Lets all go to the ball game and get into the CNE too Barrie Day SundayAug 26th TORONTO BLUE JAY VS CALI FONIA AGELS 700 Without Transportation More than 500 tickets have been reserved for the City of Barrie on Sunday Aug 26th at Exhibition Stadium to see the Toronto Blue Jays play the California Angels at 130 pm Since the Canadian National Exhibition is on at the same time your Blue Jay ticket gets you into the Ex free as well Buses will be leaving The Examiner offices 16 Bayfield St at 10 am Sunday morning and leave the Ex at pm that afternoon The buses should arrive at the Ex around 1130 and sincethe ball game should be finished Only about 330 youll have 32 hours to have fun at the Ex The ticket price includes donation to The United Way so while youre having fun youll be helping other people Tickets are limited so hurry and buy YOUIS DOW Tickets are available at The Exdminer offices 16 Bayfield St If the game is cancelled rain dteck will belï¬llsued for home games subiect to availability All youngsters 14 and under receive Blue Jay Helmet at theStadium Irrle Sy Borrio Day at Exhibition Stadium is sponsored by the examiner and the City of Barrie in cooporotion with The Barrie and District United Way ¥¥ C¥¥gwwMJ Hi Eli ill