16 tor0if SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB year lease available RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIEMwsTF TWO BEDROOM close to downtown Barrie Stove fridge laundry facilities Firstand last months rent No pets Call after pm 726 6725 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent Fridgestoveparklng Inside new Iy reconstructed Available June 151 436 2263 Mississauga Ct Apts Two bedroom apartments available Ju I1 houses to rent NEW BEDROOM house with sunken living room separate dining room par tially finished basement Also garage $375 plus utilities 726 3257 TWO THREE and FOUR bedroom houses available immediately in downtown area Rent ranging $150 $275 7263257 apartments available immediately rent ranging $80 $190 726 3257 BEDROOM ANGUS area $230 per month plus hydro included Phone 726 6271 after4pm ONE BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM apartment with fridge stove Water and heat supplied Telephone 7264028 or 416 859 4493 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT fur nished broadloomed June Ist central S200 driveway 726 0293 evenings St close to everything $318 per month Available June lst Call 416 2941672 FOUR BEDROOM two storey far mhouse iust outside Barrie tamin sized kitchen M0 bathrooms two car garage with all modern conve niences $350 monthly Responsible peo ple only Call 416 8571236 Close to transportation 88 downtown area Telephone726 1346 available July 726 7685 726 4271 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom apartment in modern apart ment building Central 10cation $755 monthly includes heat water parking fridge and stove Phone 7372689 or 436 1467 SPACIOUS BEDROOM apartment l9houses wanted to rent WANTED THREE HOMES TO lease for required 5170 pll month 726 6283 TWO BEDROOM apartment fridge and stove heat and hydro included in rent pots welcome $230 monthly Bachelor apartment fridge and stove heat and hydro $175 monthly Lots of parking 424 0486 t7houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS little Buyvlow Drive NEW TOWN HOMES IN PLEASANT COUNTRY LOCATION BEDROOM UNITS FROM includes rotor charge °Fuy broadloomed Gas fired forced air heating Early occupancy Tennis court Adiocent Molson Pork Call 7373992 MTWTF Telephone 737 0812 Centrally located Telephone 726 835 728 8484 after pm rates Apply in person to off Ba yshore Motor Hotel privileges in Gifford $130 mo Telephone 456 3412 21room and board or furnished Call 728 8025 anytime ROOM AND BOARD Ferris Lane Lady preferred Telephone 737 0070 23ottices stores for rent 1200 so FT OFFICE SPACE 728 6899 after MODERN OFFICE space for small or large suites immediate Angeloft parking faculties for more informa call 728 1823 after 11 hydro block from Paints Main fl $380 monthly 726 1771 VlaU OFFICE SPACE for rent 58 Co Street carpeted Telephone Peter Archibald at 726 451 office space for rent With par 726 7130 EXCELLENT LOCATION on Highway 11 in Allandale 2000 sq feet commercial space for OlftCl 00 and weekends DEL REALTY 7370500 TOWNHOUSE tor rent three bedrooms 11 baths basement garage ncely decorated Close to srhool and Shopping or 458 960 ALL garage heat utilities cable TV private THREE BEDROOM HOME on Bradford large THREE BEDROOM House for rent THREE BEDROOM house for rent minimum period of two years These CLEAN FURNISHED room for rent linens supplied and changed S20 weekly SEVERAL ROOMS available on weekly FURNISHED ROOM for rent All house ROOM AND BOARD for young lady Close to Georgian College Unfurnished Maple St Available anytime 72817431111 IPBSC cupancy short or long term 726 3400 STORE FOR RENT 1200 squaie feet OFFICES 867 sq ft central air heat Parking available 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned spots available mmodialirly Telephone DUSY small business 728 0555 or 728 3706 after up NEW 24space for rent Three bedroom homes FOR LEASE OR SALE Industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 lam Angelotf Immediate occupancy WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross $325 monhly lease everythtng included 5475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 106p or2610160atter6p SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq ft fronting on Bell Farm Road can be finished for Availaole im 25 32mforulu 3201wa ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Oro Mobile YJ5 7008 GARAGEWANTED for storage Barrie area Long term Call 726 S747 26accommodations to share GENTLEMAN WANTED to share three bedroom townhouse $165 month Calf Richard Lees 728 6562 atter6p WILL SHARE my furnished three bedroom townhouse $155 plus utilities Call 720 9700 or 726 2990 for Gail PERSON TO SHARE large house in Lakeshore Bradford Street area close to bus route Telephone 726 8230 27Cottages to rent AND BEDROOMS seasonal beach inside conveniences marina facilities trailer lots Ora 487 2427 487 3827 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages Excellent swimming fishing Boats available Dunchurch Weekends for $95 $115 weekly A36 2649 COTTAGES for rent furnished or on furnished on acres Swimming pool pond river All utilities included $225 per month Willow Park Motel Old Highway 11 mile south of hwy 93 728 8706 or 737 4979 WOODLAND BEACH lakefront two bedroom June 30 July and August September Three bedroom August 25 September Three bedrooom month of August starting July 28 Conveniences 72B 7290 alter 5pm Ziacottages tor sale ORR LAKE Three bedroom furnished cottage inside conveniences lakefront on Highway 93 50 420 lot $28000 or will rent $900 for season 416 2310426 or 322 1280 160 FRONTAGE ON beautiful treed lot north of Parry Sound Sale SWimming boating fishing and hunting Completely insulated panelled and furnished All marinatacitities 728 3092 30 resorts CAMPGROUND HUNTSVILLE ALGONQUIN PK AREA 40 private sites 80 acres Excellent fishing swimming on 3000 ft shoreline Maintain own lot and pay only $100 per season Jarvis 7266805 Takes The Risk Out 01 Buying Used Car misrepresented you will always find me available for your consultation OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford St Phone 72034272 Dear Used Car Buyers everything little and getting lot you will have enough to pay for something better can afford is our business Yours truly ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED COLOR Fled LlC NAE578 EQUIPMENT 441300 DESCRIPTION Datsun F10 YB 78 My 31 1y lst and August tst Coloured ap iBEDROCIJMBHOUssgotor rent clrpselto sho empenet ay per mon pus klc gilgnTcglsEPTethean ppmg an utilities garage Telephone 726 9393 to EEHABEYZIJSIStrimpoï¬iiifiisï¬h Toyota Corolla 01 44 spd Fl MXKl42 SllVBl NEWLY DECORATED bedroom Apm beachMurray Valiouette726 0617 apartment available immediately cen 1LAREE THREE BEITDIROOM tlléxury II $2 11 Wn se convenlen ocae on 3257mm US leake Sutreet broadloomeyd Includes rec Chev Eamalo Silver SEVERAL °NE TW° Wm °° Toyotazdi Celica 44spd RAIC MHYZBB Burg CHECK RUST WITH RUST CHECK EV mic in specially formulate OIL BASE Complete iob for Brown Brown KTP519 KLS451 BAPSPBR BAPSPBBAIC 76 Chrysler dr Pontiac Catalina slw KNJ451 KFXB4B Beige Red 4AR 8APSPBAICR Acadian Pontiac Catalina monthly includes parking and utilities fHRéé BEDROOM 416 727 3830 ft 0059 que oca ZérgrSROOM cen fgcaz1y 5260 per lionmAailablt7326Jlrl 157th fper vehlcle Vallanl Duster UT Blue mon one 01 er 92312332Iiiï¬saRSLUIeFnaW 620° M051 Chev Im 313 8A PS PB KHH832 Sliver LARGE ONE BEDRpOOM apartment FOUR BEDROOM 399 m°dem ki Mias WNW °Ca° Avaï¬be ghgnfliisstgiifeéagiiapgg Orlatthletï¬f BPTIOrO By appointment only 253Jls12°5373733 3633209 49895 and 433220 75 Ford LTD dr PS PB HTHBSB Brown weekends 728 4951 THREE BEDROOM Bungalow electric ONE BEDROOM and Two BEDROOM hfat liligadlogm tigepladcseb gféden $325 tilt llolitli 10 NW0 MaVBTICk ll PS JHKZBB Brown thtd vauweaceeeone Burl in tariffr T5335 lolcitlinganouiefjeagglts SISOMONTHLY First and lastrequired MWFAu10 DOdQe van PS PB orange Av uslsP neS ll bd goegliaces 63 U9 ChqiidéenwvjvelciinzngEall733938890alfgr55 Mustang ll Sid Fl Green pm edar Park Litt La 35333713353 ltOOVZFhNeEI 32ng THREE BEDROOM House close to AUTO lNSURANFE and Ogle it CheV dl Balall PS PB Blue ingincluded Callaflerlpm7371893 Georgian College ReferencesCallafter Surance Compeilve rates Cali John Two BEDROOM APARTMENT all 453999WEe593Y510l0097371525 6975021Ffziancj779 719 tum 0w 111 65 EXCE en 732350 pad 89 Bay PM no pm 23535305 offdflfg Jï¬kigï¬v Emaiirtign certified 51750 7281449 74 BUle LUXUS 01 PB Bronze Stl £3Lw ecgprétTSiFflJiBgaePihgg rcineunglees oijilo SlggLeSpTBogtgrstlrlï¬S 197PONTISC LEMANs3ng brake F010 Camper SPEClal PB Green 1416 231 426 32 12 an ron en new ain en ine iiiiiiggfssmi useldligcdnrqooriteriirld iiggfciucf BEDROOM Bgï¬ceirtZrm house with ggggloéwm cerlVp ASH 952350 Mavermk dr Green lrlnigsed apartment $250 726 0652 even 3C7l1358134f1d barn S350amonthTelephone MAvéRICK DOOR Phonc or Charger Brown TWO BEDROOM th WINTERIZED COTTAGE Price737 3687 pliances heat and Bogarltirxgrincllidedafl newly renovated one OgdromoArfi 1978 HONDA WAGON very low VOlkS Beene Red rent $230 east end Adults no pets Telephone 726 9859 evenings mileage fully loaded Must sell 726 8638 Chev Impala Br0wn after6pm 1972 DODGE POLARA 360 automatic Plymouth Satelite PS HTP194 Beige BEDROOM APARTMENT lower Edgehill Dr Large fencedin lot With level west end city limits $250 per garage $275 monthly pay own utilities two door hard top good condition $500 month Private entrance Fridge and First and lust months rquired Children 1466 2609 stove supplied Available July 1st welcomeAvailable now 728 9282or app 1977 TORONADO my waded 1mm Pontlac Laurenflan SIW 8A Burg Telephone 728 8296 1y at388 Edgehlll wheel drive power at around iusy cer V8 Yellow BEDROOM UPPER APARTMENT $250 MONTH Three br bungalow tilled newfrontend new transmission large back yard parking $235 plus heat Broadloom large garage 9th Innislil excellentbuy Must sell 728 8381 and hydro Newly decorated Telephone near lake References required Call 1977 CAMAROI Cylinder one owner DOdge SWIllger ll Blown 8° 66 14000 miles $47500 73 Buick LeSabre dr P8 P8 AMK558 Green selling need larger car 726 8388 after or can be seen at 150 Vancouver Street 1974 PONTIAC STATION WAGON one owner good condition $1400 or best of fer 728 7863 1974 DELTA 88 ROYAL 57500 factory Red Gold DUE055 114 spd FEM555 BAPSR Ford Pinto Pontiac Ventura ill homes should be between 1700 to 2200 em $99 BPCQM sq ft with bedrooms and car air AMFM tape power steering II dr ck yard parking Immediate possesSlon garages If you are thinking of leasing brakes windows Um 5985 Cwisp 833 $225 monthlyCaIlPatcarler728 3603 your home please can Harry Magilt control tinted Windows Mags new To 018 dr Oran TWO BEDROOM apartment $775 mon Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate radials Must sacrifice Make an offer thly including utlities and parking First 728 4067 or 726 3864 726 8573 oan lahst regrcscé5Nicetcentral location 20r0°mso e1 1975 THUNDERBWD one owner Ha5 NOVO dl BA Brown of anY all options 48000 miles Call evenings cAhPARTNIEbNTI AVXLILIABLEI to be in LARGE ROOMS sunabie in MD We pmto9pm728 4631 Ford GalaXle 8A PS Brown 99 De pie also single rooms Shared kitchen 1964 CHEV 283 motor good runninri 0°50 malls Telpplone 728 53897 Telephone 726 6392 condition good body $200 as is Ponuac Lemans dr Brown TWO BEDROOM oil heated central FURN5HED ROOM FOR RENT op Telephone 436 2787 HIDE avattientr reefogfbs Iran of house share kitchenwashroom with 1977 HONDA HATCHBACk standard 99 6V5 one other female Phone 726 4230 days asking $3400 45 67000 Telephone 737 3386 726 6635 evenings kilometres new batter muffler and Cheveue dr Green BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment CLEAN MODERN furnished rooms fronttiresCaIl718 078769prn aUndrY area and Storage busrputv central kitchen bath and living room 1972 DODGE CHARGER real Ulds Toronado 8A AC PW AWW Yeuow $710 Pir Onmr CUdes Ullllles parking available downtown Hamilton sharp model One owner car Excellent 79199000073718 Realty 737 1000 condition Certified $4550 Call 726 9653 SELF CONTAINED one bedroom apart ROOM FOR rem by me week prom atter6pm 331 0Y PEasc Year 055 rably working person Lunches packed 1977 TRANS AM brown tan interior Pontlac Lema dr BFown 000 Wee 05 MUS 5° Plymouth dr slw P8 P8 PCP847 Green fer Telephone 728 1860 70LTD air conditioning power Steering brakes Must sell $300 or best offer Telephone 726 4769 BAPS PB PW AMIFM AMM844 Grey Olds Convertible ice ngngnLgDsarï¬lijSEess 56033335531213 Olds dr p3 pg Fprgg Maroon CertifiedVSl150 Telephone 728 0957 nm gnok OLDSr ï¬ggvesrtébivk Egan Olds Cutlass PS PB DWTBB7 Green In Wl UC cbgsglsefaiitfomgtic Good condition Ask Chev Blue ing $1700 445 1975 Chev Impala dr PS PB LMJQZB Brown 1973 COUGAR XR7 immaculate condi tion garage kept lady driven This car must be seen to be apprLClated Was not driven last winter 52 000 certified 4361180after6p 1976 COUGAR XR7 351 power steering power brakes blue with Vinyl roof all gauges light grouping good tires 37000 miles Body in excellent condition or filled bestofter 466 2930 after 1973 VEGA STATION WAGON nerS some body work $300 or best offer Telephone 737 2792 after 30p 0c 1973 OLDSMOBILE 70000 miles power steering brakes air conditioned ex cellent condition certified new radials $1650 Telephone 436 4589 after 77 OLDS CUTLASS Salon factory air PW PS tilt steering wheel trailer hitch new tadials Must sell S4 995 Call 00 737 1039 34 truck and trailer NORTHERN SURPLUS SALVAGE FOR SALE Cars trucks form vehicles highway tractors parts etc N0 REASONABLE OFFER $2 00 BRAND NEW SHOCKS WE BUY SCRAP METAL 798 176 BRADFORD ST BARBIE The home of driving mans car at thinking mans price 1978 HONDA low mileage radio good 1979 PONTIAC gas mileage sizrn at 133 Henry St ask for Paul 726 0834 1967 DODGE POLARA eight cylinder automatic as is $400 Telephone alter 776 3137 1975 GMC BLAZER four wheel drive piivately owned price $4800 Telephone 778 4522 34 trilclts and trailers 1973 FORD TOR INO good working con dition needs body work Best offer Telephone 728 4745 after 1973 FORD WAGON Country Squire radio mags radial tires excnllent con dition thldl and out Certified Asking $1450 Apply 81 Fraser St Angus or 424 I977 kilometres 726 3097 lion cellent 34 trucks aid trailer liter ONE STOP PLACE FOR EVERYTHING king titted $2700 ua rt or 1977 CAMERO condition $4800 certified pm paid 726 4338 otflce or warehouslng THREE BEDROOM home fully madMle Cal728 2211 broadloomod fridge and stove Uillllcs COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT on ST main street Cookslown Phone 458 9294 MWFJ25 Limited 728 8111 not included first and last months rent $325 montth Telephone 728 819 If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the courtesy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way Wednesday May 30 We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel his unwise to pay too much But it is worse to paytaolittlelrWhenyou pay too little you sometimes lose because the car you bought was incapable of doing thé iob it was supposed to do The common law of business balance prohibits paying it cant be done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for the risk you take And if you do that Do yourself favor before you buy any car Come in and iust look at our merchandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD certifed 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA deluxe four door wagon 32000 miles ex condition automatic power assisted front disc brakes redining front seats rear win dow wiper and defroster many other op lions $2900tirm Call Terry 728 1950 ECONOMICAL CAR 1975 Toyota Corolla Excellent condition stnadard transmission Certified Ask ing $1200 Call 726 7680 evenings 1975 LEMANS 57000 miles power steer ing and brakes automatic Negotiable 737 2468 after 14000 miles excellent Telephone 728 2185 asking features JUNK CARS WANTE Same day pickup Wreckers 726 8711 TOP PRICEjor top cars 119 Bradford Street the examiner Wednesday May 30 1919 25 13mItodtobuy URGENTLY REQUIRED Good clean late model automobiles TOP CASII PAID IMMEDIATELY ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Freepickup Telephone 7268487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto $319517 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freeimmediate pick upany time 436 2900 STILL PAYING highestprlces in the PRICE $4495 4495 Certified 73 spoke rims Ramcharger 456 2459 TWO N50 15 FIRESTONE SUPER SPORTS on deep dish 10 rims $250 Can be seen at Penetang St Apt area for scrap cars and trucks For im mediate pick upcall726 1483 or 3221115 WANTED 6000 used VW Beetle with gas heater Larry 34trucks and trailers 1978 34 TON FORD PICKUP dark blue 48000 kilometres step up bumper 35t engine brakes radio poor rubber 10000 miles left $5950 728 6421 after pm 1974 DODGE SPORTSMAN window van 360 power brakes cotdition$2500 Will certify 445 0126 1976 GMC WINDOW VAN condition heavy duty suspension 350 auto power steering power brakes 40000 miles to convert to camper Telephone 737 1931anytime 1971 DODGE VAN automatic $1100 or best offer Telephone 728 8160 FORD WINDOW VAN Very clean certified 51450 or bestofterr 726 5721 36aut0 accessories SIX CAT TRACK 11 15 tires five white KEYSTONE all for Dodge like new $450 Telephone Phone 7281665 Ask for V8 power steering power power steert no good automatic air conditioning Good van good running 599 42192 BUICK 400 motor and transmission $150 9999999132 1970 DODGE CORONET for parts 318 automatic airrcondltioning best offer Telephone 726 2872 after 30 p113 719667VVAL71ANT for parts sirxrcylinder motor trasmission etc good four good tire 728 302 CHEV wheels Telephone 728 6552 vaLIesS75Mike737 4433 6295 5295 3995 3795 2495 3495 3495 3995 3595 2895 2495 2795 2995 2995 3495 2495 2795 2495 2795 2495 2495 1795 2795 2495 1295 2395 595 1695 1995 1795 I995 895 1995 1695 895 2595 895 1295 1695 1695 My30 LEMANS power steer ing power brakes two tone red 6000 Telephone 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE easily upholstery miles 5350 308 Nelson Street after 30 like new 1976 FIREBIRD door coupe cylinder standard transmission power steering low mileage Excellent condition Cer titled $4500 737 2171 ood en in need of LE SABRE GARAGE SALE Hwy 26 west turn right 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings Highest prices PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Various Auto sizes Brochures available Vivian Bell RR Shanty Bay Phone 728 5283 Oke Motors RAILWAY TIES for sale Barrie DfiCe square or round Good quality Holt HONDA CB New tires good condition Only $550 InIcuoes back rest crash bar and matching helmets Phone tan or George at 7281675 or 7269711 1976 HARLEY 1000 model 52600 Telephone 322 1835 250 CAN alter6pm MOPED CADDY i975 KAWASAKI 400 start excellent condition $1000 must be seen downtown call Paul 726 5211 93175 1976 CAN AM Moto cross NX2 175 cc 5600 Telephone 728 4695 40 articles for rule I600 cc an be cer Telephone 48000 37jmotorcycles 1976 YAMAHA XS 750 7000 miles needs some engine work Best offer Telephone72671590askfor Joe 350cc stroke very quick battery chain sprockets 1974 $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recover it Yourself 0Wide selection of discount fabrics OFaam cushions Tools both amateur professional sNeedles threads twines °Buftons mode to order complete line of upholstery supphes UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY snor Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of G°°9° M°ll 545 Phone 7726 53079 afterV530omr 7371510 HONDA 300 GENERATOR New set stake mount camper fastener frame SENSATIONAI NEW STORE SALE 20 OXIOO 0°34 and got free 12 RUXLIOO 2for1 Oliy 400 Wkly starting Juno79 One hour delivery KRAZY KEllYS Nut door to Moutmull HIGHWAY 90 FEINDALE 461 DUNLOP 7371182 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT lease and install for homeowners tarnin size aluminum swimming pools patio Choice of styles meeting all ten ing regulations on one two or three console year rental basis with option to own ry before you buy Call toll free 2685970 PINE FURNITURE 737 1039 PIANO BABY GRAND A1 throquom 51750 Telephone 416 281 1796 ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 1007 solid state only $598 Under $6 Starting Juno79 Order tanlfo 7371182 sporting equipment 11 ft articles tackle decoys S250firm long 737 0086 Gasoline Alley cylinder condition built Pnainrblock crank pistons and rods 5100 202 heads less black Liberty 450 KAWASAKI Moto Cross single cylinder can be licenced Good condi tion $675 or trade for best road bike 436 3760 Etuailtierï¬lephoneï¬liiiï¬b likE new withsaddle bags $160 TelephoneA737730207eveningis four stroke electric Th TF TF Custom made solid wood furniture reasonable rates Coffee tables dining room tables etc get free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS haw next door to Moatman Highway 90 Forndule LAWN SALE Saturday June Ind 67 William St to household fishing Springbok canoe Wholesale WE ARE OPEN to MONDAY to FRIDAY Mmlcluforodu TITANIC TOSNIIA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $349 Order fauna got 1m 12 portable Undor $7 willy stoning Juno79 KRAZY KELLYS new next to Moatman Highway 90 Fern dala737IIB2 TF SATURDAY to NEW AND USED FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 202 DUNLOP WEST hit Int of the Barrio Arum all types re painted BICYCLES TRICYCLES and sizes reconditioned repairs made 726 0850 USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Amber glow charcoal and leaf grill Hava Java asecond automatic and Bunomatic coffee electrolreeze slush sweedette ice cream Schaeter floor freezer fryers stainless steel milk coolers Berkel chicken barbecue micro wave shopping carts booths many new tables and chairs By order Best offer 728 8381 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cd JIM 7372432 TF SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our all season special of $1355 00 Pools come with walk around deck patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and informa tion calltolltree1800 268 5970 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools MATERNITY FASHIONS just arriving for the spring and you AT REASONABLE PRICES MOORES UNIFORM SHOP Toronto St 7164401 pc Living Room suite 9am530pm NlhLIoctl not Ifhn SALE lentn Mon thru Sat CEDAR POSTS for sale varied sizes Clothesline polestor sale 17 726 2963 26m ZENlTH EHROMOCOLOR TV with remote control 572 yrs old ex cellent condition Asking $400 Call 7296999 alsrépm BRAND NEW 20 PORTABLE color television RCA XL100 solid state $450 72673172 Loos Cushions SALE PRICE 369 Sensational AMFM rec turntable $343 Get free spookrs Under $5 wkly stoning June79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Moatman One hour delivery Highway 90 Fern dale 7371182 TF ELECTROHOME 6000 BTUaircondi tioner one year old $275 Telephone 737 0677 after 530 pm MAY CLEARANCE on all name brand mattresses and beds SAVE 40 Twin size mattress and box spring $8666 BARRIE MATTRESS 15 Dunlop St Eastdowntown Barrie GAS BARBECUE ARKLA portable on chrome basecomplete Withtwoshelves rotisserie and gas line hook up $200 firm 728 6481 evenings weekends WHISPERING PINES cement statues variety of lawn and garden ornaments Highway 93 mile south of Craighurst0pen7daysaweek BOX TRAILER 4x8 14 tires $150 ALSO gas dryer good condition 535 Phone728 6532 attersom Coffee Table Sets 80 At 3M PHOTOCOPlER vrQTc Tl new $1800 Telephone 7373844 during office hours HYDRAULIC LOG SPLITTER self contained unit with gas engine and hydraulic pump and controls New Telephoine7260454 BEDROOM SUITE queen size five piece artificial fireplace antique ebonized truitwood china cabinet BARBECUE 1966 PONTIAC two door hardtop TV aerial Moving must sell 436 2338 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER full office size Underwood Forum French English keyboard Asking $250 Call 726625657pm DINETTE SUITE butfet table and four chairs dark wood Asking $200 or best offer Telephone 728 7835 after pm BALL TYPE Electric Typewriter three years old good condition 5400 Telephone726 9556 INGLIS Twin Tub Washer in good con dition Phone726 5289 7A BRAIDED RUG orange and brown 535 Orange sheers 120 83 $20 Exercise bike excellent condition Fraction 13 cu ft Rcfrlgcrutors SALE PRICE 449 mount camper fasteners for Ford or GMC Tire carrier front mount cover set camper mirrors set camper stabilizer shocks 436 2712 after BEDROOM SUITE double box spring and mattress with headboard triple dresser mirror with lamps bureau 5140 complete Phone 726 4235 GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25 All metal barbecue with rotisserie warm ing oven and electric starter 530 Telephone 737 1349atter5pm ESTATE SALE Saturday and Sunday June and furniture china cutlery some antiques 90 St Vincent Street North Midhurst SKLAR LOVESEATS1 recliner chair dressers all in excellent condition Telephone 726 3980 Sale of Sales 94 Worsley St Sat June 2nd Sun June 3rd 10 till dusk everything you can think of 30 in WESTINGHOUSE RANGE white good condition Large gold chesterfield chair floor lamp chelrol Call 7280696 after 6p GARAGE SALE Friday June Ist Saturday June pm to pm Three single beds one double bed one king size water bed while bedroom furniture dressers antique furniture professional bumper pool table davenport daybed clothes etc 519 Grove Street East GREENWARE Wind of the Willows Series 2010 Choose from Order now for June pick up African Violet Pots three sizes fluted edge July pick up Phone slilpiiioiii of Exciting Kitchen Suites Stating At 999 USED APPLIANCES Wlll with 737 1190 800 EIGHT BAR STOOLS black vinyl top good condition $10 ea Telephone 726 0394 after WATER PuMP hp Briggs Stratton gas used 150 hours Top condition $190 Telephone 7261950 CHESTERFIELD AND chair blue with Silver background Good condition Reasonable 728 7933 41bit and actors All wood construction can BOAT REPAIRS slots of drusor mirror AND SUPPLIES drawer chest headboard woodcut finaln f°°tb°°d Woodon uldu townieiii m°ttztzl 7264950 IARRIE Inn JY7H Segre Itch Shillr To Iluutntlonl GULL ROCK MARINA TF PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 body work Not certiled $350 as is Vier Is 0005 ft fully sprinklered transport at 6th or 7th concession Only mlles 850900 and gm Wk loading 6006 we Tglephqnenbrwso north of Georgian Mall books toys smles nonh Bar on Lake utilities ant apï¬12 rmmnilsggg doors 14H 18 it clear part of large ex 375 htELVRCURdYtRIBEAU 51 garden tools some furniture plantS Simcoe between 5th 6th of We also pay top dollar er Ir 726 7076 afterSD pandmgmdréréa 1726 giant al shï¬irs poevsery siéehng bower brakes 22 983 sauma June Oro Dry slips available for used Furniture IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on now home 033 Saggnaw suitable Tor retalit Excellentcondition Telephone 728 8552 summer and year round an 901mlle your new paynwm For nYanufacturing or warehousemg Heat 74 MONTE CARLO LANDAU 350 and Apphonces Sformatron call Mr Iarvis 736 6805 24 and hydro Included $600 momth on power and silver black velour in our SerVice Bayhem Telephone Ow Manuel terior swivel buckets excellent cond BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and v15 7003 000 eme Ws ca FOR SALE bedroom semi detached homes for rent STORAGE AVNLABLE Small or 737 2190 Your auhonzed Broadlwm garage on year lease large units Innisfil St Jacobs Terrace Mercury OutboardS Utilitics extra First and ast mcnthsd Shorter Ion erm 737 63 41020 ud bu usru STEEL FOR SALE 7281952 Marlene knowles representing Murray STORE 0R OFF ICE TM 700 51 031 Ways Realty Ltd In 9°36 737 735 84 Dunlop St Telephone 755 8686 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone I977 BLUEFIN 14ft aluminum fishing IN stoltr FINANCING My2629H boat With 1977 10 hp Mercury motor ICBIIETIFIClUded Telephone 737 3377 16 FIBREGLASS BOAT 65 hp Mercury trailer sleeper seats pews bench seat buit in tank sills and iackets included $2900 or best ctfur 737 3857