WV ile WXV 2339 examiner rigid June 177 1929 news oundug Trade surplus dip to 55 72M disappointing OTTAWA iCPi The trade surplus dipped to dis appointing $12 million in April indicating the continuation of trend towards slowing in growth of sales abroad CP Edward Wrobel Polish immigrant began demonstrating outside the Polish embassy Thursday threatening to go on hunger strike and burn himself unless his wife and children are allowed tojoin him in Canada But Janusz Zielinski an em bassy spokesman said Wrobc has not yet formally applied to have his family emigrate Wr0 who lives in Edmonton said in an interview he met em bassy officials this week and was told to go back to Edmon ton to wait for his wife Wrobel 29 laborer said he plans to begin twoweek hun ger strike Monday and will wait until his wife arrives He had told embassy officials that if he receives no promises his wife will be allowed to leave Poland will burn myself An external affairs official said Wrobel made similar threat in letter to External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson in February and was told to ap ply to the Polish embassy to regularize his illegal immi grant status under Polish law Wrobel said he left Poland for Austria on holiday and then approached the Canadian em bassy in Vienna to emigrate to Canada He arrived in Canada about 18 months ago The external affairs spokes man said Wrobel was warned by Canadian officials in Vienna that his move would be consid ered violation of Polish law and that he must expect to be separated from his wife and children Jack and Martin The department told Wrobel in April that it was the depart ments experience that he would have to clear up his ille gal immigrant status with Pol ish authorities before his family would be allowed to leave He was asked to discuss the issue with external affairs offi cials further but did not re spond the spokesman said Wrobel said he plans to walk up and down in front of the em bassy every day wearing pla card bearing picture of his family and carrying sign de manding Let them leave Statistics Canada reported today that it was also revising downward its estimate of trade figures for March from surplus orsiso million toa deficit of$16 million That would be the first trade deficit recorded since last summer anada had record $i52billion surplus in merchandise trade with the rest of the world last year up from $29 billion year earlier The boom in foreign sales spurred largely by the decline in value of the dollar was major contributor to strong growth injobs last year But trade figures for the last few months show imports in Clark gets some pointers on being PM from Trudeau OTTAWA The Simcoe County Womens Recreational Volleyball league Barrie Division CP Pierre stitutional conference before Trudeau gave Joe Clark some Wednesday Clark accepted the Th tQuebec government an ISVSIIithD fro govGen Ed porn ers urs ay on CW ini ia es its promised war reyer to ormaminor creasing more rapidly that exports Monthly growth in exports has virtually ceased while me prime minister referendum ity Progressrve Conservative import trend cycle has continued to grow But as Clark left mminute anada said in its monthly trade report meeting with Trudeau in the invites you to improve your volleyball skills Statistics Although Clark and Trudeau Practice starts Tuesday Juno Sth will soon trade homes they do government He had private chat with Iï¬ipleralff leadegs Pafirliaéneitit not plan to trade offices in Par New Democrat Leader Ed at Georgian CoIIogo Gym ice re use liaments Centre Block Broadbent Wou Ra ie ave agree divulge the secrets to waiting IFS lovely ofï¬ce Clark 730 930 pm GLASGOW Heutori Admirers of Scotlands national reporters said as he left Trudeauvs warn we Busmess poet Robert Burns have broken with centuryold tradition The Progresswe Con ters Howeverc1ark planned to Home and opted to hold their next annual conference in anada HI servative leader who becomes prime minister Monday said his talks with the outgoing prime minister were cordial and centred on problems related to the transition of government and some procedural problems face as prime minister The two politicians also had general discussion about the keep his more ornate office As Trudeau entered the meet ing he quipped that Canadians who are surprised over the change of government do not understand the svstem The system is devised so that there will be change Trudeau said as be welcomed Clark to his office The TrudeauClark meeting instead of Britain The liurns Federation Organizing Committee said the con ference would be held this August in London Ont No overseas branch of the 94yearoid federation had ever offered to act as host for the conference until the Canadan section signalled its readiness this week spokesman said Workers win TV battle TORONTO tCP It you are interested in organized volleyball call John Chalmers 1260370 or Steve Cook 7286828 sarjeant ii Tiny Karen Marcus of Prince George BC sneaks peek at the world despite having one eye covered with bonnet and being buried in her mothers tote bag CP Photo Insurance IOO Bell Farm Rd Barrie Ont Really crosscountry Employees of the Puretex Knitting Ltd have won 25year battle to have closedcircuit Givu Satisfaction Always at timing of the Quebec in follows series the Progressive television cameras removed from the plantS production MOSCOW Reuteri Eersliyuprilï¬sggnsflaggl£2052 dependence referendum and Conservative leader is con areas sownman RUSSla team enre edit or the future of the country ducting as he prepares to take alling electronic surveillance fundamentally inhuman reaChEd the Norm P019 31300 Iome re em Clark renewed his pledge to call federalprovincial con over after 16 years of Liberal rule Thursday after 10week jour ney on skis across the Arctic Circle Tass news agency re ganized by the Russian news paper Komsomolskaya Pravda The team is to be picked up by arbitrator Sit Ellis directed the company to remove five of its eight cameras by June 29 Cameras will remain in storage area the loading dock and the parking lot to prevent hon ported The explorers led by aircraftand flown back to Mos Dmitri Shparo Moscow uni COW Speeding ticket sparks poetry ST THOMAS Ont CP Constable Andy Church to fight wine proposals SAULT STE MARIE Ont CP The United Church in southwestern Ontario served notice Thursday that it will The man paid his fine by cheque and sent along the poem fight proposals to sell Wine in supermarkets 0nsi bier About 500delcgatesatameetingoftheLondonConference ddlwnd hec of the United Church of Canada unanimously approved lhevrc ontheground resolution to tell the Ontario governmentthat the con lnthcair ference opposes the establishment of wme kiosks in Those darned blackandwhites supermarkets Arc everywhere On Highway 401 Down country lane Damn it got nailed again Auditor to examine ROM books TORONTO CPI The provincial auditor has been asked to examine the books of the Royal Ontario Museum after group of MPTs failed to unravel its financial internal affairs lliursday The legislatures public accouan committee passed mo tion asking the auditor to investigate the museums latest financial statements and its current budget lhc committee also asked that Reuben Baetz minister of culturc and recreation Sydney Hermant chairman of the Royal Ontario Museum board of trustees and James Cruise the museums director appear before it onliniiing reports of controversy at the museum and al lcgations of mismanagement of its $4457million renovation and expansion project prompted the committee to look into its affairs Accident closes highway lanes BRAtlCBRllXiiC Ont CP An accident has closed the two southbound lanes of Highway 11 five kilometres north of here for several weeks bridge over the highway re ceivcd major structural damage when its overhead bracing was struck Wednesday by load of transformer equipment being carried on tractor trailer Traffic will be disrupted for weeks during reconstruction of the bridge spokesman for the ministry of transportation and communications said IOIITTiiTgIlam of the OntarioProvincial Police received poem in return for speeding ticket he gave Mount Albert Ont man Chevy and the ROOSTERS FLEA MARKET ELEA MARKET SECOND HAND STORE AUCTION UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We buy trade sell consignments New Hours T0 Seven Days Week 254 Yonge St Painswiclt I000 ONLY KMART SPECIAL PRICE BEDDING PLANTS 59¢ GARDEN MUMS GERANIUMS is veg KILLEX LAWN WEED KILLER 32 oz can Kmart Rog Price 693 INVIINTEI BRAILIJC Louis Braille who was blinded in an accident at the age of was 15 when he in vented his system of raised dots toTiclp the blind read NEW LOCATION or BARRIE LICENCE BUREAU DOWNTOWN CENTRE llO Dunlop St 728386l HUSNE VHOMfV BAA7x it Business Management Seminar IF YOU Operate your own business Manage somoono olsos business Expect to start business CANNED PEAS 14 oz tin Limit per customer Kint Rog Price 27 NOW LOOK HO YOU SA THEN You are routed to attend Small Busrness 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