Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1979, p. 19

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v1 We ri 404116wa NOW SALE PRICED $2995 im rimIt III DIRECT FROM FACTORY SALE Discontinued HARDY GLENWOOD PRODUCTS last years patterns TRAYS MUGS TUMBLERS ALL AT V2 mcr MAPLE LEAF PLACE MATS mi $250 ell MW ONLY 51 eesfl or Her SS GOURMET RECIPE BOOKS Regular $10 each NOW ONLY $395 each FACTORY HOURS enI to pm Mon to Fri BROCK ST BARRIE TThSJU9 III $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recover it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics Foam cushions OTools both amateur professional ONeedles threads twines Buttons mode to order 0A complete line Of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Moll 7371510 7w Th TF DOWNTOWN DISCOUNT SHOP 40 Bayfield Street SAVINGS ON EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND Vinyl Covered Hassocks $1495 ea Vinyl covered TV stools $695 ea Chip Foam Cushions $198 ea Chip Foam Pillows $249 ea Shorty Drapes $595 pr OpenWeave Drapes 12 wide 95 length $4995 pr Linencotton Tea Towelling 18 98 yd 20 $109 yd 27 54 Striped Beach Towels $299 ea Plain striped Chair Awning Canvas IS $169 yd 30 $395 yd Coffee Mug Racks $199 ea 32 Striped Linen 88 yd 39 Striped Vinyl 88 yd lBeam Drapery Track 50 ft complete with fittings TexMade Noiron Pillow cases $349 pair Table Lamps $1495 ea 12 room size rugs $5995 and up My24 SENSATIONAL NEW STORE 20 GXI00 and pole free 12 RCAXLIOO 2for1 Oidy 400 wkly starting June 79 One liour devery KRAZY KELLYS Next door to MeatIan HIGHWAY 90 FERNDALE 461 DLINLOP 7871182 TF SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $2190 00 now at our all season special of $1355 00 Pools come with walk around deck patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and informa tion call toll freel 800 268 5970 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice of styles meeting all lenc ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call toll free 800 268 5970 SONY STEREO Sensational AMFM reciever custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkiy starting June79 KRAZY KELLVS now next door to Meatman 0n hour delivery Highway 90 Fem dale 7371183 TF YARD SALE at 54 Ferris Lane Friday 16p Saturday9a toop CAR ROOF RACK two bars $8 baby iirib and mattress SIS Telephone 726 3532 SCNDLLS SANDALS does $2995 mucus SANDALS $1595 KNS EX SANDALS $1795 DDLDS SHOE SERVICE 11A Clapperton St lento JulB 7284888 Bessie filtration If SOFABED SALE 40ertlses fonds 40rtlslos funds HUGE GARAGE SALE Four families Antique and modern furniture TVs bikes humidifier motorcycle skates toys kitchen accessories doors window frames paint rigs swag lamps stereo turntable rabbits upholstery material childrens articles etc More articles too numerous to mention 202 Merrett Drive Highway 11 south to Lit tle Ave turn left follow signs Satur day May 26th9 am to4pm LARGE GARAGE SALE May 26th am to pm Dlsplay of deseret lewellery Too many Items to list 203 Cedar Cres Painswick 7261790 cousms YARD SALE BARGAINS GALORE 22 Strabane Avenue Antiques collectables air conditioner radio TV kitchen suite and many other items Friday May 25 am pm Saturday9am 6pm 26 in ZENITH CHROMOCOLOR Tv with remote control yrs old ex cellent condition Asking $400 Call 7266006atter4pm GARAGE SALE new left hand golf clubsbag water skiis hockey equip ment racing stop clock cartop carrier household items kitchen table chairs bed assorted rugs etc May 26th27th am at 272 Codrington 51 MODEL RAILWAY CLUB holding garage and bake sale at 26 Granville 51 may 261h10 am to pm Books toys household items clothes baked goods 41Mendoton CANOES or Polnted Stem Kevlar Fibreglass Royelex Canvas Alu mlnu In Keyekll Complete stock of accessories BLANKETS for sebum pools ON SALEI 7282268 IARRIE TThSJu26 PINE FURNITURE Custom made solid wood furniture reasonable rates Coffee tables dining room tables etc 737710739 77 PIANO BABY GRAND A1 throughout S1750 Telephone4162BVIl796 BICYCLES TRICYCLES all types and sizes re conditioned re painted repairs made7260850 IENITH 20 PORTABLE com ml lm solid state only $598 Under $6 LTD wkly Starting June79 Order tonife Ofllllfl Ontario get free 12 black and white One hour 41 delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndale 737BR BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and finglsss TF PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Various sizes Brochures available Vivian Bell RR Shanty Bay Phone 7285283 TOLLENDAL MARINA RAILWAY TIES for sale Wholesale price square or round Good quality long 7370086 Gasoline Alley USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Amber glow charcoal and leaf grill Hava Java 8second automatic and DOCKAGE AND STORAGE yor boa up Bunomatic coffee electrofreeze slush go pump om faciliyies Fresh water sweedette ice cream Schaefer floor washrooms wim showers hydro on freezer fryers stainless steel milk dock Moorings availame 3100 open coolers Berkel chicken barbecue days week pm REsERVE micro wave shopping carts booths your slip or mooring now Teiephone many new tables and chaIrs By order 1705549 299 HINDSON MARINE Be °e 773 99 LTD Champlain Road Penetang BARRIE Jy7H 7264950 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 COB JIM I972 STARCRAFT HARDTOP trailer sleeps six $600 12 foot sterling aluminum cartop boat with 5V2 HP Johnson with remote gas tank and oars 8500 4245845 1977 GLASTRON T156 Bowrider Mer cury 65 hp lull canvas asking $5000 Call after 530 pm weekdays anytime weekends 4584572 14 FIBRVEGLASS SAIL BOAT new con TF dition colored sails selfbailers custom cover $1200 Telephone 7288985 NORTH STAR 600 Hughes 26 sailboat inboard Valvo diesel with saildrive sails steel cradle Inventory on request Like new Lying Barrie $19500 705 7288715 7372432 CEDAR POSTS for sale varied sizes Clothesline poles for sale 17 7262963 CONTENTS door fridge stove automatic washer electric dryer color TV also 1972 Chev wagon must sell Hwy 14132915255 WW 1977 BLUEFIN 14 foot aluminum fishing boat with 1977 10 hp Mercury RESTAURANT FAST FOOD Mobile 16 Van Se Sn and chips em anywhere motor trailer Included $1400 Phone or use as snack bar must sell or down 1373317 payment Private mortgage on balance 22 CHRIS CRA mahogany in will train or takeover Hwy boardoutboard competer equipped 1416294 5255 removable camper back head galley water tank preservers new paint Ex TV TROUBLE cellent condition Also tandem trailer 50 OFF complete $4895 Phone 7288170 ABBOTT 22 Performance sailing cruiser with trailer life lines Honda 75 726 7374 evenings weekends 14 FIBREGLASS BOAT cw 35 hp Merc electric start Also 10 snark Sgilboat7282851 181 ft WOODEN BOAT 4o hp 1961 Johnson motor electric start with trailer will pull water skier works good S495 726S721 C° Pr°f°ss°°l5 22 SHEPPARD double planked at mahogany hull cyl Chrysler asking TV Call 7267726 after pm APPLIANCES 88 Dunlop St 7284297 TThSJu5 all parts used to repair your TV In your home during May Call now and save WVT LICENSED TECHNICIANS wooo SAILBOAT sleepsA stove sink fridge Needs some paint $2400 or best offer Telephone 7280514 SNIPE CLASS SAILBOAT 15 ft long It beam Elvstrom bailer fibreglass NINE PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE good condition needs refinishing shaped table top with extra leaves leathercovered seats original brass sturdy Excellent for family Only in terested Please phone 7288478 between and pm or weekends BABY FOLDING car bed like new $8 baby carriage $10 baby bottle electric sterlizer $6 adiustable baby lounge chair with springs $8 728 0559 weekends anytime weekdays after pm TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $849 Order tonite get free 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting June79 KRAZY KELLYS now next to Meotmon Highway 90 Fem dole 7371 182 TE HO MODEL RAILROAD Layout 12 train system $1000 worth of equip merit $500 or best offer Telephone 77Ii KENMORE WASHER months old DRYER months $500 for pair Telephone77283104 alter pm LAwN MOWER Brévfiiwigsf étéei wardrobe pellet gun rotor electric heater Telephone 726 5577 THREE PIECE COLORED BATH SET sink toilet and bathtub like new Also five speed bike Renegade Table tennis Set Call 7262945 GARAGE SALE for Bill Milligan New lawn furniture bird houses and feeders antiques ceramics and other articles from am to pm on Saturday May 26 Sunday May 27 84 Ferris Lane CHARBROIL 24 GRILL with stainless steel stand propane or natural gas $440 submarine sandwich table as new ft model refrigerated model $850 Oro Sta tion 487 3718 alter pm GARAGE SALE Saturdaytnay 26th pm Antiques odds and ends 70 Ottaway Ave DOUBLE BED new box spring good mattress solid metal head and foot boards excellent condition S75 726 8134 alter6pm JOHN HART GARAGE SALE 112 Steel Street Saturday May 2610 am pm maple beds antiques sheet nusic lawn mower records tools no advance sales 20x40 VINYL swimming pool liner and coping used one year Telephone 726 2037 TWO SCANDANAVIAN swivel chairs in good condition 436 427677 GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Ora Dry slips available summer and year round CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer Ju2 BUS 4872122 RES 7260032 AKAI reel to reel DS 400 used oniy 24 hours four piece LIVING ROOM Sune fridge and stove Telephone 424 6048 BRAND NEW 20 PORTABLE color television RCA XLIoo solid state $450 726 3172 ELECTROHOME 6000 air condi tioner one year old S275 Telephone 737 0627 after 30p MAY CLEARANCE on all name brand mattresses and beds SAVE 40 Twin Size mattress and box spring S86 66 BARRIE MATTRESS 15 Dunlop St East downtown Barrie GARAGE SALE Saturday May 26171 to antique and household items including sod irons scrub boards horse collars window frames fireplace screen accessories typei riter electric heaters tires books records and many more items Parkway Place Tall Trees Barrie SIX ANTIQUE VICTORIAN cherrywood dining chairs rose velvet seats $600 an tique sofa and matching chair S200 726 2519 ONE 24 MOFFAT STOVE in excellent Condition four burners S95 Phone 728 5394 hull dacron sails aluminum dagger board stainless steel rigging $980 728 3379 92ariclsawénlefi CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishcs old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 if CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings7263162 WILL BUY house contents or any useful GARDEN QENIBE HWY 93 CROWN HILL Fertilizers Bulbs Seeds Berries Fruit trees Evergreens Shade trees Roses Shrubs Perennials Box plants 75 Phone 7184296 CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 726 3928 or 7261117 S4service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed service within 30mile radius of Barrie call STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 9457 Jy4 GENERAL CONTRACT WORK on con tract or management basis custom homes stores offices rec rooms alterations and renovations Telephone 737 1954 55construction machinery JOHN DEER 450 crawler leader with 9300 backhoe attachment Low hours JC triaxle float with Michelins FORD 850 super duty tandem dump truck IN TERNATIONAL tandem dump truck 705 4295065 Streaming Wiener TRAILER RENTALS Hardtrop and cabin models by week or longer Scotts Gulf Service Centre Victoria St Alliston 705 4354641 4341 1971 MERIT HARDTOP camper sleeps burner Coleman stove included Good condition $650 Telephone 7269814 7373382 1973 LIONEL HARDTOP camper sleeps burner gas stove Ice box excellent condition $1500 or best offer Telephone 7269814 or 7373382 1977 COACHMAN 21 ft new condition sleeps air conditioning bath tub dinettes furnace plus many extras $6900 Telephone 726 1001 or 726 9005 1974 20 PROWLER tandem wheels three piece bath sleeps six fridge stove hot water heater furnace builtin radio and tape deck excellent condition 7282950after5pm 25 MOTOR HOME class spotless fully equipped sleeps six for the low price of $11900 certified Telephone 7263238 25 MOTOR HOME class spotless fully equipped sleeps six for the low price of $11900 certified Telephone 7263238 1978 TRUCK CAMPER wlth fridge and stove included 42 high brown sleeps six Excellent condition $995 Phone 7261461 days 7265509 evenings TRUCK CAMPER 9ft slide in sleeps slx ice box and sink propane stove and furnace 110 and 12 volt system chemical toilet $1200 Telephone 7280488 after6pm HONDA 300 GENERATOR New set stake mount camper fastener frame mount camper fasteners for Ford or GMC tire carrier front mount and cover set camper mirrors set camper stabilizer shocks 43623712 alter HARDTOP CAMPER two Way refrigerator stove Includes two car mirrors $1500 4361464 HA 1971 NIMROD HARDTOP TENT TRAILER three burner stove sink 9x12 kitchenette sleeps six $695 3221111 TRUCK CAMPER sleeps six com plete with 3way fridge stove furnace and bathroom 7264636 1974 TRAILER lnréel3urner stove ice box sleeps five $1350 Telephone 4249870 after pm 1971 TRAVELAIRE TRAILER stove fridge toilet sink furnace canopy many extras 15 sleeps five $2100firm Telephone7282974 I974 SUNKAMPER tent trailer sleeps six equipped with cooler and stove seldom used in excellent condition $1650 7263532 57 Wele for sale WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals for free removal Call anytime collect 705 3269243 Simcoe Recycling HORSES BOARDED Excellent care Track trails daily turn outs Just out side Barrie 436 5624 EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding 163 hands high has been shown successfully at CHSA approved shows good mover bold iumper 7261581 HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale due May 18 from listed herd Telephone 7281297 THREE year old chestnut Arabian gelding Sound no vices must sell Ask ing $1200 4873141 AT STUD Registered quarter horse Leo breeding Dunn color 4365718 HORSE TRAILER dark brown and white with pin striping like new Asking $2595 726 1461days726 5509 evenings FIVE YOUNG BEEF cows for sale2 Polled Angus HerefordCharolais cross due in June and July Telephone 4584715 58 Ivestoek wanted WANTED items orwilltrade Telephone 44dogs and pets MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 7260061 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in DEAD OR CRIPPLED Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On 161°1531999299533233 FARM ANIMALS BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing $5oopaid for any and cI of all br ds So ha pp ee animalover400lbs WRIMMINGTTDT Egon 24 haursodoy grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726B798 Pet Studio 6L0 ENGLISH SHEEPDOVG pupsex upon request days week cellent breeding CKC registered message 4191153053 Eregm We °° TROPICAL FISH Best selection in SIMCOE RECYCLING town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable Serving You The Farmer prices Evenings and weekends Edge hillAquaria143Ardagh Road 726 0094 3294243 199 SIAMESE KITTENS blue point weeks old Telephone 14167292357 TF COCKER SPANIEL pups for sale choice of colors reasonable prices ready for pick up BOSKMA KENNELS 7283634 PUREBRED PUPPIES for sale Old English Sheep dogs No papers Tele phone 325 1843 after6pm 5BELYFhi9i DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 18117 62PasliEé39fr¢n PASTURE FOR RENT 100 acres plen LUMP TelevllpnsflsPAW WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 REGISTERED FEMALE black Labrador Retriever for sale Price negotiable Proven hunter and family dog Three years old Call 7265560 47home im provements MASONRY REPAIRS and small roof labs Telephone7268426 47 home improvements SUPERIOR ROOFING SYSTEMS INTRODUCES RESTOREAROOF for residential homes Heres what we will do for your roof reploce 1155199 seal around sanitary shingles pipes 590 down l°°se sealaround oirvents shingles 10 seal around chimney seal or repair flashings flashing Oll dormers 11 secure loose nails repair broken ridge check or blocked 1135 downspouts Ieplfllf d°m°9°d 13 secure all loose V°ll°Y5 floshings clean seal remove any eavestrough damaging tree branches 590 99d 15 remove Old TV on smokestocks gemgs complete 7263896 ALL LABOUR MATERIAL GUARANTEED ALSO THE COST YOUR RESTOREAROOF FULLY DEDUCTED FROM THE CST OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM SHOULD YOU EVER NEED ALUMINUM SIDING CEDAR SHINGLES SPECIALISTS LOOK FOR COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESTOREAROOF COMING SOON TThSJu5 12 HP BOLENS tractor with mower snow blower and garden tiller $1500 Telephone 728 1311 ALLIS CHALMERS model IraEliSr 25 hp PTO and draw bar good condition S500 Telephone 728 1831 alter pm FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL Super tractor and Scuttler in good condition Phone 3221770 67fruits vegetables MaclNTOSH APPLES quart baskets 99 cents Cancillas Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St Barrie 5997993 HYDROCULTURE LUWASA You are cordially invited to attend our GRAND OPENING SATURDAY MAY 26th to pm 40 Del Feral Roed No15 Distribution Centre Manager PAMELA LEE 25 COMMUTERS SERVICES Want to avoid paying the high cost of commuting Want to save wear and tear on your car and your pocketbook Our business is to help you achieve these goals CALL 7269778 FOR INFORMATION TTHSMy 24 UPRIGHT VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration tadayl ELECTROLUX 7283392 ThTF TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime Mychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7288868 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 pm 7374222 7269300 Ext 236 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drink thats your business If you wanttoquitthatsoursCallanytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 JAMES Psychic Reader Private con sultation psychic parties aura por traits Call evenings Mon Thurs 7374300 RELAXATION THERAPY FUN Mr Hot Tubs from Northern White Pine PAULS HOT TUBS Ore 4873612 SINGLE LADY in mid 30s seeks single tall gentleman with children preferred between 3855 Please Serious replys on ly Box A39 The Examiner CHAIN LETTERS How do you feel when you get them Call Lori Cohen Ex aminer reporter at 7266537 and tell her whatyou think of them AUDITIONST Littles Hill Players are holding audi tions for COPA BANANA our second an nual cabaret show on Sunday May 27 Monday May 28 and Tuesday May 29 For more information call Jim Brown at 7266256 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shelley LoveTIm MEETING dealing with the TRANSPORTATION for PHYSICALLY DISABLED on May 29th at 730 pm Sunnidale Community Cen tre SPEAKERS from The Ontario March of Dimes and Association for the Physically Disabled Any interested per son welcome For further information 7283920 701051 andifoundr REWARD FOR RECOVERY $50 12 f1 Starcraftaluminum boat white missing from Superior Boat Works Port McNichol in early April Please contact OPP or call Toronto 416 9237994 LARGE RING OF KEYS lost in Minets Point or Barrie area Reward Telephone 726 1586 after pm 71 help wanted SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ORO TWP lNNISFIL TWP FLOS TWP WASAGA BEACH OTINY TWP Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF FAMILY WORKERS Required immediately for Childrens Mental Health Centre in scenic Barrie Ontario POSITION To work as part of team in providing support to families of children in treatment teaching parenting skills and home care Excellent training op portunities with professional staff QUALIFICATIONS Mature person with knowledge of children and families Experience essential Reply in confidence to eox A40 THE EXAMINER Barrio My25 $800 to DISTRIBUTION MANAGER S1200 monthly Spare time Telephone 726 886553070 mto9pm GENERAL ASSISTANT denture clinic Applicants should have general knowledge of laboratory pro cedures pertaining to denture construc required for lion Experience an asset but not necessity Reply stating experience and salary expected to Box A42 Barrie Ex aminer BASS PLArER required for weekend Country Rock group Must sing 726 4636 BABYSITTER REQUIRED in Tall Trees area to care for one child Monday to Friday8a tost Reierencesre quirecf Reply to Box A43 The Ex aminer 71f aIted MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Were looking for creative and imaginative manager who will assume responsibility for the companys advertising and sales promotion ac tivities The successful candidate will work closely with sales personnel in forming and implementing the advertising and marketing support activities to ensure continuing growth in dynamic technological environment The ideal candidate would have combination of expertise in both the advertising and electronics or similar industrial fields Please reply in writing to the General Manager Tektronix Canada ltd 90 Box 5500 Barrie Ont um 4V3 ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITY Established plastics moulding Company located in Barrie has an opening in their Engineering Department This position will be of interest to individuals presently em ployed in the plastics industry with experience in Tooling and Product Design Recent graduates of an accredited college will also be con sidered This is new position and the scope of the job will be determined by the incumbents qualifications If you are interested in ioining progressive organization offering comprehensive salary and benefit package please forward your resume in confidence to The Personnel Manager PLASTUMER DNISION 0F CONSUMERS GLASS COMPANY LIMITED 151 John Street Barrie Ontario 7280225 My24252930 THE PAPERMAN LTD GIRL AND BOY CARRIERS NEEDED to deliver monthly catalogues on or near these streets BURTON AVE KEMPENFELT ST GOWAN ST COLLINGWOOD ST CUMBERLAND ST ST VINCENT SQ WILLIAM ST BLAKE ST ESSA RD VANCOUVER ST CAROLINE ST JOHNSON ST BRADFORD ST MELROSE AVE CHAUCER CRES INDIAN ARROW RD CHRISTIE CRES SHANTY BAY RD GRANVILLE ST STRABANE AVE NO COLLECTIONS TO MAKE PLEASE TELEPHONE 7287084 My252829 MOULD MAKER TOOL DIE KER Experienced Mould MakerTool ie Maker required by established Plastics Moulding Comp located in Barrie to repair and maintain existing tooling Competitive Salary and package is offered comprehensive fringe benefit Please forward your resume in confidence Or contact The Personnel Manager Plastomer Division of Consumers Glass Company Limited 151 John Street Barrie Ontario 7260225 THE CANADA WOOD SPECIALTY CO LTD My24252930 the examiner Thursday May 24 1979 use 76Myleltwlted BAND AVAILABLE for weekend dances weddings banquets etc Ver satile group reasonable rates Telephone726 3549 WILL DO ANY KIND of cleaning but prelerrably housecleaning by the hour Telephone 7372521 ask for Elaine Johnstoneven gs WOMAN WANTS WORK cleaning by day or week Available immediately Man wants full time work will do anything Phone 728 4254 after 530 77Iegel II THE MATTER OF THE IAIIRUPTCY OF IIIVOGUE FOOD ENTERPRISES NIC company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario having its Head Office in the County of Simcoe NOTICE is hereby given that Receiving Order was made against lNVOGUE FOOD ENTERPRISES INC company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario having its Head Office in the County of Simcoe on the 7th day of May 1979 and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on Friday the 1st day of June 1979 at the hour of 12m oclock in the afternoon at the office of the Official Receiver the Brookdole Inn 150 Dunlap Street West Barrie Ontario DATED at Toronto this 15th day of May 1979 WALTER PAHN CA TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 70Melford Drive Unit No Scarborough Ontario MIB 1Y9 My24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of CHARLOTTE JOHNSON Retired Housewife deceased ALL persons having claims against the Estate of CHARLOTTE JOHNSON late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Province of Ontario who died on January 23rd 1979 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before June 7th 1979 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 7th day of May 1979 Announcements SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thasks $600 minimum 40 words additional words 11 cents per word Iltths 00 It Ahmoriam no verse seoo Verse per count Ilne extra 236 cents Carling Events $343 per column Inch IIIIIrths Mondays Childis fair oflace Tuesdays Child isfull of grace Wednesdays Child isfull of woe Thursdays Child haslartogo Fridays Child isloving andgiving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Isfair andwise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was thei birth date Keep this and other important information for your Childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 85deatlls LARSEN Frances At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday May 23rd 1979 Frances Mazerolle beloved wife of Philip Larsen in her 12th year Dear mother of Valerie Mrs ike Recker and Richard mother in law of Jamie Grandmother of Michelle Seven Scott and Karen Brother of Frank of Grand Falls NB Resting al Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after Thursday Funeral mass at Our Lady of Grade Church Angus on Saturday May 26th at 11 am Interment at St Marys cemetery Bar he 86 end of thanks GIFFEJ The family of the late Elwooa Giffen wishes to thank relatives friends and neighbors for their dona lions cards floral tributes and expres sions of sympathy in the loss of dear husband and father Special thanks to the Rev Houston lor his comforting words Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered Millie and family 88 coming events GARAGE 8i BAKE SALE Sat May 26 930 run 30 pm anions NEIGNIS PUBLIC SCHOOL Refreshments Available Proceeds TO UNDLES HEIGHTS UKELE GROUP 2425 BINGO REBEKAH AND UDDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth Syemour Rupert Johnson Olive Lavinia McMartin 7nd Executors by their solicitors WESSENGERMcCREARY DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION Box 544 Owen Street I951 LIMITED Barrie Ontario UM 17 PROJECT Supply and Install MYl7243l Storm Sewer and Catch Basin 79uucflon Building S90 CFB Borden Ontario FARM AUCTION SALE FILE BN99914 ANTIQUE BENNETT IUGGY SEALED TENDERS marked as to Saturday May 26 1979 at 1100 am for Ray Money RR No Bradford on Highway 88 to Middletown Road and north mileto sale Sale of tractors farm machinery MF 35 diesel tractor 1000 hours good condition John Deere two furrow PH plow Cockshutt 30 with loader New Idea manure spreader Fleury beater grain conveyor 15 pipe bale elevator with farm items of content addressed to the undersigned must be received not later than 300 pm EDT THURSDAY JUNE 7th 1979 documents obtained by General Con tractors only from DCL Plans Section Ottawa at the address below on deposit of $2500 payable to Defence Con struction 1951 Ltd For tender documents call 613 9989549 or Telex 0534281 Tender may be SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK Reporting to the accountant the successful candidate will have responsibilities in all general accounting functions prior to financial statement preparation Applicants should have minimum of years ex perience with manufac turingfirm Interested applicants should send resume in confidence to KOOLATRON INDUSTRIES LIMITED 230 utvuw oll BARRIE ONTARIO L4H 4Y8 OPPORTUNITY We require fulltime and parttime male or female salespersons Earn $200$400 week full time $100$200 week parttime International manufacturing sales organization Free training INTERESTING CHALLENGING No investment Car required For return call please leave your name address and phone number at 705 7371368 My24 EARN MORE MONEY Are you aggressive Do you love meeting people and enioy beautiful working atmosphere Do you like to make $15000$25000 year or more in commission DO you have cor Call me only if your answer is yes No ex perience necessary Students and parttime people are welcome For interview call 7371902 between 11 pm1 pmand 59pm Canadian My26 SOLICITORS We are looking for good telephone solicitors Training will be available For in terview call 7371903 My26 requires MAINTENANCE FOREPERSON Wanted to start immediately Please reply to PO BOX 458 ORILLIA ONTARIO L3V 6K2 OR PHONE 3254412 LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DUPLICATING AND TYPING SERVICES so DUNLOP BARRIE 7289819 TEACHER Business and marketing bOCkground Porttime 7269574 NEED MONEY Fuller Brush Company provides flexible hours field support lop commission Cameron Bower 7269725 Estimator Draftsperson required by Barrie construction com pany specializing in farm and light In dustrial building Engineering ex perience helpful Send resumes to Box 41 LEGAL SECRETARY to operate memory typewriter for busy Barrie law firm Salary commensurate With ex perience and ability Apply With resume to Box 548 Barrie LEGAL SECRETARY reqUIred to work with Real Estate lawyer Please telephone Paul Dusome with Bell Tem ple at 726 4511 or apply in person at 58 Collier SI TAXI DRIVERS wanted to drive even ings Must be mature neat appearance good driving record Telephone 728 6288 after 6p rrl SMALL OFFICErequires allround per son for payroll and typing Telephone 737 0186 LIVE lN active reliable housekeeper wanted References please Good health Phone 424 0954 Utopia 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part time full time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa 74opportunities for menwomen MAKE YOUR IDEAS reality Custarn carved wood signs and fUrnlYUrE Knocking On Wood 487 55213 rn 76 employment vented KEYBOARDEST looking for work in weekend band in Barrie area Sons ex perience For more information all 726 8578after2 309m many useful interest Enamel wood cook stove Some antique and old furniture and articles Viking hp rototiller electric and gas rotary lawn mowers boys 10 speed bicycle Terms cosh Cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer 7054584589 Myll1824 78 tenders 78 tenders I36 ACRES OF RURAL LAND LOCATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 COUNTY OF SIMCOE about miles north of Highway 400 and V2 milepost of Highway 93 near Craighurst Ontario NOTICE OF SALE BY TENDER Located next to residential subdivision and zohed agricultural this property will be offered for sale by tender by way of on offer to Purchase pursuant to Power of sale con tained in certain mortgage registered against the property which is more particularly described as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Ora in the County of Simcoe and being composed of that Part of Lot 37 in the First Concession of the said Township of Oro east of Penetonguishene Road designated as Part Two on Reference Plan SIR3619 filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 on the first day of August 1974 Security deposit if called for in tender documents must ac company tenders Mulock Secretary Defence Construction 1951 Ltd 12th Floor SBl Building Billings Bridge Plaza 2323 Riverside Dr Ottawa Ontario K1AOK3 My24 Tenders are invited for this property and must be made prior to pm June 8th 1979 The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Agents inquiries are welcome Additional particulars and copies of theform of offer may be obtained from MESSRS OUTERBRIDGE THOMAS MUELLER 390 Bay Street Suite 3000 TORONTO Ontario M511 2Y2 Telephone 416 8636651 My2224 Public Works Canada Travaux publics Canada It INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the proiects or services listed below ad dressed to the Regional Manager Finance Administration Ontario Region Department of Public Works 4900 Yonge Street 12th Floor Willowdale Ontario M2N 6A6 will be received until 1500 hours on the specified Closing date Tender Documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Director General Department of Public Works Ontario Region Tendering Office 12th Floor 4900 Yonge Street Willowdale Ontario PROJECT No 049403 Wale Replacement Bell Ewart Ontario CLOSING DATE THURSDAY JUNE 14 I979 Deposit Nil Tender documents may also be seen at the Barrie Builders Exchange Fred Grant Street Barrie Ontario Enquiries 4162244240 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted M124

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