Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1979, p. 17

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li wNfrnrrs PYimm co Whm 728241 EECIROLUX Canada Ltd authorised Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions I0 Alliance Ilvd Unit I9 7203392 WORD PROCESSING NEWS LETTERS BROCHURES MAGAZINES PHOTOGRAPHY CREATION OF BUSINESS TRADE CONSUMER GROUPS MAILING LISTS PREPARED FOR EDP DIRECTORIES CONVERTED FOR COMPUTER PROCESSING DBE CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS 737OI 25 My28 DON FLEMING CARPENTRY CONTRA CTING HOUSES SIDING COTTAGES SOFFITS GARAGES FACIAS ETC 3222806 JulBMWF CARPII INSTALLATION MILLER RROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Free estimates Call 7372I 93 CHIMNEYEPAIR Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING STROUD 4354590 Hun mm MANIERI PAVING Busines Dir eed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinest lob possible EIREPLACES VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 7284 599 CUSTOM sum and designed Specializing In natural stone and antique brick using bellfires Warkmanship guaranteed Peter Henstra 737287l FIREWOOD I00 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS I6 FACE CORD $30 FFREE DELIVERY 4872 I3 GENERAL CONTRACTING cusToM suiLOERs Renovation additions chirrney repairs drywall all masonry needsFar uall wark callJahn728OB41 CUSTOM BJILDERS Renovations additions chimney repairs wall all masonry needs For quality we Call John 7280841 OLD MANOR DELIVERED TELEPHONE 737 935 M25 GEKRAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cleaned rubbish removed cash for used appliances Gard 43654 SPRING CLEANUP VWndows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup Rubbish removal small moving iobs OExterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873 41 JU7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising faun datlons renovations additions Phone 4362955 after pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing In In terior work Rec roams kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work 7269002 FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod seeding etc Vic Triemstro 7282909 Weed spraing fertilizing results Enteed Lt eiweediMian 7372721 FERTILIZING WEED SPRAYING mowing sodding seeding Also rec rooms finished 73777I7 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re lr Fireplaces Eialty Free estimate 05 4245150 MUSIC INsrRuctIONs GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial Instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music l2l Bgyfield 7284799 PRCFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons In classical popular and rock Two openings call GARY 7269098 PIANO LESSON given by Anne Leeper ARCT Prepare for Royal Conservatory ex arns737I743 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737I295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 72683 UNIVERSITY PAINTING The organized student painters IT rained stall ongoing supervison and quality paintsl Backed with two year wntten guarantee Call 7370502 Jul4 PAINTER FULLY EQUIPPED low rates satisfaction guaranteed Free estimates Teflone 728I 232 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 7374087 ectoru PICTURE iRAMiN OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom fronting of all types We stock man sizes Phone7283270 PLASYER REPAIR Fancy moulds artistic ceilings decorative walls apply on almost my surface Kobra Free estimates 72646l2 ROTOTILLING SEAT INFLATION plant garden Roto tllllng S5 and up also lawns cut Tele hone 7289367 GRAHAM ROOFING The following should be looked into every years REPLACE MISSING SHINGLES REPAIR EDGE OF ROOFING REPAIR FLASHING CHIMNEY CHAULKING CHAULKING DORMERS REPAIR CHAULKING VALLEYS REPAIR FLASHING ON DORMERS CAULKING VENTS REPOINT CHIMNEYS l2 Years serving Barrie 7286628 MWFJn9 RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS Mede To Order FAST SERVICE IILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE No SNANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE 4873035 MWF SIMEEIE IEN And Display om any Limited WEACWIBS OF PLEXIGLAS SIGNS STUREFHUNT PLYLON SIGNS OILIUMINATEDNONILLUMINATED CUTUUT LETTERSLOGOS RENTALS AVAILABLE MCBO it McDONALDS BENEFITS INCLUDE Uniforms supplied Food discount Paid breaks Complete training secretaiy is required by the QUALIFICATIONS Extensive business and comme deal tactfully and intelligently SeniorStaff EQUALITY OF OPPORTUN BARRIE MIDLAND IND Ideally this candidate will pos MIDLAND Beyfield Street Barrie requires T0 PARTTIME STAFF Scheduled pay reviews Candidates should reply in person at McDONALDS RESTAURANT BAYFIELD ST NORTH BARRIE COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC CHARITIES SIMCOE SOUTH REGION BARRIE ONTARIO Requires SECRETARY $9000 PER ANNUM Catholic Charities to provide Secretarial Clerical stenographic and reception services for Family Life Centre skills shorthand andor dictaphone Good proofreading ability several years progressively responsible secretarial experience ability to work with minimum supervision ability to Please submit applications to MRS MARGARET TONER Box 9I0 POSITION OPEN FOR INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC PRODUCTS COST ESTIMATOR INJECTION MOLDING SHIFT FOREPERSON nalds LL RESTAURANT ocal Chapter of the Council of rce training excellent typing with the general public and ITY FOR EMPLOYMENT Ont USTRIES LTD sess prior experience in cost estimating or industrial engineering Apply to PERSONNEL OFFICE 320 ELIZABETH ST ONTARIO L4R 4L6 IYflt 123 examiner Tuesday May 22 1m 17 7i beh tented YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 EUGENIA THERESA AMELIA ETC TORONTO HIGH STS RAGLAN CENTRE KING STS ANGUS Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME AGE ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE PHONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 7Iieb waited AVOII SELL THE 7i help wanted 7i bob vented MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Were looking for creative and imaginative manager who will assume responsibility for the companys advertising and sales promotion ac CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with DESGNED AND We 09 l°°king IOT experienced fOfelermn assume tlvities The successful candidate will work closely PATIOS °SIDEWALKS esTEPs CURBS 32733Toiffiigfirizvgglzii 51 PHERIS PAVING INSTALLED TO YOUR resmnsblles shl °i6 lo p°°plei The succesil With sales persOnnel in forming and Implementing cumbent should have supervtsory and intection molding ex GARAGE FLOORS GENERAL CONTRACTING ETD COMPLETE perience The company is located in the Barrie area Please the adverhsmg and markeimg SUPP0t acwmes workmanShlP Guaranleed gphah SATISFACTION forward resume or contact Personnel Department ensure continuing growth in dynamic FE ESTIMATES lRONINGPlcked up anddellvered Mon SlumAl INDUSTRIAL Sm snm um CANPLAS mo 11 technological environment The ideal candidate 72600 who 7374453 90 Box would have combination of expertise in both the PIIIIIIOIO IOIIIII court Barrie Ont Avons top quality products find advertising and electronics or Similar industrial DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO fmnomu ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK AND RADO L4M 4Y5 7°C°PHV° CU om rs fields Please reply in writing to the General Speciolgisng in paglspurits ggggizgorbd altera floor everywhere At present we mnager ni one ir co or 9° Recidentiel EXCAVATING pond pool EEmhrriswliitosffllgrooipfic7All makes Myl92223 hm °p°9 l°r 95 ndugfrhICk¢ning CARPENTRYrouglifbilslied ma epesmmléigam TORTIOHIX COMUO le SHORTRUN OFFSET 10 59M WM ROOFING TREE SERVICE mm mm mum ORO TWP P00 Box 6500 COPYPRINTING AWomans Touch 24 hour service 7261451 mars $150 PHOTO COPIES 2OYears in Janitorial BusineSs 521 WATER SERVICE Tim Up lo perhvfee ex rs orTth Your 0d INNISFIL TWP FF or nt PM moor mutate222323 mosrwv mam Wimming oo WDUPLICATING Above ground In Ground FullTIME WORM PICKERS WAfm$¢vziACH SERVICES Lawn Sad Watering No experience necessary HQ ANDSCAPING Road Construction BA PRODUCER Phone today and find om how 728 Rob Rt IOIITS 7280 IIOIITI REICHEN ANDSCAHNG eDRIVEWAys FférzTSE Businesls opportunity for Zerfsan with Class drivers licence 31233 get started Highest EAVESTRouomNc midnthICommrdiindumiI ocoMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL M° V°mfgéegxi°l6hgggflgém SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS Serving 5mm radius mNCRETE WORK WINDOW Puma in oexperience necessary 33$ natalitinmleigstrzi23n5 N502 mtboll SODDING tignulzuc mhfaclon GuamnOOd 256 grim CLEANING cornmeal CT Ferndale Drive bemeon 47 Pm von you make me SMILE TF 41956 Free Enimfle mlasl ent ree estimates Telephone Olslway TI EIth III °Everpreens FAMILY WORKERS snwzgpiligloonm Wm °°° 73 213 inttmdiimli fl OPENINGS EBCIEHIENGAL OPPORTUNITY PAINSWICK 7265666 re °°l STELEELSVLSIRciNDO MWFO26 required Cm em che To qualify Must have car and be i9 or over Good educational onmro and character background Bendable Free to travel in Slmcoe Other Electronic Equipment POSITION El 57 DrivewalS arkingLots To work 0s pan of team in Cfinty Musglbe aggresswe alert highly sociable ambitious 72I9457 oTennis Courts rPM TF SOD FARMS Crmcrete Work P°Vflg sPP WWII lfyaur are selected YOUR FUTURE is SECURE High quality sod FREEESTIMA TES fen immemcl You will be given complete twoweek sales training program leoc mg parenlmg an in Toronto expense paid Guaranteed $2500 in commissions CHAIN LINK FENCING for free estimate elwered or pCke up In WRINENGUARANTEE to h°m9 yourfirst 13 weeks 7797 held 7260081 Monday 10 can framing op Our representatives are given every opportunity for ad FIBREGLASS REPAIRS ServingSimcoe Count pommmes wlh professonal vancement to ke management positions staff FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles MWFJulfi Since 1961 QUALIFICATIONS THIS PHONE CALL CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE in er irn es wi gwknf°hsv goZromzd LAWN CARE TF 7i Iielp wants help wanted Mumre Person wnh égnoprigozagvVF knowled of children and MARKETING £11 fmumg Orima 325982o 57IYOFWR 67h WP 68 Pononcl IIP PM in Experience essential Jim Seabrook ii SALARY $12 000 L05 In Th PPLES to MONECA psyc ic and card reading COM C7 con one ues urs ngtLrglitEllSrieldELldeTellgbrigh 7va gaibtllfs9sgaricillas Fifuiltualiitarlfile 157 counsellinaaDalggnd e¥2een8iggss Monday muons on NUS and tun PI A4o THREE year old chestnut Arabian Clappem Sli Barre lhlioug FEPY 019 Mu In mum THE CITY OF BARRIE gelding Sound no vices musf SC ASK BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 ufiig aka ing 51200 497 am 63 personals Mary street Open Monday and Tuesday very SUBSTANTIAL INCOME good 12 tub 15 gm AT stun Registered quarter horse gig 2éyg3$éfgm 930 Reporting to the accountant dimes for advancement broad WWW COMMUTE SERVICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 723 $361 ii the SUCCESSIUI Cflfflidolf Will Milt MIMI Ind P0 Pflfllon ENFORCEMENT Oman PERSON REQUIRED one day week to $37 tiSnetull time sideiiiie Callewnogri RAI 0w 5gock Mnd wom avoid paying me high YOU drink the Your bUSImSS If YOU have responstbilities in all pittare included do house Cleaning light laundry and WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING Sirling Iou Tht Farmer 3269243 Cell collect TF 59 poultry and ditch DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 34 lel cost of commuting Want to save wear and tear on your car and your pocketbook Our business is to help you achieve these goals CALL 7269778 FOR INFORMATION TTHSMy 24 WOWE IS IN BARRIE Ask about WOMENS OPPORTUNITY WITH ELECT ROLUX 7233392 TTF HOUSE PLANT want to guit thats ours Call anytime RIDING lNSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 JAMES Psychic Reader Private con sultation psychic parties aura por traits Call evenings Mon Thurs 737 4300 RELAXATION THERAPY FUN Mr Hot Tubs from Northern White Pine PAULS HOT TUBS Oro 487 36l2 SINGLE LADY in mid 30s seeks single tall gentleman with children preferred between 38 55 Please Serious replys on ly Box 39 The Examiner Barrie CHAIN LETTERS How do you feel when you get them Call Lori Cohen Ex aminer reporter at 726 6537 and tell her what you think at them 70lost and tound REWARD FOR RECOVERY $50 i211 Starcratt aluminum boat white missing from Superior Boat Works Port McNichol in early April Please contact or call Toronto 416 923 7994 7i beb Illhd general accounting functions prior to financial statement preparation Applicants should have years ex perience with manufac turingfirm Interested applicants should send resume in confidence to KOOLATRON INDUSTRIES LIMITED 230 IAYVIEW liR BARRIE ONTARIo LIN 4n minimum of AIRCONDITIONING MECHANIC THE POSITION The sale of general blsurance products the casualty artemotlve home disability In come business life and related pedteged policies We Offer on estdtlislied territory bi tlie Barrie wee complete and continuous trdriing plenty of leads and prospects We deal with medium shed bushes thins and are specIeIsts In our field QUALIFICATIONS The person should be resident have good reputation late model car high school or better education keen hiterest In professional career and desist for management Experience Is not necessary In our field Please submit resume to Box A35 Applications giving full details of education and work ex perience will be received by the undersigned up to May SI 1979 for the position of Bylaw Enforcement Officer Duties will be primarily enforcement of parking regulations in the downtown areas of the City Starting salary will be in the $7000 range Excellent benefits programme Tamblyn PEng MBA City Administrator PO Box 400 Barrie Ontario L4M 4T5 My22 EARN MORE MONEY Are you aggressive Do you babysitting one child Georgian College Area Postiion reopened Telephone 726 7972 CABINET MAKER WOOD MACHIN EST Served apprenticeship or min imum of years experience For work on turniture and custom cabinets Phone 7287451 THE TORONTO STAR requires delivery agents to deliver newspapers on established routes in the Barrie area Must have reliable vehicle and be available in the afternoons Monday to Friday early mornings Saturday and Sunday Ideal tor housewives or retired persons Apply Box 503 Orillia or telephoneaasaue ENERGETIC GIRL required as domestic to live in at Big Bay Point July and August Weekends June and Sep tember NO babysitting Write Mecklinger 46 Blue Forest Drive powinsview Onterio M3H74WS Estimator Draftsperson required by Barrie construction com Deny specializing in farm and light in dustrial building Engineering ex perience helpful Send resumes to Box ad specialties printed labels tapes bail pens Ottice supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 for your class tractor trailer licence 4id25l 2275 15 trade schools 75 trade scboeb ROS DE MY The Practical Step to Your Future Now today is the time to set your sights on rewor ding interesting and satisfying career with ROSS ACADEMY Take the practical Step to on exciting future We offer six month day courses days week begin ning March and September ENROLL NOW FOR SEPTEMBER CLASSES REGISTRATION IS LIMITED FOR SOME CLASSES 50 ACT NOW Cl SERIAL ASSISTANT Cl SEEIEIAIIAL SUM WMCH requiredimmediately love meeting people and nfifi BARKEY PAINTING nlorior and CARE AVMLABLE Apply The Examiner enioy becumul working 23 yspeefvfiiziiorizusfaagzirliyi Cl WIS flu ASSISIIIE URINE CAREER 3253Dgteggflifif3jepgf wiiiiitou mum liACARTiiEwINc Barrie atmosphere Do you like to firm Salary commensurate with ex mm mm WWI WWW WI 737 toe perience and ability Apply with resume DWI WIT TRAINING Reliable insured person with 32 MINl92lr26 m°k° 315000 325000 Y°°r to Box 543 Barrie 62pastu re to rent references UTOMOTWE fame in 53255l0 DO RiTCItéNiHETLPi WAITRESSEs unmmuhmh ou ocar WAITERS rson to Barre GOOD PASTURE °° Jm Drver 7284193 chef Present yourself the ave meonlyll Seafood Restgzryarlt Tia Bradford sl MmlflAlflflfloffeted hr °W5D 900° Pm professional way wim one of MANUFACTURING PLANT Y° °5W° Barrie no 0502 HeelddAuIltuhldle 63 asture wanted MWFM 30 perience necessary Stu ents 650K WANTED rim 509 min vp our indiVIdually prepared We are looking for leulreso pn EILECTRICIAt and pantime people are room MUSBejxqerienced 726 35 hm PASII Ue$e¢qucEfilbor Bil3 223 resumes lelephone SOlClors Tmmmg mg arm men an welcome For interview coll LEGAL SECRETARY Wire w° 297Adelclde Street South AUTHORIZED SALESISERVKE COME IN and see us for fast Will available For in Wllh dUSITCl eXpenence wm Real 55 aWYer please 723 442i 7371902 between it telephone Paul Dusome with Bell Tern leader 0eterioN513l7 mm 65tarm machinery reasonable and protessmnal terview call 7374903 AiFIY Persoln WMG 03 and pic at 45 or apply in person at 58 OPbolsmn wgdmf MM TM service Mygb Personne Department Cillier St Y29i i2 HP BOLENS iracior with mower wWhmk or umnlNAfloNAl MY26 TAXIbRTvERs wanted Iodriveeyen snow blows 92rd Her 500 TEE CTCTIFEII BUFOOU inqs Must be mature neat appearance Telephonei8 lJlI Hanna CA ElleNE nguselrngUEiE orchmfic good driving reCOrd Telephone 728 6288 ONE JOHNDEER diesel tractolr reg ASK FORAFREE HOME WK Business and marketing abhqu any Non more Canadian drivers girteroprmr hppowerseermg remo econ roio DEMQNyrRAnONTopAYI TYP an Reyerences York DISTRIBUTION MANAGER $300 to Glenco cultivator l8 one John Deer 11 b°ltkgf°und P0 009 Fe SiJOO monthly spare time Telephone wheel disk 48LIales 487 2344 D7Ul09r9 MlllSBBYVICW us me or 436 4595 as memeY 5309 67 NEEDMONEY Fuller BrushCompany 351425 695 23 revdesmm tangle smog WANTADS 82414 alone Let friend help call Telecare no 792 anytime 9775 PHONE 7284 PHONE 72824

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