Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1979, p. 16

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wRiTe 0N1 DATING GAME 10 the examiner Frldoy May 18 1919 Television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING $0 news HOLvaooo sousnes DEFINITION POLKA DOT 000R 630 nac news may TYLER noose snow on news sac news news new ome MATH PATROL 045 READALONG 065 700 EIGHT l8 ENOUGH TOM AND JERRY AND IENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DELTA HOUSE Hoover falls madly in IovewlthlheBDmbahellandnoonelncludingher has the heart to tell him that she loves him no or less than Inbof the other Dsttrrs NEWLYVIE GAME ALMOST HOME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYVIED GAME EVENING OUT HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CIRCUSnuasls Srhnntsslaphsntand rhino Edwardos bicycle act Laa Batons hand ncln Slan Damon tire manipulator AT 18 TRUTH more SHADOWS sos NEWHART snow 800 DlFFRENT STROKES Loft alone by the very truly memhora 01 his Iamity Arnold takes itiastrr measures by using child psychology to make the others take notice of FREETIME POLITICAL TELECAST THELEIFGARRETTSPECIALA contemporst musical comedy variety hour starring the popular teenage actor and record ing artslwithguostsaobHopa MarieOamond Flip Wilson and the Pink Lady singing duo 80 THE MACKENZIES OF PAR ADISE COVE Michael Mackenzie roaenta CudaWeherputlinghimundergroatpreseureby mlrng hesvrly on him to win race 60 mina INCREDIBLE HULK OLYMPIC PROFILES Fisia WAR YEARS MOVIE CRIME Johnny Cool ma 830 HELLO unav wnmumm at last becomes IinaltaiiiahowhosthrryAldsr makes an attempt to meet women at singles FRONT PAGE HALLENGE PLANETOF MAN 900 THE Roc1ltr=oR0 FILES Errtrsrnists steal valuable paintings lrornths new polics commissioner and Rocktord works with his old nemesis Lt Chapman to recover works R00nilns BURTONCUMMINGSWEST Alarcicslstorylinelacornblriedwiththernuslcot composer singer pianist Burton Cummings and features guest stars David Clayton Ihorrras Wilt Carter and Carroll Baker with spacialappssrsncsbyChlsIDanGsorgaR60 urine DUKES OF HAZZARD or and Bo frustrate Boss Moon by hijacking his merit of metal slot machines 60 mine FRIDAY lGHTMOVIErhoRqum Oi The Mod Squad 1079 Stars Michael Cola Li Ion N6VIE Journev hrs Ill LIVE AT THE FORUM Hamilton harmonlc COUNTRY MATTERS The lor THE LOVE BOAT 1000 III THE DUKE Investigating young womansdlssppesrenceDukeRamseylaceaa homicide charge trumped up by feudng hillbil 60mins STAR xv AND HUTCH DALLAS Pam decides to help her brotherscandldacytorsietaaenatorslth0ugh Ewln aback another man R60mlna MI SWINSLOWAND SON Susan is nervous about her date with eligible bachelor Larry Saegar to the point that whenha arrivea avoids teIIIn him that she has bab THE MidHTv CONTINEN oIEm lres HssArrlvad NE SUPDATE news 1001 09 MW GRIFFIN 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT 100 In news csc news CTV news EDUCATION OF MIKE Mc MANUS MOVIE coneovi Ouacksor Fortune Has Cousin In the Bronx 1010 1120 ll news 127 news 1130 THE TONIGHTSHOWHoi Johnny Carson Guests Eydis Germs Dr Landon thoornins NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFF gME MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION Vs The Thin 1051 STREET TAL NIGHTMUSICJoeHellandIhrrContin antal Drltt 1145 THE PROFESSIONALSNoiAVory Civil Sarvant Two employees of building Irrm are to be put on trial for corruption stong with local housing committee chairman who is ac cused of taking bribes from them in return for housing contracts 1150 Movre MUSICALRomancs VI Romeofiad ultet toss Ill MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA II MOTTE 5811111511 2°Hiiiii°r The Last Ten Days 1911 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MoVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Thoroughly Modern Millie 1961 130 news 200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE COMEDY Four Deuces 1075 220 OMOVIERDMAnceDRAMA Action for Slender 1931 MARCUS WELav MD 340 MOVIE COMEDYWESTERN Skln Game1s11 345 MOVIE ROMANCECOMEDY 96 Young agdoglllllng 1942 In aeerCHED historically speaking today in history May 18 1979 US President Woodrow Wil son signed the Selective Service Act 62 years ago today in 1917 six weeks after the US entered the First World War Voluntary enlistment played such havoc with war planning that in 1918 the US Navy and Army stopped accepting volun teers and took in only con scripts 1785 Saint John NB be came the first incorporated city in Canada 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed emperor of France 1915 Lord Kitchener an nounced that the Allies would use gas as weapon in war 1951 The United Nations moved to its new headquarters in New York City from tem porary site in former war plant at Lake Success 1974 India exploded an un derground nuclear device ibarriesstogy May 18 rest As result of special rehabilitation grant of $40200 received from the provincial government the board of the Royal Victoria Hospital was in canadas stog Montreal And Saint John Celebrating Anniversaries Today is an important anniversary in Montreal and Saint John Montreal was founded on May 18 1642 when Maisonneuve landed there with his brave group of pioneers including Jeanne Mance On May 18 1783 more than 7000 Loyalists arrived at presentday Saint John and established the communities of Parr Town and Carleton on opposite sides of the harbor The arrival of the Loyalists was an important develop ment in Canadian history It led to the creation of New Brunswick as separate colony and it was also the turn of the tide when Canada became primarily Englishspeaking rather than French The founding of Montreal as Ville Marie was religious venture It was daring because the area was the crossroads of routes used by the Iroquois between their homes in New York and hunting grounds in Canada When Maisonneuvc and his followers landed in small boats they erected an altar so Father Vimont could celebrate Mass He made remarkable prediction That which you see is only grain of mustard seed But it is cast by hands so pious and so animated by faith and religion that it must be that God has great designs for it 11c makes use of such instruments for His work doubt not that his little grain may produce great tree that it will make wonderful progress some day that it will multiply itself and stretch out on every side Today Montreal is Canadas largest city and the second largest Frenchspeaking city in the world OTHER EVENTS ON MAY 18 1765 Fire destroyed half of Montreal 1785First school in Upper Canada opened at King start 1791 British louse of Commons passed Canada Act 1822 Bank of Montreal received royal sanction 1821 Wf Mackenzie issued Colonial Advocate 1846 Kingston was incorporated as city 1861 College of Bytown became College of Ottawa 1919 Hawker and Grieve attempted to fly Atlantic from Newfoundland but were forced down in Atlantic and rescued 192 Canadian Historical Society was formed alliston Word has been received that Gary Christopher teacher at the Allislon Union Public school has been chosen to be principal at Duntroon Public School His new duties will commence in September The marriage of Barbara Boyd and Harold Mills was solemnized in St Johns United on Saturday afternoon with Rev Peter Moffat officraiirig Those attending the bride were Diane Drury as matron of honor bridesmaids were Trudy Fnrnell Beverley Brown and Isabel ltobins Mcl Farncll acted as best mun and the ushers were John Mills William Boyd tliltl lnrcnci lrury ltttplltlll and dance wore held in the Legion it The bride and groom will ltlkt up residence in Brampton Saturday evening Keith and Peg McRuer fariiily of neighborly news Allistori attended the 86111 birthv day anniversary dinner for Pegs mother Mrs MacPhcr son resident in senior citizen home of Willowdalc The party was held at the home of Jean and Jirii Pegs sister Glced also in Willowdulc The mother Pegs sisters their husbands and families attended the morning worship service ill Lansing United During the ser vice the family had eight col lection plates dedicated in honor of their mother The Couples Club of St Johns United will be having their annual chicken barbecue on Saturday June 9th in River dale lnrk Keep this date in mind baxter by Momhlorrle Cochrano 4246837 Mrs Doris Gnulcy spent few days with Mr and Mrs Brian Snowden and family at Cambridge Mrs Forrest McKee from Nottawa president of Barrie position to advise Barrie and the surrounding municipalities that it would not require the grants requested from them earlier in the year Bill Garner chairman of the Chamber of Commerce com mittee dealing with the annual fish derby said all the ar rangements were completed With the good weather which had been experienced at the time Chamber of Commerce officials were convinced that there would be heavy turn out again on the anglers big day Monday May 24 Vespra Township Reeve Roy Hickling announced the campaign tg raise funds for the CNIBs proposed new home for the blind had topped all expec tations Reeve Hickling who acted as campaign chairman said that target of $950 had been set for the township but to that date they had already totalled $1200 The eighth International Dog Show held by the Kennel Club of Barrie in the Barrie Arena was the best so far sponsored by the local dog lovers and owners Despite other big at tractions on the same date the attendance exceeded that of the previous year and in addition giving some idea of the wide scope of such events when well established as was the Barrie Club it attracted 334 entires from far and near Local breeders made very creditable showing against the strong competition The famed mighty mites of the wrestling world the midgets were to be one of the feature attractions of the wrestling at Barrie arena Presbyterial and Mrs Norris Cochrane Youth Secretary of Barrie Presbyterial attended the WMS and daughters bari quct at Oro Esson Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening May Toasts were made to the mothers and daughters and Mrs McKee made toast to the WMS Mrs Betty Shelswell president of the group welcom ed all present The regular monthly meeting was held upstairs in the church Guests introduced were young boys and girls who told of their experiences in helping build new church and showed slides of the work they had done Birthdays celebrated lately were Mrs Dorothy Edgar and Bryan Cochrane lt1 IN ST llicrc as no panther pink or OllltlWlSt in Peter Scllcrss movie The Pink Panther BORN IN INDIA Actress Julie Christie was born in Chukur India Lire Doctor Squ Only few cases confirmed By PAUL RUBIE M1 Dear Dr Ruble Ive written before and hoped youd get around to giving me answers about eosinophilic fascitis guess it must be new My sons was diagnosed year ago He has severe hand swelling and is on Prednisone Id like it de scribed in plain language Does it only affect hands Is there cure Whats the cause Sorry for the delay try to field questions about more common ailments This one is new only in the sense that it was recently described by doctors treating similar problems You wont find it in the usual lay medical books Only few cases have been confirmed but Ill tell you what lknow Eosinophils are certain body cells which we can and are able to identify with sub stance called eosin Fascia is special tissue found around muscles and body organs With eosinophilic fascitis there are more of the telltale cells in the blood than normal and there is thickening and hardening of the fascia tissue We dont know why this occurs ltiticrits cx pcricncc pain from heavy activ ity like prolonged lifting orjog ging Skin becomes thickened in the extremities arms hands legs elbows etc Organs can get affected few cases identified to date have been in patients being treated for scleroderma or other muscle ailments The good news is that corti sonelike medicine as your sons Prednisone appears to give effective relief of symp toms Generally the same treatment used in arthritis con trol seems effective Aspirin alone along with rest and phys ical thera has been ef fective eres not enough experience with eosinophilic fascitis to tell but from what information wehave the long term outlook seems good as cially if organs are not at ected Your sons sharpeyed physi cian is to be complimented on diagnosing this Dear Dr Ruble am 13 years old and have white specks on my fingernails Do you have any idea what causos this and if there is anything can do about it As nails grow outward to the tip of the finger the newest growth appears as white band at the base As the nail grows further outward it hardens and the whiteness disappears al most always anyway Any in jury even very minor bump that occurs in the growing por tion results in white spot later on in the hardened nail The white spots in rare cases indicate an infection but in general are harmless They do not tell the number of sweet hearts you have the times you have ibbed each speck repre senting white lie or how rich you will be They require no treatment and disappear as new nails grow out Dear Dr Ruble Are pin worms caused by eating too much candy No You get it by ingesting the tiny eggs hand to mouth being the commonest route BRIDGE QsWald Jacoby aridAlan SOntagi Expensive dou 518A ble trouble South was sure of 11 tricks if he played carefully May 19 1919 Your hopes and that which you aspire to this coming year will be achievable because they will be realistic and you know the steps necessary to make your dreams reality TAURUS April 20May 20Se Iect wrsely those whom you would like to socialize with loday Getting mixed up with the wrong group could turn out to be negative experience GEMINI May 21June 20 Your Vllinthrop image is trifle fragile today Be doubly careful how you conduct yourself Do nothing for which others could put you down CANCER June 21July 22 Negative thinking could be your worst enemy today Turn your head around with positive thoughts should this occur LEO July 23Aug 22 If you have an old debt try to clear up today before the person comes to you it could spare you future embarrassment VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Inde pendence is an admirable qual ity but try not to carry it to extremes today Be team player rather than lone eagle LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Put WA5QLI51 WDRINGT DOE5 WHALE HAVE 31145 DONT WANT you T1116 is PUBIC BUMS HANciN Jo THOROUGHFARE ve AROUND HERE more 9A1 FER BUSINE5lt 1661 Atria EANEKY 4x 80 mafia14 Hi THERE AM AN AFTE WfNéLESS BIK WE KNOW OUR RIGHTé 1721 Eirx Ill ting oft responsibilities which you have already postponed is not the answer They wont go away on their own SCORPIO Oct 20Nov 22 Ac cept your friends for what they are today faults and all 013 playing intolerance will cause them to think less of you in return SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Lead by example today if you hope to get message across to your family or chil dren Doing otherwise will bring results you wont appre ciate CAPRICORN Dec 22an 19 Have all your facts ready today if espousing ideas you want others to buy Unless theyre certain you know what youre OIINDVNEAIM VI Rog USHOII HOWEVER THERE Is AN ALTERNA Forz POLLAK APIECE WELL LOITER IN FRONT or 51111116 DELIYOUR COMPETITOR Acrzcvés THE ra Renaldo Bede Osol talking ab0ut they wont be lieve you AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Keep your budget in balance today Before taking on any new financial obligations be sure to clean up the old ones first PISCES Feb tillMarch 20 To day y0u could be easily influ enced by the company that you keep Share your time with persons who are positive and hopeful rather than negative or petty ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Nor mally youre not averse to helping others Today you may not feel as compassionate as usual and miss the opportunity to assist someone who truly needs your aid The game was match 8305632 point duplicate and West J104 made one of those back in doubles He just didnt want to let his opponents play at WEST EAST two spades East bid his amyd iv 48 clubs and South accepted the ush and bid three ades When this bidp came 10 around to East he commit SOUTH ted the unpardonable sin of 73 punishing his partner for 10 being aggressive He dou bled three spades East should have been de lighted with the threespade Eulqerlélgljtfioth contract If he could beat it ea one trick he would get very West North East South good score because his part 10 ners double had pushed Pass 2+ Pass Pass South too high Dbl Pass 34 39 Of course South made Pass Pass Dbl Pass those easy 11 tricks for plus Pass Pass 1130 and top score instead of bad score for missing utllliiiii game Opening lead 43 Short Ribs THIS is MY APPRENTICE You hold 51343 IM TEACHING HIM THE TIZA DE By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag 15 An Illinois reader asks what we rebid after partner responds two clubs to our onespade opening We rebid two hearts twospade rebid might shut out the heart suit in case partner also holds four hearts daily crossword South explained his pass at two spades had been made because he just felt unlucky Actually he would only be able to make nine tricks if West held both the queen of diamonds and king of clubs As both those nice cards were held by East ACROSS 48 Pounds abbr Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 49 Actress West Speed 51 Egg drink measure 53 Eskimo boat Cabbr 57 Havmg eight SOON A5 hristmas Sides Albacore 60 Mada se We SALT1MAN FINDS tung 61 Pronoun 13 British prep 62 Icelandic school legend 14 Egyptian deity 63 Prison sl 15 Curvy letter 16 Light paper 64 Mild expletive 65 Water pitcher 18 Beer mug 66 Swrft aircraft 20 Petition abbr 21 Aloha symbol 17 Cats and dogs 45 Doctrine 33 62131 °°W $32231 99V THREE 0W9 FOR WC IWHT YOU WERE 26 gazed song figgzdames 25 Auto waggers 49 32240an JUST 0le TO 30 Replete Just gone by 25 32 50 yearn DEPARTMENT 33 Type of jacket Watering tube 34 Annoying Desiring sl Isqueizfi om 52 Chew Insect American an 54 Demons Sh 29 Nobleman any 11 Ian 55 Iowa college 37 Mrs Truman Depressrons 31 pef 39 Translation Carry on 32 Couege head town 41 Arrivaltime Seaman 35 work 55 Mdweswln guess abbr Public 38 Body Wate college 42 Ethereal salt servrces 40 Arranged 58 0U 44 Intimacy 10 No one columns 46 Tug 11 Against 43 Ladder round 59 Generalon GI 01 U1 II NO WONDER YOU GET MISERABLE MATEYOUNE NOTHIN 1t occupy YOUR MIND WITH NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 1373860 IF YOU DONT FANCY JOB WHY DONT you TAKE urgt CHARlTY WORK DWthNllv my Tumor ll 1w Mr LL START 8v HELPIN THE Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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