Well cut service Jackson By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner Eventually unless its budget is expanded to cover the in creasing need Simcoe Countys Childrens Aid Society will be forced to cut service says its director Slight budget increases in By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner Privately funded schools are created in part says Lyle McBurney executive director of the Ontario Association ol Alternative and lndejwndent Schools because the public school system cannot be all things to all people Many parents want the school to reinforce the familys values and are looking for an alternative to the public system McBurney told The each of the past few years have not been sufficient says Don Jackson and while the society had asked for an additional 24 per cent for 1979 before trimm ing it to 20 per cent the pro vince has proposed an expan sion of some 10 per cent to ap proximately$t8 million Weve had to dilute some services and thats where were at now Jackson told The Ex aminer Wednesday Were really heading for crossroads and if we dont correct the im balance several possibilities ex ist He said workers could get fedup with their extreme case loads and begin workingto rule which would result in many of the societys clients not getting the attention they need Jackson also said foster parents who receive low per diem rate may quit working today Private schools growing give parents alternative Exainer during recent inter view Growth in the independent school sector has been stady averaging 25 to three per cent per year he said From 273 schools and 45000 students in 1972 the associa tions membership has grown to 380 schools which serve 05000 students McBurney said large number of these have been church related pro testaiit day schools Something that has ac Children should get more from schools says local clergyman Children need more than is provided them under Ontarios publicly funded school system says Leltoy Pennell Pastor of Heritage Baptist Church and principal of an independent day school Rev Penncll and members of the church started the school during the school year just end ed because the public system had moved awav from Jtideo Christian prnciples and ethics We believe that our children need to develop commitment to philosophy of life and be given structure that is not available in public schools Mr Peiiiiell said The structure to be provided through the word otGod The Heritage liristian Academy liinisfil belongs to the Ontario Association of Alter native and liidepciidciit Schools Since 1972 some 103 new independent schools have been created most being church related protestant day schools says Lyle McBurney the associations executive director ln Harrie there is on iiidepcii dent Christian school operating as well as Montessori school Some 100 local families primarily of the Christian ltetorm church have established private school boar and charged it with developing Christian high school in this area similar board has been set tip by Roman atholic parents who want high school so their children can continue the religious based education received through separate publicly funded boards While Mr lcniiell does not speak for each agency they all feel the public school system does not adequately act upon their needs or provide what they prefer for their children The children have to be given standard to live by eiv taiii things are absolute like right and wrong and not eicrything is relative Mr lcnnell said llducatioii as see it must be threefold It has to involve the church the home and the school The academy had fiti studciit last year and Mr Peniicll said it is expecting between 30 and to in enrol this fall If is funded through tuition tecs and dona tions town country Fire hits Angus home ANGUS Fire broke out in vacant home on llltï¬llWilfv 00 early today when wiring around sump pump ovcilicattd said police The house owned by liiii lolic ot lettawa sustained only smoke and water damage said Stayner provincial police to da Frustrated man iailed here frustrated man who threatened to cut someone up with jack knife while waiting at gas station in Barrie was com icted of possessing dangerous weapon and fined $330 in pto llltlill court lucsday and jailed for 13 da 1icbclctorino220t1oronto was at the service station Oil Bay icld icct luiic 23 when he was told his car could not be ccit iticd ithoiit sustaiitial repairs rn iiguiiiciit ensued between Storino and the station owner at winch itllit Sioriiio brought out the kltllt He even tiialb put the kiiitc away and went to ncarli restaurant where he was apprehended by police Dtltlltf lawyer 1ark Scliart said the incident itosc not out ot violence but out of trustration Along lll1llitittttSlitllibiwfls tlllilltttl to 13 days in jail toi failing to appear on llli charge after bail was granted Fraud gets man 30 days 21 year old man who ittciiiptcd to ihtixiiid Voolortli department store on liayticld Strch using stolen credit card was sentenced to ittt days 111 tail in proinciil court Tuesday Earlliy Hurling ot tiT ltl St in ltgirric tried to purchase $123 worth ol clothing at about to in July ith lastcr Charge card lcgistcrcd to liiil lalikc ish o1 Grand Prairie liciti cards The caid was on the stores list oi stolen ttcr thc casliici refused to honor the card Hurling fled the store and was arrested by police outside shortly after lnnisfil representative needed BARCLA lllllllil 1ownship ticctls someone to repre sent them on the lluronia lourist ssociation The person should be in tourism lovc travelling and en joy meeting the public said toun Wednesday council meeting Kathe lans during lt is important the township bc represented said oun Jans Last year the tow nship was neglected because they were poorly reprcsciitixl she said She said Alcona wasnt included in the associations map ot the region because tlicr was no lnnisfil rcprcsentatb Couii Jans said she would like to see Ed 1cinbre owner of Golf Ski llaven Country Club represent the township Council decided howcur to give the association the privilege to pick someone to represent them Agostini goes to Edmonton Ell Nlt The appointment ot Elio Agosttiii as publisher ot The Sun ettcctnc Aug ti was announced Wednesday by the morning tabloid Agostini 36 is currently publisher of Kamloops Daily Sen tinel Bt newspapers He has also been publisher at Mississauga News ttak illc Beaver Hranip tour othcr ton Guardian and Barrie Eamincr celerated the trend towards in dependent schools has been the governments grapplings with the question of religion in the schools and the introduction of values education by Tom Wells itormer provincial education minister McBurney said You cant have values education without bringing in the question of religion he said Values education was seen by the ministry of education as substitute for the formal religious training that has been taken from the schools ALLOWSTEACHING The term values education allows for the teaching of cer tain values such as the im portance of respecting other people as part of public school program but without reference to specific religion That concept has been in corporated into programs such as the human relations curriculum being developed for Simcoe County says Dr Robert Thomas the Simcoe County Board of Educations superintendent of curriculum McBurney said the associa tion exists to promote the development of independent schools and is attempting as part of its program to alter the provinces method of funding education Independent schools are not eligible for assistance under terms of Ontarios Education Act We are arguing for diver sity of approaches to education If you go to public school you must accept its philosophy McBurney said We live in pluralistic society and the education system should reflect that Basic choices are not being of fered parents with the society unless they see an increase We have lost many foster homes and although were just barely replacing what we are losing our needs have increas ed he said The society is responsible for some 30 per cent more children now than it was two years ago Jackson said each of its 26 caseworkers is handling more children than they have time for 24 per cent budget increase would have allowed for the hir ing of 13 additional staff The most recent proposal would result in an increase of some 20 per cent and allow for an addi tional five workers If the increase is limited to 10 per cent as the province has proposed the budget would allow for hiring one additional staff member Any number would be relief over what we have now but the increase of one or two staff would have very little ef fect An increase of five would be noticed but to really do the job we need 13 Jackson said In proposing an increase of 10 per cent the ministry of com munity and social services has said salary bikes for existing staff should be kept to six per cent and that the per diem rats to foster homes be raised by 11 per cent The society has planned to in crease salaries by 85 per cent and raise the foster home ate by 32 per cent Should the province and the society not be able to reach agreement on the budget for 1979 the issue will go to review board which would make recommendation to the minister Keith Norton who has the final say During meeting Tuesday the societys board in strong ly worded otion to the province said it would not consider cut ting the increase in the 1979 budget beyond the 20 per cent Police boat tour Lorri Lowe Christine Murphy and Joanie Hiltz were lucky enough to be given tour of police boat by OPP Constable Don Gelinas Wednesday at Centennial Park The boat assisted in rescue Organizer claims Appreciation day dwarfs what happened previously By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner It will be appreciation day for the military forces with military parade unequaled in Barries history Thats the way Peter McIn tyre of the downtown board describes Aug 29 when Cana dian Forces Base Borden will be given the freedom of the ci tv Its an idea that originated with Ald Gord Mills former serviccman McIntyre told The Examiner Wednesday The move was proposed for Aug 29 to coincide with the ap Coming up or going down Up up and away flew the frolickers at the Centennial Park pier or did they Gravity has its way of keeping Ross Hiltz Dave Melanson Greg Profit and Joe Traynor downtoearth or water as Walkouts continue Bell out again here By LORI OIIEN Of The Examiner The majority of the 9770 Hell tanada installers and techni cians across Ontario are off the job today including the 300 members of the Communica tion Workers of Canada in Sliilr coe County Members of Local 40 in Bar ric Newmarket rillia Coll ingwood and Midland are stag ing their third oneday walkout slticc the tWt contract ran out in November They will pro bably be locked out by the com pany tomorrow for three days Bell Canada began the three day lockouts this week when 3000 Toronto CWC members walked off the job Monday and were locked out the following day for three days Bell Canada spokesman says the lockouts are needed to marshall management to provide better service to customers Brechin man knifed condition critical RlLLlA 29yearold Brechin Ont man is in critical condition in an Orillia hospital after he was stabbed in the stomach early this morning said police today Police have tilycarold man in custody tor questioning but are releasing no name Kenneth Wayne Wilson was stabbed about am said police He was in cottage about 24 km south est ot rillia No charges had been laid against the 19yearold man by press time today Police said they were talking to the suspect and interiewing witnesses Constable Bruce Mclntosh said police believe the stabbing followed an argument between two men who were staying at the cottage Another resident of the cot tage called police after Wilson was stabbed be said The oneday strikes are very disruptive he says It gives us no lead time and takes cial court judge Wednesday breaking down where to tum ter than before Marriage problems lead to stealing Barrie woman who tried to steal $5 worth of drug store items did it to get her husbands attention and their mar riage is lot better for her trouble Lucia McGowan 348 Essa Rd was found guilty of shoplif ting box of hair permanent solution and some babys drops March 16 and ordered not to enter the Shoppers Drug Mart in Wellington Plaza for full year by provin Defence lawyer Jack Livingston said Mrs McGowan tried to steal the items in an attempt to get even with her hus band He said the couple have been having marital pro blems and Mrs McGown was unhappy She was crying for assistance Livingston said and it tthe theft got her attention Mrs McGowan testified she felt trapped in the house with her two young children and her marriage was close to was angry and needed help she said didnt know She noted since the incident her and her husband have been seeing marriage counsellor and the marriage is her practically all day to assemble management and reassign work the case may be The four were finding ways to beat the stifling summer heat Examiner Photo by Peter Hsu Workers will likely be locked out for three days star ting tomorrow but this hs not been confirmed Rose Petit Bell Canada assistant manager in Barrie said today The company is hurting now Cameron Campbell spokesman for Local 40 said and wont be able to continue without the workes for much longer He said the union has been staging oneday walkouts because it doesnt believe in all out strikes He noted the union has no strike fund The unions main dispute with the company now is over time stipulations he said But the fact that members of the Canadian Telephone Employees Association what the union terms company association was offered wage increase of more than 12 per cent when their contract first ran out and the CWC was offered per Cent originally makes them angry Thats why we say the com pany is unionbusting amp bell said its question of principle the oxamlnor Thundy July 26 1019 operations two weeks ago when plane crashed at Jacksons Point killing six persons Examiner Photo by Peter Hsu pearance of the Snowbirds demonstration air squadron from the armed forces The freedom of the city con cept actually dates back to medieval times when com munities were at the mercy of armies be said The day of activities are scheduled to begin with four battalionsiuxl groups mar Chingtocityhall After ceremony parade with at least three marching bands will proceed west on Col lier Street south on Clapper ton and cast on Dunlop to Mulcaster Street It will then turn right on Mulcastcr Street and go along Lakeshore Drive whre it will eventually stop Heritage Park The snowbirds will then pro vide 20 minutes of entertain ment until about 340 The show will be followed by parachute jump said McIntyre similar freedom of the city ceremony was held in Toronto in 1975 to the first American regiment of the Queens York RangersMc1ntyrre said reception for invited guests will follow at the Sunnidale Community Centre About 300 invited guests are likely to at tend Mclntyr said he hopes to have crowd of between 50000 and 100000 people out to celebrate the lay The event is organized by McIntyre and some members of city administration Many perons who work for the city now used to be in military ser vice he said New workshop construction fund gets boost By STEPHEN NICIIOLLS The Examiner ANGUS The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority received boost Wednesday with the announcement that the ministry of natural resources will pay $52000 toward con struction of the authoritys new workshop Glen Price authority resources manager said today the grant and reallocated autrity spending puts us in better position now to support more expensive building The new workshop to replace the authoritys existing shop housed in an old school in New Lowell is estimated to cost about 3100000 The authority had only budgeted 370000 for the project Price said the authority hops to start construction no later than early fall but the building design must first be approved by the ministry of natural resources The authoritys executive commit tee met Wednesday night to discuss building designs and it decided to build an allsteel building That design provides aa better buy for the taxpayer because of its durability said Price The workshop used for stor ing and working on authority equipment will be loted next to the administrative offices on Highway 90 about two km east ofAngus The workshop site was source of controversy among members and environment of ficials Early reports indicated the site next to the ad ministrative offices was in floodplain and ministry of ficial said in April the authority would violate its own flood regulations by building there detailed study revealed at an authority meeting May 10 showed the propertys flood level was much lower than originally estimated Site location and building plans have been approved by the conservation authority Price said ministry approval will take three to four weeks The new building will be steel structure similar to those used in ministry of transporta tion and communications yards he said CouncH provides parking Barrie will provide tem porary parking facilities at Sunnidale Park on Aug 12 dur ing cemmorative ceremony for 12 persons who died in Quebec fire last fall Council decided to make the move Monday in recognition of the Barrie Horticultural Socie ty Nelson Garrett former alderman representing the society asked council to con sider building permanent parking lot close to the ar boretum There is an increasing number of people using the park Garrett told council On Saturday two weddings were photographed there and cars had to park on Sunnidale Road he said At times busloads of people come up as well he said Its not great to have 45seat bus parked on Sunnidale Road he said But Ald Dorian Parker said she doesnt want to take up any more green area for any pur pose Council rejected the idea of permanent parking facility for ngw because adequate street parking is still available Man fined $250 for obstruction 22yearold man was con victed of obstructing police officer and fined $250 in provin cial court Wednesday Const Greg Bullock of the Barrie city police testified he and Const Dennis Sutton were in police vehicle on Bayfield St below Dunlop Street at about 130 am Feb 22 when they observed two fights in front of the Wellington Hotel As the cruiser attempted to turn left on to Dunlop Street and park in front of the hotel man came on to the road and blocked the car Const Bullock said he honked the horn three times and motioned for the man to move but he remained on the road and shouted an obscenity to the officer He was later arrested