The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Ewsaoom AOVERTISING ausmsss COMPOSING ROOM Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in 1L PWM °°° this new edit ca To Pr 55 °°°° a1°°°° olm 23 WWW France 325 m5 or gnnugrermlly collar 6355s GaitlIallzlélï¬and swr1flass mommy and pu my or one re or DO my Fullerspomedlfor AdenSml VikkiGrant Lorne Wass WEEKLYDY lQ The Examiner claims copyrightonalt originalnews and advertising material cum Kan Lucy my Sleve Skinner Brenda Woods will Cadoaan 9° N5 created by its employees and published In this newspaper servmg borne and stmcoe county REPORTERS MEEEQUJO Stan Wray YEARLYbY carrier Vlodnoadoy May 23 1919 Stephen Nicholls licftsirgns lcmcuumou am Raynor sum Copyright registration number mats register 51 Dennis Lanmier gill Halkes manager Ed Allenby BY MAIL Barrie gt 650 86 Nancy Figueroa Ieye While assistant manager Janie Hamel Iona ver using ICQS ueen oronto 710 60 Calhcarl Published by Canadian Newspapers company Limited cm cussmsp Andy Haughton Susan Kitchen SIMCOE COUNTY Stu Montreal lb Baylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Richard Thomas Ruth Blais supervisor Nva Laflante 20 CW moo Terry Fields Freda Shinner Isa Warry Barbara Strigl The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages GUS Bruce Rowland publisher Stephen Gauer entertainment Peggy Chapsll laine Porter PR 55500 MOTOR THROWOFF me out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac Gary Forbes Dana Homewood herylAiken Don Near oreman $4150a year tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement In which the error oc WSRWM OCULATON ADVERTISING CLSSIHEDS Betty Armer ramera operator Janice Morton Fred prince as gunman ELSEWHERE CANADA cuffed Whehef Such for IS due the nwlioenCe of its servants or other ï¬ns Blanchard may Wise and there shall be no liability tor non Insertion of any advertisement 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Brian Marr Mayors report Road projects in city budget With the advent of good weather public in terest turns to the road maintenance and Clark minority topples Liberals There are few surprised Canadians today at the outcome of last nights federal election Minority government was widely predicted from the onset of the campaign And minority government we got The question all along was which party the Progressive Conservatives or Liberals would head that minority Last night Joseph Clark and the Progressive Conservatives got the call They got the call with comfortable minority of 136 seats shy of an absolute majority but sufficient with support to form government The Conservative triumph can be viewed as victory along party lines After 17 years of Liberal rule its clear the country was ready for change And the Conservative candidates the team Joe Clark talked about proved much stronger than their Liberal counterparts ment anv new leader political inclination I1rner parliament tional party tion to Mr Turner still afoot wonder prise us again treal Canadiens Stanley Cup victory all about Dear Sir Regarding the recent article in The Examiner entitled County Abandon course have been studying the human relations course at schnnl One thing would like to make clear IS that the whole course is not we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Latter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lot torsbut it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject lottors Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to Idler lo the Idler lb Elder Ollie In 310 Canada will take on new directions under the Clark govern His promise of team approach of conciliation with the provinces of positive businesslike approach to problems will soon be put to the test The uncertainty about Mr Clark remains as it does with We will have to judge the new prime minister by the man ner in which he grapples with the harsh and complex pro blems facing the nation the economy energy federal provincial relations to name but few Above all is the coming referendum in Quebec and how Mr Clark will respond to the separatist challenge But now as he prepares to move into the highest political of fioe in the land Joseph Clark is entitled to the congratula tions and best wishes of all Canadians whatever their Trudeau out Turner in What happens now to Pierre Trudeau In the election aftermath any guessing on the uncertain political future of Mr Trudeau must surely involve John The former Liberal finance minister has been without an active political role since he resigned his seat in the last But Mr Turners political fire has only been slightly dampened not quenched by his absence Turner supporters and there are many must View his return as central to Liberal resurgence They would argue that Mr Turner is the one man who can restore the Liberal party from Quebec base to truly na The Turner scenario is intriguing but poses one question What of Pierre Trudeau himself Would he relinquish power easily at leadership conven Moreover would he relinquish it while the separatists are As with all things during the Trudeau era we are left to Mr Trudeau revels in doing the unexpected He may sur Les Glarieux In an uncertain world theres something reassuring about the continuing domination of Canadian hockey by the Mon Monday nights victory over plucky but outmatched New York Rangers gave the anadiens their fourth consecutive Once again the bleu blanc rouge showed what hockey is Lightening speed teamwork finesse determination and pride have made the anadiens the class of hockey Youngsters looking on also saw that great hockey can be played without resorting to violence In the five game final not one fighting penalty was called In Montreal they call them Les Glorieux Glorious indeed are the Montreal Canadiens letters to the editor on sex In fact most of it is how to relate to others better Now about the article would like to voice my own opinions on the matter First think more people would rather have the human rela tions course with fellow classmates The way it was taught to us was that the girls were taught at dif ferent times than boys This did not cause much embarrassment Second feel that it should be taught in schools Some parents refuse to tell their children the facts of life If it is taught in public schools everyone is sure to know Most people are making opinions based on what they have heard Why not turn to someone who knows what the course is really like Turn to the kids who have taken the course They should know if its good way to teach them Let the kids decide They have to Iearnit Signed Concerned student Caveat empfor By LEONARD NOBLE Now that the Federal Election has come and gone it would be nice to be able to sit back and rest ones eyes and ears from the in cessant daily onslaught of politic blurbs news items criticisms and what not weve had to endure for the last two years But no chance Political campaigns have become similar to seasonal sports events in that not only is there no intervening gap bet ween them but in fact they overlap each other In sports weve become completely desen sitized and no longer consider it strange to be watching NHL hockey games on television sandwiched in between major league baseball Similarly the federal election campaign having just concluded the Quebec referen dum campaign is now finding its way to the forefront of our attention Not that we havent heard enough about it already Quebecs premier Rene Levesque has been threatening to call referendum in his province for some time now in order to ascertain whether or not Quebec is to separate from the rest of Canada HEARD IT ALL Thats old stuff and you heard all about na tionalism during the recent federal election campaign But now the Quebec referendum campaign is beginning to take shape in earnest The Parti Quebecois is of course the moving force for the province to separate Its motto that is beginning to spring up everywhere is simply Le Quebec Cest faisable Quebec Its SCOOPS THIS LITTLE PIG WENT TO MARKET THIS LITTLE HG STAYED HOME RENE LEVESQLE cest faisable practical Of course by one of Newtons laws of physics namely For every action there must be reaction the federalists in the province of Quebec are equally campaigning in earnest in opposition to separation when the referendum is called rhn camnaigncrs for and against Quebec THIS LITTLE PIG HAD ROAST BEEE THIS LITTLE PIG HAD HOME Federal election 79 over next comes Quebec referendum separating will undoubtedly wait til weve had it up to the eyeballs with advertising flotsam and jetsom before the referendum is called Just about then another campaign will arise from different quarter perhaps provincial or municipal election CALL HALT The point being that important as all these and yet unstated future political issues may be propose that we call halt and have moratorium on any more campaigns To borrow from the vocabulary of the anti pollutionists we have become seriously over exposed by the proliferations of campaigns We must call halt to this ever expanding danger before it becomes too late to reverse the process What can do about it you may ask The answer is comparatively simple although one must be prepared to give of his time and effort meeting of all those interested in doing away with campaigns should be called im mediately and committee elected from those that attend with an energetic president and board of directors representing all con cerned At the same meeting suitable slogan should be selected say Lets pull the reins on any more campaigns Naturally newspaper radio and television ads will be taken in order to better com municate with the general public The motto will be snappy and punchy enough to be used by itself on TShirts bumper stickers and placards of all descrip tion 50 NE DlPllT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT NITRITE WISONING reconstruction programs that will be under taken this year With this in mind the City Egineer Mr Ray Allen has prepared the following article By RAY ALLEN City engineer With the 1979 current budget having receiv ed approval of city council the public works and engineering departments are busily preparing for construction and related maintenance programs Of particular note is contract 792 for the reconstructon of Dunlop Street East to 44 foot width from Mulcaster Street to 800 feet easterly or opposite the Lakeview Restaurant and Dairy The project also involves the reconstruction of Mulcaster Street south of Dunlop Street railway crossing signals and grade improvements The total value of the contract is approx imately $47140000 and has been awarded to Hulst Town Contracting Limited with an an ticipated starting date of May 14 1979 PROTECTS ENVIRONMENT The next project of importance involves the citys Water Pollution Control Centre on Bradford Street Council approved and awarded contract 791 to Kit Preston Con struction Limited in the amount of $54155800 with start date of May 30 1979 In keeping with the citys goal to protect the environ ment through modern urban waste manage ment the project involves im provements to the sewage inlet works at the main pumping station and new administra tion building housing laboratory offices and workshop With the completion of this project the Barrie treatment centre will completely up to date and capable of fully hreating six million gallons of sewage per ay Our Public Works Department will be reconstructing Little Avenue from Fairview Rod to Broadmoor Avenue This will be 32 foot wide road complete with curbs and gut ter sidewalks street lights and some exten sions to storm and sanitary sewers Preliminary estimates value this project at $35000000 with start date around May 14 1979 and completion in August of this year Finally word about the city transit system 63911 RIDERS During the Month of April this year our transit buses logged 30696 miles at total cost of $2383540 The 63911 riders produces $2428622 revenue Simple arithmetic based on Aprils figures shows that the users of our transit system account for 554 per cent of the operatonal cost Compared to other national and Ontario transit systems the Barrie system is above average Practically all other systems studied are having difficulty meeting target of 50 per cent revenue from passengers over total expenses If we could increase our rider ship by 770 per month we could realize 60 per cent revenue againt expenditure For an additional 33 riders per day on Bar ries Transit System this 60 per cent target could be realized This would not only reduce the total cost to the taxpayer but is cheaper transportation than using single occupant car with the cost of parking added for the same trips provided by our transit system TrierpLeting the news Nuclear safety growing concern By GLENN SOMERVILLE WASHINGTON CP There is growing evidence that many Americans have become deeply and increasingly concerned about the safety of nuclear power The latest setback for the nuclear industry came last Friday when jury in Oklahoma City gave $105million verdict against KerrMcGee Corp in negligence suit in volving the plutonium contamination of former employee Karen Silkwood was 28yearold lab technician at KerrMcGee nuclear fuel processing plant in Oklahoma when she died in 1974 auto crash Her death occurred week after she and her apartment were found to be contaminated by radioactive plutonium Mystery still surrounds her death Oklahoma police say she fell asleep at the wheel en route to meet New York Times rel porter and union official She allegedly carried proof of sloppy safety procedures at the plant where she worked But Silkwood supporters who have ke ther death cause celebre by constant pub icity hired an investigator who says she may have been run off the road They also allege that documents were stolen from her wrecked car Company officials had contended Silkwood deliberately contaminated herself with pluto nium and maintained KerrMcGee safety programs met federal standards The jury rejection of this argument and its decision to award $10 million in unitive damages as well as $500000 actual amages have widereaching implications Obviously the jury decided not only to punish KerrMcGee but to put fear into other companies in the industry FIRM HELD LIABLE It is the first time nuclea roducts firm has been held liable for ra ioactive con tamination that occurred outside the plant Silkwood was contaminated by material found in her refrigerator Perhaps most important it throws into doubt all the safety procedures the nuclear industry uses Even if Silkwood stole the plutonium from the KerrMcGee plant how was she able to do so Coming so soon after the incident at the Three Mile Island nuclearpower plant in Pennsylvania the Oklahoma jury decision is bound to have an impact on national concern about nuclear development On the weekend lawyers who won the Silkwood case publicly urged residents in the area of the Three Mile Island plant to file lawsuits against the plants owner The antinuclear rally here two weeks ago which drew about 75000 demonstrates that many Americans want curbs on the industry Nuclearpower advocates have done nothing to reassure anyone