Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1979, p. 28

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the examiner Wedneeday July 11 1070 21 television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 80 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 023 NEWS 030 NBC NEWS léa EsHT Burt Bacharach ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME CUCUMBEH 700 DATING GAME CROSS WITS MANY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAG DOUGH DONNA FARGO NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY Brueh Up French GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME MAJOR LEAGUE BA SEBALLMllWluliOeBrewereveTorontoBlue lira NEWLYWED GAME GONG SHOW GRAND OLD COUNTRY Gueete 10 Sheppard Bill Andereon Mary Lou Turner Eeelrnan Repeat OCEAN ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 LAUGHIN NEVER SAY NEVER Academy AwardWinner George Kennedy atere aa middlesaged Duelneaemen who tells In love with woman doctor EIGHT IS ENOUGH Nancy Salon and Jeannie all tied romance during their on day eerneeter break Repeat do mine CFLFOOTBALL Hamilton TigerCate tawe R00 Rldare hre WINTRO PEC THE JEFFERSONS MOVIE DHAMA Ravine 1070 830 GOOD TIMESFlorldaeeltonetOpaee an Important medical exam for work may be thwerted by wellmeaning gift from the very ren ehe carea about moat WVIYRE COMME DU MONDE ALICE 900 MOVIE OF THE WEEK 81de Of Juetlce BIeckIack 1978 Stare DuckRarnDo gelIamilton WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE Rendelvoua Hotel 1970 Stern Blll Dally WI réHARLIEs ANGELS CHARLIES ANGELS Americea moat exclting and glamoroua city Lao Vegaa The providea the backdrop ol thle eplaode in which the Angela go undercover t0 aolve ehowglrla myeterioue death Guest etar Dean Martin pee12hrc MIXED DOUBLES 1000 VEGAS Den gone eltere JacktheRlpper Imperaonator Whoee victim are Lea Vegae UM Lione NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN emu Rlch on Lola Felene Toni end ErIn Bob Shaw George Goober Llneey 1030 THIs WEEK IN BASEBALL RESSOURCESDE LENFANCE EXCEPTIONNELLE 1100 In NEWS CBc NEWS CTVIIEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE IIISTORY Prologue 1050 1120 NEWS NEWS 1125 127 NEW 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW all hoat Convy 90 mine PAN AMERICAN GAMES MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA ear Heart 1006 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC The Diehee 145 CBS LATE MOVIE vswncn Aint Nobody Here Named Barney Paula Wirehouee gete Pete to help her eetablleh whether or not her uncle Barney ie really deed Repeal KOJAK Monkey On String Stare Telly Batu Kevin Dobaon Re eat THE Two RONNrES 1200 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION 16 The Thin 1951 MEDICAL CETITER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES Gueete The Volantee David Naughton Teri deSarIo 1210 CARTER COUNTRY 1215 cucxoo WALTZEs 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 1240 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS 100 TOMORROW Heal Tom Snyder Gueal Judith Johnon developed Can Cope ram for cancer vlctime 80 mine 15 MARCUS WELBY MD ALL THAT GLITTERS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 DMOVIEADVENTUREI PIppl Goee on Board 1015 130 NEWS 155 MOVIE DRAMA Angel Baby 1901 300 TROUBLE WITH TRACY historically speaking 3a barries story July Ih 1955 gram operated by the Barrie for the 1955 season Registra The summer playground pro Recreation Committee opened lion the PSI day was 710 canadas story Macdonald Saw Canada Late In His Career Sir John Macdonald became member of parlia ment in 1844 shortly after Lower and per Canada were united with one legislature Canada id not even have responsible government at that time By 1886 he had seen responsible government come into effect experienced the rioting caused by the Rebellion Losses Bill when parliament in Montreal was burned had checked Tory move to join the US helped to instigate the railway building boom played the leading role in Confederation taken over the Northwest Terri tories created Manitoba as province brought in British Columbia and Prince Edward Island tackled the Fenians instigated the CPR subdued the Northwest Rebellion and yet had never been west of Owen Sound Ontario He had even been member of parliament for Victoria BC for time when he was defeated in his own constituency of Kingston Ont So it must have been an outstanding moment in his life when on July 11 1886 he and his wife boarded one of the first CPR transcontinental trains from Ottawa to Van couver He was going to see the country which he had virtually governed for so many years He saw Lake Superior stopped at Winnipeg with his son Hugh spent weekend at Regi na met Indian Chief Crowfoot at Gleichen and visited Calgary Then came the exciting tri through the Rockies when he and Lady Macdonald ro on the cowcatcher of the engine through Kicking Horse Pass They arrived at Victoria on July 24 but were not able to visit Vancouver which had been burned to the ground on June 13 The visit to British Columbia lasted two weeks and then the Macdonalds made another leisurely crossing of the continent arriving in Ottawa on Augu st 30 Sir John still had another five years to go as Prime OTHER EVENTS 0N JULY 11 1616 Champlain returned to Quebec after spending the winter in Huron country 1682 Radisson back in the service of France began campaign to capture British posts in Hudson Minister Bay 1750 Fire practically destroyed Halifax as it was being built 1857 Captain John Palliser was at Fort Garry pre paring for survey of prairies 1872 Canada asked Britain to take up Alaska boundary question 1884 Louis Riel arrived at Batoche to lead Metis 1896 Wilfrid Laurier became rime minister 1910 Campbellton NB was estroyed by fire 1911 Fire in Porcupine area of Ontario killed 73 people and made thousands homeless 1960Northwest Territories Council met at Resolute Bay the most northerly legislative meeting in the world children and it was expected that the number of registrants would increase to around 1000 within week or two Parks programs consisted of singing craftwork playground com petitions swimming and water safety The Simcoe County Health Unit nurses made total of 1387 home visits in May of 1955 The nurses conducted 1951 school inspections and found 34 suspected vision defects Six teen chest clinics were held along with 28 child health con ferences Rev Robert Trimble ac cepted the invitation to come to Burton Ave United Church Rev Trimble had served at Brant Avenue United Church in Brantford and after being or dained he ws placed at Emsdaie before accepting his post in Barrie fourday sales conference for the small appliance depart ment of Canadian General Electric was held After the conference the party moved to the plant in Barrie where the salesmen had the opportunity to see the latet developments in products and manufacturing methods The Public Utilities Commis sion received the approval of the HydroElectric Power Com mission to increase rates to domestic and commercial con sumer in Barrie This was the first change of rate in Barrie since they were reduced in 1945 The increase was not due to operating expenses but the necessity of providing increas ed capacity to take care of the steady growth of the town The average monthly consumption in Barrie was 375 killowatt hours and on this average the increase amounted to 57 cents per month The Barrie Legion rode on the greatness of Jack Huffmans powerful right arm to take first place in the senior softball race Huffman produced the most amazing spectacle of the season at Queens Park when he pitched sensational nohit norun performance to beat DcVilbiss 40 Want dreams to come true TORONTO CPI Ever dream of being top secret agent Of solving murder case Of giving major piano recital It can happen for fee It may sound like something out of televisions Fantasy Island but Greg Acheson has gone into the business of mak ing dreams come true Hes the founder and so far sole staff member of The Stairwell inc an unusual little company that provides per sonalized adventures for those who arent in the habit of stumbling across anything unusual in their everyday lives Just getting to Achesons oflt fice is miniadventure its tucked away in the labyrinths of an old warehouse in downtown Toronto Acheson 30 chose the firms name the warehOUSe location and the curiously sparse fur nishings of his office because they all combine to create an atmosphere of mystery and ap prehension Thats the stuff hes selling and while customers arent ex actly lining up to take ad vantage of the new business Acheson says hes filling need He has pinpointed his main market at men between 25 and 40 who an intelligent sen sitive imaginative and have money Fantasies dont come cheap PREPARE TO SPEND if their first question is How much is this going to cost Then they cant afford it he says Clients have two options They can show up with an adventure scenario already in mind which Acheson is employed to bring to life or they can arrive with only taste for excitement and che quebook and hell devise per sonalized fantasy Hes not in business to pro v1de dates and although romantic adventures are available he asks the clients to provide their own partners Hell arrange piano concert completc with clamorous au dience but hes happier devis ing foreign intrigues or murder mystery The murders of course are staged Before embarking on whatever plot Acheson designs client must provide doctors certificate of good health Thats because of the ensuing excitement The average adventure charge is between $800 and $1500 but oneshot quickies can be arranged for as low as $100 The client and will work out together the details of his adventure but intend to always throw in few unex pected twists in the plot says Acheson former advertising copywriter emphasize however that all were doing is providing an illusion Nothing is real The danger is faked its safe and fun Wednesday July 11 1030 am Mr Dressup 1100 Seagull Sam 1130 Audubon Wildlife Theatre 100 pm Adeles Stories 130 Ma ny Worlds Childhood 00 Sports Tennis 30 Wonkles ceklcy 00 Circle Square 30 Almost Home 30 Electric Company 00 Sesame Street 00 Polka Dot Door 30 Adventures Of Timothy Pilgrim 645 Readalong 655 Write Inf Of Shamanauto The Doctor Says Spine stiffening hits men most By PAUL RUBLEMD Dear Dr Ruble My son is just 24 and was recently mar ried He has been told he has arthritis of the spine He cannot walk straight when he gets up in the morning Please explain this for us and tell us what he can do for it This type of arthritis oc curs chiefly in young men 15 30 It rarely begins after age 30 It goes by several names the chief one probably being MarieStrumpell disease medical name for it ankylosing spondylitis which literally means spine stiffening About 90 per cent of victims are males The stiffening is gradual but unrelenting beginning in the lower sections of the spine and progressing upward to the neck Later the ligaments supporting the spine may become calcified harden and the result is the bamboo or poker spine Other body joints are not usually affected until quitelate This doesnt paint very nice picture but there is much tq be done for your son and the sooner it is begun the better for him The gradual stiffening process may continue as long as 20 years or more During this period physical therapy to prevent as much spine bowing as possible is essential The antiarthritis drugs chiefly in domethacin and phenylbuta zone help control in flammation With early and persistent reatment he can prevent se vere deformity that might oth erwise interfere with work and other activity Your son should see therapist to begin valu able exercises Meanwhile he should try to stand and sit erect and use firm mattress and small pillow An early Sign of the disease is low back pain on arising Good nutrition and adequate rest are impor tant Dear Dr Ruble In recent column you had question and answer relating to abdominal epilepsy Is there any more information can get on this condition There is not great deal written on this relatively un common condition so cannot refer you to any specific book on the subject However your doctor may be able to help you find reference if you are able you can skim some of the indexes of current literature in medical library or in the medical section of large circulatinglibrary Dear Dr Ruble Is it possible for young girl say years old to develop breast cancer Possible but very rare BRIDGE NORTH 710A J7 863 KJ74 Q962 WEST EAST 1098 6543 AQ542 97 953 1082 75 A83 SOUTH AKQ2 KJlO A6 KJ104 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South 2NT Pass 3NT Pass Passi Pass Opening lead 10 By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Wisconsin reader sent us todays hand with these comments made what consider the automatic lead of the ten of spades against Souths threenotrump con tract It certainly was safe lead Declarer now pro ceeded to make four notrump My partner claims that should have opened my fourthbest heart This lead would have led to defeat Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag but sorry situation of me contract assuming that my partner would lead heart back after taking his ace of clubs have always been taught not to lead from tenace into notrump contract What do you think We think that our corre spondent has been taught incorrectly The man who sits on park bench never falls down but he never gets anywhere This West hand cries out for heart lead Sometimes it will cost the leader trick On lots of occasions it will break even But once in while as with todays layout it will pay real dividends The difference between game and no game with both sides vulnerable is 700 points plus One 700 point swing will pay off lot of 30point overtricks You hold 10 Michigan reader asks what we rebid after partner reSponds one spade to our oneheart opening This is very close prob lem Our preference is for an immediate raise to two spades but we would not really criticize oneno trump rebid We definitely would not rebid two hearts 710B dain crossword ACROSS 42 Rocky Antwer to Previout Futile Mountain Bundlu of park llldu 411 Ketone 1111 um DIOGUGI 52 Similar In klnd 12 Circular 33 comp 13 Precioui lewel pom WIN Bl ChrillmIl an 55 Orange Ikln 16 Source of $3301 17 11531 Dunn an lung 38 Ponitlve wordl um munfl an Mauna 19 Comput 39 Soap 18 Sameneu DOWN point ingredient 3g ganglia 5mm in 2I llllnllc nlme II School In 23 Long run M°° mug SW Author lwor entible Bummlv Turgenev 24 Squeeze out 44 Wood plant 31 am Blld find 25 Baltic port 46 Lincoln and 32 Victim cunmnfl 28 At Wdl Fonn 33 Auricle 27 Ordnance £6 Duatbowl 34 the Id 28 Egg FL victim 36 Glacial ridge 50 220 231131 CM mm 32 Prof 37 Jungle hunts unexplained 39 picks up Hume my 35 Hindu delty 48 Compenlon of 40 Spenith hero to Grotto poet 35 9111190 Odd 41 Scrutinlze 11 Dull color 38 Tennis point 51 Alloy NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN AstraGraphs rnloo BodoOsoI cYour July 12 1979 There will be more profita ble than usual market for your talents and knowledge this coming year Youll know where to find it Advancement is likely in your chosen field CANCER June 21July 22 Try to devote some time today to artistic or creative projects Tasks of this nature will afford you tremendous amount of pleasure and satisfaction LEo July 23Aug 22 If your Born Loser YOU LIKE To PLAY Wizard of Id To 229 WARDEN Winthrop Frank and Ernest SHERIFF IM ACCUSING you or ALFEASANCE NE LIGENCE cBirthday OWNINGA mTABLE 15 THE IN THING WOULp KNOW WHAT IM GOINGIr 10 DO NA5NZONE YEAR FROM TH 15 VERY DAY friends appreciate you even more than usual today it will probably be due to the fact that you see oniy their virtues and not their faults Good going VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Part nership arrangements should prove very fortunate today Doing things in tandem with harmonious allies youll ac complish what cant be done on YOU own LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your willingness to be of service will obligate others to do some thing nlce for you in the future although this wont be your reason for aiding them SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Someone you know socially can be very helpful In opening YA CORRUPTION AND leMPETENCE JAKEJTE ADORABLE How DID YOU Eva TO HELP YOUR MOTHER OUT BUT WHEN IT MES TO ME or am he can on Ice Ionae spleen 7373860 NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St LODK LETS DROP THE SUBIECT OF MONEYAN JUST QUIETLY EAT OUR DINNER IT6 ONLY FAIR TTEL WON TH mot PLAYIN TITLE TWO YEAK5 RUNNINAT doors for you today that you couldnt budge on your own This person will be delighted to help if asked SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Something impOrtant you want to have finalized today can be accomplished by using the soft sell Lay on the charm CAPRICORN Dec ZZJen 19 Coworkers will be extremely cooperative today because theyll know you are willing to do mOIe than your fair share in any endeavor AQUARIUS Jan szeb 19 Keep weather eye peeled today There is financial oppor tunity about you Something good could develop from an unexpected source PISCES Feb 20March 20 Your leadership qualities are 99 NE at neg Us on or IVE GOIAYSAR TO TALK THE FAMILS INTO MOVING TOfiOLfTIIAMERIOK very strong today because you lead by example Which others are eager to emulate They know good thing when they see it ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Let your heart rather than your head guide you today The results Will benefit everyone including yourSell TAURUS April 20May 20 Friends will be looking out for your best interests today In fact something very pleasant could occur which might bene fit you materially GEMINI May 21June 20 Your charm and wit are your greatest assets today Properly used they could help you easily outdistance your competition Smile and say nice things Hm7l 11 IIM LIL Izu9TY BUT ITLL came MCK TME THEM 114 DOWN Terle 7II HE W0 HAVE JUST CALLED ME YELLOW BELUED POLECAI STAND BACK DEAK HERE callee THE 502 HUH EAEYDUSAY lF THATS ALLYOU CAN THINK ABOUT WHAT DIFFERENCE IS THERE BETWEEN YOUAN TIlECAlILE IN THE FIELD Your wedding invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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