Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1979, p. 13

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VVE RS ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED COIORED APPLIANCES TENNIS COURT lThouoos to root PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neighborhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 TThSTF BEDROOM downtown with garage utilities and appliances not included 726 7676 after 5pm IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes for rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsd rent required $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636or 737 2351 TOWNHOUSE for rent three bedrooms baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 THREE BEDROOM home fully broadloomed fridge and Stove utilities not included first and last months rent $325 monthly Telephone 728 8192 Bayfield and Cundles Four bedrooms two washrooms attach ed garage available immediately 5320 monthly Barrie 728 0130 or 416 453 7991 NEW BEDROOM house with sunken living room separate dining room par tlally finished basement Also garage 8375 plus utilities 726 3257 TWO THREE and FOUR bedroom houses available immediately in downtown area Rent ranging $150 $275 726 3257 BEDROOM HOME Angus $205 per month Phone 726 7704 after BEDROOM HOUSE for rent close to Kempenfelt Bay 5250 per month plus utilities garage Telephone 726 9393 to 4prn LARGE THREE BEDROOM luxury townhouse conveniently located on Blake Street broadloomed Includes rec room four appliances intercom garage heat utilities cable TV private driveway 726 0293 evenings THREE BEDROOM HOME on Bradford St Close to everything $318 per month Available June lst Call 416 2941672 FOUR BEDROOM two storey far mhouse iust outside Barrie large familyrsized kitchen two bathrooms two car garage with all modern conve niences $350 monthly Responsible peo ple only Call 416 8571236 TWO BEDROOM bungalow for rent in Angus walking distance to stores and post office Reasonable rent available June Telephone 728 7606 THREE BEDROOM House for rent downtown area Telephone 726 1346 THREE BEDROOM House quiet loca tion Available June 1st 5350 per month Phone 726 4514 or 728 9933 after 600 RENTAL TO Responsible Tenant Lovely bedroom bungalow on large wooded lot pool and fountain separate dining room recreation room stone fireplace in living room close to all conveniences $350 per month months in advance Call Lois Stansfield 728 8082 representing Canada Trust or 726 3261 FOUR BEDROOM large modern kit Chen on acres of land between Barrie and Alliston $300 per month Phone 458 9579 THREE BEDROOM Bungalow electric heat broadloom fireplace garden $325 plus utilities Telephone 436 2448 THREE BEDROOM semi detached house fully broadloomed 17 miles north of Barrie $225 monthly plus utilities Available July 835 2203 notoll $150 MONTHLY First and last required Small two bedroom house No pets Children welcome Call 726 8889 alter pm Cedar Park Little Lake THREE BEDROOM House close to Georgian College References Call after 430 on weekdaysphone 737 1825 RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY bedroom home on acre lot in Thornton 24 ft living room dining room playroom and lots Telephone 458 9872 19houses wanted to rent WANTED THREE HOMES TO lease for minimum period of two years These homes should be between 1700 to 2200 sq ft with bedrooms and car garages If you are thinking of leasing Your home please call Harry Magill Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 20rooms to let LARGE ROOMS suitable for two peo ple also single rooms snared kitcher Telephone 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT in top of house share kitchenwashroom with one other female Phone 726 4230 days 726 6635 evenings CLEAN MODERN furnished rooms central kitchen bath and living room parking available downtown Hamilton Realty 737 1000 ROOMS TO RENT house privileges Allandale district $25 week Young female or college student preferred Phone728 8138 ROOM FOR rent by the week Prefer Tably working person Lunches packed ffelephone 737 0812 LARGE FURNISHED Bed Sitting room with TV close to downtown For further mformation call728 7583 CLEAN FURNISHED room for rent linens supplied and changed 520 weekly Centrally located Telephone 726 8358 or 728 8484 alter In 21 room and board ROOM AND BOARD for young lady Close to Georgian College Unlurnished orlurnlsned Cal728 502s anytime ROOM AND BOARD Ferris Lane area Lady preferred Telephone 737 0070 23otfices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F ple St Available anytime 7281743till pm 6399 after pin MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc eupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff STORE FOR RENT moo square feet parking facilities for more information 211128 71823after 11am 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned office space for rent with parking spots avallablelmmediately Telephone 7267130 NEW OFFICE SPACE for lease July Ist 400 square feet fully serviced and finished In the Welham industrial Park Phone 726 9791 days SPACIOUS and BEDROOM LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM UNDER CONSTRUCTION CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB year lease available RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE hALALATA byKKNEFF 23 offlcu sforos for root OFFICE SPACE for rent in attractive downtown building Individual offices only Modest rent Free parking Re ception services and photo copying if re quired Telephone Miss Tubman 726 9021 OFFICES 367 sq iii éentral air heat hydro block from Points Main floor $380 monthly 726 1771 Viau OFFICE SPACETor Tent 58 Collier Street carpeted Parking available TSEPMT 9919 EXCELLENT ATION busy Highway 11 in Allandale 2000 square feet commercial space for offices or small business 728 0555 or 728 3706 after 600 pm and weekends NEW BUILDING 1100 square feet lots of parking prestige commercial area Bell Farm Road next to Duckwortn cloverleaf Call 726 0231 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloff WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included $475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ft 18 ft clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manufacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Bayfield Street Telephone Oro Mobile YJ57008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units lnnisfil StJacobs Terrace Short or long term 737 1606 424 1020 STORE OR OFFICE for rent 700 sq ft 84 Dunlop St Telephone 75578686 amto6pmor2610160after6pm SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq ft fronting on Bell Farm Road can be finished for office or warehousing Available im mediately Call 7282 COMMERCIAL SPA FOR RENT On main Street Cookstown Phone 458 9294 or458gt962707fiw AA WW Jim 25garages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Oro Mobile YJ5 7008 GARAGE WANTED sterage Barrie area Long term Call 7265747 26acCommodations to Share GENTLEMAN WANTED to share three bedroom townhouse $165 month CBJ RISEEEiBi56filL€f°PlE WILL SHARE my furnished three bedroom townhouse $155 plus utilities Call 77239700 or 726 2990 for Gail 27cottages to rent AND BEDROOMS seasonal beach inside conveniences marina facilities trailer lots Oro 48772427 4873827 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages Excellent swimming fishing Boats available Dunchurch Weekends for $95 $115 eekly436 26 for rent nished or un furnished on acres Swimming pool pond river All utilities included 5225 per month Willow Park Motel Old Highway 11 mile south of hwy 93 728 8706 or 737 4979 28cottages for sale FRENCH RlVER separate fully ser viced and furnished cottages on large lot with 700 waterfront located next to golf course Privacy and beautiful view Ideal for partnership of or families Asking 542500 Contact Jack Vaughan RR No Alban 705 857 2012 30IESOITS CAMPGROUND HUNTSVILLE ALGONQUIN PK AREA 40 private sites 80 acres Excellent fishing on 3000 ft lot swimming shoreline Maintain own and pay only $100 per season Jarvis 7266805 My 31 COTTAGES trailer park Cecebe Burks Falls playground trampoline fishing beach Murray Valiquette 77726 0617 32cars for sale AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 95719 am 9pm I973 CAPRI V6 low miles excellent condition certified 51750 7281449 anytime I976 COR DOBA black with black landau roof white feather buckets console power steering brakes Seat and win dows cruise control AMFM radials sunroof factory air 728 4086 1976 TR7 speed air conditioning AM FM 29000 miles $4500 Call after pm 737 2027 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS new brakes and front end new paint 350 engine door Will certin Asking $2250 728 7406 1974 MAVERICK DOOR Phone for price 737 3687 1978 HONDA WAGON very low mileage fully loaded Must sell 726 8638 after6pm 1972 DODGE POLARA 3w automatic two door hard too good condition 5500 466 2309 1972 TORONADO fully loaded front wheel drive power all around iust cer tified new front end new transmission excellent buy Must sell 728 8381 1979 PONTIAC LEMANS V6 5000 kilometres power steering power brakes $6400 or best offer 726 3097 1976 DODGE ASPEN A1 condition mostly highway driven 50000 miles Will certify Asking $3200 Phone 7373455 197 PONTIAC STATION WAGON one owner good condition $1400 or best of fer 720 7353 I974 DELTA ea ROYAL 57500 Iactory air AMFM tape power steering brakes windows trunk seats Cruise control tinted windows Mags new radials Must sacrifice Make an offer 7268573 I97STHUNDERBIRD one owner Has all options 48000 miles Call evenings 109p rn 728 4631 1964 CHEV 283 motor good tUnnIng condition good body 5200 as Is Telephone 436 2787 1977 HONDA HATCHBACK standard asking $3400 45 mpg 67000 kilometres new batter muffler and front tIIes Call 728 9pm 32mforufu 1972 DODGE CHARGER SE real sharp model One owner car Excellent condition Certified $1550 Call 726 9653 after6pm 1977 TRANS AM brown tan interior 44000 miles extras Must sell Best of fer Telephone 728 1860 70LTD air conditioning power steering brakes Must sell $300 or best offer Telephone 726 4769 19710LDS CUTLASS automatic power steering and brakes Good condition Certified $1150 Telephone 728 0957 I970 OLDS 442 convertible Power brakes steering windows Bucket seats console automatic Good condition Ask Ing 51700 4451975 1973 COUGAR XR7 immaculate condi tion garage kept lady driven This car must be seen to be appreciated Was not driven last winter 52000 certified 1361180 after I973 FORD WAGON Country Squire radio mags radial tires excellent con dttion Inside and out Certified Asking $1450 Apply 81 Fraser Sf Angus or 424 1977 1976 COUGAR XR7 351 power steering power brakes blue with vinyl roof all gauges light grouping good tires 37000 miles Body in excellent condition 466 2930 after 4pm 1973 VEGA STATION WAGON needs some body work 5300 or best offer Telephone 737 2792after 530 pm 1973 OLDSMOBILE 70000 miles power steering brakes air conditioned ex cellent condition certified new radials 51650 Telephone 436 4589 after pm 77 OLDS CUTLASS Salon factory air PW PS tilt steering wheel trailer hitch new radials Must sell $4995 Call 737 1039 33ca rs WantedVtobuy COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highesitrprices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TOP PRICE for top cars Take MOtOrs Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 728 8111 TRACY WANTS cars and tricks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 84877 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie llon da Auto Sales 17 Gowanist726 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any time 4363900 STILL PAYfiqGnignést prizes the area for scrap cars and trucks For im mediate pick upcall7261483 or 322 1115 34trucks and trailers 1978 34 TON FORD PICKUP dark blue 48000 kilometres stepup bumper 351 engine V8 power steering power brakes radio poor rubber 10000 miles left $5950 72876421 aftero pm 73 FORD WINDOW VAN Very cTeBn certified $1450or best offer 726 5721 1974 DODGE SPORTSMAN window van 360 automatic power steering power brakes airrconditioning good condition $2500 Will certify 17445 0126 1976 GMC WINDOW VAN AI condition heavy duty suspension 350 auto power steering power brakes 40000 miles Certified Good van to convert to camper Telephone 7371931 anytime 1971 DODGE VAN cylinder automatic good running condition $1100 or bestoffer Telephone 728 8160 36auto accessories SIX CAT TRACK 11 15tires five white spoke rims KEYSTONE all for Dodge Ramcharger like new $450 Telephone 456 2459 TWO N50 15 FIRESTONE SUPER SPORTS on deep dish 10 rims $250 Can be seen at Penetang St Apt after4pm BUICK 400 motor andvtransmission $150 or best offer 737 4962 3799 TFYFSS 1975 YAMAHA ENDURO 250 excellent condition phone Mark after 430 pm 424 1522 1975 CAN AM 250 rebuilt engine new clutch Phone Bob after 430 pm 4246299 1978 YAMAHA ENDURO 250 asking $1150 Call 7371100 days 7282966 evenr ings askfor Dennis 1976 YAMAHA xs 750 7000 mines needs some engine work Best offer Telephone 726 1590 ask for Joe HONDA CB 350cc stroke very quick New tires chain sprockets battery good condition Only $550 lnlcudes back rest crash bar and matching helmets Phone Ian or George at 7281675 or lablfCIBeFW model $2600 Telephone 3221835 1974 450 KAWASAKI Moto Cross single cylinder can be licenced Good condi tion $675 or trade for best road bike 4363760 40urtlclosforulo DIRECT FROM FACTORY SALE Discontinued HARDY GLENWOOD PRODUCTS last years patterns TRAYS MUGS TUMBLERS ALL AT V2 7ch MAPLE lEAF PLACE MATS rogular $250 ouch NOW ONLY $100041 or for $5 GOURMET RECIPE BOOKS Regular $10 ouch NOW ONLY $395 ouch FACTORY HOURS aln to pm Mon to Frl 128 BROCK ST BARRIETThSJU9 huIIllm SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our off season special of $1355 00 Pools come with walk around deck patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and informa tion call toll treel 800 268 5970 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice of styles meeting all fenc ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call toll free 800 268 5970 PINE FURNITURE Custom made solid wood furniture reasonable rates Coffee tables dining room tables etc 737 1039 PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Various sizes Brochures available Vivian Bell RR Shanty Bay Phone 728 5283 RAILWAY TIES for sale Wholesale price square or round Good quality long 737 0086 Gasoline Alley SENSATIONAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GXIOO $4 lost WT 93 and gate froo 12 RCAXLIOO for Oldy 400 wkly starting June 79 Onoillour dollvory KRAZY KELYS Next door to Mouttun HIGHWAY 90 FEINDALE 461 DUNLOP 7371102 TF 728241 FRALICK ALUMINUM Will spruce up your home with our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4361830 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Solos and Sorvico Frau Homo Dornonstro tions 18AIianco Blvd Unit 19 7283392 CARPET INSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Sorvicos Work guaranteed Free estimates Call 7372193 ALLJET CHIMNEY SWEEPS No MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALLW PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALK STEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanshlp Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 SHORTRUN OFFSET COPY PRINTING PHOTO COPIES TYPING WDUPLICATING SERVICES 7260955 DRESSES FIT If made by JOSIE AQUINO Spociollzlng in pantsuits gowns and olfora tlons 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Shoot motol work Martin Vorsfroton Now Lowoll 4241956 Stuart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7209457 TF TIFFIN FENCEFences supplies and Install ed Specializing in residential chain link Work guaranteed 7264131 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boots snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Lovi wintor rates Warkmonship guaranteed 4245802 FIREPLACES VIC WATSON Flroplocos and masonry For free utim ates phone 7281599 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Spociollzlng in natural stone and antique brlck using bollfires Workmonship guaranteed Polar Honstra 7372871 FIREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FFREE DELIVERY 4872113 CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions lmney repairs drywall all masonry needs For quality work call John 7280041 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cloonod rubbish removed cash for used appliances Gord 4365414 SPRING CLEANUP Viflndows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup Rubbish removal small moving iobs Exterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873141 Ju7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun lt5Need help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you lt1 of the finest lob possible mm unmomt Residential Industrial Cleaning To Service With Womans Touch 20Years in Janitorial Business Speciallzlng In All Fields 0352449 FERTILIZING wood spraying mowing Iod dlfl soodlng ufc Vic Triomstro 7282909 Wood opraing fertilizing rosults entrantJ Wood Man 7372721 FERTILIZING WEED SPRAYING mowing sodding sooding Also rec rooms finished 7372717 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chlmnoy ro air FlropIocos specialty Froo estimate 705 4245158 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Morcol Potvin Gultar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ bogin nor and advanced Two months trial Instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music I21 Bayfield 728I799 PRGESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Two openings coll GARY 7269098 PIANO LESSONS given by Anne Looper ARCT Prepare for Royal Conservatory ox arm 7374743 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating ln torior oxforlor Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7264225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371 295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteod 7266800 PAINTING PAPER hanging oxporlonced Froe osfimdtos JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 UNIVERSITY PAINTING The organized student painters II rained staff Ingoing supervison and quality paintsl Backed with two year written guarantee Call 7370502 Jul4 PAINTER FULLY EQUIPPED low rates satisfaction guaranteed Free estimates Telophone 7281232 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable asti matos Telephone 7371087 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phono 7283270 51 PETEHS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD Hot Asphalt lDENIIAL INDUSTRIAL uspholt Osooling purliing lots tonnis courts ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK patio floor otc EXCAVATING pond pool on CAIPENTIY rough fillshod ROOFING Tm SERVICE 24 hour service 7261451 PAVING ODRIVEWAYS OCOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OQNCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 JIMMERfiJZ 1W LTD oDriveways 0Parking Lots Tennis Courts OConcrele Work FREE ESTIMA TES WRITTEN UA RA TEE 7260081 Serving Simcoe Coun Since 1961 MAKE YOUR IDEAS reality Custom carved wood signs and furniture Knocking On Wood 48745533 am pm STUCCO typos lNTERIOR OEXTERIOR ORDER for spring and summer completion FREE ESTIMATES RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY 7234392 TV AND RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes ondmodoll 4246181 RICKS WATER SERVICE SPECIALTY Swimming Pools Above ground In Ground Lawn Sod Watering Road Construction Farm Needs dotions ronovatlons additions Phone EXAMINER ML 7261059 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in In turlor work Rec rooms kitchens bofh roamPuninnIInIshwork7269001 PLASTER REPAIR Fancy moulds artistic CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED wlfh celllngs decorative walls apply on almost ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial ronovofions codar docks bathroom fIIlng any 1170 KONG FIGS Olfimalast and Residential Free estimates Tolophono ruc rooms etc Telephone 7261271 7764612 7281914 40 articles for sale 40mIclu for solo 40 articles for solo 40ortlclu for 3qu ABBOTT 22 Performance sailing NOW SALE PRICED 17 Mulenu SI 40 articles fur sale TV TROUBLE 50 on all parts used to repair your TV in your home during May Call now and savel WVT LICENSED TECHNICIANS Call the professionals 01 BARRIE YVI APPLIANCES 33 Dunlop St 7204297 TThSJUS PIANO BABY GRAND A1 throughout 51750 Telephone 416 281 1796 BICYCLES TRICYCLES and sizes re conditioned repairs made 726 0850 USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Amber glow charcoal and feat grill Hava Java 85econd automatic and Bunomatic coffee electro freeze Slush all types re painted sweedetle ice cream Schaefer floor freezer fryers stainless steel milk coolers Berkel chicken barbecue micro wave shopping carts boothS many new tables and chairs By order Best offer 728 8381 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cal JIM 7372432 TF CEDAR POSTS for sale varied sizes Clothesline polesfor sale 17 726 2963 KENMORE WASHER months old DRYER months 5500 for pair Telephone 728 3104 alters 26 in ZENITH CHROMOCOLOR TV with remote control 57 yrs old ex cellent conditlon Asking $400 Call 7266006after4pm BRAND NEW 20 PORTABLE color television RCA XL100 solid state 5450 SOLAR mums for oohunhlg pools ON SALE 7282268 IAIIIL TThSJu26 Barrie firniture BED SALE 40 articles for 3an RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE DELIVERED 7281952 My3l ELECTROHOME 6000 BTU air condi tioner one year old 5275 Telephone 737 0627 after5307pm MAY CLEARANCE on all name brand mattresses and beds SAVE 40 Twin size mattress and box spring $8666 BARRIE MATTRESS 15 Dunlop St East downtown Barrie GAS BARBECUE ARKLA portable on Chrome base complete with two Shelves rotisserie and gas line hook up $200 firm 728 6481 evenings weekends WHISPERING PINES cement statues variety of lawn and garden ornaments Highway 93 mile south of Craighurst Open days week TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Eloctronlr tuning now $849 Order tonita got free 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting June79 KRAZY KELLYS now next to Meotmon Highway 90 Furn dolo7371182 TF BOX TRAILER 4x8 14 tires $150 ALSO gas dryer good condition 535 Phone 728 6532 after pm 3M PHOTO COPIER VQC II like new 51800 Telephone 7373844 during Office hours HYDRAULIC LOG SPLITTER self contained unit with gas engine and hydraulic pump and controls New Telephone 726 0454 BEDROOM SUITE queen size live piece artificial fireplace antique ebonized frUItwood china cabinet BARBECUE 1966 PONTIAC two door hardtop TV aerial Movlng must sell 436 2333 SONY STEREO Somationol AMKFM rociovor custom tumtoblo 5343 Got Iroo spoakors Under Skafy starting Juno79 KRAZY KELLYS now noxt door to Moatman Ono hour delivery Highway 90 Fam dalo 737132 1F DINETTE SUITE buffet fable and four chairs dark wood Asking $200 or best offer Telephone 728 7835 after BALL TYPE ElectrIc Typewriter three years old good condition 5400 Telephone 726 9556 IENIYH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 30 solid state only $598 Under $6 wkly Starting June79 Order fonite got free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 YF ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER full office size Underwood Forum French English keyboard Asking $250 Call 72676256 pm GAS STOVE S600 Washer and gas dryer $600 One year old in excellent condition Telephone 737 INGLIS Twin Tub Washer in good can ditionPhionre7276 5289 BRAIDED RUG orange and brown S35 Orange Sheers 120 83 S20 Exercise bike excellent condition $457Phone 726 5309 after530 pm ITONDA 300 GENERATOR NEw set Stake mount camper fastener frame mount camper fasteners for Ford or GMC Tire carrier front mount cover set camper mirrors camper stabilizer shocks 436 2712 after BEDROOMSUITE aaubtésox spring and mattress with headboard triple dresser mirror with lamps bureau $140 cgmplete Pingnie7264235r GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE $25 All metal barbecue with rotisserie warm ing oven and electric starter $30 Term 797 1349 fillet Prn TWO SUMMER TIRES 67815 like new $35 737 1743 4lboats and motors BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fbroglau TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 DARRIE Jy7H CANOES or Pointed Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Royalox Canvas Aluminum Kayaks Complete Stock of accessories Trades occoplod HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia0ntario 7053255141 $30 GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Dry slips available summer and year round CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Morcruiser Dealer Ju2 005 4072122 RES 7260032 1972 STARCRAFT HARDTOP trailer Sleeps Six $600 12 foot sterling aluminum cartop boat WITH HP Johnson with remote gas tank and cars $500 424 5845 NORTH STAR 600 Hughesl 26 sailboat Inboard Volvo diesel With salldrve sails steel cradle Inventory on request Like new LyIng Barrie 519500 705I 728 8715 18 It 1961 WItn works WOODEN BOAT 40 Ill Johnson motor electric start trailer Will pull water skIer good$450 7265721 set cruiser with trailer Ilfe lines Honda 75 726 7374 evenringvsteekends I3 itf FIBRE GLASS BOATsTeEring Wheel and speedometer fold down bucket seats Ideal for water skiing Price $375 Telephone Hawkestone 487 3017 FOR SALE 1976 SR 240 SEA RAY 24 ft camper top trim tabs and other exe tras Sleeps Phone 549 8434 after 630 pm area code 705 22FT CHRIS CRUISER mahogany in board outboard completely equipped head galley fresh water tank preservers camper back Excellent con dition Trailer available extra Telephone 728 8170 or 737 3118 42a rticleswanted CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 72671663 evenings 726 3162 WILL BUY house contents Bran useful items or will trade Telephone 728 1311 STLVER COINS wanted pay $400 for eYeIY517919900119135985 WANTED TO BUY house trailer and flute must both be in good condition and reasonably priced also medium sized Fenlaskstifilfléi Illdogs and pets MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 47 homo Improvements DAFFON KENNELS Specializing In Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson 0n tario Telephone 7058355223 BARRIE POODLE SalonTsnampooIng and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRiMMING prOTéSSional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pups ex cellent breeding CKC registered Telephonel 416 775 3043 Bradford TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 SIAMESE IIITTENS blue point weeksoldTelephone1 116 729 2357 FemalE ourebreo OCD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG 172 years old 575 Moving must sell Telephone 424 9786 47 hone Ingrovononts RENOVATIONS FRAMING Bricklay ing plumbing yard work All at reasonable prices Free estimates 7267093 GB HANDMAN Carpentry small plumbing clean up Reasonable rates Telephone 726 487 sogarden supplies FTC GARDEN CENTRE HWY 93 CROWN HILL Fertilizers Bulbs Seeds Berries Fruit trees Evergreens Shade trees Roses Shrubs Perennials Box plants 75 Fhono 7104296 CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 7263928 or 726 1117 Jy4 EARTH AND FILL FREE Telephone 723 ms 54ser and rep TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed service within 30 mile radius of Barrie gall STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 457 GENERAL CONTRACTWORK on Co tract or management basis custom homes stores offices rec rooms alterations and renovations Telephone 7371954 ELE LC LL 517593192 aegisem TRAILER RENTALS Hardtrop and cabin models by week or longer Scotts Gulf Service Centre Victoria St Alliston 705 4357464174341 1974 20 PROWLER tandem wheels three piece bath sleeps six fridge stove hot water heater furnace builtin radio and tape deck excellent condition 7282950 after 1975 GLEND TRAILER tandem axle 17 sleeps six equipped excellent condition Asking $3600 Telephone 43672714 WOODS HAR TOP camper sleeps or spare tire 10 12 canopy 5950 Telephone 4241219 Mon to Fri AVAILABLE FORrent Lionel hardtop camper in new condition Sleeps six Has 3way fridge burner stove sink 776392w I971 TAGALONG Hardtop Camper sleeps six fold up table new catalytic heater and lantern good condition Telephone 7282950 after pm SAHARA HARDTOP Camper sleeps six Two burner stove fridge in good condition 5750 Telephone 436 1444 after 600 pm 514 WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals for tree removal Call anytime collect 705 3269243 Slmcoe Recycling HORSES BOARDED Excellent can Track trails daily turn outs Just out sideBarrie 4365624 EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding 163 hands high has been shown successfully at CHSA approved shows good mover bold lumper 72611581 HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale due May 18 from listed herd Telephone 7281297 THREE year old chestnut Arabian gelding Sound no vices must Sell Ask WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING Serving You The Farmer 3269243 Call collect IF 59fpoultrrychicksr DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 FZEEEfsJieifiiéfi PASTURE FOR RENT for 20 head near Cookstown Call Andrew Hazlett 4584510evenings 64farm machinery 12 HP BOLENS tractor with mower snow blower and garden tiller 51500 Lelepllonenfl 1311 FoRSKLEJ INTERNATIONAL Super tractor and Scuffler in good condition Phone 322 1770 68personals TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime MOTEEA 3Sycnlc and caridflreiading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 727876581 if you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 47 hm Inprovotnonts SUPERIOR ROOFING SYSTEMS INTRODUCES replace all missing shingles seal down all loose shingles seal or repair flashings on dormers repair broken ridge caps repair valleys eovestrough smokestacks $9 damaged seal around RESTOREAROOF for residential homes Heres what we will do for your roof reg seal around sanitary pipes seal around air vents 10 seal around chimney flashings ll secure loose nails 12 check for blocked downspouts 13 secure all loose flashings 14 damaging tree branches 15 remove old TV on tennas complete 7263096 ALL LABOUR MATERIAL GUAIANTEED ALSO THE COST OF YOU lESTOIEAIOOF FULLY DLDUCTED FROM THE 151 OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM SHOULD YOU EVER NEED ALUMINUM SIDING CEDAR SHINGLES SPECIALISTS LOOK FOR COMMERCIAL It INDUSTRIAL RESTOREAROOF COMING SOON TThSJu5 sagain Tundeem 291979 60pin WOWE IS IN BARRIE flout WOMENS OPPORTUNITY WITH ELECTIOLIIX 7103392 TTF BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430pm and Thursday 630 930 pm 7374222 726 9N0 E19236 JAMES Psychic Reader Private con sultation psychic parties aura por traits Call evenings Mon Thurs 737 4300 RELAiATION THERAPY FUN Mr Hot Tubs from Northern White Plne PAULS HOT TUBS IOro 407 3612 CHAIN LETTERS How do you feel when you get them Call Lori Cohen Ex aminer reporter at 726 6537 and tell her what you think of them MEETING dealing with the TRANSPORTATION for the PHYSICALLY DISABLED on May 29th at 730 pm Sunnidale Community Cen tre SPEAKERS from The Ontario March of Dimes and Association for the Physically Disabled Any Interested per son welcome For further Information 728 3920 CHAIN LETTERS How do you feel when you get them Call Lori Cohen Ex aminer reporter at 726 6537 and tell her what you think of them CUNDLES HEIGHTS Hockey Draw 1979 Winners are Mrs Middleton Barrie 5500 Mrs Shaw Barrie 5100 Mrs Moosang Barrie 550 Mr Tset sonis Barrie 25 Mr Booth Hawkestone $25 Winning ticket seller ClaireWatson$25 GARRY BAVERSTOCK of Findlay Road RR No Barrie will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name from this date forward May 29th 1979 without my written consent 71 hulp wanted SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ORO TWP PINNISFIL TWP OFLOS TWP WASAGA BEACH TINY TWP Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF 4177 70 Ioooumor ST 7269933 ASK us ABOUT MGM Relocation Sorvicos AM REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED In You Hgfly Whoro You Aro Consider company that Is small personal and friendly An active broker means that he understands your problems and is in close touch with the market Add to this well rounded ongoing training program and you have good basis for success For personal interview call Ron at 7269933 Ron Jones Realty Ju29l CITY OF ORILLIA roguhol Police Constable QUALIFICATIONS Grade 12 physically fit GOOD salary and benefits APPLICATIONS for the above position may be obtained by writing to the office Of the CHIEF OF POLICE Orllliu Police Forco 66 Peter St South Orllio Ontario 581 Closing date for applications June leh 1979 My29 TYPEWRITER TECHNICIAN Required for Barrie area Must be experienced an element machines Knowledge of electronics preferred Send resume to WHITFIELD OFFICE OUTFITTERS LTD 62 COLIOINE ST OIILLIA ONTARIO LJV Am Idor MIN7332 30 ADVERTISING SALES PROMOTION Challenge for person who accepts responsibility in Adv SalesPromotion vorbal presentations Sales both national and local Remuneration based on experience Must havo automobile Toll mo about yourself In your resume Apply in writing to 00X 45 THE EXAMINER DARRIE GENERAL ASSISTANT required for denture clinic Applicants should have general knowledge of laboratory pro cedures pertaining to denture construc fton Experience an asset but not necesSIty Reply stating experience and salary expected to Box A42 Barrie Ex amlner kAAH

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