Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1979, p. 15

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ln iiinu ELARGE FINANCIAL ORGANIZATION irequires sales and service represen itatlve tor the Barrie area Starting in Jcome to $300 per week it aualllled Three year training program Full benelits No iovernight travel Opportunity for management In future Write briel resume to the Personnel Manager Box A88 The Examiner Barrie WTETzsxwfifiaessésfiéfiréé in seem199299 Teisehone 726 1009 DO You WANT to make same extra money Parttime no experience necessary For further Information telephone 73774841 EXPERIENCED WAITERWAITRESS wanted with bar experience Apply in person alter 430 pm at Firenze Restaurant 54F Maple Avenue TEMPORARY help service needs clerks typists stenographers etc Short and long term assignments Barrie and Oriliia Minimum years experience Fleming and Associates 728 3309 EfiIbEfisoVisn 25 or delivery aiid collection duties Salary plus bonus Telephone 72896191 Man or or Tues 12 pm CLEANING POSITION part time please apply at pm Wednesday July 11 Court House 114 Worsley Street Bar rie Court House DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT spare time from your home Earn $800 to $1200 monthly No investment For in terview telephone 1705429 5596 alter pm AN OPPORTUNITY in the Barrie area Is open to an experienced sales represen tative to ioin long established company which manufactures and distributes water treatment and building maintenance products Do not apply unless you are Interested in building an above average income through your sales ability with view to accepting management responsibilities in the future Salary commission and prolit sharing bonus Training program This is an exceptional opportunity with good luture for the right person Phone sales manager 2512235 EXPERIENCED GENERAL coox re quired Apply to Chet in person Bayshore Motor Hotel HOUSEKEEPER lor elderly couple live in permanent ii mutually satisiierl References No cleaning or laundry Telephone 737 1184 IO am to 12 noon or alter COOK steak house experience night shiit top wages WAITRESSWINTER experienced ior dining room Apply Portal Barrie 728 9322 MATURE PERSON required willing to train for switchboard work only those able to work weekends and evenings need apply Call Mrs Earish Monday Friday 330 pm 726 6471 77sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pons office supplies etc Our 27th year Now catalogue available Alco Box 377 Ottawa CLEANING LADY with years ex DOVNVIC looking for work on day or week basis Asking $4 per hour Telephone 728 AQSAElter 30 pm 76employment Wanted FORK LIFT operator warehouseman lumber yard builders supplies han dyman Aptitude tor iigures Can handle paper work 15 years experience Telephone 726 1345 TItoldon amflg TENDER CONTRACT 7924 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned in the envelopas provided up to 200 pm on Friday July 20 I979 with tender opening at 215 pm on Friday July 20 1979 for the construction of services ouNéEMETS Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words centes per word Births $600 9589298 In Memorial no verse $600 Verse par count line extra 23 cents ll bbth CHURCHwARo biii 3nd Pegqyfibe Macmillan are pleased to announce the birth of Katherine May on July 5th I979 at Oakville Tralalgar Hospital Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Churchward Brantlord and Mr and Mrs Macmillan ot Barrie GRIFFITHS Jenniler Ann is mum to announce the arrival of her wee sister Robin Elaine on Friday June 79th I979 in Owen Sound Proud parents are Paul and Sharon second granddaughter ior Mrs Anna Grilliths oi Barrie LESLIE Cathy and Bill are pleased to announce the birth of their Isl child Vic toria Anne July 5th 1979 Weight lbs oz Mondays Child islair of lace Tuesdays Child is lull oi grace Wednesdays Child is lull oi woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard ior its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day oi the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormation lor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 PHONE 728 2414 Citengagements LT BROWNING CORRIGAN Mr and Mrs Walter Browning ol Churchill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Janice Lynn to Robert Grant son of Mr and Mrs Robert Cor rigan ol Barrie Wedding to take place July 21 at Churchill United Church at oclock ISdeath LAPSLEY HENRY McKean at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturay July I979 Henry McKoan Lapsley in his 63rd year brother oi Alexander Lapsley of Bridgeport Conn Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Monday Service in the chapel on Tuesday July 10 at 330pm followed by cremation VAN CAMPEN Cornelia Suddenly at her home on Sunday July I979 Cor nelia Van Campen beloved wife oi Marynus Van Campen oi RR Utopia Loving mother of Elizabeth Mrs Dedert John Jo Anne Mrs Derooy Casey and Johnny Dear grandmother of 17 grandchildren Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradlord Street Barrie Visitation from Tuesday at Funeral service in the chapel on Thursday July 12 at pm interment Angus Union Cemetery In lieu oi flowers donations to the Cana dian Diabetic Society would be ap preciated ONEILL May At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday July I979 May ONeill in her 74th year daughter of the late Patrick Joseph and Elizabeth ONeill Sister of Gerald ol Barrie and the late DArcy ONeill Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie ater pm Tues day Funeral mass at St Patricks Church Phelpston on Thursday July 12 for Robin Court and St Vincent gtmieotefm interment St Patricks Street Registered Plan M120 This work includes the 7h mfim fouowmgi ROSS In loving High07y oi oOr parents Almeda Grace Ross who passed LF Diameer away July 1972 and Alexander Ross Watermaln who passed away April 19 1957 270 of 1° Diameer We cannot bring back the good old days Asbestos Cement SOnllOlY When we were all together we But the memories we have ol our LF of 15 Diameter to 30 Diameter Concrete Storm Sawor 550Tons of Granular 1250 Tons of Granular 600 Tons of Asphalt 750 LF of Concrete Curb and Gutter 61 SF of Concrete Sidewalk Plans specifications and tender envelopes may be obtained at thoClty Clerks Office City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrio On tario with deposit of $2500 which is not refundable The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and In accordance with City Bylow No 7969 the tender is to be lointly called by the City of Barrie and Yale and Partners Limited Straughan AMCT CMC City Clerk Barrie Ontario Jyl0I3I6 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be to forward replies to box numbors of the advertiser as soon kn possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage ollogod to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however other wiu TtlTi 61in limit A05 to wonii roii YOU PHONE 7282414 NOTICI Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday The Barrio Planning Board will Hldl Stroat lenlng Board requests publ proposed site plan concerns and opinions Mother and Dad Will live with us Iorever It broke our hearts to lose them But they didnt go alone For parts at us went with them The day God took them home Sadly missed and always remembered by Eileen Helen Murray Mary andlamilies CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisement and notices for than pages must be received by pm day procedan publication with the exception ol Claulfiad Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional wards ll cts par word CARD THANKS 40 words $600 Addi tional words ll cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $600 With vane par count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 74 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions lOc par word insertion Three consecutive in portions cents par word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word par insertion total 51296 Multiple inser tions may be ordered subloct to cancellation when Iatislactory results obtained Method of collating lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Thoralora the Classified Advertising Department ra qulros advertisers to kindly rochock their odvortisamont immediately after first Inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that some may be roctiflod for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printad insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er run which do not qun the value at the advertisement or not eligible for correc tion by make goods The Examiner reserves thoright to clauily revise or reject any want ds PHONE 77824 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday FIGfinances COpoblcnotiou 7r fit me be horaing Public Meeting on July IO 1979 at 700 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss the proposed Site Plan for tho Seeder Proiect located west of Bayfiold Street north of Dunlop Street West and east of Ic input and discussion on the htorastod persons are invited to attend or write to express their Jones SecretaryTreasurer Barrio Planning Board Jy57lO Coming Events $343 per columninch examiner ThbTordfiTayer THE LORD FHFIIEE Enhance your home with this panel of the L0rds Prayer Add deeper dimension to daily livingframe this beautiful filetcrochet panel for special place Pattern 7564 large chart directions for Catholic Protes tant versions $150 for each pattern Add 35¢ each patternfor firstclass mall and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Examiner 109 Crockford vad Scarborough Ontario MIISBJ Ont residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Pattern Number Your Name Address NEWNOW Our 1979 NEEDLE CRAFI CATALOGover 200 popu lar designs free patterns printed inside Send 75¢ l30SweatersSizes 3856 $l50 IZSQulcliEasy Transfers$150 12Patchwork Quilts $150 127Algllans Dollies $150 lZGCra Flowers $150 IZSPeta Quilts $150 124Git8 Ornaments $150 123Stitch Patch Quilts$l25 122Stull Pull Quilts $l25 lZlPillow Showolts $150 117Easy Needlepoint $100 libNifty Fifty Quilts $100 lliltipple Crochet $100 113lnstant Gifts $100 11016 Jiffy Rugs $100 109Sew Knit $125 IDSInstant Macrame $100 lOSInstant Fashion $100 lOSInstant Crochet $100 lotInstant Money $100 10315 Quilts for Today $100 IOZMuseum Quilts $100 IOlQuilt Collection $100 WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day now wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the lbest day to start your ad and every day is the best day advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage allodged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday ornton by Mrs Holt Thornton Womens institute met at the home of Irma Brethet for their June meeting The rollcall was We try to buy Canadian products but name on that is neither grown nor manufactured here Donations were sent to the Erland Lee Homestead Foun dation Fund and the Simcoe County Rescue Squad trophy was given to the high athletic boy at Baxter School letter was read by Helen Carr from the friendship link in Linton England It was decided to con tinue with collection each month at our meetings Any ideas for the District Annuals 15th Anniversary celebrations at Thornton in 1980 should be given to Marg McCabe Irma Brethet in charge of the world affairs program wrote the motto like to see man proud of the place in which he lives and so live that the place willbe proud of him It was read by Lillian Black and included thoughts that Each person in the family has to feel loved and needed to feel they are really worth something How essential that the home be loving community where all feelings are shared in mutual concern by the members Bet ty Schandlen read the local cur rent events Virginia Price played beautiful musical rendition of The Hunt on the french horn Irma Brethet introduced Rev Sam Obol assistant minister at Trinity Anglican Church in Barrie He talked about and showed pictures of his homeland Uganda Africa We saw the modern apartments for the civil servants in the city of Kampala The houses are made of cement brick or stone and all wood is covered because of the termites there Mr Obol explained the politics religion and geography of the country He and his wife and six children will be returning there in the fall lunch was served by Ada Cunningham and Annie Spencer There are no meetings in July and August We are looking forward to trip to McMichael Art Gallery onSept 25 AT SIIIIIR With an attendance of about 400 the Trinity United Church congregation again had suc cessful strawberry supper although this number was not as great as in the past two years Consequently sale of the homemade goodies was held on Ivan Caldwells lawn to lure the Friday travellers on their way north resulting in sellout Good thinking The Thornton and community campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society netted total of $162240 forwarded to the Bar rie office The canvassors to whom goes thanks were Muriel Jamieson Helen Johnston 15121 Price Lorraine Stapleton Dorothy Poland Helen Reeves Inez Laycock Eleanor Maltby Ann Sltka Florence Altman Pat Neil Marie McKinnon Margaret Baker Grace Cooper Muriel Clark Joyce McLean Eleanor Schaly and their captain Sadie Sander Al the time June 21 when the graduation exercises were observed at Central Baxter School Mrs Wm Morris on behalf of the Thornton Womens Institute presented the award to the Grade boy Gene Hammell who had the best athletic record for the past school year Lena Caldwell was admitted to Royal Victoria Hospital on June 23 after she suffered stroke neighborly news Ted and Irene Marrow of Barrie who formerly farmed on Lot Concession Innisfil were hosted by their family to an open house party at Thom ton Complex on June 23 to celebrate their 45th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations Congratulatons to Brenda Hunter and Don Nicol who were married at Trinity United Church on June 23 by Rev Rice cloud shrouded the Thorn ton community on June 23 when it was learned that Kathleen Banting Lennox had passed away at Barrie hospit after short illness She 1e ves to mourn her husband son Earl sisters Norma Hill and Marion Hutchinson She was predeceased by her son Paul her mother Pearl and father Dalton as recently as March 1979 Service was held at Hughes Cookstown by her pastor Rev Don Rice and in ternment at Thornton Union Cemetery in the Lennox family plot Everyone enjoyed Bonnie Gilberts beautiful vocal Joy to her own piano ac companiment at the June 24 morning service of Trinity United Church No services now until July 22 as Rev Rices family will be on vacation in the Sparrow Lake area for the month of July The Trinity Sun day School also closed up for the summer with picnic at the church because of the cold weather Wilbur and Sadie Sander at tended the graduation exer cises in Convocation Hall for the class of 79 in Business Ad ministration from George Brown College Their youngest son Henry Miss Jane Sander and Mrs Jean Hill from Toron to The reception for the graduates was in Hart House following the presentation of the diplomas DAYS OUTING Fortysix boarded the bus on June 26 for full days outing in the Toronto area Besides the Friendship Club who spon sored the trip they were joined by number of local non members and fifteen from the Maple Leaf Club After touring and picnicking on Centre Island for two hours the remainder of the afternoon was spent brows ing through the special doll col lection and viewing the planetarium theatre at the Royal Ontario Museum full course dinner was enjoyed at Old Eds restaurant before heading for home Mr and Mrs Steve Robson and family moved from Robert Street to Barrie St Hwy 27 on June 30 while Mr and Mrs John Stoddart and family mov ed from Barrie St to the R05 son house on the same day so its goodbye to one family and hello to the other Congratulations to Bob and Brenda Henderson of RR Thornton on the birth of daughter Janet Helen on June at Royal Victoria Hospital sister for Mark number of wellwishers called on Everett and Myrtle Evans on July to wish them many more years of wedded bliss on their 35th wedding anniversary Their two daughters Beth Sutton and Lynn Fox were hostesses for their parents at their Barrie St residence Congratulations to the Grade graduates of the Baxter Cen tral School from the immediate Thornton area namely Kathy Ayers Kevin Breedon Sharon Crockett Bobby Gare Jackie Huber Ellen Johnston Brian Lock Cherly Martin John Ross Sherry Small Doug Travis Susan Watson Herbie Weller and David Wesson On July 29 Charlie Marshall of Ivy will be taking the Trinity Service Only healthy may serve here POSITION 20 Golan Heights Reuter Keeping the peace on the Golan Heights requires stamina an even temper and good physical condition and men with no appendixes Only officers and troops who have had their appendixes re moved are eligible to serve on the three United Nations posi tions on Mount Hermon says Dieter Margreiter press of ficer of the Austrian contingent of the UN Disengagement Ob server Force Winter conditions on the mountain are brutal Snow storms and winds of up to 125 miles 200 kilometres per hour can cutoff the highest positions for two months running And ut off meansjust that No helicopters no vehicles and no men can move Appendi citis at such times could be le thal Hence the noappendix rule That only men with moun tain experience serve on Her mon is selfevident CONTRIBLTES HALF Austria contributes more than half the present 1025man strength on the force set up after the 1973 ArabIsraeli war to supervise the disengagement of Syrian and Israeli forces on the strategic Golan Heights Israel captured the Golan Heights in 1967 Six years later the barren plateau which tilts east from the ridge of Mount Hermon saw some of the heavi est fighting in the history of the Arablsraeli conflict The forcess mandate was re newed for further six months at the end of May With the dramatic changes in the Middle East there are more ex tensions to come Austrian and Finniso troops deployed in network of 43 po sitions and outposts keep watch over sliver of demilitarized territory which separates Israeli and Syrian forces CANADIAN SUPPORT Logistic support for the peacekeepers is provided by Canadian and Polish units and mixed bag of nationalities runs number of observation posts Each is manned by two offi cers of different nationality scanning the undulating terrain its sparse vegetation burned brown by the searing summer sun Swedish Capt Gerard Kropp of Joenkoeping explains the reason An observation post can only report violation of the disengagement agreement if both officers agree it is violation To ensure strict impaiiality the officers are drawn from different coun tries Most of the men serving with the force rarely get away from their positions duringtheir six month to oneyear tours The Austrians all volun teers serve six months and get 15 days vacation plus two recre ational execurions of two days each says commander Col Guenther Greindl of Austria Not everybody can cope with the strains imposed by sharing confined quarters with other men for sustained periods In fit of temporary insanity an Austrian sol er last October shot and killed two of his com rades while they were alseep on the summit of Mount Hermon the examiner Tuesday July to 1979 15 Get to Know Your Community Who got married What was the score of the bollgome last night Where was that fire When is that sale Why are your taxes going up How do find out whats happening im my com munity If you read the examiner youd have the answer to these questions and more We devote special section each day to whats hop pening in the smaller communities around Simcoe County PLUS our regular world news city news sports women financial comics classified ads and editorial sections Read the examiner doi ly Telephone 7266539 for home delivery 116

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