Ronad Verwey left and Gary Musy are atten ding United Nations seminar at the University of Western Ontario London June l82l thanks to Oro investigating seniors housing ro lownship council Mon day promised delegation of senior citizens to further look into senior citixens housing centre for the township likely to be located in ro Station or llawkestonc ouneil resolved to meet with coordinator it the provin cial ministry of housing to discuss the details after Don Pickering spokesman for the Marigold Senior itilens ssoeiation told council ineniebers survey of the associat ions 100 or so members showed US were interested in living in such accomodation lickering said he had already talked with ministry co ordinator about the possibili It and was told the township ith population of about 6400 could aceomodale centre of about 15 to 23 units lickering said the project would be federally and provin ciall funded but the municipality would have to pay tor the land until actual con slruetion began at which time the money would be refunded He said further maintenance on the complex would be funded so per cent by the federal government 42 per cent by the province and 7x per cent by themunicipalitv Each unit which would in elude bedroom sittingvroom bathroom and kitchenette would cost between $18000 and 310000 Pickering said and the rents could be adjusted to suit those who are on old age pen sions and those who can afford Students off to eminar as the Kempenfelt Chapter of the imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire The chapter is spon soring the two students and Miss Helen Smith right regent of the chapter and Mrs Bessie Srigley presented the boys with cheque Tues day Examiner Photo Yc aka CORRECTION In our June Sunsational Flyer please note the following correction Page the Sportable Cooler is 1088 each and not 1088 pair We deeply regret the error and apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers to pay more He said the ministry would require townshipwide survey to determine the most suitable location Two to three acres would be needed for the site and senior citizens polled indicated they wished it to be near post of fice and church stating preference for either Oro Sta tion or Hawkestone Pickering Dawofs Gap Zfljczreï¬ouse I6 VICTORIA ST 7289990 OPENING MAY Ith RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CARPETING ALI BRAND NAMES BALES OF CARPET TO CHOOSE FROM STOP IN FOR COFFEE BROWSE LOTS OF FREE PARKING HOURS THURS nu 99 nowrm SAT 95 the finest concept in eyefashion esgt 51 is Tiif3t To CAS demgd for money County committee responds ByRIIIRITIIIS The Examiner The Simcoe County finance committee has received no in dication why it should mean sider its decision to cut the hildrens Aid Society Budget by $170000 says Allan McLean committee chairman McLean was commenting on statement by Don Jackson local CAS director that the society needs 24 per cent in crease over last year to meet 1979 expenses and will not buckle to the countys request to cut back Supported by Barrie but not rillia the recommended cut would reduce the AS budget to 31948000 from the $2 million requested But this figure still represents per cent in crease over last year McLean said As far as am concerned the increase they have got is lot more than any of the other boards or committees he said The finance committee set salary increases for county employees within the six per cent provincial guidelines but then the CAS wants to give in creases to its staff which are larger than what the rest get Jack Frasers summer short sleeve dress gift at any price $888 No frivolous purchase this simply practical sensible gift Cool Classic dress shirts both wearable and wanted Jack Frasers own private label shirts plus famous Canadian makers suzable collection in polyester and cotton for work and wear convenience Summer White Blue Ecru and Tan coloured in Sizes 14 to 17 All things considered we believe its the best shirt value around Check it out but shop early and well before June t7th TTRIBlIICI EXPENSES At board meeting May 25 CAS officials attributed this years higher expenses to 32 per cent increase in board rates Bylaw being prepared bylaw will be prepared to prohibit parking on the west side of Mulcaster Street north of odrington Street General committee recomr mended the move at session Monday the examiner Wednesday June 1979 paid to foster parents need for 13 more fieldworkers and requests for salary boost of 85 per cent Board rates and salaries in Simcoe County are among the to lowest of the 51 societies in Ontario officials said and absenteeism has become local problem because of burnout on the job due to caseloads which exceed provins cial recommendations McLean said the reason the board rates were so high was because the CAS was putting children into private homes at $40 day instead of foster homes for about $7 dav He said the CAS is trying to find lever with which to go to the province which funds about 80 per cent of the budget and has the final say But dont think the pro vince will give them what they want without the approval of the municipalities McLean said NEW LOCATION or BARRIE LICENCE BUREAU DOWNTOWN CENTRE IIO Dunlop St 7283861 LOCATED CONVENIENTLY IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE 30 DUNLOP STWEST Block west of the Points 7370641 IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE NEW PRICING POLICY AND SPEROR SERVICE Prices for FIRST QUALITY complete standard glasses start at an 995 Comparable savings in bifocals and other lenses Barriesbroadest range of modern frames styled by Pierre Cardin Elizabeth Arden Christian Dior etc again at comparable values unbelievable AII lenses hardened With professional heat treatment and warrantied for year against breakage at no charge he consistent high professional calibre of all our work remains unchanged Your new glasses in 24 hours or less DOWNTOWN BARRIE DUNLW BLOC WEST THE POINTS