8A the oxamlnor Friday May 25 1979 monday tv In PARTY GAME FISH TALES TIC TAc DOUGH WHATS MY LINE NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GONG SHOW EVENING MOVIES Tha BastPlaco To 80 1979 Stars Etrarn limblist Jr WflMASMM It NEWS disgusted with tho BIBIIOIIUI7 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES talkathagialmpylntvolytnkeamattarsmhiaown oat DEFINITION ADBC THEATRE House POLKA DOT DOOR Garibaldi Stroot 1979 Stars Martin Balsam 630 8° NBC NEWS MOVIE DRAMA uFflCOO 3321235 °° 552533 °° ABCNEWS oaoryisuam osms ngio Village OlHighbury Emma daughtarolmdowor NEWS Mr WoodhouaeIsayoungmtolligontboautnlul haIraIa but bit smug and has an unlortunata DIODBMIty Ior moddlanomn matchmaking 645 avlgbhl Thurston loaves KXLA to ID READALONG host New York Cltygamaahowand 655 replaced byawomanwhous victous bothto her quanta and the backngta Isotraw DATWG GA WKRFIN CINCINNATIAa public service Johnny Fever and Venus Flytrap nubmit to an alcoholdrinkmg exper ENggM AND JERRY AND $ntsogteba33n8stamus results MAIN TYLER MOORE SHOW 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE GRANT Animals analr hahavor lnuchasoitaTribunaQOrmmthnphghtalthe alibut Inrgotmn liqtnan Moran Repeat 30 BORN TO SWlNG Intros In nuing PRICE Is RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE wile musical Ihhrapy tar CCINWFIIAIV emerging Imm the DBQVISIINT This program locum on Count an III hand and summon the res and NEWLYWED GAME FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT news WilliamaandStave Coonayexplorethnworld at IC OI lira at its amoua boomer NEWS UPDATE amateur sport OntomghtaahowBnanlookout 1001 Wins temporary support Bianca Jagger wife of rock star Mick Jagger leaves superior court in Los Angeles Monday following court appearance in which the judge ordered Jagger to pay her $I2000 in temporary Photo Drama coach spices MINNEAPOLIS AP In law schools to enliven the legal hallway of the University of 8115 Minnesota law school group WORKS IN OPERA Ms Feld chor strange sounds sticking out Wilhthe MinnesotaO their tongues wriggling their pany wants to take the starch noses craning their necks out of what traditionally has stretching their arms and look been Still and StOdgy PIOfes of budding lawyers are uttering ing decidedly unlike Perry Ma SIOII son She wants to see lawyers This is law school eographer pera Com oratory suits and the Stacks of files the fore they enter the courtroom twisters unintelligible Latin phrases And She wants them under thestumnesso stand that theres more to lazy llpSI She told one Class Gone the way of powdered courtroom communicationthan wigs and stockades if Patricia Latin and Itgalese Yet she InSIsts she isnt pro Feld has anything to do with it She is one of handful of motlng melodramatics She She said The word rape drama coaches being hired by doesnt want lawyers making aurre céairJyflnqj Speclallzlng In Childrens Cuts Senior Citizen Tuesdays closed Wednesdays unm has mm momj Disability FREIGHT Specid Consideration will be yvon to Senior Citizons Mothor NloWIlteo Pensioners CALI coutcr 7252900 dont teach acting les sons she says think what were aiming at is simple ef fective communication She tries to jolt students out of their sleepy monotones and slurred pronunciations by hav stooping stretching and twist ing them practise Where are the threepiece mg the PInSlIIPed bOdIeS be exhausting array of tongue Americans have notoriously recently Saying puh puh puh puh peeee few times can help prosecutors in rape cases sounds far more ominous to Pensioners etc 001 TOWN CUSTOMEIS support Also he was to pay her medical bills not to exceed $2500 Further action in the support and divorce trial was continued to June 8th AP jury when the is stressed POSTURE IMPORTANT She also emphasizes body language and posture By stooping and stretching lawyers can increase their personal energy which adds emphasis to what they are saying She videotapes and reviews their performances in playacted hearings Sonya Hamlin who has coached Harvard Law School students in dramatics for four years thinks lawyers have be come less human in court How do lawyers and judges react to all this Theres little resistance but most lawyers favor the idea To make shopping easy In the Golden Years Senior Citizens savings Are listed for you here UNCLAIMEI Each time you add $50 to 00 our Golden Circle account youll receive one entryto =3 23 win Give us and wev SCIVIHUS loan corporation give you tUll details Contest runs tram April 23 to July Member Canada Depoalt Insurance Corporation petition HOLLYWOOD SDUARES HEADLINE HUNTERS In STAN KANN MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 also learns that She is not above blackmail Eng 60 mine THE WHITE SHADOW THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN Diana Princes true ldantityasWonderWomanbecomea known toa youngmanwhois halping hersolvathemystary olseextraterrastrialmindanatcherawhohava landed In Calilornia resort town Pt ol BEepisode 60 mins SALVAGE1 Harry Skip and Melanie auddanlytindtharnaalvasin danger when In search for landmissing ConIederata goldthapeoplaotasoutherntownmystariously turn against them in on short to guard aacrat all share 80 mins SPEAKINGOUTLileracyaRightor ivilo TCITY DISCO MOVIE DRAMA Requiem for Heavyweight 1962 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE law training sweeping theatrical gestures or plunging ino Shakespearean of using drama coaches says Kenneth Broun director of the National Institute for Trial Ad vocacy school which teaches lawyers how to argue cases in court As long as more emphasis isnt placed on style than knowledge he says there is nothing wrong with certain amount of play acting in any trial lawyers repertoire DESERTISDRY The driest spot on earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile where rainfall is barely measurable PLEASE inn amateur athletes Involved In world LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE AndyGarvayIaarnahowNalliaOIo son gets such good grades in school10d he CBC NEWS Wilmer and Edith Palmer are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday June 379 They will be receiving friends and relatives In the auditorium of Slmcoe Manor Beeton 24 pm and 79 pm NO GIFTS Dunlap at Owen 7269311 Georgian Mall MERV GRIFFIN Guests ranom do Dirk Benedict Kaye Ballard Tad Lange Jackie Vernon The Arthur Murray Dancers 1030 THIS LAND Pami II wiIa Maine at WIIGIIIB artat Glen Loates seen on IIBld trips making preparatory sketches Ior his new book and at home In his Toronto aludia 1100 romeo NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA Is The VIPs1963 99 NEWS 1120 NEWS 1127 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host David Letterman Guanta BeatriceLydacker Miller 90 mina 85° BSLATE MOVIE THE ROCKFORD FILES Just Another Polish Wedding Exvcon Gandy Fitch reminds Rocklord at their time in prison together prior to Rocktords pardon RepeatMCMILLANANDWIFEPoinlOILaW Stars Rock Hudson Susan Saint James peat MOVIE WESTERN wcCabe And Mrs Miller 1971 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC Joe Mandalson 145 BODY IN OUESTION Periahable GoodsThis episode ahowathatitwaaonlyaher doaththatthesocrelaalbodilyIunctioncouldbe revaalodthroughthedatectivaworkotthepost mortem The program asks how much 01 the modern improvement in life expectancy and health are due to doctors 60 mins 155 MOVIE COMEDYMUSICAL Beach Part 1903 12 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE ADVENTURECOMEDY Modesty Blaine 1900 12 10 BMOVIEDRAMAwz Chrome and Hot Leather 1971 00 TOMORROW In MARCUS WELBY MD 130 NEWS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 7260340