31 quï¬qjrfflfm To preserve farms and water Ru rol Oro Towns By RICHARD IIItHIS If The Examiner As chairman of the Simcoe County museum iiildItftIIHtS committee and mhmlier ol the historical sites committee ro lteeve Howard aniplicll is obviously man with passion for history especially When it comes to his own township In the past It years on township council he dniiiinicd up enough local enthusiasiini to generate historical works on Some of the 70 telephone opera the township its schools and geneology of its families Something he says which few other municipalities have achieved But none of this is surprising considering the ampbells have helped create ros history ever since they arrived in Shanty Bay back in 1833 Farmers by profession they took keen interest in municipal affairs cven then and played major role in the for tors on the job at Bell Canadas Bayfield mation and administration of the school board And history repeats itself The tiriyearold reeve has been farmer and member of the school board for 14 years before becoming member of council in I967 The family pattern shows no signs of changing as sons Don and Roy have taken over the family farm where the reeve although retired still keeps his hand in OCcasionally Street centre in Barrie its busy job with no time for daydreaming Ex aminer Photo Bells girls like to keep busy They live in world of voices whose owners they may never see You might pass one in the street stand next to her in line and never know you had ever spoken to her Who are they Telephone operators whose anonymous voices at the other end of the line and whose assistance is often taken for granted But the girls at Ma Bell arent machines have husbands and children and feel ings says one veteran operator at Bell Canadas Bayfield Street centre in Barrie People are so amazed we are human beings like they are says Helen Phanenhour They dont think of you as personality they think of you are means to get what they want But Mrs Phanenhour an operator since 19 finds the work interesting in spite of this anonymity You are mediator helping people and you are always there It make you feel iinpor taut she says Once she actually did en counter face which she could associate with face She was standing in bank when she recognized the voice of man behind her Turning she looked him over she says and was surprised It was astounding how dilÂ¥ ferent he looked to what had imagined At the Barrie branch there are 70 other girls like Mrs Phancnhour who spend shifts of about seven and half hours day it calls an hour helping people contact each other across the world or simply sup plying information Some of the requests for in Making the most of spring Mike Nutt left and formation are entertaining to say the least Questions such as What time does the beer store open are quite common but Mrs Phanenhour recalls an old lady who had one drink too many asked her if she knew where the bootleggers in Collingwood are WANTS DATE Then there are the male callers who are looking for date and phone number usually the operators But any flirting is strictly against regulations and could cest an operator her job says Caroline Wise supervisor and chief operator Is it common Normally would say no although we lid have one operator who was so inclined and who was making dates says rs Wise Operators are expected to be businesslike not chatty and should avoid encouraging life story conversations with callers she says Customers will say lot of things to an operator because they arent face to face But while they may be getting super service there may he to others who areiit getting any Operators are expected to answer certain number of calls each hour and may have as many as seven or eight on the go at the same time During the first six months which includes total of 16 days training on all aspects of the job operators must become familiar with several books on correct practices which cannot be deviated from says Mrs Wise This ensures service which is constant no matter where you Danny Davidson of Cookstown try their luck fishing in the Nottawosaga River east of Alliston Nicolston Photo by Brian Baker with nothing happening call from she says It is very exacting and some of them dont make the grade because they are so nervous Sitting in front of the swit chboard an operator must be ready to jump says Mrs Phanenhour CANT DAY DREAM You cant daydream in this job You have to be alert all the time Yet the girls hate it when they arent busy she says Theres nothing worse than sitting in front of that board After full day of answering calls and listening to deman ding voices youd think the last thing an operator would want to do when she gets home is answer ringing phone Not so says Mrs Phancnhour would answer it and then talk for two hours There have been some male operators says Mrs Wise but generally they tend to consider the job to he womans preserve But this doesnt bother the girls at Ma Bell one bit They feel they have made the system one of the best in the world In fact the profession is one big sorority across the world says Mrs Ihanenhour We talk the same language and there is real kinship she said There is one night of the year when operators seem to get the acknowledgement they deserve and that is New Years Eve So many peple call in just to say happy new ycai says Mrs Wise That whole board lights up and we might get 300 calls in half an hour They do it every yea Season to rediscover joy of nature By BRI BAKER ALLISIUN It is un fortunate that spring the most vibrant and exciting season of all comes when most of us are so busy that we are only aguely aware of its passing Recently we stood on the banks of the Boyne River in Earl Rowe Provincial Park just west of Alliston peering into the water rushing over the gravel bottom At first we could see nothing lheii know ing what to look for we saw scores of trout heading upstream to spawn So effective was the trouts brownish camouflage that only when they rolled slightly to reveal tlasli ol the paler undersides could be detect them We usually think of vultures as being in southern latitudes but they art not tiiicoiiinionly in the rockier hillier parts of Sim coe County in April 17 we saw two big turkey vultures master gliders circling around and around ill the lincts Point area of Yongc St rect We wondered ll these ROUTE IN HISTORY To someone rooted in history as the reeVe is change isnt always desirable especially when the past has proved suc cessful and the future is dif ficult to see into Industry and increased development arent the kind of big changes which are on his list of priorities for the township still think Oro should re main rural he says cant see it any different and the peo ple who live here want it that way Maintaining this aspect of 0ros character is not only best for the township he says but for the county as whole want to see as much open space as possible between Bar rie and 0rilliasays the reeve We have seen too many cities join together and that is our dangerhere For this reason the township has held down the influx of urban residents seeking to move in Reeve Campbell says We need some limited development but we want to preserve our farms as well Development he says is something you have to watch as to how much and where you put it The township does not have high enough industrial and commercial assessment base to offset the development of low cost housing and if it main tains its rural atmosphere with good class of housing it wont need it he says WANTS DRY INDUSTRY Oro does have 113 acre in By TERRY FIELD Of The Examiner Simcoe County Board of Education trustee Alvin Gravelle is FrenchCanadian and he would like to see his heritage promoted and pro tected Its like your heart and soul Retaining your language means everything person and to see it gradually slipping away is ather dishearting trustee in the Pcnetanguishene area since 1968 from 1969 with the own ty board Gravellc favors the construction of distinct thgh school for use by the Frech community He and others in the area working toward the same goal believe their language and culture will survive only the French community has ts own institutions During Travelles lifetime many French have been assimilated into the dominate English culture RECOMELOST There are as many French people tin the area but not as many speak the anguage Eventually French will be nonexistent nthis area Gravclle says sadly that many people in Pcnetanguishene are not con usually shy birds were hanging around this close to the city Then we saw the reason Their supersense of smell had detected the faint scent of fresh meat products from local meat market directly beneath them Vultures which may be iden tified by their elevated finger likc wing tips may be seen most often in west and north Simcoe rock country NEST IN REEKS We have noted this spring many ducks flying up and down the various creeks within the City of Barrie They will nest successfully in secluded parts of the creeks if not disturbed It is job to walk along the roads and through the woods to see masses of white and red trilliums gleaming white anemones quaint Dutchmcns breechcs which look like wahing on the line and pastile colored hepaticas Around our fencelincs blue violets are so thick they look like blue haze Frogs and frogs eggs and the resulting wriggling black tad poles or polliwogs never cease Know your county dustrial park which has been zoned commercial but Reeve Campbell says the only kind of industry he wants to see there is dry industry such as warehousing which does not require lot of water Im not interested in seeing lot of industry we might spoil our lakeshorc he says With much of its population of 6400 living along the lakeshore plus about 400 addi tional summer residents Oro is concerned about protecting this area from pollution and over development Reeve Campbell says lakeshorc study has already been sent to the ministry of housing as an amendment to the townships official plan recommending the control of building in areas not suitable for septic beds It also recommends lcgaliz ing the conversion of summer residences to permanent as long as their septic beds are upgraded to meet approval of the Simcoe County health unit he says These residences are zoned seasonal and recreational but some owners are living in them year round which is illegal as the septic beds are not designed to cope Lake Simcoe is in danger of becoming polluted and this will help it out Reeve Campbell says think Oro has taken the leadinthis The loss of the lake in an area considered one of the main tourist regions in the province would be tragedy for On Knowledge of French distinct advantage ALVIN GRAVEIIE preserve French cerneo th the languge is taughtin SC 0015 Married and the father of three Travelle is employed by the province at the mental helth centre as canteen operator In either language an education prepares the stu dent to take place in socie ty Gravelle says They should be taught to be good citizens skills that will get them job pride in to intrigue children visiting local ponds and swamps guess have never gown up becaUSc painstakingly counted the number of eggs in one mass of frogs spawn There were more than 600 In the bush beneath the tangl ed roots of hemlock tree is den of cute fox cubs Earlier this spring two men discovered bcars den in Essa but to pro tect the animal from being disturbed no location of the den site will be given Recently in Base Borden some cadets were excitedly peering under the bushes at cute furry little creature Iii vestigating we saw the cute little animal groundhog de fiantly defending the entrance to its burrow Spring is hectic time on the farm as farmers try to plant their grain crops including oats and barley and tremen dous acreages of corn Already growers in the Alliston area have started planting potatoes It is tremendously satisfying to work long and hard to cultivate the land to see the hip suits reeve iust fine tario he says ENJDYS WORK Now in his third term on county council Reeve Camp bell not only likes the work but thepcople he works with hey are good bunch he says The county system operates efficiently and takes care of the needs of the people he says But do feel we have too many on county council Reeve Campbell is in favor of proposal still awaiting final vote which would cut the number of councillors even though Oro would lose its depu ty reeve at the county level Only the five largest municipalities whose popula tions warrant two represen tatives on council will be able to keep their deputy reeves there and some municipalities in the same boat as Oro feel if some deputy reeves have to go then all should go and leave only reeves on county council Reeve Campbell does not agree cant see Matchcdash Township with population of 500 getting the same vote as In nisfil with 15000 he says After almost 26 years in municipal affairs Reeve Campbell says this will be his last term unless something drastic comes up think you can stay too long at any of these jobs and there are other ones you can take on he says It is an honor to bc reeve but there are good people com ing up on council and they should have chance at it too Any graduate from Georgian Colleges resort and hotel management program who wants to work will get job says program coordinator Russ Baxter their country and their local area and sense of duty Theres saying that the young are the leaders of tomorrow Perhaps if we can instill some pride and respect for others in children we can say we have been successful LEARN RESPECT Children who learn both languages Gravelle says Ei will learn respect for others along with classroom lessons in grammar He lists as his major disap pointment the stalling of the oral French program for elementary school children at grade six because of budget restraints think everyone in the country should learn French but its no good trying to teach civil servants the language We should teach the children The younger they are the easier it is for them to learn Children versed language would Gravellc says develop deeper understanding of Canadas two cultures cultures rooted The industry is growing by leaps and bounds and people in the industry are looking for employees who have ex perience Baxter told The Ex aminer 100 PER CENT For anyone who after leav ing Georgian wants to work in the industry placement is 100 per cent Baxter said the colleges pro gram is being expanded this fall year ago 30 students in both By NANCY IIGUEROA of The Examiner in very different sets of BARCLAY Although assumptions repairs to the Innisfil Park The French fact in the ballfield and playing field are Penetanguishcne area is costly the repairs should be Somehing to be preserved made Particularly to the Gravcllc says ballfield said the Committee of Itsuniquc theWhochedncsday Repairs will cost about $800o The only money allocated however is ballfield $2500 for the bright green shoots coming up like endless ranks of green soldiers Corn is particularly nice because it comes up as trumpetshaped shoot each fill ed with shimmering drop of dew like fairy drinking cup ALSES UNCERN oncern is caused when fields will not dry up You recall in stances of tractors becoming so deeply bogged down that they have been pulled in half to free them Right now those strange members of the Calla family skunk cahbagcs wellnamed for their evil smelling seed pods are coming up in Mines ing Swamp This spring the marsh flats are dotted with the nests of muskrats built up with piles of reeds and grass Inside they build cozy nest above the waterline with and underwater entrance NESTING BIRDS Many summer birds are back and preparing to nest iii cluding robins killdeers bobolinks barn and tree swallows redwinged blackbirds horned larks the examiner Tuesday May 22 1979 11 will find iobsGeorgion RUSS BAXTER prospects good Committee reasoned that if they were to fix the ball field and playing field in two steps the price would be even higher Repairs should all be done at once said Coun Kathe Jans Coun Jack Young said however repairs to the ballfield shouldnt be held up until money can also be allocated for work on the play ing field know your coun Mrs Mary Caldwell of Shanty Bay correctly identified last weeks entry in the Know Your County Contest as the Hamilton Inn Cairn and wins two steaks courtesy of and Super Discount in Barrie Angus or Alliston it you know the answer to this weeks entry send your name and address and telephone number along with your entry to Know Your County Contest The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 Examiner Photo Winners are selected by random draw of all correct answers and will be notified by mail Reeve Howard Campbell of Oro says preservation of farmland and rural areas is need for township Examiner Photo entered the two year program In September 48 prospective resort hotel workers have registered Its management oriented program Baxter said LEARN ACCOUNTING Students learn some accoun ting how to handle public rela tions hotel law along with courses in preparation of food housekeeping and so on Anything to do with the hospitality industry Baxter said Resorthotcl students are also required to work within the in dustry during the summer bet ween years one and two as part of their program $8000 ballfield repairs OKd by Innisfil council Reeve William libbins however solved the dilemma He said the two could be repaired now if park reserve funds were used Larry Morrow recreation c0 ordinator agreed with the Reeves suggestion The park is for the whole municipality said Morrow Money could be well Served in thatarca