THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ID 28 NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 828 NEws 830 NDC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHow cas NEws Aac NEws NEws PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 In READALONG 655 WRITE 0N1 700 DATING GAME CHlPe CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH ANGIE Angie and Brad set the wedding date but when Anpiee morn ineials on recap lionatthaleaion hallandBradeaiaterdamands traditional country club gala theyounq lovers he road Repeal NEWLVWED GAME DR WHO GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 aONKERs NEWLYWED GAME FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE Guests Ice Follies stars Chris HBHISOH Lisa Carey Ice Follies dean 01 comedy Mr Frick Tracey Wainman memberofthe I978CBH3UIBHWOIIGIBBMLDIII Bauer and Lloyd State 1977 Canadian Novice rs Chem ions Repeat LOV THAT 808 IE MAGIC SHADows BOB NEWHART SHow All of me doctorsmlhebuildinglormacovoptolteateach other tor free leads to chaos and hostility that lind enpression in the speCial alldoctors ther apy group that Bob lormed 800 HIZZONNER Mayor Cooper l5 upset with his daughter Annie when she falls for the ostelrgible bachelor $3 MORK AND MINDY THE WALTONS Jlm Bob an aviation bull discovers his heart has wings when Mary Flrlflr 05 pretty Catholic girl comes to Wal Mountain Repeat 60 mins MORK AND MINDY Mindy goesmto deep drprrrssron when Mork drops the bomb shell that he has been ordered to leave Earth cal ENHE WALTONSJIm Bobslancyturns tokitesandrheBaldwinsistersvISItIngcousm Mary Frances Ben must hire new man at the Repeat 60 ï¬lms MILLIONAIRE ID COPE THE MACKENZIES OF PAR ADISE COVE Cude Weber needemonayta eave hie home from tax lorecloeure co the MecKenzie kid enter him in cutthroat poker mOVlEDRAMA Sink the Blemerck 10111a 30 COMEDY THEATER babyfaced young doctor has eorna bio probleme when she 10 aeeigned to the same New York City hoapitalandthe urnelloorlashermothemhe rae Stare Rue McClanehan KING OF KENSINGTONLmy becomeeaninatantdaddywhana20year0ldpirl arrivautthedoorbelievinpthat aheafoundher father Repeat ANGIE Annie and Brad eat the wedding date but when Anoie morn insists on recap tion at the LOGIC Hall the young lovers hit the Repeat DRAGNET DIG 900 QUINCY Quincy battles his otvn ou epicrone and mounting political pressure in hia attemptlocleeraveleranpolrceofficerofkilling ugcrazedteenqer Rape160mi LOU GRAN In HAWAII FIVEO When man temple to aesaaeinale hypnoticelly compell ing evangelist with an unloaded gun Steve McGarratts interest IS aroused Repeat 60 5EDWARD VIIEpisode One The Boy future king is born to Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert but nearly 60 years are to elapse before he comes to the throne 80 It ii BARNEY MILLER detectives of the 12th precinct are at their wits end when the prime suspectInarasholburqlarieaturnsoutto threeyearold corpse Repeat LIVE IT UP Items Include Film Shares wide for middlaincome Canadians whowant lobacumemowemogulsDanRoss tellshowhe writes bestseller Bankruptcy If money istha root of all evrl then credit seems to be the far ar Re eat I5 FERGUSON SHORT AND Ross CODE 1078 930 CARTER COUNTRY SOAP ea CELEBRITY COOKS 1000 THE INNOCENT AND THE DAMNEDAthrneyTom KeanngsclranLa gigolo named Lee Bishop is found guilty at murder and Tom begins the long process 01 trying to tree him from Death Row Stars Sam ElliotiPerryKingPt III Otaliveparleertes60 Sb DALLAS BARNABY JONES 2020 ASPEN IE LA OUALITE DE LAVENIR ED NEws UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERv GRIFFIN 1100 00 NEWS cec NEws CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MANUS MOVIE DRAMA VI Tender NI ht1u2 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEws 130 THE TONIGHT SHOWHoetJOhnny confluent Carol Neblett 90 Rims CBS LATE MOVIE SH Radar men to eatiefy Col Potters desire for tomato iulce but the requieilion involve eorne pretty hard bargain Repeal MCCLOUD The 01 epoaal Men Stare Denniu Weaver Patrick eel Re eat MOVI WESTERN Thle Ye Land teen REET TALK Ill NIGHTMUSIFngyKumc II THE PROFESSIONALS Cowley Doyle and Some track down large and expen srve cache of arms brought by Arab terrorists 80 mm 1200 STARSKY AND HUTCH MOVIE lne Movre Murderer 1970 MERV GRIFFIN SHOW CONTINUES 1210 THE DUKES OF HAzzARD 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 100 TOMORROW composite of inter slrorn pastehowa Repeat60mms MOVIEDRAMA Summer ehea Wlnter Dreams 1973 ALL THAT GLITTERS 110 MOVIE aug 1975 130 NEws MOVIE MYSTERY hamber of Horrors 1940 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 In MEDICAL CENTER 245 MOVIE WESTERNCOMEDY They CellyaoTrlnlty 1912 MARCUS wELaY MD 310 TROUBLE WITH TRACY 400 In BEWITCHED historically speaking Cu canadas story Good EnglishFrench Teams Have Formed Best Governments Most successful governments in Canada have been the result of teamwork between or among English and French speaking leaders Macdonald had Cartier Laurler had Sifton and Fielding Mackenzie King had Lapointe and St Laurent St Laurent had CD Howe and others The teamwork began when Canadas first parliament was opened after the Act of Union in 1840 It met at Kingston Ontario then called Upper Canada on June 111841 The union faced difficult problems Lower Canada had population of 600000 and was relatively debtfree Upper Canadas opulation was 400000 and the province had huge debt rom building roads and canals The choice of Kingston as cagital was compromise Quebec was considered to too far to the east and too French Toronto was too far to the west and too English Parliament was converted hos ital The rooms were bright and airy and the mom ers had desks and chairs Lord Sydenham the governor claimed that it was more comfortable than parliament in Britain French Canada was shocked when he did not include Frenchspeaking Canadian in his Executive Council There were only eight Frenchspeaking members in the Legislative council of twentyfour Sydcnham said he could not find enough FrenchCana dians of ability who had not been identified with the rebellion in 18371838 This led to the formation of the first great English French political team Reform leader Robert Baldwin insisted that Frenchspeaking representatives must be included in the Executive Council He resigned when Sydenham refused Then Baldwin joined with Lower Canada Reform leader Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine to lead the Op sition Lafontaine had been one of the rebels but was al owed to return to Canada The BaldwinLafontaine team became famous in Cana dian political history OTHER EVENTS ON JUNE 14 1610Champlain left Quebec to help Hurons attack Iroquois 1617 Louis Hebert first farmerdoctor in Canada arrived at Tadoussac 1671 Simon Daumont at Sault Ste Marie claimed west for France 1776 US invasion of Canada ended 1808 First Methodist church in Montreal was pened 1864 John Macdonald voted against Confederation 1864 TacheMacdonald government was defeated 1887 First CPR steamer from Yokohama arrived at Vancouver 1919 British aviators Alcock and Brown were ï¬rst to fly across the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland edgahclowes bY Marion Wright 7286797 Dulycc Slcssoi is ittciidiiig six wcck Navigators Coursc 11 Ontario Biblc Collcgc in Toron to Wc iic glad to scc lliiiold lliiriidciii homc from 1ch hospital iiltcr Lindcrgoiiig surgcry Gordon Bidiycll is illSll homc from tho hospital Wc visli thciii both it cry spccdy recovery Congratulations ari cxtcndcd to Hope Slcssor who recently rcccivcd hcr Bachclor of Scicncc in Nursmg from McMiistir lniycISIty Hamilton llopc mudc thc Dunns Honor Roll Slic hi working ill Nitiskokii Baptist Confcrciicc git lluiitsnllc for thc summcr months Ill Scptcmhcr shc liiis liccii ic neighborly news ccptcd as tlic Community chltli Nursc of Sioux Lookout Bcst vishcs go out to Brcndu Simpson and Elgin Hyatt who Icrc marricd 111 West ro Bap tist Church on Junc Brenda rcccntly received the Mental Rutuidation Councellor Diploma from tho Gcorgiun Collcgc of Applicd Arts and lcchnologv Brcnda and Elgin bc making their homc in Biuiiiptoii The Baptist Mciis Family Pot Luck Supper will be hold at Wcst Oro Baptist Church on Tuesday June 26 at 615 All wclcomc Congratulations go out to Shirlcy Johnson who has also complctcd thc Mcntal Retarda tion Councillor Coursc It Ucoigizm Collegc Orillia Last Sunday cycning thc Bakcr Family of First Baptist Church Drillizi prcscntcd thcir tulcnts at great evening of gospcl lllUSlC and son at West barries story June 1930 With cleancut majority over hs two opponents Thomas Simpson county clerk captured the nomination of the North Simcoc Conservatives at their convention held in Stayner town hall and was to carry the party standard in the federal election on July 28 Boys KC who had represented the riding since 1925 withdrew his nomination in spite of thc unanimous ap proval of the convention Barrie Council had startcd the ball rolling and despite con sidcrablc opposition from agriculturalists all towns in Simcoc County with the excep tion of Alliston would go on fast timc starting June 29 for thc months of July and August At thc regular monthly meeting of the Board of Educ tion it was dccidcd to send dcputaton to Oshawa to inspect the system of musical instruc tion as carried out in the schools of that city Mrs Lenhox was elected first vicepresident of thc Womcns Christian Temperance Union for the district composed of Simcoc Muskoka and Parry Sound at the forticth annual convention Fighting the toughest battle of his career Archie Thomp son local light heavcyweight lost close decision to Chuck Wooley of St Thomas in an no tra round of feature bout at boxing tournament held in thc armoury The tournament was bold under the direction of the Barric Post of thc Canadian Legion in conjunction with the Royal Canadian Signals of Camp Bordon One hundred thousand lake trout were deposited in Kempenfcldt Bay by Mr Cliff Carlcy who had deposited young fish in the Bay every year for 31 ycars He had with aid from any civic bodics ordcrcd thc fish from the goycinmcnt Oro Baptist Church It was en joyed by all Daily Vacation Bible School Will be held this ycar at Wcst Oro Baptist Church from Mon day July Friday July All boys and girls are welcome it thcy are kindergarten ago or over ages 315 yearst if you are mtcrcstcd in having your child attend and nced transpor tation contact Norinc Hutchin son 72116226 or Orma Sommch 7287632 or June Kcy 7289340 by June 15 Thc West Oro Baptist Church Congrcgation and Sunday School Picnic will bc held at Memorial Park Oro on ch July 11 BLRMA SET STANDARD In 1949 Burma became the first nonCommunist country to recognize the Chinese Commu nist regime in Peking The Doctor Says Hypospodias quite common By PAUL RUBLE OD Dear Dr Ruble My son who is now six months old was born with dont know the cor rect spelling but will try hypospadeeous The hole for the penis is not at the tip but below it The hospital doctor sent me to pediatric surgeon when the boy was six days old He looked at it and told me to come back in about year and that it would take three or four rations What do you know ut this Is ttis common Quite common Some degree of hypospadias congratulations on your phonetic spelling occurs once in about every 44 male births The urethra urine conduit may outlet anywhere from near the end of the penis to further down and underneath In some cases the rent which is what spadias means may be minor and cause no serious problem The urine stream is simply downward instead of ahead The further down the shaft toward the body the more serious it is both physically and psychologically Surgery to correct it must be done in several stages and this is usually begun after the first year If the defect is very near the normal opening only one operation may be needed Re suits are usually quite good Circumcision has to be delayed or avoided entirely for children born with the defect Dear Dr Ruble have been having constipation recently havent had any change in diet and have always tried to get enough fibrous foods What really worries me is the presence of mucus when have BM There is no blood or pain What could be the cause The schedule of bowel elimination is an individual matter That is when person develops bowel rhythm it is usually pretty well set for life If change occurs for no ob vious reason like change of diet the doctor would want to know why and so should you An examination is in order You tell me little in your let ter except that you have mueus This might mean only an irritable bowel but it can also signal more serious condi tions polyps or tumors for example do not want to frighten you with medical ghosts but do want to impress upon you the importance of re porting such change in bowel behavior You may have developed an intolerance to certain foods milk for example Mucus would be part of that picture Many medicines can cause con stipation tranquillizers or any drug that tends to slow down bodily functions Some find it difficult to imagine how such thing as low thyroid ac tivity can play role in con stipation but it can Dear Dr Ruble If you take antihistamines for long time do you become immune to them mean can they become less effective or bother one If so are there other antihistamines one might use have allergies all year around sol really need them There should be no lessening of effect with con tinued use An allergy can wax and wane and when it becomes worse an antihistamine might seem less effective There are so many antihistamine products on the market that people do tend to switch from one to another It is even possible for person to be allergic to one and not to an other brand One symptom would be skin rash If you were using another antihista mine product that seemed to work better for you return to it BRIDGE Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass 40 4NT 5NT 70 Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead VK By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Wests twoclub bid was Michaels cue bid designed to show both major suits and little else This nuisance bid backfired First it got North and South to seven clubs 14 Yorkshire river 56 Idea Fr 15 Destroy 51 57 Sorry horse 16 Stitched 58 Active med 59 Credential 18 Involve 60 Ensign abbr 20 Flower holder 21 Take advrce 23 Character of DOWN bid rewards Opponent Oswald JaCOby and Alan Sontag Left to themselves they might well have stopped at six Then it told South how to play the hand He ruffed heart in dummy at trick two came to his hand with trump and stopped to plan how to con tinue against all four trumps in the East hand He couldnt ruff out the last two little hearts He would run out of his own trumps before East ran out He could not cash the spade and diamond winners and then cross ruff East would almost surely ruff the sec ond spade There was another way to handle his problems spadeheart squeeze against West So he ruffed second heart Then he cashed dummys ace and king of diamonds to discard one spade Led and overtook dummys last trump Ran the rest of his trumps to come down to threecard ending Dummy held AK8 of spades Declarer held 75 of spades and the 10 of hearts West could not keep three spades and heart and just gave up daily crossword ACROSS 44 BIIIOWY Answer to Previous Puzzle expanse ClA 46 Volcanic rock an forerunner column Robust 50 Swallowung Pelage 54 Povertywar Have debts agency abbr Units 55 Yesterday Fr BE CT BEEN people Soak through 25 Springs 43 Doublereed 27 Command Aquatic bird 26 Derogatory Instrument 30 Soviet Irish clan pl 32 Sound of Mere sacred 27 Pmpnewr 45 Sloped blow Oldwomanish 28 RVer 47 Fnswate 33 Nazi Rudolph Prop Europe comp Wd Biblical 29 Passe 48 Tm 34 Greek letter brother 31 Navy smp 49 Clmhmg 35 NegatIOn Hexes bb ollo 36 Snakes sound Tune We cc 37 Parodied to Anger 33 Hurry 5° 35 Foes 11 Sea 36 Covers SYmbO 40 Bring 17 Lovelock 37 8995 51 Sharp tasxe finish 19 Sound of 39 Sorrow 52 Das Vaterland 41 Performed hesuation abbr anew 22 Elegant 40 Wm 53 TIOJan 42 Anllqullv 24 Big animal features moUmam or J1 LA Ln Bernice Bede Osol June 15 1979 Set your Sights high and work hard to achieve your goals this coming year Rewards that appeared impOSSIDIe can be won Otherwrse advantages could Slip through YOUI lingers when youre not looking GEMINI May 21June 20 Guard your actions carelully today or you may unintention ally offend someone important who doesnt eaSIIy forgive or forget Winthrop WHAT 15 TEMPERATURE INVER610N FOï¬TER Short Ribs IVE BEEN LOOKING AND FRANKLV My LAST OVER Vourz FITNESS 1T5 mar GOOD GUEST REPORT 5112 FOP WHATS IN THIS TINY THIMBLE ©Vield Amyan the Ian Wizard of Id IS THERE REALLY AN ENEEechisis TODAY NCOMPATIBLE NSL 7373860 THATS SaltEle Fmvi WETIME THIUK WERE NOR HERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St CANCER June 21July 22 An indiwdual who has always be6n difficult to get along wrth will rub you the wrong way again today Dont be argumentative iust because he 15 LEO July 23Aug 22 meg to lack of loreSIght you may involve yourself in Situation today which you cant handle It could prove embarrassmg VIRGO Aug litSept 22 possible reason youre not get ting complete cooperation to day is because youre hesrtant to let others share the applause LlBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Pay little more attention than usual to your aSSIgned tasks today Unless you give TEMPERATURE INVERIDICN 15 WHEN THE TEMPERATURE them some extra care the results could be disappointing SCORPIO Oct 2lNov 22 If there IS problem brewing among friends with whom you mix SOClally dont take SldeS Youre the One wholl come out on the Wrong end SAGITTARIUS NOY 23000 21 Be sure you do everything yOU promised you would for members Of your family or youll have some longterm gripers to contend with CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19Try not to be so set On your own ideas today that youll tail to listen to the suggestions Of another who is trying to be helpful This reasoning could be superiOr to yours AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 Hamil000 111 OKAY5YLV5TER OVER HERE MUMBLE GRUMBLEu HOW 29 KNOW YOUFE TELLIN€ THE TRUTHt YOUEE laLilJAYfvy DISACOREEIW WITH EVERYTHNC 6AY SENT YOU ACTER FIREBREATHING ALL OF THE HUMOKOUS tram666 Eran THE NEwowap AME 77 WHEN5 THE LAST TIME BaiLEO ANYONE IN 01L Treating yourself once in whlle is all well and good but today youre apt to make some Silly and wasteful purchases because you convinced your self you deserve reward PISCES Feb 20March 20 You may feel stymied today by the very people you love They love you too but conditions are such that they have to attend to other things first ARIES March 21Aprll It wont do you any good to think about how things should have been Face up to reality and begin to work from there TAURUS April 20May 20 friend who has done so before might pull another boner which could end up being expensive for you Dont be fall guy BRINGING BACK LIZARD WITH INDIGESTION spyEHow DOESN MAKE IF You HADNT AGREED To PAY ME PRiHcELY 50M WOULDNT 5UBMIT To THIS EMEAIZIzAss 41 11 57 444 sfoFFtz ANDY HAVE VOU EVER THOLGHT WW LIFE MlGHT BE UKE IF YOU GAVE UP THE DRINKING Your wedding invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service MY NEPHEw MUST BE SluDYlNG ENGINEERING IN NIGHI SCH°0L EVERY EVENING HE GOES DISGO TEGH YES AVE so AVENT no lld so he iNi vaulsueio THAVES 6H