Nm c4 Em mm zm Wu rmwï¬ mqwp Ignored federal order but postie reinstated OTTAWA CP postal employee who continued to picket the main postal terminal here after the federal govern ment enacted backtowork leg islation last October has been ordered reinstated by the Pub Inc Service Staff Relations Board But the board ruled that Pat rick Berry should be suspended for six months The Post Office which dis missed Berry on Jan 1979 alleged that Berry was violent III Emilia ll IItEf we mm IlSi lADIES ROCKER CHAIR Minis 1mg TERRY COMFORTER CUSHION °° Polyester filled approx Imam Rog PfKa 33 70 8T Ties on in iiffy mu 00 Amen rm 727 mumps 1400 on the picket line But David Kates deputy chairman of the board ques tioned the degree of violence that had been proven He said the board could not condone Berrys activities on Oct 19 Kates said he believed that Berry deliberately jumped on the hood of car and struck it with his picket sign to try to stop the driver from entering the postal terminal As result Kates said the penalty must be sufficientlv se Window flit lininga were 41¢ IMMLMW 1M7 KmartSpociot Price SALE PRICE Prices Eflective till Sam While Quantities last We reserve the right to Quantities SALE PRICE vere to reflect the seriousness of the proven acts of misconlt duct so as to constitute deter renttoothers Berry was among thousands of members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers who stayed off work after Parlia ment passed law ordering in side postal workers to return to work The law was given royal assent Oct 19 but the strike continued in several major cen tres for another week TABLECLUTIIS lyaeter Flannel with Vinyl top Assorted patterns and colours 54 72 and 60 diam sizes Buy me than one mart SALE PRICE EL cu cam mm mm 22 eagekoepsmwnmmm of their home their airplane We cat Kmart Reg Price 157 SALE PRICE five metres by seven metres and hovers in the living room It just never occurred to us to build it in garage says Mrs Sullivan ducking under one of the wings of 75 acrylic 25 nylon They have hobby in house an experimental oi PITTSBURGH Kan AP here and there to work on it adds her husband And thats the advantage of hav ing it in the house Following thick step bystep manual and monthly newsletters from the Califor nia company that makes the plane the Sullivans finally have carved glued and sand ed their way to the final pages With the installation of the engine used 80horsev power model and coat of white paint the plane soon The Sullivans began building the experimental airplane in their living gom about two years ago The craft is built from light weight plastic with glass fiber epoxv skin Mwnwuv LK AT rues sen spoon mediumm Spoon at mm Potatomashero Hgggyiodle These motion uteosus are must at these low prices News our chemo to stockup Ail with oak Wes MENS SHORT SLEEVE KN iiiiiinitlii Perioctlor Wide stripes the dinnertable linen Reg Price 677 am 73 SALE mcr mm sunI hm EI Siolds approx cups run special rm UNABLE RUBBER la 2221 45990 List Price Each lllfl III It 15 CUBE PLASTIC 21 or List Price am Spain Price SHINE MN INSULATED PLASTIC PITCHER man In List Price ll PLATE SGRAPER For quickn easy ICE CUBE TRAY Buy now and PAUDLE BOARD Approx rplone ATIONAL BU ALL FOR THE LOW PRICE OF 88 CENTS will be ready to fly And none too soon for Sullivan an industrialarts professor at Pittsburgh State University who makes job related jaunts around the state The plane should travel 1600 kilometres on gallons of gas he estimates which will probably cost less than driving Ind III Regular TION 0F ET TNIS SPACIOUS WALNUT FINISN STAINLESS STEEL Ugh NATS gANVAS TOTE BAG FLOWER STAND TEA SET5 PCS These mats are great for any room in Rayon was mm 001 Sturdy bass Mm Mole Shape 39 your home Oval oblong or rectan Ml side at and nsodo W334 paddles to hold Em tea poi sugar bowl WM 73 772 gular shapes come in prettyaolours hanging pocket Snap 41 94 Wm 83 mm 99 and tray 57mL ze closure and double plantbvers gsjpgngï¬lmiuu anoncu handes mod ool Ea MINJim Kine15ath KmartSltePrtoe mucum White WW lmluulï¬lu the examiner WednesdayLJuly 1979 23 Kiss for skunk William Valliere founder of the Sanctuary for En dangered Animals gives kiss to young skunk in Toronto Monday Volliere flushed out family of skunks from beneath surburban Toronto home last week but one refused to surrender and appeared to be dead Valliere applied mouthio mouih resuciialion for about 20 minutes to revive the animal The skunks will be living with Valliere until they are strong enough to be released in the wild CP Laserphofo Air Canada to buy I2 Boeing 767 planes MONTREAL CP Air Canada has decided to pur chase 12 Boeing 767 aircraft to replace its aging l85 on North American routes the airlines board of directors announced Monday night The airline will also take op tions on 18 more of the craft The entire order could cost Air Canada upward of $14 billion It is the largest single com MR CORN BEEF PRESENTS The Hideaway Sundeck Entertainment Nightly TeenSet Licensed under 180 280 Dunlap St at Anne mitment in the national air lines $35billion program to rebuild it fleet for the 19805 Following board meeting Monday to make final deci sion on the purchase Air Can ada chairman Bryce Mackasey said in statement that the air line had been looking for an aircraft which is economical to operate and fuel efficient and has high degree of passenger appeal 7372351 °ollts ANNUAL SUMMER SHOE Sfll CONTINUES SAVE UPTO Regular List Price Ivy or Pair ALL SALES FINAL AT THESE SAVINGS SAVE SAVE SAVE locations °ollts is MISSISSAGA IAYFIELD oIILLIA oowrnowu MALL SQUARE 0mm IARRIE MALI