row 14 Tundayiupo1a1m NEWSROOM 7266537 CllCIllATIOtI 7266539 the ner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario UM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher Brutal killing raises question Elizabeth Whelan was 14 She was five foot three inches tall weighed 120 pounds and had blue eyes and red hair She was walking alone Friday night on her way to meet some friends who were to take her home She never made it About six kilometres northeast of Midland her battered body was found early Saturday morning Someone found it necessary to beat her stab her and then back over her in stolen car Some 30 provincial police officers have been a$igned to track down her killers Police say the killer or killers left the body under the car and walked away from the scene of the murder This event is by far the most grisly and heinous crime committed in these parts in some time and raises myriad questions not only about the type of person who would do such thing but also about our views of Simcoe County For some time now the people in this county have been liv ing in dream world They have been seduced into believing this vacationers paradise an area free from crime and where 14 year old girls can walk alone at night Perhaps some of the smaller municipalities within the county are right when they call for more police protection when they say the OPP patrols now are not frequent enough Perhaps Miss Whelans death corpses in shallow graves and more than 300 charges in Wasaga Beach over weekend present picture we should all take good hard look at Dear Editor cannot agree more with your timely editorial of Friday June Let City Hall Carry Out Study If study is needed of Barries recrea tional needs it is only fitting that such study should be undertaken by the City staff who are well qualified to do so would however like to make one point concerning your state ment that Queens Park insists on professional studies before the municipality is eligible for Win tario grant For Wintario support of capital projects there is the prior qualifica tion that community exhibit true need for such facility For smaller communities this usually means obtaining an opinion from outside professionals because these small communities lack the resources for undertaking such studies As you pointed out in your editorial this is not necessary in the case of Barrie where there are highly qualified professionals available fully capable of assessing and dealing with Barries existing and future recreational needs and who have already produced such Caveat emptor LEONARD wanL Prime Minister Joe Clary £1141 his Cabinet was no rear rig raanng preparations for the burr or be noise on July lst He had ordersa workers desgn unique Canadzari towns or to wear in the parade Meanwhile somewhere cist or Parlia ment Hill Donny Domtriiur sa somewhat disconcerted by the recent Enema elec tion It was not that Danny Dom riior was con cemed about political parties Not bit HI ob as readers of this column know as for selfimposed reqmremcrn ol guarding Canadas Federal leader Some years ago Donn Dominion deter mined completely on his own that Canada Prime Minister needed protecion Secretly he had taken by reSidence in the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa unbeknov nst to anyone in order to carry out his mission of guarding the Prime Minister For this purpose and to set him art from others he wore uniform com of red bodystocking which covered him from head to toe Wllll mask over his face and flowing blur cloak There were rumors that mystenous cloaked figure by the name of Donny Domi nion roamed the Hill looking after the sucurity of the Prime Minister In fact Don ny Dominion soon became part of the mythology of Parliament Not that anyone we want your opinion Something on your mind Send letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign It The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ten but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send your to letters to the her The MOM lo 370 Olt MI 4T0 letters to the editor studies For this reason would not on the information available to me support an application for Wintario funds for study estimated at $70000 which would not only be redundant but also costly This money would be better spent in helping to complete the facilities It is common knowledge that the community lacks many sports and recreational facilities there is need for swimming pool more ice sur faces running track soccer field and gymnasium all of which need to be of top competition stan dard would think that the most dif ficult task would be in deciding on the location of the facilities This task is surely not the responsibility of outside consultants but rather that of our elected municipal of ficials Further cooperation bet ween Georgian College Simcoe County Board of Education and the City of Barrie may well bring about the completion of the required facilities more quickly than would independent action and additional studies TAYLOR MPP Simcoe Centre Donny Dominion meets the PM had ever really seen Donny Dominion as he scurried down the hallways and corridors of the Parliament Buildings ever checking to insure that his leader was not in harms wav CAUGHT GLIMPSE Now and again late at night in the gloom of poorly lit stairway if one were quick they might catch fleeting glimpse of strangely dressed individual his blue cloak swirling behind him white mask hiding his face while the rest of his body was clothed in red emblazoned with large white Maple Leaf on his chest But at this moment in time Donny Domi nion was not happy After all for some 11 years he had been the protector of Prime Minister Trudeau Donny Dominion had never asked for nor had he ever received recognition in his role of defender of the Prime Minister Neither the Prime Minister nor for that matter did anyone else know anything of Donny Dominions selfless role But the Prime Minister had been defeated in the election Donny Dominion know that hc must forcgo any personal feelings of attach ment he had formed over these past 11 years Henccforth until the clectoratc might say differently ll was up to Donny Dominion to take up the origin on behalf of the new Primc Minister GLARD PM fleeting thought went through his mind Should he continue to act in completely anonymous rolc as he had for Prime Minister Trudeau or should he introduce himself to Prime Minister Clark and tell him that he was his obedient scrvat prepared to sacrifice his life in guarding the Prime Minister Yes he said to himself will let myself be known to the new Prime Minister so that he will be assured of his safety Come in said Prime Minister Clark in answer to the knock on the door Donny Dominion entered resplendent in all the glory of the full regalia of his uniform Before he could say anything the Prime Minister spoke Oh You must be the model to let me see what kind of uniform has been designed for me for Dominion Day Tell yuh what Will you go back to your boss in Special Effects and tell him want something little less hokey Donny Dominion turned and closed the door quietly behind him Donny Dominion had good reason to be sad this day EDlTORS ADVERTISING Craig lson managinc editor Len Sevick manager IanMulgrewLily Editor SALES aillMcFarlanewre editor Be Sevens NEWSROOM Wayne Hay Dave Fuller Aden Smith Steve Skinner Barb Boulton Claudia Krause Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gaucr Gary Forbes CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner mmismc cussimos susmrss gammy Mailman 7266537 7282414 7266537 to Ho Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service At his first prime ministerial news con ference Joe Clark was asked whether his new external affairs minister Flora MacDonald supported his commitment to move the Canadian embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv promise he made during the heat of the election campaign Oh yes of course she does replied the prime minister as though the question was rather unnecessary And would expect so will the officials of thc dcpartmcnl of ex temal affairs Aiid as if to lay the matter to rest once and for all he added this That is the policy of the government of Canada Obviously Miss MacDonald as brandnew cabinet minister is not about to get into public fistfight with her leader during her first days in office but would be willing to mortgage my home on the fact that she does not favor the proposed embassy movc Furthermore would bet my pension plan on the belief that officials of the cxtcrnal affairs department will not in the foreseeable future lend their support to the commitment And sincerely believe that if Clark un derstood the situation in the first place he would never have mentioned the proposed embassy move Of all his promiscs he will have difficulty fulfilling scvcral of them this one is the most potentially explosive Even if his government backs off by way of an indefinite delay the merc commitment may have longtcrm ramifications CHANGES MINI And its all so unncccssary During his MiddleEast tour early this year the Con servative leader indicated that he as primc minister would not move the cmbzissy lo Jc rusalem thc holy city of chs Christians and Moslcms Arab countries considcr lsracli control of Jerusalem to be illegal scoors Calvin Felepchuk Peggy Chapell supervise Lisa Worry Dana Homewood BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marian Gough accountant 180 Kemcv lareman DelveMills GPnnxwan asst foreman Vikki Grant Don Saunders Brenda Woods Lorne Wass Jean Bass will csaooan nw CIRCULATIUN 933 Bill Helkes manager Ed 0an Steve White assistant manager Bred Howcrott Alva LaPlante Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen RonGildor Barbara Siriqi PR SSROOM Don Near lawman Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken Fred Princc ass foreman PRIME MINISTER CLARK longterm effects Virtually all countries maintain their Israeli embassies in Tel Aviv the ex ceptions being dozen Latin American coun tries and the Netherlands all of which established their diplomatic offices in Jeruesalem before the 1967 war So Clarks statement didnt raise any eyebrows But during the election campaign he suddenly reversed himself and announced that Tory government would indeed move the Canadian embassy to the disputed City There was no reason for Canada to be fol lower he said it could also lea the way Even senior members of is own par cheerfully acknowledged that Clark had SENATOR KENNEDY WHEN TALK TURNS TO THE HIGH COST OF UNNECESSARY OPERATIONS IN THIS COUNTRK YIELD TO THE EXPERT IN THE FIELD Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EK LY by carrier 95 cents YEARLY by carrier $4940 BY MAIL Barrie $4940 SIMCOE COUNTY St Montreal MOTOR THROW OFF ULSOGVEBI IELSEWHERE CANADA $4100 year tisement Parliament Flora followed Joes lead over Jerusalem commitment Jewish voters in mind when he announced his dramatic shift in policy Several Con servative candidates including Ron Atkey in TorontoSt Pauls he later was appointed immigration minister campaigned heavily on this particular platform plank They all explained that Canada now could move the embassy because the Middle East Peace Treaty had been signed My God said the veteran diplomat now safely tucked away in the depths of the ex ternal affairs building here just cant believe it just cant believe it Surely they dont think the signing of the peace treaty solved the Jerusalem problem No surely not STRONG REACTION But outside that department which is in state of stunned silence there was little panic over the announcement which was probably viewed as just another campaign promise that would disappear with Liberal victory or else be subject to reasoned review by an incoming Tory cabinet It was only when Clark reiterated his commitment few days ago that sand began flying in our faces Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin even interrupted party convention to an nounce that have the great pleasure of telling this assembly that the embassy of great country such as Canada will be in Je rusalem he told the cheering throng Thats when some of Clarks people began realizing we were into something far more delicate than the transfer of an office But in this case we are dealing with cornerstone of Clarks campaign and during his initial days in office he seems determined to prove his mastery over the bureaucracy Obviously it wont be easy for him back down from this particular commitment but he really has little choice as US President Jimmy Carter learned when he made sim ilar campaign commitment THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau Circulation ABC Only the Canadian Press may republlsh new stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news slories published in ngxpminer The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising meterioi created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number toasts register National advertising oilices 65 Queen St Toronto 41710 WCathcerl The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages erls moo ing out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ecs tuelly occupied by that portion at the odvertisemenl In which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement The Publisher reseryes the right to edit revise clessilyor Fetec7 en ochTr From the legislature Give up booze cut health cost By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO if were going to better our health and in consequence reduce healthcare costs were going to have to take better care of ourselves The question is whether very many people are listening to Health Minister Dennis Tim brell as he preaches that truism around the province ldoubt they are Most people probably ill believe in what Timbrell calls the modern miracle theory That assumes our life expectancy so much greater than it was even century or two ago is the result of the miracle of modern medical technology Therefore the more spent on it the healthier we are and that explains why most of our health spending is directed to doctors and hospitals But its false theory CHANGED MIND While medical technology and expertise has saved many lives it is as Timbrell says nowhere near as many as improved nu trition better housing clean water im munization and modern sanitation has done At one time Timbrell downgraded the importance of immunization but in this latest speech he finally seems to have grasped just how vital it is to public health As result in 1980 parents of all children in the public and separate school systems will have to answer an immunization form either yes or no but it must be returned something government should have insisted upon years ago Public health is essentially preventive medicine on group scale means of keeping healthy by keeping the germs away whether through sewage systems or im munization BIG CHANGE The result has been massive shift in the pattern of illness in the past 100odd years Today we die from the good life from the degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease that come with high living and long years on earth Even todays Ontario poor are infinitely rich compared to most people most places in human history And rather than public health we need personal health to avoid these illnesses as much as they can be avoided Which requires selfdiscipline in what we eat and how we play and work NO BOOZE As Timbrell says until we become more sensitive to our pysical needs we are not going to stay healthy Most of us like to think theres short cut to health which there isnt and we pay the price both individually and through tax dollars for medicare for decades of unhealthy lifestyle or simple neglect He adds that health is an attitude an attitude of selfrespect and intelligent self care It is something most of us can do for ourselves But will we give up french fries and booze and pizza and soft drinks and candy and smoking and automobiles and television Hah interpreting the flaws Inflation fight too successful WASHINGTON CP The Carter ad ministrations inflationfighting policies are proving so successful in slowing economic expansion that the president now faces some painful political decisions about continuing the present course In the view of many observers Carter is getting dangerously close to permanently alienating some of his Democratic partys traditional supporters and jeopardizing l980 reelection hopes with his economic con servatism Organized labor groups where Democrats normally get support are growing increas ingly unwilling to accept voluntary guides that limit acceptable pay raises to seven per cent The head of the International Association of Machinists William Wimpsinger says the administration can go to hell if it disap proves of the unions recent settlement that ended 56ltday strike against United Airlines Like other labor leaders Wimpsinger pomts to the 139percent annual inflation rate and says it is evidence the voluntary guides announced last November restrain wages but not profits At the same time job prospects are growing gloomy for the unemployed in the US The rate of employment growth fell to 140000 in May from 300000 new jobs month in each of the two preceding months It means the unemployment rate the statistic that will measure the extent of the tradeoff in jobs lost to reduce inflation is about to start rising Now at 58 per cent it is anticipated that by summers end about 62 per cent of the US work force will be idle The Conference Board the economic research group that has business labor and government officials as members warned this week that current economic conditions are sapping consumer confidence Spending is about to dry up If we are not already in recession we are probably at the brink says Fabian Linden board research director White House officials admit the statistics make them uneasy but concede little more The present course is still the best way to achievea soft landing reduced inflation lower but sustained economic growth in 1980 and later they insist Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal says the president wont flinch and try to stimulate the economy if the current slowdown continurs gtv Wm