em Sl Mnr Avmu Jeugwaxe sq vo Hope special Comedian Bob Hope completed monthlong filming session in China for fall TV special Wheat show begins last leg of tour EDMONTON CP The phenomenon known as Paper Wheat wowed audiences in Drumheller and Vauxhall Now its ending twoweek run in bigcity Edmonton to start the last four months of what is bil led as the most extensive tour in Canadian theatre history The show has already played in Montreal and Toronto and been the subject of National Film Board feature scheduled for CBC broadcast July 18 month after the opening of the current tour Paper Wheat is still fun said Skai Leja who plays Latvian immigrant and other roles The message is serious the formation of the farmerowned grain cooperatives on the Prairies But it is wrapped in combination of song dance fiddling and juggling that most viewers have found irresistible There was one bad review in Calgary The rest have been en thusiastic The Edmonton our nal called it captivating and the Lethbridge Herald called it an exuberant mixture of laughter and tears It is also triumph for re gional theatre The play was put together in 1977 by actors with 25th Street House Theatre in Saskatoon nonprofit company formed in 1973 They went to archives and interviewed Saskatchewan pia neers to gather raw material for their script The product helped thousands in Saskatchewan and Alberta rediscover heritage that was fading Few people had seen it as subject for popular entertainment NONWESTERNERS LEARN The play has also taught non Westemers Ms Leja born in Latvia and raised in Ontario had not been west of Winnipeg before 1977 It was very new to me and quite exciting she said in an interview The physical struc ture of the Prairies and then the excitement of enacting the whole idea of cooperatives which Id never heard of New company Alan Ladd Jr and two other movie industry executives have made plans for new molar film company in co operation with Warner Communications Inc mums 4364359 mu H12 Renovations Additions Rec Rooms Workmanship Guaranteed Coll 7266630 Freellthetee DOBINSON CONSTRUCTION Co ltd Bulldozing Excavating Grading Trenching Small Backhoes MT ROOFING CONTRACTORS Roof Restoration murmur mo BUILDING LTD RESIDENTIAL Interior Exterior Planning Designing Guaranteed Workmanship 72341 I9 4361927 737233 7263333 PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL RETAILER OIhoqo Dubeel We 0mm argonoven supine FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE HEATING AND SNEET METAL Complete Forced Air Heating PLUMBING WAREHOUSE THE COMPLETE Cooling Systems BuiItln Central Vacuum Systems For New Id Elistngones Cd AhWIue 7239369 ii Iiol tl Ll Vespro Volley 7230733 WVeathertrï¬n Heat GPumpg North Americas No Selling Heat Pumps OYKSTRA BROS ELECTRIC LTD fleeSt 7261439 PLAN N° 762624 213 70 ftpi 1189 sq mlmcal 1280 sq ttpica 112 sqm Imca 121 softpica PROP GAS IARIECUES ddelvored Hardness Sediment babies 20 cyhder iron Acudity 58 0W nor no OIII You Need Culllgan Water mm lo The most complete line at in mm water 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