wW 14 the examiner Friday July 13 19711 EVENING NEVIS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 030 NRC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE sHow cas NEWS Aac NEws NEws PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 645 ID GET IT TOGETHER 866 aARaAPAPA 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH CRoss wITs MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH OPERATION PETTICOAT NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY Brueh Up French GONG snow PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME AUTHORS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CIRCUS WHAT IS TRUTH MAGIC SHADOWS BOD NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES Arnold wit neaeee holdup and the robber trleato prevent gator from ldentl In him Repeat ALL IN THE AIAILY sown needs emergency aurgery but Archie belke when the doctor tug out be one OI Gloria er WIJEEEBTELETTULK Devld Bannerle worklngaaarouetaboutonawlldcatoilrlgwhen sabotage eetethanewwallablazaRapeat80 iIAJOR LEAGUE aAsEsALI DIFFRENT STROKESwnlquoII lng through hie teleecope Arnold witneeeee robberyandreporteltbutnoonewlllbellavehlm until Mr Drummond gate an anonymoue call tell lng him to keep his eon qulet or else gIHE INCREDIBLE HULK OLYMPIC PROFILES WAR YEARS The Battle of MOVIE SCIENCEFICTION Anamita gagglence 1911 HE LLO LARKY Larry Aldermeeta hle match when hie daughtara enlleI the aid of television guide Minty outepoken women they eeeume le WW WONT PAGE LLENGE HELLO LARRY Larrymeetehlamatcn whenhiedaughtere enIIet theeld ole delightful outepDIIen lady whom they eeeume to be 3m EwauviIOBEL PRIzE WINNERS 000 EDDIE CAPRA MYSTERIES Eddie Capra work on ceee Involving the pol zling eIeyIngofe hated publlehlng mogul Dueet etare Robert Vaughn George Hamilton 2hr gihurAx VARIETY THE DUKESOF HAZZARD Uncle Jeeeee old friend Swamp Molly cornea calling to collect favor Irom the Dukee which aIInoet puta Luke and Bo behind bare Repeal 00 JOHN ALLAN CAMERON Gueete an Goodman and Nancv Gerenlck MOVIE TITLE NANNOUNCED MOVIE AneeleanegaeDeanManInaa casino boea Frank Howell ie unnerved by the violent deatheoIRIeCloeet Iriende When ehow gIrI Mary Phillipa Ia killed In myeterloue car craeh the Angela fly to Vegae end go under er at the Tr VICT3RIAN SCANDALS Pitcher DI Snekee Program The Victorian memege wee Dullt to leaf whatever Ila con eequencee The novellet William Thackeraya wIIewae cominlttedto an aeylumlorthelnaane and the only other woman he loved wee married beef friend THE LOVE BOAT 030 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE 1000 CHARLIES ANGELs DALLAS Lucy rune away lrorn home when Jock relueee to allow her to Invite her mother Ioherbinhday party and In hereecepe Ilnda herself the hoatage of paychotlc thief at do mine ACRoss CANADA THE MIGHTY CONTINENT NEWS UPDATE NEWS 100 MEHVGNFFINGMtaTonmeetf Nlpeey Rueaell Hudeon Brothere Benny Binnlon 1030 CANADIANs 100 NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEws EDUCATION OF MIKE MC MANus MOVIE DOCUMENTARY Derby 11111 120 II NEws 125 NEws 1121 NEws 130 THE TONIGHT sHowmm RIChard Deweon Guest Betty White rim AMERICAN GAMES MOVIEHIsTORICALDRAMA Battle OI Britain nee STREET TALK mommaguac cos LATE MOVIE THE mom STALKER Mr RIN0 Arobot that has been programmed with eurvlval InetIeoI time the eolentietwhocreatedltRepeetW TIE SUN reassign Ureule me John eh HORsEMAN RIDING marriage between Grace and Paul Ia Ialllng apart II to further Irritated when Peel eeggeete ClaireDerwent ehooldbecomethenemytotheir child do mine 1200 MOVIE COMEDnm Upthe imam rTSTJSPEIIgEDRAMA Mn c8me sirow CONTINUES Gueete Galagher Dottie Weet 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 1230 MONTY PYTHONs FLYING CIRcus 1245 MOVIE mo THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL ALL THAT GLITTERS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCEpso MOVIE ADVENTUREDRAMA The Big Game Ian2 MEDICAL cgflER MOVIE MusICALCOMEDY Higher endaHaher 1m MARCUS wELaY MD 400 aEwITCHED 425 MOVIE DRAMA Locket 1046 510 EMERGENCY ONE Th historically speaking barries story July 13 1940 Renewed building activity commenced at Camp Borden that week and prospects were that huge construction boom would continue for several weeks It was understood that nearly five hundred buildings mostly canadas story Gold And Silver Found by Luck Some of Canadas richest mineral deposits have been found by luck The great eologist Dr Charles Camsell said few years ago that thou ht it was still possible that people could be lucky and fin gold silver and other metals Oil is different pro sition made available only by spending millions of do ars on extraction methods How ever in 1886 Kootenai Brown found 011 seeping from the ground in Alberta He used it to grease machinery on his ranch The Porcupine area of Northern Ontario has been one of Canadas most important gold producers for many years The first strike there was made on July 13 1909 by Thomas Geddes and George Bannerman Fred LaRose had discovered silver by luck at Cobalt in 1903 Bannerman and Geddes had hunch that they should go further north into the Porcupine The traveled on the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Rai wa now Ontario Northland until the end of the line The rat ways initials were usually described as meaning Time No Object From the end of the line Bannerman and Geddes addled 30 miles west and camped nto Porcupine Lake Then they be an di uncovered filigree of gold as thick as where the river flowed ng and wax ppings from candle That was the beginning of the Porcupine gold rush in which other lucky strikes were made by Benny Hollinger and Sandy McIntyre after whom famous mines were named July 13 was lucky for Geddes but July 11 was not He was killed in forest fire that swept through the Pomptne area on July 11 1913 just two years after his gold OTHER EVENTS 0N JULY 13 discovery 1632 France regained Quebec after It had been cap tured illegally by Kirke brothers in 1829 1789 Spaniards seized British ship Princess Royal at Nootka 130 1941 Canada approved AngloSoviet treaty following German attack on Russia June 22 1949 Opening of first legislature of Newfoundland as rovince of Cana 1953 hakespearean Festival Opened at Stratford Ontario edgarclowes by Marion Wright 7286297 Congratulations are extended to Brent Hutchinson who won an Ontario Scholarship on com plcting Grade 13 at Eastview Secondary School Best wishewalso go out to Mr and Mrs Wm Crittenden who celebrated their Golden Wed ding anniversary at an Open House at Edgar Community Hallrecently wonder ul time was had at Daily Vacation Bible School held at West Oro Baptist Church last week The total at We was 413 an avera eof as each morning Eight ys indicated they had ac Jesus as their Saviour learned large number Scripture verses van was It Iorthefirsttimcthisyear go out to Sinton 11an and their driver Bowman and all is helped to make the £6 933 Book Merit neighborly news Award Twelve Wl members met at It Best School to judge the Social Studies notebooks Eight Wl are involved in this project lArgyle Clowes Dalston Guthrie Hawkestone Mitchell Square Rugby and Shanty Bay This was started In 1978 as way of encouraging the student to keep good records Only two of our Oro Schools participated this year Thanks East Oro and Best and con atulations to the following stu nts These are alphabetical order Grade Kim Andrews East Oro Kevin Moore East listed in Oro Janice Shelswell East Oro Grade Nancy Burkholder East Oroi Nicoline Van Winden Monsignor Lee Orillia Anna Varriano East Oro Grade Tammy Faulkner East Oro Mark Richardson Best Karen Woodrow East Oro Grade Jill Biggar Best Marv Ann Freundorfer barrack buildings were plann ed Wilson President of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie issued message to the community asking support for the Barrie Kiwanis Club Kamival The proceeds of this annual event were to be split with seventyfive per cent going to war work and twentyfive per cent going to welfare work in the community The response from the County of Simcoe has been most gatifying Gordon Foster superintendent of the County Childrens Aid Society stated with reference to the placing of young war guests in Simcoe County it was estimated that Simcoe County would provide up to 1000 single men between the ages of 21 and 24 years who were likely to be called up for forty days compulsory military training on or before September 15 They would form part of the 50000 in the same age class who would be called for military du ty in Canada The Stamp out Hitler cam paign in Barrie proved decid ed success Three local theatres were packed to the doors with hundreds turned away Per formances were given by the Motion Picture industry of Canada for the sole purpose of stimulating the immediate sale of War Savings Stamps and Certificates Barrie Collegians had field day at the hands of Camp Borden Fliers at Shear Park Allandale when they walked off the field with 21 victory in their last scheduled Simcoe County Softball Association fix ture Ken Guilfoyle Barrie boy came into the limelight at Raleigh North Carolina as he pitched two nohit games on successive nights for the All Stars of that city St Monicas Barrie Christine Maclxod It Best iradt Mike Bowman Best John Gannon East Oro Colleen Crooks East Oro Look for your books at the ro fair this fall NO power to sponsor refugees MISSISSAUGA Ont CP Ontario municipal councils do not have the power to nsor Vietnameso refugee families to bring them to Canada or to pro vide them with homes jobs and food Mayor Hazel McCallion said Wednesday Mrs McCallion president of the Association of Municipal ities of Ontario told her council that although corporations and groups of five or more persons may sponsor refugees the On tario Municipal Act does not give that power to the prov inces 900 municipal councils The Doctor says Likely cause of dry mouth By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble had per nicious anemia 25 years ago and was put on vitamin B12 shots for it Well about year ago started getting dryness in my mouth had testsnbut they showed no pemicrous anemia My doctor suggested see nose and throat doctor He told me had Sjogrens disease He gave me medicine for the dry mouth but it hasnt helped Cant the dryness be sign still have pernicious anemia is that form of cancer First of all have to question the matter of your icious anemia As you ow that involves the B12 vitamin and the bodys inability to ingest it Thus no matter how much vitamin B12 food rson eats he or she still has difficiency The answer is periodic injection of the vitamin to bypass the digestive system Once you have the problem you have it for life and must take the injections for life There are other similar vitamin deficiencies Some can be tem porary such as folic acid deficiency during pregnancy or with liver disease The Sjorgens problem is the likely cause of your dry mouth There would be eye dryness as well because with Sjogrens the problem stems from the failure of various glands to lubricate properly Special eyedrops help the eye dryness Treating the mouth symptoms is more difficult Neither pernicious anemia nor Sjorgens disease is cancer ous Note with Sjorgens chief concern is that the dis comfort may interfere with proper nutrition and that can cause mucous membrane prob lems You should be checked for other forms of anemia The tests you hid for pernicious anemia are quite reliable Dear Dr Ruble From former insomniac please let me add just one more remedy Put pad and pencil by your bed and before retiring write down everything thats running through your head including all you have to pick up on and Elan to do the next day Many sy persons cannot sleep because they are itemizing over and over in their heads the following days affairs Once youve emptied your head of all these thoughts you can sleep in peace Fine anything that turns you off Dear Dr Ruble have en joyed your column since you took over Most doctors have specialties What is yours Internal medicine BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Flip of coin 713A Vulnerable NorthaSouth Dealer South West North East South Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The late George Kaufman in discussing another bridge player said There are two ways you can tell when Smith has good hand First his face lights up then he misplays it Here is Smith at work His face lit up as he sorted his cards He really chortled when North jumped to three of his suit Was trifle disappointed when Black loses all wood told him that an ace was missing but barged right into six He won the diamond in dummy Played two rounds of trumps to make sure trumps were out cashed his three high diamonds in or der to discard one heart and one club from dummy and went over to dummy with trump Now our hero stopped to think Finally be tossed coin saying Heads lead heart It came heads he led heart Down one Even coins cant be trust ed he moaned Of course the hand had been cinch assuming one suit would work He should discard two hearts on the long diamonds Then he would lose just one heart and still be able to try the club finesse Ask III ExactIs You hold 05 VK9853 0A2 OK8653 You respond one heart to partners oneclub opening He rebids one notrump New York reader asks what bid we recommend at this point We recommend jump to three clubs There should be good play for game some where and we want to get to 713B daily crossword ACROSS gld World Answer to PraVIous Puzzle ompus an of dog point an EDGE man Present 46 Distress call EBB Baum DEB Poueuive I7 Refreshing an DEB pronoun beverage 12 Misfortune 51 New York moan BI 13 Smith prep State city nag 39m gmgg who 55 Pm no now an II Luggage Item 56 Is sItueted annm nullqu 15 Compare 58 Sudden QED Elan Pomt muscular unanBE BEEGE 18 Culminatton contraction BBB III III I7 Egyptian rug 59 Weather BBB DRIED EDIE disk bureau ebbr EDD Em DB 13 Better 60 Exclamation balanced of annoyance mi 38 0mm 20 Cetherlnefor 81 Preserve F°° VIOIOMY on v9blgg 39 Aftermoat 22 Unpleyed golf 52 Movie VP 009 41 Make beloved hole 63 Places T9° 43 Flushes out 24 Still 64 Agricultural 45 wo 26 Floating ice implement mud 21 Varmint metal 20 Cut off the DOWN 23 It human beard 25 La 48 Price 33 Propels with sum up Douco LohncrinI Den Arm bone 25 UlllOf bride 34 Peace Wooded 27 90m 50 River in disturbance valley 28 Pflunt yorkwr 36 By means of Court cry 30 CNN 52 An 37 Actress Wm And so on 31 First word of °Y° 33 Invitation re ebbr Let Caesars Mo Iponu labor was bout 63 ml 39 Grant Italian an 32 Energy 99 temporarily center agency ebbr Skin WONG IO Confused Foe 35 Work of art 57 Sup Bernice BodeOsol CYour Birthday July 14 1979 This coming year the light will finally shine on something that has been very difficult for you to understand in the past thereby blocking you from ful fillment Youll be able to see clearly what to do CANCER June 21July 22 Charm and fact as well as lot of patience are what will win others over to your way of thinking today Youll find it easy to employ all three LEO July 23Aug 22 Your Winthrop ITHINK ILL eTAND Shrt Ribs OKAY MENIF THE SHERIFF COMES SIDOTIN $3 lIIE ER WE BC ï¬ii Inga Id HEY Buoscae 0N over lVE ear €0METHIN6 profound sense of duty makes you very generous person to those who truly deserve it You wont turn your back on those who merit your aid VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 It is quite possible reuniOn with old friends is in the offing for you today Youll have fine time reminiscmg about old times LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Draw upon that little extra push deep within you and you can achieve something today that means lot to you Its worth the addi tional effort SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 The high ideals and kind manner isms you employ toward those with whom you come in contact today will not quickly be forgot OIINMNEA In The Rag us Pal on aver GETTIN 65T TAKE EVE RYBOW II EA GUI FORTHE BAEN M3355 PERAFEClD THE STREET To oFFIcerz KIWATIZIOI OF THE Vice 54049 For Neva HAVINe ACéEFrEPA erase Frank and Ernest QEIEVUCGIE PAY TAXES HERE INTIRINAL EVIENUE Ncégt THINK ILL ITWWN NO THINK ID ten Youll gain great respect SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 favor that is not easily given and that Others may covet will be granted to you today Make the most Of it Dont forget to show the proper gratitude CAPRICORN Dec 22 Jan 19 mature and unselfish you emerges when decision that could have longrange effects becomes necessary YOUII make wise judgment AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Youll be able to draw upon the experience of others to bring harmony and order into situa tion that could otherwise have been difficult to set right PISCES Feb 20March 20 You can win over to your corner MY QELF today an important ally be cause of the gentle manner in which you handle people Even the hardhearfs wont be able to resist you ARIES March 21Aprll 19 It should be labor of love that will occupy most of your time today Chances are its some thing the whole family is able to enjoy TAURUS April 20May 20 You could be hearing from or get ting visit from dear and trusted friend today whom you may not have seen for awhile ltll warm your heart GEMINI May 21June 20 Something youve been want Ing for long time could be come reality IodaV DECI5IONS DECISIOQS CON Ff DENC WELL BE HOW COME 8055 FE site 6ND 6HE6 PAYlue You tho lLTAKE NO NOTICE LAUGHIN ear THIS MORNIN NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Russ ANYrHN sans IM OFF OMDYMEAIM led US 9e 01 JUSI HOPE 1H GWERNMENT GIVES IT TO somEoNE WHo NEEDS 11 A5 BADLY AS WE DO Ilratyy NFA Int ru Reg Pal Oh BECAUSE mansms BARN HE CANT HIT THE SIDE or AN9 To Me 50291 T465516 WINE Tums 713 Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service