Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1979, p. 8

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the oxamlnor Friday July 21 e79 television guie FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 III NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEws 030 Nac NEws MARY TYLER MOORE snow cos NEws AeC NEws NEws PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 645 GET IT TOGETHER 855 llll RARaAPAPA 700 DATING GAME EIGHT Is ENOUGH CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow Tic TAC DOUGH OPERATION PETTICOAT NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME AUTHORS HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs CIRCUS Gueale Gildaa Unceged Leopards Goleshi BroIherI Comedy Act Ar mandoa Juggling Act and Carlos Duo Balanc Pole Acl Repeat WHAT IS TRUTH MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES Mr Drum mond wants to send his new sons to the prep achoolha allendedaaaboybulthe boys dont lg school Regent ALL IN HE FAMILY Edilhe eagerness to perform with Slephanie at school concert leaves her wilhoul voice and Whole alonelnlhe olli ht Repeal INCREDIBLEIIUL Seekingrespite Irom the tension which often triggers him into becoming the Hulk David Banner isolates him aellineremoteareabutieinterrupladbyabeau fight on the run Repeat 60 minis OPERATI PETTICOAT When LIKernIindanureeCrendellendYeomanHunkla together in the shower room he sets out to cool torrid romance Re eat DIFFRENT ROKES Mr Drum mond wants Arnold and Willie to go to his alma melonbullheboyadonlwanllheschoolandlhe 001 doesnt want the boys Re eat THE INCREDIBLE HU OLYMPIC PROFILES wAR YEARS MOVIE DRAMA Kung Fu Gold 1975 930 HELLO LARRY Ruthie does slow burnwhenhernewllamelallsforheroldersister Diana leavung Larry to play pacemaker 8° FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley got the Chance to strip the shelves bareinflveminules tillreoahoppingalSlolniks Supermarkel after Laverne becomes the ros one millionth customer Repeat HELLO LARRY When Eric Rulhies neweslhearllhrob admitsthal he cant dance LarrycoaxeaDianetoteachthaboybulLarrys wellinlentioned plan runs amok when Eric makes it clear that Diane is the only dance lner he wenle Repeal II FAMOUS NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS 900 THE ROCKFORD FILES WhenJim tries to Clear drunk driver who was framed for the slaying of legal secretary he lindshimselt pilted against the dead womans boss and privaleeyewhowillsilenceanyonewhogelsloo to the truth Repeat do mine if THE DUKES OF HAZZAFID The beeulyoltho Presidents limousine isloo much for Cooler and he cant resist taking it Then LukeandBolindawayolrelurningilandkeepmg themselves and their friend out of trouble Bpeet 80 more THE DUKES 0F HAZZARD The beauty of the Presidents limosine is loo much lorCoolarandhecantresisttakingil Repeal 611mm JOHN ALLAN CAMERON Guests can Williams Errol Thompson FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE Black Mar kel Baby I977 Stars Linda Purl Desi Arnaz Jr MOVIE TlTLE UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA Last For Hal 1979 VICTO SCANDALS THE LOVE BOAT 930 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE IIis Jeremys birthday and each pupil in his evening class has brought him present 1000 EDDIE CAPRA MYSTERIES Lawyer Eddie Capra volunteers his legal ser ches to clear desperate young woman ac cuaed ofarson and homicide in case involving ominanlahysicisn Raoul 80 min I5 CHA LIES AN ELS DALLAS Garrison Southworth Ellias brotherwhomshebelievedhaddiadrnanyyears ago appears at the ranch with young women and Jock believes hes resurfaced to claim his Writance Repeal 60 mine ACROSS CANADA The Lamaze whod of childbinh is featured THE MIGHTY CONTINENT NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 ea MERV GRIFFIN 1030 CANADIANS 100 Q3 NEws cac NEws CTV NEws ID EDUCATION OF MIKE MC MANus IE MOVIE DRAMA Say Hello to Yummy 1071 NEws 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THETONIGHT SHOWHostJohnny son 90 mine III CBS LATE MOVIE HAWAII FIVEAO We Hang Our Own powerlul Hawaiian cattle baron seeks to avenge the beating death of his sonRepeatMANYRIVERSTOCROSS 1955 EI norParker Uhdiiétéfikfitw Battlefor Planet of the Apes 1973 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 HORSEMAN RIDING By The year is 19 t4 and nine years have passed Paul has remarried Claire Darwent and has four chil dren There is talk of war between England and Germany when German farmer becomes tenant of Whinrnouth L00 60 mins 12 MOVIE COMEDYWESTERN Big Hand for the Little Lady IIIMOVIEDRAMAimia Panlc lnNeedle Park 1971 1210 THE ROCKFORD FILES 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 1245 MOVIE MYSTERYDRAMA V2 House of Menace 1936 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL ALL THAT GLiTTERs PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE UNANNOUNCED 130 TITLE NEws MOVIESCIENCEFlCTlON Ressurrection Of Zachary Wheeler 1973 historically speaking barries story July 27 1970 The Barrie Collcgiatc Band won top honors at the World Amateur Music Festival in Kcrkradc Holland coming away with first prizc with distinction by amassing 327 points out of possible 360 Fisher conducted the band bcf ore packed house and after the superb pcrformancc lhc audience gave the band standing ovation Brenda Lee Burbidgc of Bar rie was to get firsthand vicw of Expo 70 in Osaka in August as onc of several Girl Guidcs rcprcscnting Canada at thc Korca Girl Guide Camp ncar Seoul Korca public fundraising drive to gct $70000 for second icc sur face In Barric was to be spearheaded by No 441 Wing Royal Canadian Air FOICI Association and was to start immcdiately Mayor Lcs Cookc announced proposcd dcvclopmcnt of 40 Ontario Housing Corporation gearedtoincomc townhouses on Blake Street near Johnson Slrect clcarcd its first hurdle as city council in rccordcd votc approved the development of all4t units Mayor Lcs Cooke said he was greatly disappointed with tho decision of the board of dircctors of the Barrie Agricultural Socicty to rcjcct city proposal that the citys sc cond ice surface be located on the fair grounds Thc Royal Victoria Hospital was to be the cxpcrimcntal ground if county homc carc schcmc was approved The Barrie hospital was thc institu tion to first ask for considera tion of the schemc by the unit and Barric had its own homcmakcr scrvicc which would play an important part in service in the schcmc Dr Nan cy Aimbrust chief medical of iccr announced Barrie driver Jim Viktil received the Midseason Cham pionship Trophy from Barric Speedway owner Garry Watson after the feature Viktil powered his 69 Camaro to convincing victory ovcr 21 other cars in thc 401ap racc today in histog July 27 1979 The Korean War ended after more than three years when an armistice was signed at Pan munjom 26 years ago today in 1953 In addition to cease fire the truce established neutral buffer zone During the course of the war the United States Republic of Korea and 15 other United Nations mem hillsdale by Ruth Lea 8352311 Sorry to hcar that Arlic Whetham is patith at the Penetanguishcnc General Hospital We wish him speedy recovery Mr Iloulc lcd succcssful housc salc last Saturday He is moving toToronto Jack Rumble was taken to thc Barrio RVH about wcck ago We wish him all the best Mrs Ruth Lee attcndcd family reunion and picnic in Barrio on July 12 at thc home of Mr and Mrs James Bowman rugby by Beatrice ohnston 326681 Congratulations and best wishes to Wilfred Johnston who celebrated his 84th birthdav last week Mr and Mrs Bill Clark of Barrie helped him to celebrate because it was Bills birthday Mrs Marj Home also visited him Mrs Blanche Ratcliff who is in the SMH in Orillia is not as well as her many ricnds wish Twelve Womens Institute members met at Best School to judge thc social studies notebooks El institutes are involved In is project Argyle Clowes Dalston Guthrie Hawkestone Mitchell Squarc Rugby and Shanty Bay This bers had fighting troops in Korea by the end of 1952 1866 Thc first successful transatlantic cable was com plctcd 1909 Orville Wright estab lished world rccord when he and passenger rcmaincd aloft in an airplane for one hour onc minutc and 40 seconds 11151 Britain and Egypt neighborly news projcct was startcd in 1978318 it way of encouraging thc sludcnts to kccp good rccords Only two of our ro Schools participatcd this your Thanks to East Oro and Ilcst and congratulations to thc following students gradc Kim Air drcws and Kcricn Moorc East ro Janicc Shclswcll East ro Gradc Nancy Burkholcr East ro Nicolinc Vain Windcsc Monsignorc Lcc Anna Viitriaino East ro Gradc Tommy Faulkncr East Oro Mark Richardson Best and Ktlltll Woodroil East Oro Gradc Iill Iliggar Bcst Mary Ann Frcun dorfcr St Monicas Rarric liristinc Mchod llcst Gradc it Mikc Bowman It Bcst John Gannon East ro and ollccn Crooks East Oro Look for your books at thc tlro Fair this fall Ray Rutherford was on lhltltlil tour down through Ringston Iefroy bY Georgina Mitchell 4583232 Ihcrc wcrc mcmbcrs of the chroy and Bcll Ewart scnior citizcn clubs sixriding sixday vacation at lccr Lodgi in thc Haliburlon Highlands compcling in the fun Olympics thcrc for seniors The owners and staff atthc lodgc wcrc at thcscniors SltltS at all tiinc to try and makc thcir stay happy onc which it really was lhc mcnls crc signed an agreement ending 12 years of British military occu pation of Egypt to control the Suez Canal 1960 Canadian army units were formed for service in the Congo on behalf of the United Nations 1901 Sir Winston Churchill made his last appearance in the House of Commons dclicious lhc indoor games of cuchrc and chcss wcrc also enjoyed This is Ihc third year it has bccn zi summcr vacation for sciiiors and many rcturncd oncc thcy havc becn thcrc Thc family and all lhc girls wcrc so obligin in cvcry way lot of friendships wcrc madc Ilic othcr part of our bus was from Billlll and thc othcr two huscs wcrc from Owcn Sound Mcziford and ollingwood Ihosc ittcnding from chroy ind Iicll Ewart wcrc Frank and EIlcn lIipkiss Flo Walls Vcrti LoughIcrl Illsic King Illil McKnight May Ioliiislonc Bill lladlc illlll his Wlll Pciirl Joycc SIIippnrd Alici Gilligan Frank Wurr and IerllIl and Gcorgiiia MilrIIrll Ilit wholc fivr days wcrc planich for iiitrrtninincnt of all kinds indoor and outdoor such as lawn bowling indoor darts lawn darts sliufllclioard and cuchrc tournanicnls gct acquaintcd night bingo night and varicty night wcrc held thought our group did quite wcll Winning two IIIHIHIS it tho fun Olympics llic mcdals went to Elsie King and hcr partner for Indoor darts and to Vcrn Loughccd and hcr partncr for Inwnliowling tcrtilicalcs wont to Hill llndlcy ind partnIr for lawn bowling and to Ina ElliKnight and partner for Indoor darts llrvillc Milclicll and pzirliicr won for lawn darts and VIru Loughccd won ccrtilicutl for most uniquc coslurnc Many iri planning trip tIIcrI Iii Illl hill and also again IllI sniiiiinr The Doctor Says Hairyanking neurotic habit By PAUL RUBLE Ml Dear Dr Ruble What would cause nineyearold boy to pull his hair out of his head This child seems to be mentally OK also physically but he now has little bare spot the size of silver dollar His father was killed so he lives with his mother and stepfather Do you think this is temporary or should he have psychological counseling Children who find them selves in new surroundings or with new parents face new tensions and some relieve them through variety of neurotic habits Hairyanking is one Nailbiting is another Some youngsters ride out such rapids and are unaffected Hairpulling occurs in the best of homes Some children may be upset by school pressures have known dedicated hair pullers to abandon the practice as soon as school lets out only to resume it the next fall For some its temporary quirk For others it represents serious emotional situation that is best straightened out promptly bald spot the size of silver dollar indicates some pretty serious hairpulling that cer tainly warrants some close at tentions to whatever factors are prompting it If he continues he should be evaluated first by the pediatrician who may advise counseling to correct the emotional problem There is one medical come plication the parents should be aware of bezoars Those are accumulations of hair balls in the stomach from ingestion of individual pullitd strands Some youngsters engage in this prac tice Folks addicted to per simmons too should be aware of bezoars Bezoars may cause digestive obstruction of the stomach outlet Dear Dr Ruble My girl friend and both weighed the same until two weeks ago She went on 14day fast and lost 20 pounds If fast for two weeks will lose 20 pounds or do individuals vary in weight loss Im not sure know what you mean by the word fast dont think your girlfriend gave up food entirely for two whole weeks If two people weigh the same are of the same height and body frame and undertake the exact same diet scheme both should lose the same amount of weight in about the same amount of time If one is heavier than the other he or she might lose more weight more quickly at least initially under the same circumstances If one is lighter weight would be more diff icult t9 lose Much glepends on how physically active each is Anything that comes close to fasting is not wise You can ac complish the same weight loss over slightly longer period with gradual caloric reduction and you wont be loser in other respects Dear Dr Ruble have three children one boy and two girls None of them has the fathers blood type Possible ILB Not only possible but quite common No need or space here to go into the mindboggling genetic reasons why BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Unique response pays off NORTH ¢A642 VA53 OAJ42 O74 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East Pass Pass Pass South NT Pass Opening lead Souths onenotrump re sponse was made because he was the dominant male half of mixedpair partnership He was unhappy with his choice when he saw the dummy but wound up get ting away with murder He rose with dummys ace of hearts and dropped his six Then in hope of fore stalling club lead he led one to his 10 L0 and behold the 10 held the trick He was off and running The spade queen finesse lost to Easts king and back came the nine of hearts covered by his jack and Wests queen Now West led the 10 of hearts and East chucked low club West led his last spade and South wound up with three spades two hearts dia mond and club and plus score of 90 that turned out to be complete top The nor mal NorthSouth contract Of two spades fell one or two tricks short and the East West pairs that got into the bidding all made two clubs Ask the lxurta You hold ¢K64 V7532 OAJ4 11108 Your partner opens with standard one notrump Maryland reader says that he was severly criticized for raising to three notrump instead of bidding Stay man two clubs The criticism is unjust All experts including Stayman himself simply raise to three notrump with this hand If partner does hold four hearts the Chances still are that notrump will be the best game contract 727B daily crossword ACROSS 47 Confederate Answer to PreVious Puzzle States Army Maintained abbr Slutty 48 Unilateral Aged wds 12 Atop 51 Antenna 13 Former 55 Over poetic 14 Accounting 55 GO 3W5Y agency abbr 58 Knob 15 Relative of 59 Last letter bmgo 60 River In 16 Angwsh Russa 17 Actress Taylor BI SIaIe IFI 18 Kick type 52 Eggmgma De Hggrent 63 Adolescent ew 64 Blocks ascetic 22 Songstress Starr DOWN 23 Traitor 24 Wore away $18232 In 28 Smug person Level 32 Cheer Writing tool 33 Quaint pl 34 AUICIE RUSSIan 35 Comedian harness Sparks Havrng 36 Indeed bulging eyes 39 Sell Genetic 40 Esaus country material 42 Christmas log More frigid 44 Bird of prey Top of altar Amourous 25 Shed blood 26 Rester 27 Normandy 31 Jack Tars look drink 10 Reclined 37 MEXICan 11 Nap peninsula 19 Wall border 38 If not 21 Ideal gas 41 SIOrage bin condition 43 W0 abbr 45 Did not exist com gravid 46 School Fr 48 Seep 49 Never conlr 50 Goddess of fate mvasron day 52 Tmie 29 Whirl 53 First man 30 Shakespear 54 Leases ean villain 57 Rosary bead AstroG ra Bernice Bodeanl cYour qiirthday July 23 1979 Short trips which you will be taking this coming year will prove to be both fun and fruitful for you Theres strong chance youll meet person who will open up avenues of Opportunities LEO July 21Aug 22 This could be very fortunate day for you romantically as well as materially Youre lucky for those you love They in turn are lucky for you Back Er Meek VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Your financial aspects are extremely encouraging today regarding something youve been hoping would happen The pieces are beginning to fall into place LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Pro ects rather grand in scope are the ones that you are best suited to handle today If you have something big going set lesser thing aside SCORPIO Oct altNov 22 The ease with which you attain important goals today could amaze others as well as your self Challenges awaken your fullest potential SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Deal directly with big shots instead of underlings today if there is something important YOURE MAKING ME AMER 1979 by NEA Inc Flag US Pat Frank and Ernest Timon 10v TOOK HNTIE AND wlLBERFORCE 10 THE 30 Ovvnlplta 1s Bugs Bunny SIGN UP To BE PITE Hf TrIiNKI CIXRITA TAKE GHON Oil THE mo ENS1 you need from them CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 willingness to make com promises in business situa tions could be enormously beneficial to you today Youll get the best of the bargain AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 An ally who will be of great value to you later can be won over today because of your willingness to go out of your way to be helpful to him now PISCES Feb 21March 20 There could be profitable outlet for talent you presently use only for noncommmercial purposes Dont overlook this source of additional income ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Things will come very easy for you today once you Show omnuumrn US non THEYVE 914285 will aLEAf CIUDyNEA UK VII 09 U5 Fat YOU SAID YOU WERE PLAYN WKER WI TH $3115 BLOKE THIS EVENN SHE WAS Kle ENOUGH TO COME AuONG AN TELL ME NSL 7373860 NOR HERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service BRAcE YOURSELF MR PRESIDENT DISC°VERED OIL IN elunovNEA Inc until no Ire momma i519 THE commonutter PACKED Women UNFORTUNATELY HE HAS Y£RY KEEN DONT JUMPD COVCLUSIONS FLO THIS IS HIS GIRLFRIEND COULD1 MAKE iT NICE EH willingness to be cooperative Youll get more in return than you give TAURUS April 20May 20 This should be very rewarding day because of your industrious ness and the ioy you derive from your work In addition co workers find your attitude inspirational GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Lady Luck Is apt to single you out today both materially and through the dealings you have with friend Keep alert for opportunities CANCER June 21July 22 You have the knack today to make good things better especially If it could mean something to you llnanclatly Set your Sights high 051 N15 ACTUALLY AM AN 015me NllV SHELL BELIEVE ANYTHIN

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