Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1979, p. 8

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the oxornlnor Tunicw July 10 1979 television guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING 30 NEWS NOLLYWOOD SODAREs DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 528 NEws 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME DRAGONS WAGONS AND WAx 645 ID GET IT TOGETHER 655 BARBAPAPA 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO cm Karan Young ToulounoearaIdnoHunt Stu Repeat NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY Brulh Llr rFranch COPELAND RELIGIOUS ECIAL PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHOW NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW Mighty Papa Paul Jabara Fat Chance at gpIETER APPLEYARD MAGIC SHADOWS 800 THE RUNAWAYS mm lovodIndunwantodbyharaflluentandvorybusy parenta teenage girl develops Al attachment youn basebal iliyir 60 Rims IN CONCERT Dianne Mm PAPER CHASE muttmy dismalno law student Infirmaates his panna Willis Bat into becoming formidable toga adversary II the schools Intense moo calm commentor peat 60 mm CFL FOOTBALL Montreal Aioaetres Ya Toronto Argonauts In case of CH DIICADut one will air In thistimealot HAPPYDAYSFOMIE slrtaismcangor afterhetmasnhugs stack ocourtenaltmone white Rarrn horse at two part Qmsoao ReDoatl historically speaking MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION ah an ADEMV WHAT WILL THEY TNlNK OF IT MOVIE 100CUMENTARYI Th VIOII tau 830 LAVERNE AND SNIRLEY and Shirley and their odd aaammnt of bola Mala rloloua Mtorta at repairing MIR Dabah crvmhtmq apartMnt We at mAVERNE AND SHIRLEY 900 COMEDY THEATER on Millionaire Ia IrCROG IN tormar qmtrrand into gonna Mr an antenna mtarvrow for hot vapor to rad Willard John Nltomn MOVIE DRAMAI Tidal va ll TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE TItatVouLovaMlt Jumauoon twosm LITA Mrnnatlr Ron Howard thno young patron moat In hoapitat and dark to matra 90 trying logotMr In thaI outmoo world without the help or charity sympathy or oven MICIIMI ra TNREES COMPANY Janet and ChrruyfhmtIIagroatwhanthoonamthatJacA Iaoatinaatantaaticotdnrwomanmntrlthoymant ha mVlylng morn and think aho Jacks summon Raoul LIVELY COUNTRY Adtflt BEST KEPT SECRETS MARY AND MICHAEL 930 NBC NEWS SPECIAL sm Dabate NBC News conaoponoant John Chan collar moderate taco to taco cabal batwaan proponents and opponents at Sonata ratification of the recently moped SALT ct 90 min TAXI Bobby caraor dream coma true man he tarta rotP In coat opera anti TAXI Eobby career drums come true man he lands role in soap opera promptmo mm to throw his torn up cabbiaa Ircanle at LOUIG but tho crapterror vow to talu revenge ODD over come crathn back napalm TWOS COMPAN MY COUNTRY 1000 ABC NEWS CLOSEUP QUINCY Quincy crodibrlIty IS damaged after no confirms that It talayisror reporta area In lira but aha turns up alive fipoatSOITIns CONFERENCE ON LAW AND CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS MEN OF IDEAS NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN Don aw Robert Goulet Johnny tune 1045 IE PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED barries story July21957 The first residents began moving into the newly cori strucch Georgian Manor today in history Home An addition to the ex isting hospital provided new home for some of Barries senior citizens Nova Scotia Was Raided By US Privateers Although Nova Scotia did not join the rebel states in the American Revolutionary War there was great deal of for them Many people in Nova 100 II NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE gMANUS MOVIE MUSICALI Tho Unatnkabla Mottyzgrown tau NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Donatello Guaata CharoCartWaathara 00 IAN AMERICAN GAMES MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY rlln Lin 1010 STR ET ALK NIGHTMUSIC Oonomi Idea 145 cos LATE MOVIE BARNARV JONES Odd Man Loan Throw carpool momborahiiactrthoIundclholrcornpnnyuanto Imancorttlcrt daaIR butthacounor Ilkiltadinthn otherWinoauccoaafutoparatinn RopnntMtt LION DOLLAR MERMAID 1062 Slant Eathor llama Vrctor Mature LIFE AT STAKE Houaton Wavaoot Prohlom Soon after btaalctt on of Apollo I3aoxyoontankablowaupanditacrawolthrao unpraparadforthaunpracodontadtachnlcal taIturaandtrnvattmantti000mitaaanhourllant to brmq tho cratt bitch to aarth Rapcat 00 1200 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION Flrat Man In the Moon 1004 MEDICAL CENTER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES Goatn Barbara Mandrall Glenn Smith Sammy Ki 1210 MOVIE DRAMACOMEDY Bridgaa To Haavan 1075 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 100 TOMORROW Host Torn so Guest Ron Link producer and writer of plays which laatura men In womans roles 60 MARCUS WELBY MD ALL THAT GLITTERS 130 NEWS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 EMERGENCY 205 MOVIE DRAMA RIvor run 1970 Weather delayed work on the CKVRTV tower and it was not expected that the station would use the tower which would dou ble its power output until the end of the week The 704 foot tower was the highest in the Commonwealth and combined with the increase in power Channel was received in Toronto Huntsville Owen Sound and Peterborough The RCAFs Search and Test confirms heart attack Dear llr llublc Is there test now to alert our to pos siblc heart attack before It hrip pens No Init one Is being dcvcl oped to tthltlIlM heart of lack within couple of hours after symptoms of one Ic chest pain While this might Iiot appear to be of great impor tance to thc vIctnII It Is to thc doctors treating him When heart muscle dnmngr infarctionl occurs it ccttntn omymc shows up III 11 blood Up to now whrlc this substuncc has been dctcctnblc test results have been unccrtnui III many cuscs The new tcst for the telltale citymc is inorc scnsrtivc hence more rcliriblc Inc grcrit advnntugc will be III ruling out heart attacks thus ltltIIll1 unncccssury IIIISIIIIIIIMIIIIIII It also allows prompt treatment for heart attack that formerly may have been delayed lhc ticw tcst Is not currcritly available for widespread use licur Dr Rublc My husband has very hczivy beard and for years hnd bccn bothered by ingrown hairs At times the arc deep and In flamed llc cleans often and has tried various types of rulers and shaving products am wondering if you havc any advice or printed material on such problems real problem for sonic men Most develop their own individual way of handling thc problem Some cannot rcsort to gmwing full board lrctirioiri lotion helps in iriild cases The irritation develops bccriusc nciirby skin rcIIcls to the in growing hair shaft us It would tonny foreign body hear Itulilc hIIVI hnd bronchitis tor scvcrol ycrirs thn wns III for my last phys ItltI my doctor was SIIIIWIIII my chest my to medical studcnt rind commented lliIsc IrI calcium deposits Would they have bccn III the lungs or in thc brunthull tubes or both And what sigrnficrincc do they have You wtlncsscd good professor teaching medical student never to overlook anything In chcst rays cvcn IIIt most ttIIIllIll cnchuIiI deposits lhc dcposils were probably In thc lung tisstlc perhaps scars from tin old lllIttlltlII lhc doctorclin lcll much by the location and type of deposit for cxainiplc what sort of Infection was IIIIVtI llirit cpisddc was an important part of thc fuluIc doctors trninmg The trend in modern medical teaching is back to much more of the dirch ob scrvntion Iiictliods such as you wit ncsscd Dear Dr Ruble Will you tell nir hriw the caffeine is removed from rlccaffeinatcd coffcc ls tlicrc it harmful chemical used The coffee beans arc first softcncd bystcoming and thc critlciric is removed with zilco hol which is in turn rcniovcd by rcstcnming lhc bcons arc thcn rousch About it per cent of thc caffeinc may remain after this processing BRIDGE 910942 0A 1097 V652 0106432 0A95 Q7 QKQJSSI SOUTH OKQ87653 VAQJB 0K 03 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer East cdsiiaaiaeoby angel $00 Danger of losing control he had passed because South went down one trick at four spades The play was short but not sweet Dummys ace of clubs held the first trick Easts ace of spades the second one Then East led his queen of clubs South ruffed West overruffed and led back diamond East had been careful to lead his queen Of clubs not the king and West had properly read this as suitpreference sig nal for the lower suit Now East led another club and there was no way for South to keep West from scoring another trump trick AStrOGra Bernice BodoOsol chur Birthday July 11 1919 This comrng year an opportune EiIIuaIIOII may develop where youll be called on to manage somethIng for another and youll be able to do yourself lot of good In the process Be alert for sound Iornt ventures CANCER June 21July 22 Nor malty youre wile astute In matters relatIng to dollars and cents but today this c0uld be your mayor weakness Be dou bly cautious WinthrOp THINK IT WAS LEO July 23Aug 22 Situa lions may develop In unique manner today and yOu may find yourself being pressured to make some concessIons against your best Interests Be firm VIRGO Aug 23 Sept 22 Take care of your dutiesand respon SlbtlllleS as they arIse today SweepIng things under the rug w1l cause you problems later LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Nor mally you conduct yourself ad rnrratily SOCIally but today un less youre very careful your tact could desert you and cause you some embarrass merit SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Be content wrth who you are and what you have today Envvrng GOURNEY 556th WITH SINGLE 5TEP Wizard of Id T0 METBIZ M10 PETERQ For HEK UNQWBIZVINé 051mm IN THE IAN OF DUTY ShortRigs SHEPIFF IN PERFECT BC 7IO THE PlanckLy at others because you feel they may have more Is only waste of mental energy SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 Your memory may not be up to par today so it Important facts Or data are passed on to ou lot the information down CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Accept no financial advice to day from persons who lack the expertise to guide you wisely Poor counsel could cost you pretty penny AOUARIUSJan 20Fab19 Be yOur own person today instead of letting others make mayor decisions for you They may be looking out for their interests rather than ours PISCES Feb 20March 20 This is not an espociatty good day to request favors even from per son youve helped In the past Paddle your own canoe ARIES March 21AprII 19 Ap proach what you do Optimisti cally today but by the same token dont build your hopes an unrealistic premises Delu slons lead to disappointments TAURUS April 20May 10 Beware Of tendency today to treat important challenges too tightly Miscatculations could be your downfall GEMINI May 21June 20 It could be bit difficult to keep secrets today because Of your gregarious personality Try not to blurt out something thats best kept to yourself NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN wamduarwiatvw IN MWMW BUT DOCTORYOU 5A1 mam NFA Inc mu us Ru on Sympathy and support Rescue plane was moored at West North East South Sfxmdkwere tIMIIIQII ganIetlhs Afford3 figrgfifindwfig the Barrie ha an com Dbl onelgoubbgdrzmouagklgdn Straits Eggdlledlirffgs an 30 ca la pleting searcTh and resTcue PaSS ZNT P355 We would have scored Zr gt lt few Nova Scotians tried to foment rebellion there Operahon near he Pass Pass Pass profit so large Standard Otter seaplane attracted much attention at Too bad you dont play Most notable were Jonathan Eddy and John Allen They liftstilt£3332313theiiititdI Openmaean lashes 22 Bugs Bunny the Americans that the ould ca ture gr lIlIgIEEZSeIhIOIIghOUI the colony by sendiIlig small boapts up legggalEggifiemggguii mag Sizipiiigafiew we TAKE LOOK AT TH ROAD IT GAVSI TAKE ALTEKNATE the rivers Norths poodle plays bridge MAP AN 555 WHERE WE ROUT MUHCH BBLE This plan proved to be very Annapolis Royal Canso Cornwallis effective and Pictou and Lunenburg were among the places raided and plundered The big ships of the Royal Navy were not able to deal with Ee American mosquito fleet because the water was too shallow However the raids backfired Gradually sympathetic Nova Scotians became hostile to the Americans and organized their own fleet to deal with them They armed ships of 50 tons and sent them to patrol the coastal waters In 1778 ships such as Loyal Nova Scotian Revenge Buchran and lnsulter brought 48 American raiders into Halifax as prizes They were sold to the highest bidders and realized great deal of money There were number of stirring battles One took place received honors in the list of ex amination results released by the University of Toronto Heather Currie received second class honors in social and philosophical studies and Michael Lewis had second class honors in his first year of mathematics and physics Barrie Police Chief Ed Tschirhart and Sgt McGetrick both of whom came from Kit chener won the respect and co operation of Barrie hotrodders and gratitude from the citizens By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag North decided not to con vert his partners takeout double into penalty double by passing After all he was vulnerable and East and West werent When play was over be rather wished but South really should have made his contract He could afford one over ruff He could not afford two So at trick three when East led his queen of clubs South should have discarded his king of diamonds and the contract would have been unbeatable daily crossword IN MOMENT GIREDKOO ARE éYL 5TEK by supporting Custom Car on July 10 1778 when the Nova Scotia ship Resolution met ACROIO 39 Tit Antwer to Prevleul PUHIG the American raider Viper off Halifax Both sides suf CIUb hm r99°gmfe filfiéupeg I2 Wears away fcred heavy losses fiftfifinw dd boupe Antiqultad II Comedian An interesting point about the war is that number of up spec were Lurk IIIOUI Caesar Acadians returned to Nova Scotia and helped the British who had expelled them More than 100 Acadians in the St Marys Bay area volunteered for service encouraged to find as much satisfacton in timeand economyrun competitions and Splnllh char as Clattef t2 Povertyiwar A7 Breaks IOOMY WI 80 Idolue other safe and constructive Sm Grmn 1631 King Charles ordered Port Royal to be returned channels for me Skns and mm 55 62 HIM WITH to France but the fort destroyed Energesv as Shlwofl Opera am 1757 General Montcalm was guest of honor at feast 0053 drag Sings 15 333 Md Visttors to provrnctal arks In 60 Malta chalet given by Iroquois on his way to attack Fort William en the Lake Simcoe district ex gm 290° 1827 Chippewas ceded more than 2000000 acres now 329d eflpedatmS and dramltat cm lt0 Lambton Middlesex Oxford Perth Wellington mmsrdtd meret 17 urgtc cold Tu Waterloo and Hudson counties of Ontario ShOW by the general pumc dIatttvllmIdI mum Em MIMI VIP IV 13 10 1920 Sir Robert Borden resigned as prime minister and IMmg 0f the W35 and II Orarile um 90 LON 01 mum us or was succeeded by Arthur Meighen burbnar°s for freSh and CONDOUMI COMDNIO 43 Throw awaY 1920 New Brunswick voted for total prohibition Eggfggegfigfiritfiregugf 20 DOWN 44 Forum 1943 nadians formed art of force that invaded gicny ed vehicle permit system for 22 garland Ema 21 cmmm 333 THE 6mg WERAsz 1951 Canada ended state of war with Germany Cars The permts $1 the ovp°l° DIOR 23 mum dt CAN HEAR kOUR 1958 Canada and US established Joint Committee for park entrance and were g0°d Nun N09IV Mind MM Defence for the whole saggy com 25 granny $1112 WW 903 PARTY narrower anln art Knot 26 Actor Barry 51 Thu Imatlnt and family have returned home 33 2323 Graduate of 37 MIN bit from holiday on the west 35 mu Annapolll 29 52 Front by coast ailing Ibbrl 3° 53 Pm time Miss Lynn King of Toronto St 36 hon in Handball 31 Eastern 56 Racent Ms saunter spent several days with her by 0m 30 Engrno 67 Ago 775 mine orno Mt Mls v°n mg P°um prosecu Bflllg OUI IIIIO NH Mgr arid Mrs Keith McLeod 4361667 38 Sam thing dorivativos tor abbr the Open Outdoor Living is the topic mum visited with Mr and of the summer 1ll lub course Mrs Ken McLeod on the and the Churchill mess wwkund St Paul Anglican Church Fanatics have organized Mr and Mrs Wayne Abbott ammul Hm Milrktl W0 reports Wendy Gilligan press secretary Leading the project is Mrs Keith Sinclair at whose home the meetings are being held attended the wedding of Waynes sister at Mnrchmoril Baptist church on Saturday Miss Sharon Home is visiting her sister and family Mr and attended despite cold ather Another Flea Market will be held in August Joe and Doris lrutt attended the laddisori ltcunion held at Anne Campbell is the assistant Mrs Leonard Stroud UK ShamV Buy and renew 1mst bridgC quaintances with relatives ltlargzirct Kcunnn is presr Mr and Mrs Albert AIIdcr Mr and Mr 55 KCH dent of the club IIIlt son had their house struck with we SWMI fined R055 McKnight Vim president lightning 58mm owning mother Mrs John Kcll sisters Sharon Sinclair secretary and Sharon Nagy treasurer Other members are Debbie Bowen and Julie Cronan rugby Wt sympathy to IIIt liar in the passing of II mother and grand Mrs Jean Battle Mrs Rah Lancinan The Rugby Fire Department were able to savc the main house and only wing on the west side was burnt Mr and Mrs lvun lurk and Emily of Shanty Buy visited MAKES 15 LIMIK itltll Argentina had the highest in flation rate 188 per cent among 53 countries during Junc 1977 iridJunc 1978 UN agency reports and brothers and their families on the weekend Mrs Murray Stovill enter tained group of ladies at housewares products par ty Tredits are to be given to with Mr and Mrs Rental Ulldllllg Fund I0 by Johnston and Wilfred Johnston 53 mt Chum BumJohnston origrutuntions to ltlryczlr old Shannon Reid of Sunnybrac M13 school who was top girl in thc lnriisfil Lions Club 10 mile bikea tlion Shannon turned in $300 and received new bicy clc Shannon is the daughter of Mr and Mrs WitIIll ltcid of St Pauls NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 AN FIDDLE FADDLE IM OFF TO THE SNOOKER ROOM nnOuncements Headquarters We provide loanoutservice WINS AN WWENT WITH ER USSAND SHES ONLYGOT

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