scansaw vï¬ War tram 14 the examiner Ihurday JuIy 19 1979 Elevision guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 In NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 528 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 LETS ALL SING 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE 966 ESGSEEOQ 8696 SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH MAKIN IT The Manucci children suspect their mother ol havmg an allarr with local encyCIopedIB salesman NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY 93 GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 BONKERS El NEWLYWED GAME FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE Gue Berezowski and David Porter gt¢0 With karateonnce routine skal Rick sill Elisabeth Freeman Re ROSEMARY Lf EY SHOW MAGIC SHADOWS ea BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 PROJECT UFO While lIyIng student pilot Sights UFO and dives toward earthin reckless purSUIt onlytolace expulsion gen one behaves her story 60 mm MORK AND MINDY Marks hours are numbered unless he can get power recharge Irom his eggshaped gleak belora his last approachmg birthday arrives pool THE WALTONS Jason is scorned by his brother Ben and leels he re shaming the rest ol the Iarnrly when he considers becoming conSCIenlIouS obiector Repeat mins MORK AND MINDY Morks hours are numbered unless he can get power recharge lrorn his eggshaped glaek before bIIIIldly arrives Ra eat THE WALTON Jason has dilliculty timing the prospect or joining the Army during World War It JimBob gets tattoo Repeat mrns HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL ID COPE ea WELCOME BACK KOTTER MOVIE MUSICALBIOGRAPHICAL Interrupted Melody 1955 830 KING OF KENSINGTON Larry throws stag lor Phil the barber who rs marrying Tinas roommate Irena Larry and the guys roast Phil about the prtlslls or married life so ellectively that Phil cancels the drug Repeal INFINITE HORIZONS SPACE AFTER APOLLO In CRUSADERS FOR THE RECORD 69 SPECIAL EDITION 900 QUINCY Ouincy singlehandedly fights political corruption to prevent poten tial Iyphord outbreak caused by diseased bodIes unleashed from hillside cemetery mg rainstorm Repeal 60 mins LOU GRANT MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT Some ol the most beautiful women in the world vill vie for the title of Miss Universe 1979 from Perth AustralIa Hosts Bob Barker and Helen onnell hrs EDWARD VII Ths Invisible Oueen asn Victorias Insiatence on keeping the ca ol Wales away lrorn public duties tributes to his lrivolous lilostyle which atens hIs marriage 80 min LIVE IT UP ltams Include look at diamonds immunization country singer Sylvia on Repeat HAWAII FIVEO FERGUSON SHORT AND ROSS WINTARIO DRAW 930 BARNEY MILLER Convinced that detectrvesolthe 12th precinctare undercover hit man an unemployed CIA agent captures array Miller and his men Repeat SOAP Sally tells Burl the truth they never really had an allair Jesaica decides to really have an allair with Donahue Chester suddenly returns home not really dead peat MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT 1000 DAVID CASSIDY MAN UN DERCOVER Dan Shay becomes tough tslking weapons buyer to nab deadly arms dealerthough he is hampered by conniving or agent Re eat 80 mins DALLAS Kidnapera planning to hold JR tor ransom capture Bobby instead Boat 60 mina 2020 SWORD OF JUSTICE FAMILY LA QUALITE DE LAVENIR NEWS UPDATE NEWS SSEQG 1001 ca MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT CONTINUES 1100 in NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEws EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE ADVENTURE Mutiny on the Bounty 1962 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny Carson Guests Charles Nelson Reilly er Strauss 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE MASH The 4077th seas two very different types of ollicers when Smilin Jack Mitchell flies into the compound with wounded Corporal Howard Owens Repeat REBECCA 1940 Stars wrence Olivier Joan Fontaine MOVIE WESTERN halako 1968 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 145 THRILLER Marriage bringa terror to an English girl caught in web Ola madmana memory Repeat 60 mins 1200 MOVIE ADVENTURE ainbad The Sailor 1941 MOVIE SUSPENSE IA EBevil Dog Hound of Hell MER GRIFFIN 1210 MOVIE TlTLE UNANNOUNCED 1230 as MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 100 TOMORROW historically speaking barries story July It 1935 Barrie Board of Education at it spccial meeting decided that no action would be taken in regard to the suggested closing of King George School strong canaclas story Quebec Starved Until Captured Other Events yesterday mentioned that the Kirke brothers captured French ships in the St Lawrence that were bringing supplies to Champlain at Quebec This had very serious consequences Almost exactly one year later July 19 1629 Champlain was forced to surrender Quebec to the Kirke brothers who took him to England later in the year as prisoner As it turned out the attack on Quebec and capture of Champlain were not legal because war between England and France had ended before the event took place The Kirke brothers may not have known because it often took news months to cross the Atlantic one way or the other Some historians suspect that the Kirkes did know and therefore their action was piracy Champlain and about 100 people who depended on him spent dreadful winter at Quebec practically without food and supplies They would have starved if the Indians had not brought them eels from the river but even so they were often reduced to eating roots At one point Cham plain contemplated leading Huron war party into Iroquois territory and capturing village where his people could live Some of them did leave the community and went to live with Indian families The Kirkc brothers returned to Quebec on July 19 1629 and ordered Champlain to surrender He tried to bluff that he would blow their ships out of the water but the Kirkes knew his predicament They landed with 150 men and took Quebec without any fighting Actually the Kirkes treated the French well and gave them supplies It is said that they gave young negro slave to Mrs Louis Hebert and he was the first black slave in Canada The Kirkes stayed in the area until late September with Champlain on board one of their ships Then they carried him and most of the population to England and from there they were allowed to continue to France England rcturncd Canada to France in 1682 OTHER EVENTS ON JULY 19 1695 First sawmill in New Brunswick was built at mouth of Nashwaak River 1701 Iroquois deeded hunting grounds north of Lake Ontario and west of Lake Michigan to King of England 1875 Parliament of Canada Act defined powers and privileges to members 1878 Victoria BC Artillery Company was formed in case of war against Russia 1884 Louis Riel spoke to meeting at Prince Albert 1921 Prohibition was in effect in Ontario 1958 Prime Minister Nkrumal of Ghana addressed joint session of Parliament1959 92 pound salmon was taken by rod on Skeena River BC delegation of 17 ratepayers of Ward were present to protest against the suggested closing of their public school They were armed with petition signed by 96 ratepayers of the ward The Retail Merchants Association of Barrie would not take any part as an organiza tion in the coming Federal elec tion it was unanimously agreed at general meeting of the body The question was brought before the meeting that in View of the fact that the Hon Stevens had been instrumental in starting Price Spreads en quiry should not the merchants support him in the election It was decided that if the in dividual members wanted to work for Mr Stevens or any party it was their own business Clear skies on Monday July 15 had given Barrie and district perfect View of the first com plete lunar eclipse since 1927 Many people went down to Kempenfelt Bay to View the phenomenon more clearly During the fourweek month of June an amount totalling $139879 was expended on relief in Barrie according to figures presented to the Town Council by Ald Buchanan chair man of relief This compared with $243459 expended in the fivcwcck month of May in dicating large decrease County Clerk John Thomas Simpson Barrie was again the standardbearer of the Liberal Conscrvative party in North Simcoc following an en thusiastic convention held in Gartlans Rink Stayncr when he was practically the unanimous choice of about six hundred delegates from all parts of the riding The majority stores observed their first Wednesday half holiday in some years The holiday was approved by Town Council on July with mens wear shoe jewelry furniture drug and music stores being allowed to stay open as there was not majority in those lines on the pctition presented to council of Barries today in history July 19 1979 All London was agog 158 years ago today in 1821 when Caroline wife of 26 years of the future George IV of England was locked out of his coronation in Wcstministcr Ab bey and her name was left out of the ceremony Once George was on thc thronc the House of Lords passed bill to divorce and degrade her on charges of marital infidelity but the public did not believe the charges and the bill was drop pcd Queen Caroline had widc popular and romantic support cxpccially after she died within three weeks of the coronation Lutcr historians lound both she and her husband had ungung in numerous cxtranizirital at fairs 1840 The first unard steamer thc Britannia arrived in Boston llIttI The modern womens rights movement in the US was launched at convention in Scncca Falls NY I9III The German army began its retreat across the Murric during the First World War I921 The first issues of the new Bank of anada bilingual currency appeared 1957 The first US rocket With an atomic warhead was tested uvvr thv Nevada desert neighborly news baxter by Mrs Norris Cochrane Qm37 The monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid and Womens Mis sionary Society was held at the home of Ella Mooncys on Wednesday evening Mrs Rooney chI In ItVU tions She used thc painplilrt Worship Exponentc which we used at one of our Synmlicul meetings held in Sault Stc Marie Mrs Dorothy Edgar welcom ed all visitors and members present and roll call was answered with the word Sun by thirteen members Thc of fering for the LA and WMS was received and dedicated and minutcs of the last mccting were read by Mrs Florence Dcnncy forrvsixindIncc was read and dcult With and the trIasurcrs riports followed Ihc Sltk committcc reported they had waited Mrs Dora arncrorn Itoy Holt Esther ecrnun Edna Edgar and Shane and Shawn Bell who had their tonsils out recently Doris ltyckman and Olive Mcnnry rcad poems and con test followed Happy Birthday was sung to Lconu Miskcy and the meeting closed in the usual manner followed by dclicious lunch The Doctor says Migraine and pregnancy By PAUL QRUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble am 26 yearold woman in my fifth month of pregnancy have se vere migraine headaches Until becoming pregnant my doctor gave me medicine for pain and to ease the vision disturbances Now all can take is Tylenol acetaminophen My pain is unbearable lasting sometimes six or seven days My doctors are helpless Is there anything can do that you know of Mrs PO Its difficult problem but Im sure you realize the need to avoid the usual migraine head ache medicines during preg nancy hope that by the time you read this your migraine at tacks will have subsided Many women find this happens during the last three months For you especially but for anyone who suffers migraine headache can suggest few things to try Diet can help Avoid caffeine products coffee colas etc also MSG tenderizers nitratecured foods alcohol red wine and cheeses Other approaches include meditation or biofeedback technique The latter is becoming popular but unfortunately is not widely available If there is head ache clinic nearby contact people there to find if there are facilities near you Also in halation of oxygen for 10 min utes at time has been tried These methods will not hurt the fetus and may give you some relief Dear Dr Ruble What is the rule on alcohol for the person who has gout MM drinking spree can cause gout attack All alcoholic beverage should be avoided but especially beers ales and wines Distilled alcoholic beverages in moderation seem to have little effect on gout Dear Dr Ruble am writing about my 11yearold granddaughter She has started getting bladder infections Could the pickle juice she drinks be cause tell her its not good for her but she drinks it all the time Or could the soap she uses in her bath cause it Mrs MK Besides bath soaps one has to consider tight nylon panties or pantyhose fact Ive men tioned before here Its impor tant too that girls be taught good hygiene of the perineal area between the vagina and the anus Intestinal bacteria can easily invade the bladder because of the short urethra urinary outlet in females Some youngsters add to the problem by not emptying the bladder when they feel the urge They may be emban rassed to ask the teacher to leave the classroom or they de lay so as not to interrupt play Youngsters especially those prone to bladder infection should void regularly every three or four hours if possible This reduces the time the urine has to be convenient host to various infecting organisms Pickle juice is not cause of bladder infection But along this line suggest you try to entice her with cranberry juice That can actually help her bladder by helping control urine acid and provide less hospitable environment for bacteria Dear Dr Ruble am qUIte sure that the following question is impossible to answer Will you try am 63 and still enjoy suntan during the summer Who discovered tanning of the skin from the sun RC My best guess would be Adam and Eve BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Cold slam bites the dust Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OJ Today shows our old friend the unlucky expert at his worst He reached reasonable notrump slam which can be made but succeeded in going down two in spite of starting With 11 top tricks Of course his opponents gave him hIS chance He won the club lead In dummy came to his hand with diamond led heart and played dummys nine East won with the jack and led second club Our hero had to play the queen and West proceeded to drop his 10 Now dummys ace and king of spades were cashed and then South ran the dia monds to come down to threecard ending He held the three of hearts and 97 of spades dummy the ace kingIO of hearts And East who had dropped the queen and jack of spades on dummys ace and king had been caught in heartspade squeeze and was left with the 10 of spades and queen seven of hearts so the slam was there for the taking Meanwhile West had made just one discard It was the niné of clubs He had hung on to the 74 of that suit Now South overthought He decided that East was still clutching those two clubs along with the 10 of spades and that West held the queen87 of hearts This was silly indeed but our friend does go out of his way to lose He led heart finessed dummys 10 and was down two dain crossword ACROSS 46 Ethnic food store Glide on snow 50 Emcee Mack Frrmament 52 Marsh Fixed 54 Melody 10 FOrget 55 NOIlOn 11 Be equal 58 Oriental 12 Rather than nation poetic 60 Cana system 13 Danish corn Ollhem 14 Footrest Michigan 16 Sup 61 Notice 17 Least abbr 52 African 19 Trojan grassland mountam 63 Transgress 20 Merriment 64 Heart Lat 22 Went before 65 Xviï¬e the 24 Novelist es Bagnold 27 lnfraquently DOWN 30 Hit hard Relatives 31 Article Th 34 Ready for rew we marriage set 36 Troian hero Abominable 38 Mixed In snowman 39 New Deal 0t sentences project abbrl Geological pe 40 Higher riod 43 Every MInyan 45 Nuclear 10 Of the mouth agency abbr 13 Beer barrel or on Answer to Previous Puzzle BEBE BEBE IIIIIBILI En I3 EEIIIB DEED 15 Canticle 42 Winter white 18 Unfortunate stuff is Lhis SA 44 Chicken ctor urray 25 Small island 47 Pmaenscem 26 Accomplish ment 48 Told fIb 23 Jacobs 49 George Gersh brothe wins brother 29 Ponder 51 Puck 31 Songstress 53 Russian seeret anllh police 32 River In 55 CIA Russia 33 Laziness predecessor 56 Luau food 57 Povertywar agency abbr 59 Over poetic 35 Lacking hair 37 Saratoga 4l Pubhsher Hugh Bernice Bede Osol July 20 1979 Many new changes in your base of operation will be occur ring this coming year keeping you extremely busy Take care however you dont take as partner just anyone for the sake of expediency CANCER June 21July 22 Con centrate your energies and efforts today toward projects and cares concerning your home and family Keep strangers out of your affairs Vllinthrop PRISON ERS CLAIM THAT WHEN IOLJ SPENDA LOT OF TIME IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENTT llll by NEA in Reg US Pal on Bugs Bunny 5U69 EWEAKPAeT I6 WEADY LEO July 23Aug22 Someone you could go to bat fOr today may not be worthy Of your loyalty and involvement Take care as to whom you go out on the limb for VIRGO Aug23Sept22 In trying to be good guy you could let an unreined person take over the reigns and run things Chances are lot Of complications will result LIBRA Sept230ct23 Dont let an illequipped person mud dle things up for you today Continue to work things out the way you envision them Dont get sidetracked SCORPIO 0ct24Nov22 When it comes tO financial situation that you share be strong and follow what you How mp You éLeeP ON THE 60FA BED wAs 1T COMFORT ABLE THIS MUST HAVE BEEN HIS LAST CAM PSITE viq W79 NEA lm IM Reg US 911 Oil HEWEAMEI YlANNA HEAR THE NEW Romeo Liver Eazair IF Born Loser ISNT IT MORE FUIJ WHEN WATCH THE IF IM THATMUCH OF BURDEN GET MY CASE PACKED 7373860 EPAIETIMIENT UREAUS AT LEAST WAIT UNI THE RAIN NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St OBI25W by NEA lrIcT Rog US Pat Ir iï¬ RIGHT DONN TO IT YOU DONT WANT ME TO GO BECAUSEOF THE DRAMATIC IMCREï¬Ã©e IL IEEUAGE SEE WHEN ITCOMES know to be right The other person is daydreaming SAGITTARIUS Nov23Dec21 Youll be sorry if you give in to another for the sake of avoiding disagreement Negotiate it necessary and youll satist everyone concerned CAPRICORN Dec22Jan19 You may not be able to bring your aims and ambitions in line with those of your COworkers If so it will have diluting etlect upon your efforts AQUARIUS Jan20Feb19 Be realistic in your involvements today YOU could treat se rious Situation too lightly be cause you wont face up to the truth PISCES Feb20March 20 Things may look good on the OU DEVELOP VEEY ACUTE SENGE OF HEARING surface but unless you build sturdy foundation theyll fall apart at the seams with the first wind ARIES March ZlAprll 19 Youll have ton of ideas today and theyll all be pretty good ones Unfortunately you may only talk about them instead of putting them Into practice TAURUS April 20May 10 When it comes to your financial affairs you may have tend ency today to satisfy whims of the moment without considera tion of the consequences GEMINI May 21June 20 You will be able to awaken enthusi asm from just about everyone today except the One person youd like to No sense fighting brick wall YOULL HAVE To SPEAK up CANT UNPERGTANP WORD youRE 6AYIN6 PIERRE LABOOB CANT THESE SNAIL SHELLS BE VERY EAR AHEAD ARE STILL WARM You NEED HELP FILLING our THOSE FEDERAL FORMS cErzlAINIYlo JUST FILL 001 lHl5 FEDERAL ASJIJiANcE if REQUEST gag Iwruii um uOlIdS Mu ru vaulsmio DONT WANT YOU YOUR LAUNDRY IN Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service THEY JUST RAISE THE EATING AGE 20 mu ll PM in ITS NOTTHAT EXACTLY AVENT BEEN ABLE DRY THE WASHINAN TQDTIIN BACK FOR COUPLE DAYS MD ALL WE HAD WAS MONAUFAL FORM THAI5 Ir1 WHICH COUNTRY IS 1H6 WOKLD SEKI55 macro ea PLAYED in THE YEAR SHES SUCH CARING PERSON