14h For bus SGHLCQ PMCL gets Barrie iob By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner Barrie has broken seven year tradition in the operation of its transit system City council decided Monday to allow Penetang Midland Coach Lines of Midland to operate the transit system from 198082 By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner The revisions of the human relations program demanded by Simcoe County Board of Education trustees have been completed but the process will continue this week as communi ty groups invited to par ticipate examine the changes Further changes would be made as result of the input from the community Dr Robert Thomas the boards superintendent of curriculum told The Examiner Monday He said the Alliston Inter Church and Barrie Ministerial Associations and an Orillia lawyer all three have criticiz ed portions of the program will review the changes that have been made to this point The Midland company out bid Travelways School Transit Ltd by $40000 move which satisfied most of city council PMCL bid $2039500 while Travelways the company which had run the service the past seven years came in at $2081000 Representatives of both com panies made deputations to council before the final decision was made Ald Ernie Rotman could see no reason why Barrie would not accept PMCL The company he said had the lowest bid the expertise and the previous track record to handle the job Both firms have reputable record said Ald Ed Thompson However there would be no reason for council to pass up the lower bid he said PARKER UNCONVINCED The city will be paying what most places of similar size are paying the service said Don Kirkpatrick deputy engineer today Course revision over other views sought Our feeling is that we have done pretty thorough job of revising the program Thomas said Last week board team that included members of the 16 man writing team and program advisor Jean Mockford went over the material and made alterations Thomas said Following review by the com munity the revisions will be for warded to the trustees within 10 days at the most he said If the trustees approve of the changes fieldtesting will resume beginning in September Thomas said We want to get the informa tion into the hands of the trustees so they can examine it fully he said Board director Jack Ramsay Ruemper upset at hiring of outside firm Ald Fred Ruemper doesnt like it but consulting firm has been hired to do the design work for the proposed fifth lane addition to Bayfield Street The firm of Totten Sims and Hubick Associates of Toronto have been retained by the pro vincial government to design the addition which will run from Highway 400 to Cundles Road The province will subsidize 75 per cent of the actual work along with the design Its bad deal all around Ald Ruemper told Barrie city council Monday fifth lane is not wise and is not needed at this point he said In addition he said the pro vince should be paying for the whole shot because it didnt build Highway 400 bypass which the alderman said it would do Ald Ruemper was displeased local firm was not being re tained for the design work But Ald Alex Arthur said the outside firm would be working in conjunction with the provin cial government The city has set aside $71065 for the work which is likely to be done in 1980 Included in the figure is $66800 for the actual fifth lane addition and another $42s5 for the design work The figure will have to be of ficially ratified during budget discussions next year Ald Ar thur told The Examiner today Report on water ready this week By NANCY FIGUEROA Of The Examiner written report on the cause of well water problems on Huronia Road should be com pleted by Friday said Roger Heise HayesDana Corp Ltd division manager today Huronia Road residents told Innisfil council Wednesday their well water drastically declined in quantity and quality when HayesDana building their new plant HayesDana is located about 300 to 500 feet from the 10 homes having water problems When notified Thursday of DAWN HALLIWELL 0t tawa Its hard to follow municipal politics dont follow it closely If theres something that catches my eye get interested in it like to hear what Joe Clark is up tonow began the problems the company im mediately retained an indepen dent engineer to investigate and report on the situation said Heise We hope that later this week written report will be available he said Heise has discussed the pro blem with some of the residents and has told them the report will be made available to them He said however the company is still unsure of the cause and reason for the problem One way or another we hope well get it solved said Heise ANN PRICE Barrie am not much for municipal politics Sometimes Ill catch the occasional meetings on TV but dont have time to go to meetings dont follow at all and dont find it in teresting has said special meeting will likely be calling during August to deal with the human rela tions material The boards next meeting is August The process of revising the program has been ongoing since fieldtesting began during September 1978 Thomas said During the boards June 27 meeting trustees demanded Lori Lewis several changes postponed full implementation of the prov gram that had been scheduled for the fall and cancelled fur ther fieldtesting pending revi sion of the course material Trustees demanded that the program acknowledge societys Christian base and tell the stu dent there is difference bet ween right and wrong who has manned the main swit chboard for the city of Barrie during the past six years Miss Lewis says she enjoys her work and Ald Dorian Parker not fully convinced however While she also went for the company with the lowest bid she said tenders were too high for what she thought the bus system should be operating for Ald Gord Mills couldnt see what all the discussion was about Were saving tax payers $40000 We went into the tendering process to save money he said dont know why weve wasted 40 minutes getting down to the basics The city decided earlier in the year to tender for the bus service following an inquiry from Ald Jim Shirley He thought the city was spending too much money by sticking to one company Travelwayl each year The operation takes effect on Jan While PMCL has not yet set up garage to handle the new deal company spokesman said facility was in the works and would be operational by late September or early 0c tober PMCL has been operating transit in Midland since 1948 and in Orillia since 1975 brief presented to council said Brian Dubeau vice president said first priority for jobs would be given to existing operators Barrie residents would get the next priority for any available jobs he said The city purchased 14 buses earlier in the year the examiner Tuesday only 31 197e7 Barrie wants to hurry In nisfil along in its annexation appeal before the Supreme has no intention of leaving her post Examiner Photo City hall receptionist reeting public daily By DENNIS LANTIIIER The Examiner The answer is usually the same Good morning city of Barrie one moment please Lori Lewus city hall recep tionist estimates she answers between 400 and 500 calls day on the main switchboard at the operations centre on Ferndale Drive The switchboard serlt vices three buildings including the centre city hall and the public utilities commission building on Bayfield Street Miss Lewis has been at the switchboard for six years and finds the position challeng mg Besides dealing with people over the phone each day Miss Lewis also serves as recep tionist At first glance it would ap pear the switchboard operation might be difficult one to learn But not so Miss Lewis told The Examiner You have to Ieam fast said Miss Lewis Especially if there are 10 or 11 its JlDY TOMCHECK Van couver would say theres general apathy over politics in general There is the excitement that is lack ing with federal election for example In municipal politics nothing exceptional seems to happen Im unim pressed with the manners of citycouncil what do ou think about municipal politics city councils CAROL NIcKNIGHT St Marys St Marys is dif ferent It is small town of 3000 and everybody knows everybody It becomes popularity contest thats how people vote have never had much to do with it myself Ive never been to council meeting calls waiting on the line at one time Similarly Miss Lewis says in six years she cant recall any incidents of an unusual nature because she is kept extremely busy Youre dealing with many different departments she said There are so many dif ferent things happening at one time Rarely however will people hang up while phoning into the city because Miss Lewis says it VICTOR NOBLE Montreal find some of it interesting but Ive never been in politics used to go to some meetings follow it now but not too closely The fighting that goes on doesnt bother me like to hear them she has teamed to get to the calls quickly Miss Lewis says she does start to recognize familiar voices although it can sometimes take awhile Usually if she has met an in dividual in person it will help her to better recognize the voice on the other end of the line Miss Lewis who applied for the job in 1973 because she said it sounded interesting says she enjoys the work and has no intention of leaving What does one look for in receptionist Someone who is very kind who has good telephone voice said Bev Agnew chief clerk We do get number of calls that could get your back up Also with people coming in to the office you have to be aware of whats going on You have to know how to direct peo ple There are 25 telephone lines coming into city hall with about 110 extensions for Miss Lewis to deal with But the switchboard is easy to Ieam to operate said Ms Agnew could show you and youd be running it in five minutes she said There are four other persons who handle the switchboard in cluding three fulltime clerks and one parttime person she said Police chief charged with drunk driving Innisfil Townships police chief has been charged with im paired driving after car left Highway 11 on Saturday and knocked out railway crossing light Barrie police said the acci dent caused chain reaction of three more accidents involving three other vehicles William Brown who has headed the township police for 19 years is to appear in provin cial court Aug 14 Kempenfest Week begins Kempenfest began officially Monday morning when festival organizers hung the Kempenfest banner at Centennial Park Barrie Mayor Ross ar cher left and festival chairman Gard Knox do the Court of Canada As result city council pass ed motion Monday stipu lating that if Innisfil has not fil ed information to the court by Aug Barrie lawyers will try to strike out Innisfils ap pea If the information is not filed by that time said Ald Dorian Parker there will no chance for supreme court date until the early part of next year Ossie Rowe city solicitor said he was told two weeks ago the information was being gathered This move is being honors with vicechairman John Bondor looking on Dont go looking for the banner however it was taken down following the ceremony so it wouldnt blow away Examiner Photol Barrie rushing Innisfil on annexation appeal made to get the township to tilt the information bctorc thc tunc limit he said Robert Rueter innisiil solicitor told The Examiner Monday he couldnt cstimatc when the appeal might be perfected He said thc Ill formation still has to he put together and then sent to the printers before it can ho soul to the court An Examiner story last ttl sparked an outburst from ric Mayor Ross Archer ho said Innisfil was trying to dclny the annexation process Ald Parker said she had read of tho hickcrmg hack and forth Lillll iliillll arc how it could ticnctu both municipalities The two councils attempted to rosobc thc illSIlIliC at iiioclini IIlltl in the year but Illiill= mlcil lic Harrie ildcrmcn lllIll lllttl to settle ihc mailer lit smrct but that toiilxiiliid lmnstil was not allowed to iiiwsltmi Illiitttltil population inliiï¬ml illllllt Ihc original UMP hmiini It now wants to picsiion prmmcizil govern ment Illiit lll trout of the courts Plane service in offing between countyToronto By RICHARD THOMAS The Examiner Businessmen cottagers and vacationers will soon be able to commute from Toronto to several points in Simcoe County on scheduled commuter flights Insurers asked to eliminate biases Automobile insurance com pany executives have been ask ed by the Ontario government to prepare within two weeks rating plan that eliminates age sex and marital status as fac tors in setting rates The request made by Frank Drea consumer and commer cial relations minister follows moves by two provinces to eliminate those categories In Alberta the board of inquiry recently found that the use of age sex and marital status as classification criteria was discriminatory And in British Columbia the government has introduced legislation to eliminate the use of those categories and georgraphical location as rating factors Drea says that using age sex or marital status to determine insurance premiums is discriminatory and he ad vocates rating system that is based on each individuals driv ing record The ministers request was presented to industry represen tatives by Murray Thompson Ontario superintendant of in surance at meeting in his of fice Thompson told the representatives that Drea does not expect fullydetailed pro gram by the AugUSt deadline Were hopeful that the in dustry will come up with an outline of what can be done and will have some alternatives to advance likely alternative to the current system is one that replaces age sex or marital status with categories based on driving experience accident record and number of miles driven each year Such rating system would further penalize bad drivers Although industry spokesmen admit the current system is not perfect they say that most peo ple would balk at paying higher rates to cover young male drivers who are highrisk group recent survey by the In surance Bureau of Canada showed that while 80 per cent of those surveyed favor dropping the age factor in premium rating more than 70 per cent changed their mind when ques tioned about their willingness to pay more for insurance so that young drivers would pay less The Insurers Advisory Organization of Canada an in spection body says that if age ceased to be rating factor five million car owners would pay 12percent more says spokesman for ioll ingwood Air Services Ltd The company took delivery of dc Havilland Twin Utter nii craft Monday and plans flights between Tollingwood Parry Sound Midland Muskoka and Toronto Island airport early this fall said Noel Smith marketing manager tor ioll ingwood Air Services Smith said although thuhi plans have not becn completed Toronto will be the central link and the service will not be bus schIcc operation hcluccn illi points That would take too long and our concept is to try and got people on an carly morning sci vice to Toronto he said The company however hopes to buy two more ot the iii sealer planes which cost llltllll $1 million each to expand tin trequency of its daily flights Smith said touching each point about four times daily The company is also silicy ing the possibility of scriuo to St Catharines and Ifort Hi It and hopes to add éltlllllltlllitl points in the Simcoc tonnt area he added Smith said the would like to do sonicthmg tor Barrie and would iiltxiinl give it serious look ll thc need or demand was cstuhhxh ed coiiipiin liiv lmiiic iupoil however would how to be upgraded to oiviiiuinxliic the lin tter Illill lt Hiltl llii nrn wixuc will involve mu including 10 pilots who will til itttllltl£lliV llitlllttl to li this pillitllli iiriil Miutiimnt Knuth ltl be anticipated the JIIt unlihi lll slltttSSlVIIl dryUp ihc llit lil omitwiittovarigoingtoget lt iiiiuguxliitil going if tlu otnoo 1m thcday lin illiilt will Lild llt til lliillt to miiuiiulcrs facing luntx lnilixi iill they luxol iniiili li lu With llItII liilitlll it the cottage during llit iinlunil or skuis bound loi llui tiilliiiitvmoiiMuskokti iiiigis Illlililjl llltl Smith siul Tho iiiliitmifl inn cvcii had iwiucstu llll gilniuidccd seals on thithh it 11 ciliirul IS next iuiiiiiuii ln nil Ibi oi oi mains oncway iitl1loioi to tinVentral link ui Jinnah vitl iii Midland is lixlwki inil luliy Sound Siinlliuiul liini 4iiltlil iivnllltilly hoin small txlwtllllit Hitr is well titll ltlillil to lik Irixoiici to wmitrnl point liix liliill li ii1 town country Council gives CAS $3000 more Barrie has decided to giw tlu riizluwnk additional $3000 The decision which tumu id Society an during toiulm session means Barries sharcot the budget n1 hi rumd liom about $80000 to about 383000 The increase came about or ill from Ald Hill Knowles The alderman said that liltt llll ll should not alter it in any way Iilliliilttl oliicctions wls thi budgcl it But Ald Altx Arthur said that perhaps iu wus ti fault in the matter for not llilVlllt tnlli mpl mud inc socictys financialsituation The move follows govtinnit n1 piopo to slash the budgetwhich hadbccnaskid loihj llitiiti4l City host for convention The city of Barrie is host for the hint llttill toi the zone meeting of the Ontario llumhmo lllINltil vsociation Sept The decision was reached ltilitlJH llrtiiit iiwlttl city council meeting and development DRILLIA The cost of the affair will noi lti wed who sins an ad ministrative report from Rick mom New members for downtown board Three new appointments to llll cu dmtniowo hoard were ratified by Barriecity council londziy Susan Bogardis lim Steadman and Toni Easterman Who all work downtown wcrc appoinud to lhe hoard Their term of office expires in Novcmhcr iiiHo City council also acceptid Benvenuti as board chairman Only one objects to civic centre The city has received one objection so tar to the rezoning of property for the proposed civic PM The objection received from tharlcs Wilson also objects to the proposed closing of Mulcastcr St ltti City council decided Monday to forward the letter to the Ontario MuniCipal Board 10MB tor the purpose of calling public meeting into the matter Brechin man remanded Brechin mun murder following stabbing liititltlil lhnisdziy appeared Monday in provincial court Monday iiui ii August when trial date will iit wet iummi oi planning the resignation of Mike clungiil Ill attempted iimanded to