highest number of points in Standard Events. The cup shall become the property of the County winning it twice, not necessarily in succession, after which it shall be returned. The headquarters of the cup shall be the office of the Agricultural Representative of the County to which the cup has been awarded. Amateur Athletic Union of Canada Rules shall govern standard events. Ontario Soft Ball Amateur Association Rules to govern soft-hall games. The leafy month of June and the pretty little village of Smithfield, made a splendid time and setting for the Sundav School workers who gathered together on June 14th, 1927, " their annual convention. The keen interest taken by the majority of schools in this great work wai shown by the reports given by th( delegates and by the superintendents of the different departments. The Executive of 1927-28 President--R. B. Ryckman, Orland 1st Vice-Pres.--George Adams, Hil- 2nd Vice-Pres.--Lloyd Herrington Hilton. Sec.-Treas.--Edith Valentine, Hilton Children's Department--Mrs. Stanley Maybee, Hilton. Girl's Department--Miss Addie Solomon, Brighton. Boys' Department--Clarke Lawson, Brighton. Young People's Department-- Mrs. Rose Maitland, Brighton. Adult Department--Mr. Andrew Ger-Brighton. le Department--Mrs. S. J. Sweet-Brighton. Teacher Training--Rev. Mr. Clarke, Hilton. Missionary Department--Mrs. Anna Watson, Brighton. Temperance Department--Rev. wards, Brighton. An invitation to meet in Trinity Church, Brighton, next year wai eepted. JULY ROD AND GUN Full of stories of interest tc sportsmen, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News has just been issued. Among the many breezy stories of out-door life is a very fine salmon fishing story by A. Bryan Williams, a well known British Columbia authority. Another interesting feature is the first of a short series of unusual stories of Canadian wanderings by Robert James, appearing under the general title of "Tales from the Wardroom Mess." Samuel Alexander White contributes another of his fine stories of the old Northwest fur trade rivalry. "The Gauntlet Runners." Bonnycastle '. well known outdoor author, writes or trout fishing in the Tabusintac River, N. B. The regular departments, "Guns nd Ammunition" and "Fishing Notes" ontain some very interesting reading natter with, reference to their special branches of sport, and "Kennel," under the editorship of C. G. Hopton. contains many notes of great interest tc the fancy. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited. Woodstock, Ontario. The English Channel Swimmer. Leslie Dernham, will represent England in the 21 mile swim at the 1927 Canadian National Exhibition. COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL We screen our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 2000Ibs. is a ton with us. Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. My Prices are $14.75 at the shed Delivered for $t5.75 Ira Edwards AN UP-TO-DATE CHURCH The effect of modern life and modern urban conditions on so conservative an institution as the church is shown by the plans for a New Methodist Church building to be erected in New York. It is to be thirty-six stories high, surmounted by an illuminated cross, with wings twenty stories in height to be rented in apartments. Connected with the church are swimming pools, bowling alleys and gymnasium, besides all the usual accommodations, in the way of class rooms, lecture halls and meeting rooms. The president of the U.F.W.O. for Ontario, speaking at the recent U. F.O. picnic at Wallace's Point, emphasised the value of advertising by stating "We should take a tip from big businesses in one way. When one looks at the papers one sees page after page devoted to the advertising of its products but we farmers never think of advertising our goods. If we have a few barrels of apples left over at the end of the season, we think perhaps some of the neighbours may take them, or maybe thev will rot, or we may give them away. Our farmers are lax along the line of advertising their wares." Used Car Parts FOR SALE SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. Wednesday HALF HOLIDAY The Business Places in Castleton will be closed WEDNESDAY Afternoon and Evening from 12 o'clock noon during the months of May, June, July, Aug. and Sept. The Stately Gift AS A WEDDING GIFT, CUT GLASS HAS A STATELY CHARM ALL ITS OWN. IT GRACES AND DIGNIFIES THE BRIDE'S HOME AND ITS LASTING BEAUTY SYMBOLIZES PERMANENCE. MAYHEW'S CUT GLASS BECAUSE OF ITS MASSIVE WEIGHT AND BECAUSE OF ITS PAINSTAKINGLY ACHIEVED PERFECTION IS THE MOST APPFOPRIATE WEDDING GIFT OF ALL. H. J. MAYHEW Bankrupt Stock Sale AT COLBORNE is still going strong--lots of goods left to choose from. The large crowd of the opening day was beyond our expectation, and in order to give you better service and a square deal, we are adding to our staff and will take care of your wants for the future. BIG STOCK -- BIG SALE STILL GOING We quote only a few prices as space will not permit us to give you a long list:-- Brooms, 5-string, reg. 85c......Sale Price .35 Toilet Soaps, reg. 10c cake . . Sale Price 5 for .25 Extracts, reg. 25c bottle . . . . Sale Price 4 for . 25 P. & G. Soap Chips, reg. 2 lb 25c. Sale Price 31b .25 Fancy Blue Rose Rice..........31b for .25 McCormick's Soda Biscuits, reg. 15c per pkg. Sale Price, per pkg..............10 Fancy Cakes, reg. 40c lb . . . . Sale Price lb .20 English Breakfast Black Tea, reg. 85c lb Sale Price, per lb.................50 Japan Green Tea, reg. 80c lb . . Sale Price lb . 50 Ridgeway Tea, reg. $1 lb . . . . Sale Price lb .50 Chase & Sandborn's Coffee, reg. 70c lb. Sale Price per lb.................50 Pure Moca Java Coffee, reg. 90c lb. Sale Price .60 Quck Quaker Oats, reg. 40c pkg. . . Sale Price .20 Thompson' Seedless Raisins, reg. 18c per. pkg. Sale Price...................14 Fresh Shredded Walnuts, reg. 75c lb. Sale Price . 48 Fresh Shredded Coc,oanut, reg. 35c lb. Sale Price .20 Classic Cleanser, reg. 2 for 25c. Sale Price 3 for .25 Large pkg. Soap Chips, reg. 25c.Sale Price 2 for .25 Mustard, reg. 30c tin......Sale Price, per tin . 15 Baking Powder, reg. 35c tin. Sale Price, per tin .19 Custard Pudding, reg. 10c. Sale Price 5 for .25 Ingersol Loaf Cheese, reg. 40c lb . .Sale Price .25 These are only a few items. We have thousands of articles n the store that you can take away at your own price. C. M. ALLEN & SON Phone 140 King Street Colborne Bankrupt Stock Dealers and Grocery Brokers WE LEAD IN PRICES -- OTHERS FOLLOW Car Load of Wire & Gates CHEAP FOR CASH FULL STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES We handle PLOW POINTS and SHOES for ALL MAKES of Plows Full Stock of BINDER TWINE on hand JOHN REIVE King Street Colborne Magazine Subscriptions We are Subscription Agents for all LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERIODICALS Also Foreign Ones most likely to be asked for GET OUR CLUBBING OFFERS ! Reduced Rates on Any Combination of Magazines THE EXPRESS Printing Office <