1o tho oxamlnor Monday so am television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 000 NEVIS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE ow cas NEws FANTASY ISLAND CRoss wns 3100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEYYLYWED GAME su GETTING IT TOGETHER ABC NEVIS NEws PARTV GAME FIsII TALEs 046 LETS ALL sING 700 DATING GAME MARY TYLER MOORE ow TIC TAC DOUGH WHATS MY LINE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE SUMMER ACADEMY GONG snow PRICE Is RIGHT 730 FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT HOLLYWOOD SQUARES HEADLINE HUNTERS MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEvaIART snow 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Tho IIoubIomalilng Mrs Olaaon whoa nawapapar goulp column that MMOOI to anger and Ilandar nearly over Wbfl Tï¬Ã©hï¬ï¬ï¬snmow Coach Raavaa spots lunaga basketball hustler at playground and cant wall to not mxéiibï¬inmiuom SEDALL SALVAGE who IIooIII MNPMMIIMW IronMaulamymavohlabwauo mummmmwm to calm SPEAKI OUT CANADA JAN MOVIE ADVENTURE Va Itlng SolomoroIiaoMlnu 1000 II MONDAY NIGIIT AT TIIE MOVIES The Run Pooplo I000 awn Joana Coon NASH ma mumquvmm ahaaa mmlumwmw DAVID COPPEHFIELD aLACIt GNEEP SOUADRON 030 waP IN CINCINNATI Ws rock rod IIINOIG lanai and you ammmmum Rmrmuammmuhmm warding on the station NR IN CINCINNA Ws your nrolmclomatudymm mm Malibu tycoon Randy Fawn la 0010mm to advonlu hla Maul pacinga on the station Repeat IOOO II NewsMAGAZINE LOU GRANT Lootilnoloa plaqu Muaflflnwhdhluu notaaahocklno lookatuhflaoodarcrmhanhama acwmnchlachmmbyaahomm will room LE CALL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 Tle LAND pomall at Glen Loalaa Repeat DIG 1100 II no NEws CBC NW5 CW NEws EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANus new MUSIC SPECIAL 1120 NEws 1125 News 1121 news 1130 TN TONIGNT snow aha can MOVIE ROMANCEDRAMA wool November 1000 EET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 148 sECRET ARMY 00mm mummmummnmm IIIaII poolIo aa an RAF andI Monica haa Man on In Man and In mm It attractive Raoul Iain 1200 MOVIE COMEOY And Now For Somowng Completely aunt 1013 MEDICAL CENTER MERV GRIFFIN ONTINUES PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1210 MOVIE TITLE UNANNDUNCED 1230 MONTY PVTHONS FLYING CIRcus 100 TOMORROW Host in Oneal Ionian Lottohr author oi Droali 00 Inna ALL THAT GLITTERS 130 NEVIS MOVIE DRAMA Jungle Heat Ian 145 MOVIE DRAMA Angry Man Inc Last historically speaking barries story July 30 I953 for the celebration of Old Preparations were underway Home Week to celebrate the canadas story Percy Williams Was World Fastest Human There was great excitement in Canada on July 29 1928 when it became known that Percy Williams Vancouver schoolboy had qualified to run in the loometre finals at the Olympic Games in Amsterdam He had won two heats to qualify However that was expected to be as far as Williams would go What chance would he have against such famous sprinters as Sykoff and McAlllster the US London of Britain Lammers of Germany atiid Legg of South Africa The race took place on July 30 and there were two false starts The third start was perfect and Williams was away with the gun He was never caught London was second by yard and Lammers was third It was unbelievable The fastest toometre runner in the worl Canadian was the young The only person not impressed was Williams himself who wrote in his diary Well well well So Im supposed to be the worlds looM champion crushed apples now No more fun in running Then came the ZWmetre two days later Again Wil liams was given little chance of winning His opponents included Borah of the US and Koernig of German who had not taken part in the loometres and were fres Canadian interest was doubled because John Fitzpa trick of Hamilton had also qualified Williams knew that Koernig was faster over zoometres but he and his trainer Bob Granger worked out strategy Williams had the ability to shift could start very fast cruise and then hit again ears He igh speed Grangers instructions were to stay close to Koeriqglso Williams ran beside him until the final 50metres en be shifted into blindin driving hesitated That was enoug finish and Koernig Williams won the zoometres and was undoubtedly the worlds fastest human It was one of Canadas greatest victories in international OTHER EVENTS ON JULY 30 1609Champlain helped Hurons defeat Iroquois near sport Crown Point l793Lieutenant Governor Simcoe of Upper Canada began clearing land for capital at York Toronto 1865 Death of Sir Etienne Tache former ister who presided Confbrence prime min at Quebec Confederation 1886 First tea train left Port Moody DC for Mon treal 1892 Im perial Privy council upheld right of Manitoba to abolish separate schools 100th birthday of Barries emergence as town For months the centennial committee of the Chamber of Commerce headed by Girffin had been making the arrangements The official opening of the centennial celebrations were to start at pm August with the Premier of Ontario the Hon Leslie Frost officiating Simultaneously with the open ing planes of the RCAF from Trenton would fly overhead Following the opening the Premier was to visit the Can dian Legion Hall Owen Street He expressed personal wish to meet some of his old First World War comrades and the informal meeting as to be onl for those men who served wi his unit the 157th Battalion Simcoe Foresters Pianist Reginald Godden famous Barrie old boy was to appear in the Barrie Collegiate Band Centennial Concert at Barrie Arena The renowned Canadian con cert pianist was at the time principal of the Hamilton Con servatory of Music At Camp Borden the first of the new 250man permanent Barrack Blocks was officially opened It was called Hennessy Block in commemoration of the late Colonel Patrick Hen nessy DSO MC first Comman dant of the Royal Canadian Ar my Service Corps Training Centre at Camp Borden in the late 30s The King and his Court the fabulous touring fourman fastball club was scheduled to enter the gates at Agricultural Park under the auspices of the Barrie Rotary Club The visitors were to perform against players chosen from the roster of Barrie Legion and Canadian General Electric of the Barrie district senior cir cuit who were to be bolstered by two pitchers from the South Simcoe section today in history July 30 IS Henry Ford US in dustrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Co was born 116 years ago today in 1863 on farm near Dearborn Mich The main manufacturing in novation credited to him is the assemblyline method of mass production which he first used in 1913 in automobile con struction He showed an in terest in mechanical things from an early age and even at the apex of an industrial em nton thyma Holt The Thornton friendship club held meetin July with guests from Angus and Hawkestone clubs in atten dance Plans for the county pic nic scheduled for Aug were discussed Goodbyes were said to Afra Hank who is leaving for her neighborly pIre he delighted In disassembling friends watches or joining mechanics at greasy repair job Ford was diet faddist folkdance en thusiast collector of early Americana hilanthropist and practical jo er He ran the Ford company for more than 40 years making daring in novations while at the same time hanging on to some anachronistic ideas He died in 1947 Iass The Battle of Warsaw permanent home in Rotterdam Holland The card player winners in cluded Helen Shumack of Hawkestone Lucille Prentice Russell of Angus and George Holt Ellen Finch entered Royal Victoria Hospital July suffer ing from heart attack Francis Wicklum and Lena Caldwell have each been pro ended 1733 The first lodge of freemasonry ned in Boston on written au 0rin from the Grand Lodge in England 1898 Sculptor Henry Moore was born 1909 The United States gov ernment bought its first air craft from the Wright brothers 1963 bl Queen Elizabeth $1 permitting English my to drop their titles for life so that they could enter the House of Commons Kressing favorably Congratulations to Shirley Johnson and Mary Sheardcwvn both members of the 4H Homemaking Club who receiv ed silver cream and sugar set In recognition of having com peted 13 projects Ra Eleanor am Muriel Malt returned home July 14 after travelling West and Visiting their son Brian at Lashburn Saskatchewan The Doctor says lf could be Bakers cyst By PAUL RUBIE MD Dear Dr Ruble found growth under my left knee about six months ago dont know how long it had been there or how it started but lm concerned it is about the size of half an egg cut lengthwise Should it be removed or should watch for further growth suspect Bakers cyst which does occur under the skin at the hollow of the knee in back The knee is muchused and complicated structure There are six bursa sacs there and any one of them can de velop cyst bursa sac is small fluidfilled cushion that allows tendons and muscles to move easily without undue friction Bakers cyst has nothing to do with bakers or with baking It is named for the physician who first recognized and de scribed the condition The cyst begins with an abnormal con tact between the bursa and the knee joint itself Fluid accumu lates and the lining inside the knee surrounds it There can be pain if the cyst grows and ex tends into the calf area The pain may be similar to that froma blopdclot If it is Bakers cyst the best answer is surgical removal for if the cyst ruptures the pain would be great Drainage of cysts has been tried and cortisone has been in jected to relieve pain and in flammation If arthritis is part of the picture there may be need to remove the knee joint lining itself For most the an swer is some kind of surgery in answer to JF yes chil dren can have Bakers cyst With children it often occurs in both knees at once and may stem from abnormal knee structure in about half the cases Injury is rarely cause Dear Dr Ruble How many calories day do need just to exist Depends on lot of things your height frame age your sex which cant tell from your letter incidentally how active you are and probably few other factors that may not come im mediately to mind good starting point for moderately active adult is to figure on half calorie an hour for each pound of body weight For example if 150 pound person is not going to run into nutritional problems he should get about 1800 calories day Some weightheight calorie charts fail to consider that persons needs decline with age The older we get the less our energy needs become if we dont take this into consideration and continue eating for energy needs of the past weight will accumulate too much calorie intake too little energy output This simple fact accounts for much of the socalled middleaged spread Der Dr Ruble What does sinus bradycardia mean and is it cause for concern It means an abnormally slow heart rate below 60 minute The sinus refers to the hearts pacemaker The two words together mean that the heart rhythm abnormality is caused by defect in the pace maker system of nerves In ath Hnsthis situation is notof cgn cemand in fact may even In dicate excellent health BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East Pass Pass 20 Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 4K Oswald The fifth Cavendish invitation tourna ment is now history Here is the one simple hand from it Alan Everyone got to four spades Every declarer lost two clubs and heart Six declarers picked up the queen of diamonds and scored plus 620 Four went wrong and were minus 100 Peter and were East and West and our opponent was Scoring tournament games one of the successful six it gave him and his partner an 1MP score of plus 48 and us the corresponding minus Oswald see why you and Peter Weichsel were just out of the top ten this year bad result for the only twotime winners of this tough really expert event Peter Yes we were on the wrong side of too many winning game and slam con tracts Jim Jacoby another former winner and Swanson and Fox who won last year were also well back this time Oswald This years winners were Kit Woolsey and Ed Manfield of Wash ington One of the best young pairs in the world who really played well but of course had to have luck also Alan This hand is really simple We just showed it to illustrate how this tourna ment is scored Youhold 0A2 VA2 OKJ865 OKQsl New Mexico reader asks if we open this 17 highcard point hand with one notrump No we dont We never open notrump with 5422 distribution 730B daily crossword ACROSS 40 Stage of ournay Martini 42 all In drops much 44 Cinnabar old plated II Constellauon Itatuatta 47 Islamic name 11 Palm II Wlny 13 Make certain 30 Lambliko it Livestock 82 Leaders Ihaltar 33 Boulevard II Courage II Withers 10 Crack letter Annoy l7 mum 10 MC Mack DOWN 20 Cincinnati ball Answer to Previous Purlla BEE 3D EDI BEDS EBBDEEDE i6 SEED EDD EDGE BEE ED355335 cluhtabbr in mu 5M Wop 12 Journey 36 Mike In character LIngoI Idly 13 Gulf ddglno 23 Burning glut Encroach on Southern Valcmo 2t Moms golf Contand ltlto Ibbl mu 20 Disclairn Old Tutlmanf 21 Maunum Mufflm formally book 39 Consume lndoIInIto par 23 500 WIN 30 SnlkalIIIo hon Iona 26 d1 Donn 31 human port Put much 27 mflwngm 43 Godllnou 32 Sodlum Ibbr 0mm sum Cniobrif 29 Lummg pd 4O ADCII DIOIIIOI 33 genundral cm mm mm Over poem as sum Io Orchestra 33 WNW DOW0 30 blue can salmon 34 Schedula lllll Bernice Bode Osol July 31 1979 This coming year you may be subjected to some changing condltlons not of y0ur own chooslnq Dont be discour aged sh Uid this happen The ultimate affect will be benefi Clal to you LEO July 3Aug 22 You may be the first one out of the starting blocks today but you might not be good stretch runner Dont begin things and leave them half finished Frank and Ernest Winthrop WANT YaJ TDMEE 0n lm ma Bugs Bunny Short Ribs WUNZ do LONG VIRGO Aug iiiSoot 22 See Ing only the negatIve side of summons today will prove self deteating Be optimism and look for posuive alternatives as well LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Don spend on the basis of what you anticipate youll have soon CommIt y0urself only to the limits of your bank account SCORPIO Oct zoNov 22 Being loo selfsewing or sel fish today where persona am bitions are concerned will die please assocéates ll c0uld even cause them to work against you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Be helpful and compas sionate toward others today but also be wise as to what you do for them Put limits On your CIVNDVNFA Inc IM Rog us PaIOvl ARE sloemwa THE MsTLF HIDEOUS HIDEOU qua9xug WEVI ADA MNIN FLO IT NC IONA 1H 19 Ilunlnp 231 II In Ntiltll ll RN SIAI It Nl RY VA Your wedding invitations rm oumemen Headquarters provide loanout service generoscty CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Before taking nusmoan gam blea today carefully crmmriov what mIghl happen If they lml lmpulaweneas could mod pm to do something mu could regret AQUARIUS Jan 20Fab 11 Important deCIanna houlr not be made for the sake of pedIenCy today Carefully weIgh and evaluate ever as pect before yOU make move PISCES Fab 20March 2f Coworkers may be mile drill cult to get along WIIII today SO gIve them the kidglove treat ment Do nothIng that come create Ill WIII ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be very careful today how you handle thIngs for others canomn II us but wolotono 79 THEY AKE BPATEN INTO 9UBIIIGSION JP LOOK AT THESE PLIT ENDSEOU NEED KNIGHT WHO EATMENT HOT OIL VIsmanagamonl of anothers atlaIrn could cause you we lrahnq compllcatrons TAURUS April 20May 20 Her maIly you re very trachea and roatlatlc In striking bargains Today however you mIghl agree to do somethmg that will not be your ultImale advan age GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Make It pomt to take your dunes and resmnsibllmes seriously today Instead of yan to Dost pone thInga Rahonallzing Isnt the answer CANCER Juno 21July 22 This one of those days whon your extravagant whims COUIO gel the better of you YOU c00ld buy something costly you may not truly need IowtnhIavIao WHAT HAVING TWO WIVES GOT IM BOREPIMOWAPOUT HA5$LIN6 ME FOR RAGE ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF your TAX Epqu AT WORK OONLI HA RES$5525