ACP ncr me 261 rt leg NEW YORK NEA Just as Neil Simon is the most prolific and successful writer of stage comedies in the US Alan Aychboum holds that distinction in England and both men are popular on both sides of the ocean Ayckbourns 18th play Bedroom Farce is delighting audiences in its American debut engagement at the Brooks Atkinson theatre here his let Jok ing Apart is doing well in London and his 22nd Sisterly Feelings con tinues its world premiere run at the Stephen Joseph theatreintheround of which Ayckboum is manag ing director in the North Sea resort town of Scarborough about 300 miles north of Lon don Earlier Ayckbourn suc cesses such as The Norman Conquests Absurd Person Singular Relatively Speaking and How The Other Half Loves are being staged everywhere and everywhere in England the US and Canada these days HUMOR DISTRESS The humor as well as distress of English middle class life about which he writes communicates as readily to North American audiences His human in sights transcend geography Despite some similarities between Simon and Ayck boum there are strong dif ferences Simon for exam ple is master of the one Iiner the gag the joke situa MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 CARTOON PLAYHOUSE Prolific British playwright Ayckboum master of emotions tion Ayckboum admits he cant tell joke successfully to save his life much less write one prefer the laugh of total recognition he explains during brief New York visit for the opening of Bedroom Farce have an affinity for the domestic situation and Im not likely to move out of it My main interest lies in the relationships bet ween people Obviously such relation ships are not all funny or not funny all the time it is balance that Ayckbourn maintains nicely in his work and hes pleased when his au diences respond to these various aspects of life Joking Apart is study of envy and jealousy and how they destroy people but within the structure of comedy After per formance man in the Lon don audience told the playwright laughed ex traordinarily all the way through it but went into the bar afterwards had drink and felt very sad for the peo ple in the play The comment pleased Ayckboum who in relating the incident adds had managed to combine two emotions in the same even ing LAUGHTER Similarly Bedroom Farce provides an evening of heartfelt laughter It happens to be quite proper play that could be staged by Baptist College 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE Too DAY OF DISCOVERY KIDSWORLD HILARIOUS HOUSE OPPORTUGUESESHOW FRIGHTENSTEIN CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS Is THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP ROCKET ROBIN Hooo 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY PROFESSOR KITZEL CROSSROADS NIVEN MILLER 15 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY CROSSROADS WORLD OF GOSPEL UNCLE BOBBY SHOW CAMERA ON CANADA HISEY HOUSE OF SONG CHINESE SHOW 800 JIMMY SWAGGART DAY OF DISCOVERY CONCERNS SUNDAY SURPRISE TREEHOUSE CLUB FATHER MEEHAN MIDDLE EAST REVUE 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW FLOWER SPOT ORAL ROBERTS ID POLKA DOT DOOR as OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING MOVIE COMEDY the the tor Andy Hardy Ion ARADOX IT Is WRITTEN JEREMY 15 GET IT TOGETHER 925 BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS RH HUMBARD HISPANOVISION GD SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH wooov WOODPECKER II ITALIAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 00 OPEN RAP REx HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH ADVENTURES OF TIMOTHY PILGRIM 115 ME AND MY WORLD 130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS SAMBA ET BOUBOUNE El voz DE PROFECIA 45 FESTIVAL ITALIANo 150 ID TROUSSEMITOUFLE AFTERNOON 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE COMEDY My tle Chlckadee 1940 MEETING PLACE MOVIE The Shakiest Gun In The Wast 1968 Don Knolls Barbara Rhoades David Coppertield t97ORichard AttenborouohLaur Olivier hrs 30 mm ALBUM Tv ITALIAN CONTINUES LENFER BLANC PORTUGUESE FILM DE SEMANA 10 EN BREF 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD 0F TRUTH NEWS EN SE RACONTANT LHIS PANORAMA 1215 TOIRE DICI Lannee 1970 Dana new document il est question notamment de ce que cenainaappollantIesnouvallesvaleursoulea nouveaux modes de vie Une bonne partia de IemISSIon est consacree la crise dactobre I970 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 MOVIEHISTORICALDRAMA The Buccaneer 1053 SUMMER COUNTRY CAN Fiaherman FAMILY FINDER ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 HYMN SING NBA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP SUMMER SPORTS FOREST RANGERS ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Tori Rock Avec Emerson Lake and Palmer Jethro ANIMALS in Oklahoma and probably will be The multiple set reveals bedroom in each of three homes with the couples who use them fourth couple whose mar riage falls only slightly short of disaster manages to in volve the three other couples in their anguish The audience laughs in recognition but also cares for these eight folk and wishes that in whatever future lurks beyond the final curtain theyll get themselves sorted ou Ayckboums insights provide the comedy at the same time inviting compassion The vulnerability of his characters seems to match that quality in Ayckbourn himself Ive come to the conclusion that Im small town person who likes pro vincial life Im alarmed by London these days and ter rified by New York he ad mits My happiest time is when Im back in small town and its the lives of the people there that like to chronicle SMALL TOWN The small town ac tually city of about 100000 population at the height of the tourist season is Scar borough in Yorkshire where Ayckboum now 40 started work as an actor and stage manager 20 years ago All of his plays have begun their stage life at the Stephen Joseph theatre named after the founder there including six or seven before his first David Bowie Elton John MEMORIES OF GREECE 200 VIP WORLD COMMUNICATION DAY ED 700 CLUB 230 GALLERY AIiasSilasHuckIeback One at the last living pioneers Is Melvin Burritt who roamed throughout the Prairies as co whand rancher and settler during the early years at this century Today retired in Van couver he delights in riding his horse working leathersplittinglogswilhahandaxeandswap ping tales ot what lite in the Old West was like UNTAMED WORLD RISING DAMP DOWN To EARTH ITALIAN MOVIE OF THE WEEK 300 MUSIC To SEE HEE HAW OMNIBUS ACADEMY Caledonian Cascade This play by Alma Cullen issetintodaysEdinburuhanddealswithawitly womanssecretweaponaspectacuiarpatrio tic coitiure to raise her chauvinistic husbands sciouaness PEOPLES CHURCH 330 GREATEST LEGENDS MUPPETS SHOW WHERE THE SKY BEGINS INDIANAPOLIS 500 MOTOR RACE 33 carstertinu lineup Isexpected at thesardrunninqotlhelndywithaninternation al tield ot drivers competing tor prize money totaling over St million hrs 400 SPORTSWORLD SPORTSWEEKEND Memorial GollCoverageDIthetinalroundotplayatMuir Villa Gall Club in pubiin Ohio hrs ME ORIAL TOURNAMENT TINY TALENT TIME SUE BECKER IN PRIVATE LIFE 430 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS WILD KINGDOM Birds ot ra ur 335 ENNIS THE NASTY WAY KIDSWORLD 500 LAWRENCE WELK SHOW VISION ON BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER MOVIE COMEDY Mr Wlee Guy1042 530 $198 BEAUTY CONTEST JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW IE BIG BLUE MARBLE SPORTS EVENING 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY The Survival at Sam the Pelican teenagers plans to live the tits at beach Ioater on the beautItuI Florida Keys are upsetbyanmjuredpelicanthatbecomesdepen ton him 0180 mine AMAZING WORLD OF sundaytv London production Mr Whatnot in 1964 had begun by writing play for myself literally as an actor he recalls It turned out to be farce which was an idiotic thing to do because farce is the most difficult kind of play to write It earned me the grand sum KRESKIN WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Army Ants POLKA DOT DOOR GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go TO THE RACES NEWS NEW FACES THE REAL STORY Max Yalden missioner 0t Otticial Languages HERE COMES THE FUTURE 700 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY The Million Dollar Dixie Deliver ance Union soldier risks his lite to help live kidnappedYankeeschaolchildrenescapetrom enamyterritory Stars BrockPeters Kip Niven 83 BEACHCOMBERS Boss Log Hughie Is determined to prove his manhood by movingthebiggestIogonthecoastmolaneaay task in the presence ol two old hands Nick and Wm 60 MINUTES THE OSMOND FAMILY SHOW Donny Marie and the entire Osmond lamily take their viewers behind the scenes to showhowtheyputtooethertheirTv varietyhour mine SMITH AND SMITH 19 DIG Jane Fonda 22 GOING PLACES 730 93 HAPPY DAYS The Fonz creates crazewhenhediaplayshiswayotdancingtothe new hit song 00 The F0nzie introduced by ther Tuscadero Re eat COMEDY SH THE AFRICA FILE CountrytoTown This program deals with the problems ot West cas urbanization PROVINCIAL LOTTERY DRAW 800 BARNEY MILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY Practicalioker Pinkys besIor worstpeg ever leaves Archie some very strange bedtellows Repeat CHARLIES ANGELS When three heautItulwomenpullaseriesotcrimesposmgas Charlies Angels Sabrina Kelly and Kris tind themselves wanted by the police 60 38 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Landing on Paradsen the mteroalactc as sembtageismelbylwocamicalandroidsWhIle the Galactica olticers help the new Inhabitants adjusttotheirsurroundinas they questiontheir new tound Iriendsinthe hopeol getting one otep Bar to Earth ConcIuSIon 60 mine MOVIE DRAMA V2 And ur Name Is Jonah THE GREAT DEBATE Mil chellvs StuanKeateResolved BrItIshColum Are Unnecessarily SITup OUIz KIDS SHOW as THE SHULMAN FILE 830 ONE DAYATATIME Annsapperent success and entnualasm tor her new litestyle becomes real problem when she unknowingly encesthe wrong person Repeat $THREESCOMPANYSIBHIOYRDDS plays such dirty took to prevent Jack Janet and ChrIssy trorn holdIng party that his wile ks out on him Re eat ONE DAY TIME 900 THE BIG EVENT TheBesl Place 10 Be19798tars Donna ReedEtremZImbalistJr Stephen Moore and Delia Llndsay in Bedroom Farce Alan Ayckbourns l8th play Ayckboum usually writes play in about two weeks of 40 pounds and was quite successful performing the lead role started another play im mediately and this has been going on ever since except for little while when join ed the BBC doing radio plays Stephen Joseph died in 1967 and it seemed likely that the theatre would fold But thought it was impor tant enough to keep going and came back and took it over in 1970 as director of productions where am to day All of my plays start their lives there and all of them are directed by me DALLAS wsLAUBE DES HOMMES 300 000 SPECIAL MOVIE PRESENTA gule maitreinconnu du monde animal TION Dummy 1979 Stars Paul Sorvino GEORGE ANTHONY WITH ar Burton ANNE MURRAY Anne Murrayioins Critic INDIANAPOLISSOOABCSPOTISW George Anthony in conversation Anne dis nrOYIde exclusive sameday coveraae the cusses her recent appearance in Hollywood most important auto race in the world Item the he Japan Tourin1977paying Lag Veg and Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hosts Jim joy in 1330 wmiam Jr 60mm may and Jackie Stewart hrs MCGOWAN AND COMPANY VEGAS 1030 UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS For LAUREL AND HARDY Love otLovePrograrn 8Elizabethwho would 1°° pretertoliveinsinwithpoelLaurenceKirbrIdge is pressured to marry him in tormal society NEWS wedding James Bellamy andtorrner servant CBC NEWS II errariiis°2m crvmgggsm otMyLaboursLiviaisamereshellotthewomen uiourd huI sheoncewasTiberiuahasbeencruellypassino hisyears conducting lrielstortreasonHisadvi MONEY TALKS sorSeianushasdesignsonthethroneDespite MARITIME COUNTRY his own sonswarningsTiberiusretusesto 1115 believe that Seianusisploltingagainathim NAHONS BusNEss theatre Livia hopes Claudius will assist her in bringing 120 about her own delllcagllfanaao mins NEWS CITY LIGHTS 1130 Belatante any MOVIE 1000 ADVENTURECOMEDY ALL CREATURES GREAT asagslnatlon Bureau 1939 AND SMALL Part II Dog Days One at MARCUS WELBY MD James Herriots patients the small dog at MOVIE suspENSE 19 wealthy lady is leading tar more desirable 19 tence than the doctor himselt 60 mins laéhooosg ws w5 Henry Champ interviews Margaret TrudeauontheaetoihertasttilmHelenHutchin LA MANGEAILLE son looks atthetattarm phenomena Jim Reed IN PRIVATE LIFE protiles Canadian author Matt Cohen 60 CLASSICS DARK AND msLouGRANTAnimalaerraticbehavior DANGEROUS 1140 touchasottBTrIbunelnqmryIntotheplightotthe allbuttoruotten VIetnam veteran Repeal 60 MOVIE DRAMA Flight Command 1040 BABRIC DRAPERY MILL OUTLET HUGE SELECTION OF ODress Fabrics ODrapes °Upholstery and Drapery by the yard OSewIng Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baytield St Barrie 2556 726 north or Georglen Mall