Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1979, p. 14

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mm the oxamlnor Thursday July as 1079 13 television guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ocean NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEws 330 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEws Aec NEWS NEws PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 ll LETS ALL SING 700 DATING GAME CHIPs CROSS wITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow no me DOUGH PROGRAMMING NANNOUNCED NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 BONKERS NEWLYWED GAME FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE Guests Bob Ruben Holiday On ice sler Rob Doherty and Michael Bradley comedy teem singer Freda Payne CensdienGold Medalist SuzanneRueseICheri and Dennis Pmner1977 CanadisnPeirs Chem Re eet suerSKIN MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 PROJECT UFo young woman with history of mental illness sees lour bright blue and white UFOs and captures them onliim es Irreiuteble evidence for ProjectBiue Book 8p 60 mm MORK AND MINDY Mark and neighbor Bickley find excitement when they choose erngiee bar for ma night out and are pickedupbytwostunninggirlswhogivethemths rise oi their lives Re eel THE WALTON OlIvIa persuades John to have physrcel examination but he agrees under the condition that she gets one looandtheresulteofhertestsheveadevestet effect on the femIly Repeat do mine MORK AND MINDY Mark and neIgh bor Bicklev find more excitement then they bar gained for when they unwittingly choose sin us bar for bi1n1ipht out Repeal THE WA ONS Olivia and John holiday away from home together JimBob teaches hImaail to play the sccordian and Grandma gives Elizabeth cooking lessons past do mine YOU ARE THERE COPE LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY fll MOVIE ADVENTURE Last Roman 18912 30 KING OF KENSINGTON my coach of the Kenaington Komets gets Into an argumeniwithtne coach ofthevisitingRimouskl kale Re eat LAVE NE AND SHIRLEYLeveme and Shirley get the chance to strip the shelves bare In live minutes of free shopping at Slotniks Supermarket alter Laverne becomes the sa one millionth customer Repeat BlFF BAKER FOR THE RECORD WELCOME BACK KOTTER 900 QUINCY virulent new etraln Ofvanereal disease threatens to erupt into nationwide epidemic unless Quincy can find the prostitute uspecta is the source Repeat do mine Lou GRANT III HAWAIIFIVEO During anexhibli of the treasures of Tulankhamen arranged by socialitesculptrasa Alicia Warren the price less gold death mask is stolen Repeat so BEDWARD VII Deareat Prince Edward is again involved in scandal and challenges Lord Randolph to duel but Alexandra remains Ito him do mine LIVE IT UP items Include nobrand gasoline saunas as cause of heart attacks profile of singercomposer Murray McLaughlin eat FERGUSON SHORT AND ROSS WHAT wILL THEY THINK OF NEXT 930 CARTER COUNTRY Chief Roy gets inside information on football game and sees sure waytorecoup his betting lossesfrom Sgt Ear Repeal SOAP Jessica Tate tells her husband Chester who has reappeared after being pre sumed dead that she hasbecomeromanticelly involved with Def Donahue and Burt Mary and Sally have head on encounter about Burts ir Repeat CELEBRITY COOKS 1000 DAVID CASSIDY MAN UNDER COVEROfficerDanSheypoeeaasedrlfterlo get information from the street girls about mob involvement in the slaying of two young prostiv wagon do mine ALLAS Garrison WWII EI Iies brother whom she believed had died many years ago appears at the ranch Jock and JR believehesrsaurlacodtoclaimhlsinherltance Southlolk Ranch Repeat do mine 2020 BARNABY JONES While investigat ing the death of Isdlee wear buyer JR Jones stumbles upon blackmail ring and becomes romantically involved with fashion modelcall set so mine FA°NTASY ISLAND LA QUALITE DE LAVENIR NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERv GRIFFIN mo III NEws cec NEws crv NEwS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA Seven Days in May less 120 II mm 125 NEws 1127 NEws 130 THETONIGHTSHOWHouonmy son Guest Dishann Carroll 90 mine CBS LATE MOVIE MASH Blythe Dannsrgueststarsssanursewhohadsserlous relationship with Hawkeye back in the States Repeat DUEL IN THE SUN 1947 Stars oryPsck Jennifer Jones MOVIE ¢RIMEDRAMA ustin 1914 STR ET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 145 THRILLER Terror stalks an American girl living in England when she is confronted by two twin brothers one successful architect the other criminally insane Repeat 60 1200 MOVIE DRAMA Is Mag wlcentAm rsgns 1042 MOViE DYAFlealn Br Ear toss MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES 1210 II THE DUKES 0F HAZZARD 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS historically speaking barries story July 26 193 Stewart Page District ttcpresemtativc of the Dcpart mcnt of Agriculture said llorth Simcoc promised to have the finest wheat crop in years and suggested the possibility of whcat yield of 40 bushels to the acre and in some cases 50 bushcls The Technical Training School an important addition to the accommodation for the Royal Canadian Air Force at amp Borden was under con struction About 4t childrcn from the hildrcns Shelter were treated to races gaIIIis cntcrtainmcnt and Iunchcon at Minets Point providcd by the Barrie Lions ltul and the Lions Ladies Aux Iary Improvements in Barries system of sewage disposal were likely to be made as the result of action taken by the Town Council when it unanimously adopted motion that the Mayor Reeve and Deputy Reeve bc committee to ar range for preliminary survey with necessary plans for sewage disposal system and to engage firm of consulting engineers for that purpose delegation of over twenty women from Big Cedar Point were present at an lnnisfil Township Council meeting to protest the recent action of the Council in establishing areas for the handling of milk in their district The Council had pass ed an order designating the district in which two Aurora dairies were to peddlc their pro ducts The delegation demanded the immediate removal of trade restrictions and the right to purchase milk from whom they pleased lengthy petition was read by Mr Talbot the Association secretary Showing an amazing resurgence of animation Bar rie Simcoes pulled the ball game out of the fire when it looked hopeleSSly gone Down 71 going into the 8th Barrie started to hit and went on to score eight runs against Penetang They won the game 97 Hap Emms pitched the entire game for the locals and record ed his third win of the season against one defeat today in histog July 26 1979 young Havana lawyer Fielt ch Castro led group of rcvo lutionarics in an attack on fortress held by army and po lice supporters of Cuban dicta tor Futgencto Batista 26 years ago today in 1953 Many of the attackers including Castro were captured and imprisoned Sidcroad 21 from Letroy to iIltord was payed last week much to thc delight of thosc us Ing it The road now known as ounty Road No 21 has been ycry rough and dusty all spring Inc ot the paying workers is woman Michelle Romaniuk 26 of liawkcstone She runs rubberMud packer for Cooks construction company It is she who packs the warm asphalt attcr the steel packer Ithal is Illtltkllttl opcrated by her boy friend Michelle first started with thc construction firm two years ago as flaggcr This is hcr first year operating IIIachInc The new Ill project Out door IIing concluded reccntr Iy yItII achicvemcnt night at lnnisfit Centcnnial Park Forty fIye area girls from five clubs sucressfutly completed the course Parents andfriends atten ding found thc pressed flower projects on display attractive and creative Small flowers like viotas and buttcrcups graced basilnotes pictures and other articles One bou uet made by Anne Campbel assistant leader of the hurchitl club made servicttcholder attrac tivc Simcoe South home economist Tricia Reid explain ed Outdoor IIving was in itiated last year in Bruce Coun ty as pilot project It was found to be too heavy so has been divided into two courses Outdoor Living II will be of fered at later date Skits were presented to show thc contents of the course and Castro later was released and disappeared He returned in 1956 at the head of another youp of revolutionaries who nally overthrew the Batista re gime in 1959 I759 The French fortress at Ticonderoga NY was aban doned t0 the British 1847 Liberia was declared neighborly news Churchill by Mrs Saunter 4563999 what members have teamed Thornton showed how to camp safely while Gilford illustrated Get lost us Takc nothing but pictures leave nothing but footprints was the theme of the Stroud presentation Churchills skit showed many ways of keeping fit Hollys con tribution was titled Hap piness is walk in the woods The fall project is Ac cessories the final touch sewing course on small items such as hats bags or mittens The auction at the United Church was success ac cording to the stewards of the church its sponsors Articles for sale included everything from glass and china to childrens toys and furniture Bruce and Mary Ellen Dryborough were hosts to the Kelt families recently at bridal shower for Frances Ketl daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Kelt Eighty relatives attended resident of our community Anne Christensen was one of the exhibitors at the Barrie Home Show Anne fashions dried flower arrangements on barn boards unusual con tainers and one unique piece was made with feathers Some of the flowers she uses she yows others she finds in the fields Anne named her craft enterprise Country Fare after remembering her grand mother used that terrn years ago when visitors commented on her wellladen dining table Belated get well wishes to republic 1891 France annexed Tahi till 1952 Eva Peron died of cancer 1958 Queen Elizabeth be stowed the title of Prince of Wales on her son Prince Charles convalescents Mrs Alex Shakell Mrs Tom Hill and Mrs Walter Graham Mr and Mrs Carman Hindle have been in North Bay with their daughter Gloria Smith husband and family Mary and Lillian Sloan have returned from twoweek vacation in Victoria and Van couver They visited the main attractions and enjoyed boat trip through the islands Lillian was pleased to meet one of her first cousins for the first time Mr and Mrs Alex Shakell and Mr and Mrs Gordon Mc Quarrie were at Bolton to at tend thc funeral of Mrs Allen mother of Les Allen former resident of the 6th Line The deceased was in her 93rd year BRIDAL SHOWER Churchill United Church Women were hostesses at miscellaneous shower Tuesday night for Janice Browning Ethel Campbell extended best wishes to the bride and her sisters Louise Donna Marie and Lisa assisted her in opening her gifts About 60 ladies at tended Janice was married to Grant Corrigan of Barrie last Saturday in the United Church here Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Sauntcr have been Reverend John and Mrs Forster and Natasha of War burg Alberta Mr and Mrs Rick Jones Kevin and Laura of North Bay Mr and Mrs John Marquis of Stroud and Mr and Mrs Albert Bradley of Cowa nsville Quebec The Doctor Says Side effects annoying By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble am being treated for Parkinsons disease witha drug called Sinemet Ive had side effects including ter rible shaking My doctor doesnt seem to offer any other help for me What do you ad vise Are side effects to be expected How does this drug work Sinemet is combination of drugs that is effective for Parkinsons but not without side effects especially early in use The two drugs are levadopa and carbidopa The levadopa works by crossing the brain barrier where it helps the brain produce substance called dopamine It is deficiency of dopamine that causes Park insons symptoms The problem with levadopa by itself is that much of its ac tion is lost before it gets to the brain The carbidopa minimizes this loss thus allowing more levadopa to reach the brain For some the amounts of levadopa used has been limited by side effects The combination can reduce side effects and allow more levadopa to be used The proportions of the two drugs can be varied increasing the amount of carbidopa This can be arranged with the manu facturer Dear Dr Ruble Is it true that hemorrhoid surgery is hell that person is better off with out it and that hemorrhoids can be treated without surgery Ive heard it leaves person practical cripple My decision hangs on your answer wouldnt want your decision to hang on what tell you nor would want it to hang on scare stories youve heard Sounds like youve talked with friend who has had bad ex perience and who is passing his expertise on to you If you need hermorrhoid surgcry you need it and you may as well got it over with Its not pleasant but what surgery is You may Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Scoring overtrick points NORTH 726 0374 VKQS 0A6 OAOGG WEST EAST 0J10962 0K5 10 019875 0109842 0Q 0J3 OQ10952 SOUTH OAQ3 Adiz OKJHI 0K7 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South 1NT Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead In duplicate bridge over tricks are most important In rubber bridge they arent worth much but if you can get one at no risk to yourself hot potato it is worth going after East had only stx cards After the jack of spades They could not include four lead produced the king from hearts and three clubs and East South could count nine South had that 11th trick dally crossword ACROSS 44 Coin of Answer to Previous Puzzle Mexico xagebond 4g Satisfy assure Sweliin time 53 High priest of GE Not boastful Israel I2 Units 54 Biblical 13 Proposition nationality an 14 Afternoon 55 Ones self beverage 57 Actor Ledd 15 Random 58 Entity Hum Sixth sense 59 Fled sbbr 60 Church last an 18 Spooky 6i Formulated 19 Ineffective 21 Fighting DOWN equipment 11 Monhs st 35 Schoolroom g2 fPlowing blade IENstering tube 16 Called item ronoun rst 27 Mohorovicic Support 22ng Mssmg nk discontinuity Port of Home 29 Display Agricultural WW 43 0f the nose 32 Siipperier implement Ere °9 45 Hatred 34 By the side of Onset 25 Shelter 46 36 Exaggerate American bees Op 37 Wore lndisns 26 Ptafiorm Kelp 38 Russian river Roundup 23 comment 48 Narrative 39 Space agency Leather 30 Poems 50 Alcohol lamp abbr source 41 Curly letter wds 31 Mamas Dams 42 Messechu Io Nazi Rudolph 33 Teller 52 Pm sens cape native 55 Termite 57 WI 339 have rectal discomfort but that is usually eased in time with simple sitz baths You may have some loss of bowl control for few days or week The chief factors in making decision for surgery are the se riousness of the hemorrhoids and the amount of trouble they have been giving you Your doc tor should be able to answer the first question and you the sec ond Hemorrhoidectomy is neither hell nor rose garden Dear Dr Ruble In recent column you answered reader who complained about crhcks at the corners of her mouth You said it might be vitamin deficiency but you didnt suggest what she should do about it Please elucidate You couldnt have read the same item that wrote Per haps you skipped or something was left out suggested the deficiency as being of the group It goes without saying that if you have deficiency the answer is to correct it either by food or supplements men tioned that deficiency in one vitamin often indicates general deficiency in others If specific vitamin is involved in such membrane cracks it usu ally is niacin nicotinic acid Dear Dr Ruble What is wheat germ and will it help give me energy How many ca loriesinit Wheat germ is the part that sprouts when planted It contains lot of things thiamine Bl other vitamins Vitamin some protein about 26 per cent fats about 10 per cent and car bohydrates about 47 per cent There are 363 calories in 100 grams which figures out to about 60 calories per tablcSpoon Dear Dr Ruble Explain walking pneumonia It means one has mild form of pneumonia and is walking around when he or she should be in bed Thats all top tricks At trick two he led diamond to dummys ace and when East dropped the queen South was sure of 10th trick How could he get the extra 30 points for five odd without any risk Obviously East was going to be long in hearts and clubs squeeze against East was the obvious way to get that 11th trick So South proceeded to give Westechancetoputthebite on his unfortunate partner He simply cashed his king and jack of diamonds and led another diamond to West West laughed muttered sarcastic Thank you and claimed the rest of the tricks There was no problem He cashed his queen of spades leaving dummy with three clubs and three hearts his own hand with four hearts and two clubs and East with 33mm 39590 cYour Birthday July 21 1919 This coming year unusual op portunities could come through persons you already know quite well No matter how strange the tips may sound you would be wise to study them from all angles LEO July 23¢Aug 22 You may experience an urge today to gamble on something thats out of your field of expertise Better think it over carefully before you plunk your money down Eeek Eil Meek VIRGO Aug 21Sept 22 Use no methods today that could make you appear as if youre trying to be martyr DO whats expected of you without any dramatic frills LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Through someone else ei forts you could enjoy unex pected gains today When dis cussing what occurred dont pretend you did it all on your own SCORPIO Oct 2ANov 22 Avoid socializing with pal today who always seems to stick you with the tab He or she may attempt to pull Off this same ploy again SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Achievements may not come as easily for you today as you hope but dont use this as an excuse for quitting Second or even third efforts may be required CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Say nothing unflattering about one friend to another today unless that person is there to defend himself It could jeop ardize your relationship AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Someone you know is very curious about joint venture youre involved in and may pry bit too much today Take care you dont say more than is wise PISCES Feb 20March 20 Your first decisions are likely to be your best today If you begin to overanalyze you could be come confused and impede your progress ARIES March 21April 19 It IVE BEEN APPOIUTED IlIE LEA CHAIRMAI OF Tris UTIGAIIOA mamas OIDbe NEAIncTM Re US Fit isnt that you wont havethe opportunities to be productive today because good chances will keep popping up Your indifference will stop you TAURUS April 20May 20 You could lose out on an unex pected fun invitation today be cause at shyness Dont best around the bush Accept it happily GEMINI May 21June 20 DO what needs to be done Immedi ately instead of making prom lses to get to the chores later In your heart you know you wont get back to them CANCER June 21July 22 Be complimentary rather than criti cal Of those who strive to lend you hand today If you fear they cant perform as expect ed do It yourself Frank and Ernest HEY MAN REMEMBER THAT SCAT 6HEETYOU WROTE FoK ME ON THI6 WEK we um IvanIr NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 LAST TIME TAKE NAP ON IM some 10 GIVE up TRYING TO GET AHEAD IN MY INORK So CAN oONcENlRPHE ON SWING RAPE Al WHICH IM D°WN THE uorasnkv in memio PALLima BEHIN YA JU5T mess TH l6 BUTTON gt Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service YEAHEABY IO HAVE TO HAVENTéEEN DID IT ch CAT IN WEEKS LE5EEETHATLL as $47 95 FER TH AW AN 200 aucxs rEIz REPLACIN TH COUNTER Wynnumwcmmm tu

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