Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1979, p. 14

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14 the examiner runway July 31 1070 18 tendon Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Renovate the interior of the Former Nurses Residence at the Mental Health Centre PENETANG Ont HE82854 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Install New Sanitary Sewer at the Jail in BARRIE Ont CPI66904 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 2Xpm local time on Tuesday August I979 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services Ontario neighborly 18 tendon news new flos by Mrs Wanless 4878 Mr and Mrs Elmer Atkinson spent the weekend in Deep River with their daughter and soninIaw Mr and Mrs Nor man Freedman Mrs Clarence Atkinson visited Mr and Mrs Jim Atkin son and family of Alliston Mrs Archie Wanless spent week with her mother Mrs Cowper of Cobourg Mr and Mrs Bill Chappell and family of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay and family Mr and Mrs Joe DeBacker of Alliston also visited the Finlays recently Gladys Train and Effie Hoff man of Barrie attended the Fair Haven Bible Conference near Beaverton Mr and Mrs Roger Del Mastro and Robbie are on vaca tion in Britt Two properties on the Not tawasaga River belonging to Mr and Mrs Henry Starling and Mr and Mrs Sydney Keega have been sold Sunday visitors with Mr and Willowdale Mr and Mrs Bur Charles at the controls imporiani OTTAWA CP The most important problem facing man kind next to preserving world peace is saving the soil which grows food geographer Ken neth Hare said Monday Faulty turning and develop ment practices around the world are causing the loss of key soil ingredients and mil lions of tons of top soil each year Hare told the annual meeting of the Soil Con servation Society of America The meeting is studying the need in North America for eco nomic owth to be restrained in light of limited natural re sources such as farmland and pure water Mans ability to feed himself is also threatened by the in creased use of fossil fuels such as Petroleum and coal Hare sai By 2050 there could be twice the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere No one is sure what that will mean to the climate but it likely will result in an increase of two degrees to three degrees Celsius in most areas Tem peratures in polar regions how ever could climb by as much as 10 degrees DALE CARNEGIE COURSE III ROSENECK INSTRUCTOR Effective Speaking Hu man Relations Selt Confidence Memory Training Selling Your ideas Mrs Larry Cameron inCIUded ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES ton Cameron and family of Brampton and Mr and Mrs Bill Cameron of Dundalk Mr and Mrs Les McBride and family of Milton and Mr Overcome Worry and Tension Britains Prince Charles right gives the thumbs up for takeoff as he fulfills personal ambition by flying 45yearold wood and canvas Tiger Moth aircraft at Benson Royal Air Force base Mon day The Princea qualified pilotwas ac companied by flying Instructor Flt Lt John Har die during his onehour flight AP Photo IAIRIE CLASSES NOW FORMING FOR INFORMATION 7264550 Dmili Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 nnimmum 40 words additional words ll centes per word $600 $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Births In Moinorial no verse Coming Events iii liiiths ri ili Ni Ws HOIZY vttvii nu an lllllgtl1flyIllIlllEx imwny of tin inan arc ri 41 flotiy look inmin Tree rind Ill mail yltlli iricrrls and mow tor away planu Place 41H mini omit allot IJITIII Call The iti If illil Hit LJIJ deaths 17ilviJ ill llli Royril VlC il Inri on iucsdny July it 11 nm or timrw beloved vi iww ni hir dist your lrt oi kioiiwrly Karl and minori of Mrs flwrilin Cochrnnc nvi tin Into Weston if Linl iMrs Edward mun Dorothy iMrs Earl ruinon lrinn iMrs Ross KI nut Marilyn ers xihwrtn William of Killili 910060 of mi ll liltll if Saskatchewan gt ill at hrklny Funeral Barrio altnr fridny noon Paul Ainilnan llrIlJ iiiz 3rd of in nil itflilltly In lllU it itiiiinnis llrll1d would hr up It ii lowim imrlig Al the iv rm lvirflllill Barrio on Sun thi ivv lustnil Charles no it r32 lllllVIfI husband of it limph Dear lint Itm Into Mario limo liii Mrs Roy limit ll in iMrs Jack itt ill lint liile0RnIIm Yryflllrlllhgt ii if Ill onkstowniram lllII glrylfl on in 1pm lntor umritory In 11011 in tho Canadian Illil hi nonriv Ialtd in llli If nm Tucs oru station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 llll Uni lonnslnp swim tilllfil July 30 and lhcy lml idml icntlicr for thc two iint ltlnltlrcn found out what lltl oi proliciincy thcy uhd iiillllll nnnnim guppy fish nil on ppiounilcl 125 no lilllMliil llic clncl instruc mr is li1 lloliciol1111ISI1I wicil Iiy AIlSOtl Eli lmnnll ll lCllsincrc and lllll ligtcl Ilolil fiils lltll SlSltl ll ii llilliii lltilll of Toronto spcni ioiiplr ol days 2ilt1 11h li iiiil l1 llllilcl Ilikti Ilii1I1L1i lorix loll Marigold Eldch lIlli mint on bus trip to mliuw luixilny July 17 They onrcd thc McLaughlin homo in st iilillh grounds bcuutiful 1llllll inil outsnlc tcu room lliix lslltll tlic cir museum winch III illsplil from Ihc ciil pirt of Illt killlllly The illlllllltL lr McLaughlin lt to lltll to work was also on illll hurlicr uscd lo iiillli in lIlt isiuic icckly Iocul ihc nicnK lllll llltl tlic tour in illlillfl look 11 lllt barbcr thin lhc housc contains thc iiiuiirys liisl indoor swimm Illtl pool ltcr lhc tour thc Illilll lliilllhfl it thc Oshawa llii Il llorccn lioulios undch wnl surccry il lioyul Victoriu lliisplltll July and had iiiizci July 11 Both of us arc llill Iliitiit 111111 lnw ioinniuniiys sympathy mlcndcd to Mrs Marian lnmrf ind lnn lclchcr on the ldv r1 oi llltil futhcr Joseph low In 17 ltcycrcnd Kcn llilili iondiniul llic funeral r1 or ii Siccklcys Funcral Ililllli lnl lli lntcrnicnl 1511 Urol Iilll cmcicly iwll lost some books iuutn from tho library at lllt iIro iiinirul Slorc Im surc ilimicr liorroyicd them ill Ilt surc to bring lhcm buck lwcuuso how to pay to lllliltt tlicni und hooks arc ex ptllgtlt Would you ull have look ind soc if you how any of llic lilll0lllL lluu Hun Black Sliccp Hugtnnc turric Mo nicnt of Low itcar Fairy Talc of No York II£lll llughcs uthy lnconrs Sccrct They Iiuyc liccn missing for ovcr ycur no so pltilSt look closcly for the librarys books lhc lihrury board and the com niunity would upprcciatc it St Andrcws Presbyterian Iiurch is holding at bake sale Suturduy August front 11 um in lhc church Iiull at thc rear of the lnnlding and Mrs Victor Zymantas and Karoline of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Zymantas Several women from the area attended Same Time Next Year play at Gryphon Theatre in Ba rrie Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless spent the weekend at the cot VINGERHOETS Neil and Betty would like to express sincere thanks to Dr tage or Mr and Mrs HarOld Johns Dr Hunt Drs and Nazerali Wanless atAllenwood Beach and nursing stall on 4th floor of Royal thornton Victoria Hospital for the care and con 87in memoriams by $343 per column inch Bilcard of thanks sideration shown during Bettys stay at the hospital McNABB In loving memory of dear daUther CindY who passed away July Mm list 1978 To hear her voice and see her smile To sit with her and talk while Best WShes to Shrley To be together the same old way Graham of Holly and Brian Would be our dearest wish today Always remembered by Mom Dad qupe who were married at Brenda and Brent Trinity United Church by Rev McNABB In loving memory olra dear Don RICO on July 21 niece and cousin Cindy who passed Raymond Corry did again away Jullest l978 ed Toknowherwastoloveher een er an IQ aogiioriamiiy andgrhiend car at Binbrook recently he An the sweetnesso er memory Timecanneither dim norend won two trophlesi one for the Always missedby Aunt BarbUncie most outstanding engineered Ne 05 strectrod and the other for thc McNABB Cindy In loving memory of dear friend who passed away July best the Class for 1942 and list 1978 under models About 1600 cars She was only little white rosebud competed sweet little flower from birth God took her hometo heaven JUIy 12v Homemdk Before she was soiledon earth mg Clubs of Slmcoc South held their Achievement Day at In nisfil Centennial Park it was their Outdoor Living prolcct All 11 members of the Thorn lust when your yearswerebest l0 club completed their pro oiixre called from this world of jecl and presented Skit as Toa home of eternal rest Ihelr part of the program Ian Sadly missed by Aunt Dorothy Deb Blackwell received her Provm flung 2W In Mb cial Honors and was presented carinv nn memory of dear granddaughter who WI emInca dnd PPv after passed away July 31511978 havmg completed 12 prejccts Oftandoftourihoughts dowan er Tome grave Wamway The nerd pr0jectw11l be Where welaid our dear Cindy Accessories for You and the leaders will be Mrs Lcondard Justoneyearagotoday dl db Grand aM Nab 59 Vanderpost and Mrs Mike Shcehan Scott Sharp spent the July 20 by weekend at ThreeMile Lakc Mrs Campbell wrth the Wes Hindles and Gun 4873201 nar Balodis and while there celebrated his 93rd birthday Mr and Mrs Howard Camp engagglzkmerclwn boll cnjoycd Gray reunion ds last wcekend Enroutc they Elenstreetremme homoon isucd Mrs Wair at iodcrich and Rev and Mrs Always remembered by friends Ed Kathy and Lisa McNABB Cindy Anne In loving memory of dear niece and cousin who passed away July list 1978 Just when your life was brightest July 19 after fiveday bus trip which included side trips George Dawson at by traintoAgawa Canyon anda lowunslown Mrs Warrs late mse of MS Chrchefmiun husband and Hcv Davison as we as tour or Mdemac Island Services resumed at Trinity United on July 22 with smallerthanusual attendance This was the annual United Church Womens service with Eleanor Maltby in the chair She was assisted by other members of the executive while Maymc Cumming gave report of the Toronto Conference which was held in May at the King Edward Hotel The 458 delegates in atten dance dccidcd on budget of $136800 for 1980 commission ed person is just new name for deaconess All enjoyed Bonnie Gilberts wcrc both former ministers in thc lnited Thurch hcrc Mrs Catherine Mellon had shower for Miss Sally Rattle on Saturday aficrnoon July There wcrc over 30 guests lhrcc of these wcrc the grooms mother and two ISltllt Mrs Kawecki and Beth and ltcvcrley of Holland Lan ding The youngest guest was StVfnlllUthflld Joan Rattle Sallys two nicces Heather Turnbilll and Lisa Becker hclpcd hcr unwrap the many bcauiiful gifts Also assisting Sully wcrc Marilyn Campbell and Gloria Becker To conclude happy after two solos accompanied by noon Mrs Melton served rmreshmoms Black organist for the Twclyc Womens lnslitulc members met zit Best School to judgc social studics notc hooks Eight are in mired in this project including Argylc lowcs Dalston Beatrice Johnston Guthrie llziwkcstone Mitchell 3266813 Square Rugby and Shanty Bay This project was artcdih Gordon M00 T010 1978 lo cncouragc studcntsto weStem HOSPIZ awamng kwp good recurdx surgery We Wish him speedy Only two of our 0m schools recover Mr and Mrs Frank Giesbrecht of Vancouver BC are visiting Mr and Mrs Harry Neufeld of East Oro They also visited their niece and family Mr and Mrs Bryan Johnston and Jason Mr and Mrs Ray Shaw and Mrs Lena Sanders of Oshawa arrived safely back from the West During their trip they Varriano Enst 0m Grade VlSlIed relatives Norman Leig Tammy Faulkner East Oro andEmilia mm Napslflfifig Mark Richardson Best am ma and sons in Stroughton Sask nd Kale erlm Em om Anne Cain in Calgary Alta Si Monicas Barrie CIlIISllllt They also attended the calgary Stampede Mticlmod Best Grade Mike Bowman Best The Womens Institute and lt John itlnnOll East Oro Colleen Ilfikfligfinflgéfifl rlxls ENOro They also visited the rock and 23 b00k the rose gardens enjoving ro airt lsfa Due to luck ofinicrest of mm wonderfu day and excellent weather cipals and teachers this is the last war for this roject Mrs Lynn Hung orth of mg Cedar Estates is visiting her BIG SPENDERS AT HOME daughter Susan and husband in Canadians vacationing in Calgary Alta their own country spent close to Mr and Mrs George 80 per cent of the $11 billion Nessencr of Guelph visited generated in tourism in the with Mr and Mrs Jim country in 1978 Langman pariiciputui this year Thanks to East 0m and RBest and congratulations to thcllallowing students listed in ulphnbcticul order Grade Kim Andrews East ro Kevin Moore Eustace and Janice Shclswcll East ro Grade Nancy Burkholder East Oro Nicolinc Van Windcm Min signor Lec0rillia and Anne Sears totealon Presented by CRONE ASSOCIATES Save$40 Tune in and save on AC DC portable Like to go away but hate to miss your favorite TV programs and specials Sears lightweight portable makes great traveling companion Operates on household current for athome or cottage viewing days only Cigarette lighter adapter included SimpsonsSears Ltd Fleg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Store address 509 Bayfield St Georgian Mall Barrie Store hours Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 rim to 930 pm in car with cigarette lighter adapter Reliable 100 solidstate chassis with instanton picture and sound Earphone jack and earphone included Highimpact polystyrene cabinet Convenient up front rotary controls Weights only 17 lb Guar anteed year parts and laborcarryin service About 16 x122 x112 high 576 213 931 Stands swivels 270° for easy viewing Hiimpact polystyrene Black or White 576 240 805 $998 Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account ideal for home or cottage Perfect for use motor homes Compact enough to take on boat Prices In Aug 4th effect until Saturday or while quantities last

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