VWm Your business mmr Noose wont end violence Capital punishment has raised its head again with the ex ecution last week of convicted murderer in Florida prison In Canada the last execution took place when two murderers were hanged in Torontos lion Jail in I962 In 1976 capital punishment was abolished by vote of parliament The issues should be closed Yet pressure remains for return to the death penalty Joe Iark prime ministerelect Vttltfl for abolition in lt7i He has also said he wont block private members bill to reinstate the death penalty If that happens anada may have to decide again about capital punishment In our view capital punishment is not the answer There is no factual Widenee to show that capital punish ment deters violence Restoring capital punishment will not end senseless killing in this or any other country It didnt help in the past nor would it in the future What Would help is more knowledge of why some people commit the greatest crime What Would help is more control over those who might kill Finding and removing handguns from the public at large would also help apital punishment does none of these It is not understanding it is not control it is not even com pensation for family of murder victims apital punishment is primitive levenge and has no place in civilized society barrie landmarks Although not built until the l860s pp Ui Iii 31 the Caldwell house Is designed In the Georgian style with some NeoClassical Influence showing In the fanlight over the doorway and paired arched windows The homes first owner William Caldwell owned blacksmith and carriage shop In town Drawing courtesy of Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Its always fun to dream about what you would do if you won the top prize in lottery or came into sudden wealth in some other way But seriously would you know what to do with substantial amount of money sum that was well up into five figures say or even six When person has that much money to work with it opens up whole new range of risks and rewards that are generally outside the investment scope of the majority whose choice tends to be limited to outlets such as stocks bonds annuities and the like Theres guidanpv for the newly rich as well as for struggling middle class the revised ition of Its Your Money jus published by Methuen 190 pages $795 BE MORTGAGOR One suggestion of the editors is to turn the tables and collect on mortgages which they say are becoming increasingly attractive to individual investors Look for the iopquality mortgages guaranteed by Central Mortgage and Housing Corp CMHC or under the National Housing Act NHAI usually in packages of $50000 or more The editors point out that they can be at tractive to anyone wanting long term guarlt we want your opinion Something on your mind Send lotth to the Editor Please make it original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned Iot tors but tfyou wish pen homo will be used Include your telephone number and address as we havl to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to odt condense or roioct letters Latter to the Editor are run every day on the odtoriai pogo Send your to letters to the liter Thinbu mom MILOt How the welloff invest for profit anteed source of income that pays interest rates higher than the banks pay on normal deposits However the most widely held mortgages are the vendortakeback type person selling house takes back mortgage often second or even third mortgage and frequently at less than the going interest rate The vendor may then sell the mortgage at substantial discount to bring the effective yield up to current market rates Such transactions are handled by mortgage brokers But remember the editors warn mortgages are not normally very liquid investments REAL PROPERTY favorite longterm investment of the moneywise is real property land and buildings because the value has generally risen at least as quickly as overall price levels Just now rent controls in most provinces have made residential property investment less attractive even prohibitive In the long run however landlords and bankers always seem to be winners Investment in real commercial property is becoming easier for the small investor according to the editors of Its Your Money The small investor can put his money into syndicate of other small investors and get professional advice in buying and managing property Raw land is good investment for most people in the long run The politics of housing development however are such that it takes plenty of time to turn raw land into really profitable uses COLLECTORS ITEMS What about investing in hobbies such as coins stamps and art Some people have invested heavily in these collectibles and reaped big rewards But such investments require specialized knowledge and they tend to be illiquid that is its much harder to find buyer than to find seller Even valuable work of art by recognized painter may not bring you the price you paid for it if you should be forced to sell it at particular time The problem is that the price you can get for all but the very best and most expensive items of this kind is affected by numerous factors over which you have no control the book warns Essentially they are all luxuries and when theres not much money around theres even less money around to pay for them WI By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Prime Ministerelect Joe Clark may appear to be relaxing as he wanders around the manicured grounds of Jasper Park Lodge but suspect he still lies awake at night worrying about the formation of his new cabinet Its not going to be an easy process for the youngest prime minister in Canadas history In fact this initial decisionmaking dilemma may be the most difficult that Clark will face during his first term in office Once he jumps this hurdle he will have an entire cabinet to help him with subsequent difficulties Clarks most obv10us problem is getting adequate Quebec representation into new Conservative cabinet As he and his party were swept into office Tuesday Quebec voters gave them only two Tories and one of them Heward Grafftey has an English speaking background These two men cer tainly cant fulfill Clarks ambition of having ministers who can reflect contemporary Quebec In his bid to get efficient Backgrounder Brian Marr tlll sanitary SkillM7 EDITORS The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at ADVERTISING jugmggg COMPOSING ROOM mad Circulations ABC only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories Elm unnlgo 96 tun Sevlck manager 3M3 nghlflmnHM Jack KerneyJoreman Pub hazy gym this newspaper credited to The Assocualed Press Reuters or Agence 35 gSALES Dew Mls Glenn Kwan asst foreman gammy mlldays France Presse and local news stories published In the Examiner Smith Vikki Grant 0° Saunders NEWSROOM skvms Brenda Woods Lorne Wass WEEthcezYarn°r The xaminer laims copyright on all original news and advertising material Dave Fuller way Hy Will Cadogan created by Its employees and pUhIlShld in this newspaper 28 1°79 servng banl9 and SlmCOO COUDIY CBWIO Knit steve Skinner SECUILATON Stan Wray YEARLY by carrier Stephen Nicholls 33am awnon sevgsvmï¬e manager Bull Raynor $4680 Copyright registration number 7030 register Dem MM AWN aY MAIL Barrie published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Nancy Figueroa flyaYaugmzn Janie Hamel aiortal advcrtsinq crimes as Queen St Toronto no mo Mo Cathcart Lori Cohen Susan Kitchen Montrea lb Baylield Street Barrie Ontario am no marginal 33553 sum gimme non sneer faféom Slip on aver Barbara Strigt vertser agrees at publis er sha not be liable tor damages ens BruLe Rawlond publisher Gary Forbes Freda smme FMFYI Aiken PRESSROOM MOTOR THROWOFF log out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space Betty Armor WW Don mm 341503 year tualiy occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which thr error CIICULYEW ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS Terry Field Jam Mono Fred Prince asst foreman ELSEWHERE lN CANADA curred whether such error as due tothe negligence at its senants or other Peter Hsu wise and there shalt be no llOblIlIY or non insertion ol any advertisement 7266537 7266539 7266537 72824 7266537 Emma beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Nï¬tï¬w Selection of Clark cabinet fraught with difficulties respected and strong representatives from that province the prime ministerelect must augment the material available in both the Commons and the Senate Like the Commons the Senate can tprovide only two likely can didates and b0 of them are veterans of the Diefenbaker era What Clark will be forced to do is to reach outside Parliament and appoint respected Quebecers who he hopes will eventually be elected to Parliament He might also try to encourage some Liberals to cross the floor in the name of national unity to join Con servative cabinet But there is no indication such efforts would be successful MANY AVAILABLE While the Quebec ministerial problem is the most obvious it might not be the most difficult for Clark His biggest headache will arise when he has to choose between equally deserving candidates from English Canada There is absolutely no way he can satisfy the ambitions of those upandcoming MPs many of whom have labored long and hard for ministerial recognition Will nude beaches survive NEVIOT Sinai Renter Will the nudist beaches of southern Sinai survive the onset of peace betweenEgypt and Israel doubt it says Israeli settler Moshe Ron surveying the golden stretch of desert shore that must return to Egypt under the terms of the treaty Unclad women with deepbronzed skins that lack all traces of telltale bikini patterns sprawl on the beach Across the narrow gulf of Aqaba loom the frowning yellow hills of Saudi Arabia The Egyptians have said they want to keep on running this area as holiday SCOOPS THERE WAS PARING ROBBERY TODAY IN CALIFORNIA FOUR4Ain MEN AssAilrp rawxs tuck resort says Ron 33 But they have strong religious scruples doubt if they will permit nudity Ron father of three is assistant manager of the vacation village at Neviot half way along the strip of south Sinai shore that must be handed back to Egypt within the next three years The 40 Israeli families who have settled here to run the village and adjacent agricultural enterprises are trying to decide what they want to do now The tourist village has an annual turnover of about $1 million Ron says The agricula tural side makes about the same amount OVERPOWEREP THE DRIVER AND SIPIIONED What makes the task particularly difficult is this Canadian tradition of balancing the cabinet along geographic lines Its just not politically feasible to overload the ministry With representatives from one area of the country Clarks difficulties are national in scope with the exception of Prince Edward Island where Egmont MP David MacDonald is the obvious choice for cabinet portfolio The other three PEI Conservatives are all parliamentary rookies But look at Newfoundland If there is one deserving MP you could say it is James McGrath the 46yearold consumer affairs critic who has been in the Commons with one interruption since 1957 Hes natural However there is also John Crosbie one time Liberal finance minister in Newfoun dland who became Tory MP in 1976 and has been highly effective opposition critic He has frequently been touted as future cabinet minister SIMILAR PROBLEMS There isnt space to list all the difficult choices but just look at Nova Scotia Lloyd Grouse another 1957 veteran has been Clarks critic on fisheries and he could normally expect to assume this portfolio But what about Robert Coates another prominent Nova Scotia MP who happens to be president of the party And there is Elmer Mackay the MP who exposed Skyshops wiretapping and other assorted scandals And Patrick Nowlan another Nova Scotian was leadership candidate Neither Newfoundland or NovaScotia are accustomed to having more thgibpne cabinet minister Clark could easily form an entire and well flpalified cabinet from Ontario and regar ess of how he makes the selection there are going to be at least dozen noses out of joint These are only some of the problems being pondered by Joe Clark who even before as suming office is probably realizing how lonely it can be at the top ME THE ENTIRE TANK OF GAS The World today Finding Tory foreign policy By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The great unknown in future Conservative government policymaking will be its foreign policy formation Where the new Conservative government will have financial and economic expertise aplenty for its cabinet members their parliamentary secretaries and back benchers the known Tory foreign policy skills are thin indeed The three most visible candidates for our first Conservative External Affairs Minister Since 1963 are all socalled leftofcentre or Red Tories David Macdonald from Prince Edward Island Douglas Roche from Alberta and Flora Macdonald from Kingston Their views on contentious issuts are all on the record They would oppose continued Canadian private sector investment and our continued nuclear reactor export program with the two harsh military regimes in Chile and Argentina They would be strong on more aid and technical assistance to chronically needy Third World nations to the detriment of the committed program of the outgoing Trudeau government on new aircraft and warships for our armed forces And they would want more humane federal gvernment position on Canada as haven for the likes of Chilean political ref ugees and the continued flow of boat people refugees from Communist Vietnam TWO FOREIGN POLICY JOBS In fact there are two Tory cabinet positions open for foreign policy formation These are External Affairs of course and new Ministry of Development who would be in charge of the $1 billion Canadian Inter national Development Agency program which now comes under the External Affairs Department But there are no signs that Prime Minister elect Joe Clark will select any of these three able and committed as they are for either portfolio Indeed there are enough hardliners elected inthe party more worried about the Soviet military threat and the need to beef up our armed forces and restore our role in NATO than In giving handouts as they have called them in Parliament to mercurial Third World leaders Intact Prime Ministerelect Clarks single foreign policy commitment during the election campaign could be called hard me This was his romise made April 25th to move the Cana ian Embassy in Israel from Tel Avivto Jerusalem if elected He thereby placed himself in accord with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin himself har dlmer on Jerusalem as Israels capital now and forever More essential than this is speculation as to how Joe Clark novice in world affairs will function at two complex international con ferences around the comer for him as our new Tory Prime Minister TWO SUMMITS COMING UP These are the economic summit in Tokyo beginning June 15th less than one month away and the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference in Lusaka the capital of Zambia in August Atvthat conference the very contentious issue of Rhodesias future will receive top billing Will the new British Tory government of Margaret Thatcher with their commitment to the newlyelected Rhodesian black govem ment of British Mazurewa of Rhodesia try to persuade our newlyelected Tory government to support their emerging position If Clark agreed the New Democrats with their deep commitment to the common front of guerrilla forces in black African states fighting Rhodesia including Zambia could present our new minority government with one of its first big parliamentary crisa write your mp mPP If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you wont to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too MIMI STEWART MPSimcoe South Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont GB MITGES MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont MIG NB MPSimcoe North Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont mu mm MPNollingtonDufforinSimcoo Parliath Building Ottawa Ont PIOVIClAl George Taylor MPPSimcoo Contra Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcooEost Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Georg um MPPDuftorln Simcoo Queens Park Toronto